discipling whole food workees for wearing blm masks is ok by court

they will fight so hard to wear these dumb blm stuff but not as hard to get mental help for sick people. terrible.
I've spent years talking about them on this very site. The claim that I am afraid to talk about the issue(s) is utterly retarded.

I can certainly tell you about MLK. You thought or at least claimed that, he and his fellow leaders of the movement, did not know that the white racists would attack the children.

Yet, we can clearly see that the Birmingham campaign went on for over a month.

So, clearly MLK and his fellows, did know.

Indeed, as I said, reports are that they were literally jumping in joy over the good press that it gave them.

This is the truth. Are you willing ot face it?
Post those reports for us.
Post those reports for us.

I got the book as a library loan on a kindle, so I don't have the name of the one that was actually jumping in joy, but, here you go for the bit about the children. I enlarged and bolded the important bits, imo.

"In order to sustain the campaign, SCLC organizer James Bevel proposed using young children in demonstrations. Bevel’s rationale for the Children’s Crusade was that young people represented an untapped source of freedom fighters without the prohibitive responsibilities of older activists. On 2 May more than 1,000 African American students attempted to march into downtown Birmingham, and hundreds were arrested. When hundreds more gathered the following day, Commissioner Connor directed local police and fire departments to use force to halt the demonstrations. During the next few days images of children being blasted by high-pressure fire hoses, clubbed by police officers, and attacked by police dogs appeared on television and in newspapers, triggering international outrage. While leading a group of child marchers, Shuttlesworth himself was hit with the full force of a fire hose and had to be hospitalized. King offered encouragement to parents of the young protesters: “Don’t worry about your children, they’re going to be alright. Don’t hold them back if they want to go to jail. For they are doing a job for not only themselves, but for all of America and for all mankind” (King, 6 May 1963).

In the meantime, the white business structure was weakening under adverse publicity and the unexpected decline in business due to the boycott, but many business owners and city officials were reluctant to negotiate with the protesters. With national pressure on the White House also mounting, Attorney General Robert Kennedy sent Burke Marshall, his chief civil rights assistant, to facilitate negotiations between prominent black citizens and representatives of Birmingham’s Senior Citizen's Council, the city’s business leadership. "
I got the book as a library loan on a kindle, so I don't have the name of the one that was actually jumping in joy, but, here you go for the bit about the children. I enlarged and bolded the important bits, imo.

"In order to sustain the campaign, SCLC organizer James Bevel proposed using young children in demonstrations. Bevel’s rationale for the Children’s Crusade was that young people represented an untapped source of freedom fighters without the prohibitive responsibilities of older activists. On 2 May more than 1,000 African American students attempted to march into downtown Birmingham, and hundreds were arrested. When hundreds more gathered the following day, Commissioner Connor directed local police and fire departments to use force to halt the demonstrations. During the next few days images of children being blasted by high-pressure fire hoses, clubbed by police officers, and attacked by police dogs appeared on television and in newspapers, triggering international outrage. While leading a group of child marchers, Shuttlesworth himself was hit with the full force of a fire hose and had to be hospitalized. King offered encouragement to parents of the young protesters: “Don’t worry about your children, they’re going to be alright. Don’t hold them back if they want to go to jail. For they are doing a job for not only themselves, but for all of America and for all mankind” (King, 6 May 1963).

In the meantime, the white business structure was weakening under adverse publicity and the unexpected decline in business due to the boycott, but many business owners and city officials were reluctant to negotiate with the protesters. With national pressure on the White House also mounting, Attorney General Robert Kennedy sent Burke Marshall, his chief civil rights assistant, to facilitate negotiations between prominent black citizens and representatives of Birmingham’s Senior Citizen's Council, the city’s business leadership. "

Don’t hold them back if they want to go to jail. I don't see where they are celebrating about children being attacked by white, racist cowards. Could you post that part.
Don’t hold them back if they want to go to jail. I don't see where they are celebrating about children being attacked by white, racist cowards. Could you post that part.

I found them clearly knowing that the children would be attacked, and sending them anyways.

I found MLK, telling the parents that the kids would be ok in the jails. Do you believe that the conditions there were ok?

I found those images leading to the support from White America that MLK wanted.

And you focus on me not finding the one bit about one guy literally jumping up and down?


If I find it, will it mean anytyhing to you, or will you just invent a reason to dismiss it?
I found them clearly knowing that the children would be attacked, and sending them anyways.

I found MLK, telling the parents that the kids would be ok in the jails. Do you believe that the conditions there were ok?
You don't have a clue, do you? Who would expect a racist white man to understand the struggle of black folks.
I found those images leading to the support from White America that MLK wanted.

And you focus on me not finding the one bit about one guy literally jumping up and down?
Don't make a dumb ass statement if you can't back it up.
If I find it, will it mean anytyhing to you, or will you just invent a reason to dismiss it?
They didn't force anyone to march, as a young black child during that time we also understood the magnitude of the situation that was going on.
You don't have a clue, do you? Who would expect a racist white man to understand the struggle of black folks.

Dude. FUCK YOU. I am not racist. You are were either wrong about MLK or you were just continuing to push the same lie.

Which is it?

Don't make a dumb ass statement if you can't back it up.

REmember when you said that "they didn't know that the cops would attack the children"?

What was that? Was that you being dumb, or were you lying to the white man, you know, because you are justified to lie to white men?

