discipling whole food workees for wearing blm masks is ok by court

It was right wingers whining about the MLK holiday, it was right wingers crying about Juneteenth become a holiday, it is right wingers who are stopping the John Lewis Voting Act, it is right wingers who are stopping the George Floyd policing bill. How is it that 92% of black folks are wrong, but the 8% of sell outs are right. Explain that since you are one of those sell outs. See black folks like you didn't mind sitting at the back of the bus, you didn't mind being treated as a 3rd class citizen, you would have been one of those folks saying, "why ya'll causing trouble, white folks been good to us".
yeah right wingers wanted the govt to work not have another day off

meanwhile it was lBJ and your party keeping you oppressed
I've been reading about Birmingham. MLK and the people around him, were doing a lot of lying. Their actions were pretty shitty.
Where are you getting your information from? Stormfront Library. Not surprised though, you guys love trying to rewrite history into His-Story.
What has the far right's goal been? To put folks of color back on the plantation.

Kind of like conservative women have rallied around Trump.

That sounds alot like Trump Humpers.

Depends what you mean by Far Right. By some measures I count as FAR RIGHT. My goals, the goals of people with my ideological affiliation has been anti-communism and American nationalism.

Nope. Conservatives women rallying around Trump had no such ideological compromise.
It was right wingers whining about the MLK holiday, it was right wingers crying about Juneteenth become a holiday, it is right wingers who are stopping the John Lewis Voting Act, it is right wingers who are stopping the George Floyd policing bill. How is it that 92% of black folks are wrong, but the 8% of sell outs are right. Explain that since you are one of those sell outs. See black folks like you didn't mind sitting at the back of the bus, you didn't mind being treated as a 3rd class citizen, you would have been one of those folks saying, "why ya'll causing trouble, white folks been good to us".
You're mentally ill.
Where are you getting your information from? Stormfront Library. Not surprised though, you guys love trying to rewrite history into His-Story.

Amazon product ASIN B00FOR2FKW

The point of the book was how MLK's tactics were successful. And that worked with the intent of the book.

The way they did it though, absolutely terrible. Using children as front line troops, to get good pictures for the newspapers.

Even Malcom X thought it was too vile of a tactic to use.
So why didn't they work?

LBJ signed the CRA and VRA into Law or did your white handler fail to inform you of that.
LBJ only did that because the GOP forced him

then he passed his “Great Society” and enslaved you…just like you wanted plantation boy
Depends what you mean by Far Right. By some measures I count as FAR RIGHT. My goals, the goals of people with my ideological affiliation has been anti-communism and American nationalism.
Don't forget anti-black, anti-women, white superiority, etc.
Nope. Conservatives women rallying around Trump had no such ideological compromise.
Many conservative women rejected him in the last election, it is one of the main reasons the clown lost.
Amazon product ASIN B00FOR2FKW

The point of the book was how MLK's tactics were successful. And that worked with the intent of the book.

The way they did it though, absolutely terrible. Using children as front line troops, to get good pictures for the newspapers.

Even Malcom X thought it was too vile of a tactic to use.
So racist white men attacking black children with dogs and water hoses is the fault of Dr King and other black civil rights leaders. Didn't have nothing to do with the racist white men who were ACTUALLY attacking them.
So racist white men attacking black children with dogs and water hoses is the fault of Dr King and other black civil rights leaders. Didn't have nothing to do with the racist white men who were ACTUALLY attacking them.
And the political leaders who authorized that were democrats.
Don't forget anti-black, anti-women, white superiority, etc.

Not part of my ideology. Perhaps you should be less crazy.

Many conservative women rejected him in the last election, it is one of the main reasons the clown lost.

Conservative women, many I'm sure had issues with his divorces. That was/is a valid issue, imo.

But, dems are so freaking far left these days and so crazy and racist, and...just everything, that it is very understandable that conservative women would vote for a divorce over you blood thirst nutjobs.
i’m sure you feel good boot licker…you don’t want your master “racial jungle” joe telling you, you ain’t black
It's comical listening to a bonafide sellout trying to label a black man a boot licker. Now time and time again I have asked you to produce one post of me defending Joe Biden, can't do it. You posted time and time again how Republicans are working against black folks and you can't refute it, I have asked you to show myself and black folks in general why we should vote for the GOP and you can't do it. I have shown you racist post from the very folks who ass you kiss and you run from it. I mean you are a joke, you kiss the asses of racist white folks who will never accept you as their equal. I really feel sorry for you sista, maybe one day like Stacy Dash and Omarosa you will wake up and smell the coffee.
So racist white men attacking black children with dogs and water hoses is the fault of Dr King and other black civil rights leaders. Didn't have nothing to do with the racist white men who were ACTUALLY attacking them.

Plenty fo blame to go around. Yes, those doing the attacks, certainly are responsible for their actions.

It was the choice of MLK and others to put the children in the front lines. THey pretended to be outraged when the children were attacked. But in reality, they were LITERALLY jumping for joy, at it.

They also lied to the parents of the children what was happening to their children.

It was successful. That was teh point made by the book. BUt the obvious cost... we are still paying it.

It's comical listening to a bonafide sellout trying to label a black man a boot licker. Now time and time again I have asked you to produce one post of me defending Joe Biden, can't do it. You posted time and time again how Republicans are working against black folks and you can't refute it, I have asked you to show myself and black folks in general why we should vote for the GOP and you can't do it. I have shown you racist post from the very folks who ass you kiss and you run from it. I mean you are a joke, you kiss the asses of racist white folks who will never accept you as their equal. I really feel sorry for you sista, maybe one day like Stacy Dash and Omarosa you will wake up and smell the coffee.

the coffee your Master Joe has you make him? haha plantation boy

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