They didn't force anyone to march, as a young black child during that time we also understood the magnitude of the situation that was going on.

I never said that they forced anyone. I said they sent children in, knowing that they would be attacked, and that they lied to the parents about how bad it was in those southern jails for the children.

I understand why you want to lie about what I said. The Truth does not put MLK or you in a very good light.
Dude. FUCK YOU. I am not racist. You are were either wrong about MLK or you were just continuing to push the same lie.

Which is it?
Sure you are, as racist as the days are long. What am I wrong about when it comes to Dr. King?
REmember when you said that "they didn't know that the cops would attack the children"?

What was that? Was that you being dumb, or were you lying to the white man, you know, because you are justified to lie to white men?
Again I believe they didn't think even those racist cowards wouldn't attack children, that calculation was totally wrong.
I never said that they forced anyone. I said they sent children in, knowing that they would be attacked, and that they lied to the parents about how bad it was in those southern jails for the children.
Pretty sure they knew it was a possibility.
I understand why you want to lie about what I said. The Truth does not put MLK or you in a very good light.
I don't need to lie, it is there for everyone to read. Dr. King's record speaks for itself no matter how hard you racist try to tarnish his record.
Sure you are, as racist as the days are long.

We've seen you lie adn support lies. SO, this is just more of you being a liar.

What am I wrong about when it comes to Dr. King?

You said that he and his fellow leaders, didn't know that the cops would attack the children. Yet, we see looking at the historical record that they kept sending the children out, day after day, to be attacked.

Your excuse would maybe fly, for the FIRST time, but not the second, or third or fourth, or fifth, or ect. ect. ect.

I do like that you are pretending to be too stupid to understand that. It does make you look utterly retarded.

Again I believe they didn't think even those racist cowards wouldn't attack children, that calculation was totally wrong.

SO, you think that MLK was too dumb to remember the night before? over and over again? In your mind, are all black people that stupid, or just the ones you pick as your leaders? LOL!!!

I consider him to be quite intelligent, and utterly ruthless. Using children and their injuries as political props.

I wonder how he would have felt if one of them had been killed. It would have made great press.

Pretty sure they knew it was a possibility.

I don't need to lie, it is there for everyone to read. Dr. King's record speaks for itself no matter how hard you racist try to tarnish his record.

He used children, purposefully getting them hurt, to get white people fired up to support him.

That is his record. Part of it anyways.
We've seen you lie adn support lies. SO, this is just more of you being a liar.
We have seen your racist posts and anti-black posts, so don't run from who you are.
You said that he and his fellow leaders, didn't know that the cops would attack the children. Yet, we see looking at the historical record that they kept sending the children out, day after day, to be attacked.

Your excuse would maybe fly, for the FIRST time, but not the second, or third or fourth, or fifth, or ect. ect. ect.

I do like that you are pretending to be too stupid to understand that. It does make you look utterly retarded.
America saw firsthand what white, low down, racist, trash in the South looked like. The horror many folks saw on TV of how inhumane and barbaric whites in the South actually were. It put America on a whole new course. It is totally unfortunate that black children had to suffer at the hands of those cowards in the manner that they did. I find it funny that you think Bull Connor and the other racist cowards were justified in their actions.
SO, you think that MLK was too dumb to remember the night before? over and over again? In your mind, are all black people that stupid, or just the ones you pick as your leaders? LOL!!!

I consider him to be quite intelligent, and utterly ruthless. Using children and their injuries as political props.

I wonder how he would have felt if one of them had been killed. It would have made great press.
Political props, they just goes to show how stupid you are. Black folks were suffering inhumane and barbaric treatment and you think it was about politics, you are more stupid than you look.
He used children, purposefully getting them hurt, to get white people fired up to support him.
That is his record. Part of it anyways.
No he didn't lay one hand on any black children, it was your coward ass grandparents, cousins, etc. that were attacking and harming black children.
We have seen your racist posts and anti-black posts, so don't run from who you are.

Said the liar.

America saw firsthand what white, low down, racist, trash in the South looked like. The horror many folks saw on TV of how inhumane and barbaric whites in the South actually were. It put America on a whole new course. It is totally unfortunate that black children had to suffer at the hands of those cowards in the manner that they did. I find it funny that you think Bull Connor and the other racist cowards were justified in their actions.

That was the reason that they were so happy to see the children being hurt. They knew that the White People of the nation would be outraged to see black children hurt. I of course, said nothing in support of BUll Conner. That was just you lying some more.

Political props, they just goes to show how stupid you are. Black folks were suffering inhumane and barbaric treatment and you think it was about politics, you are more stupid than you look.

Politics is about policies. Your weird attempt to dismiss politics is just a lie.

No he didn't lay one hand on any black children, it was your coward ass grandparents, cousins, etc. that were attacking and harming black children.

I was clear about what I said MLK and his fellows did. I never accused him of personally, directly harming the children.

So, we can see from your behavior, thaht you are still operating from teh same play book, with lying to get white people to support you, so you can have teh policies you want.
Any organization that participates in or condones intimidating innocent people into saying the mantra “Black Lives Matter” is not a peaceful organization. Any organization inclusive of agents or representatives that condone looting as a just form of reparations is not a peaceful organization.

All that being said (my opinion), I would support and the rights of an employee being prohibited to wear BLM symbols while others were permitted to wear MAGA or another political or social symbols. That does not appear to be the case here.

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