discipling whole food workees for wearing blm masks is ok by court

Plenty fo blame to go around. Yes, those doing the attacks, certainly are responsible for their actions.

It was the choice of MLK and others to put the children in the front lines. THey pretended to be outraged when the children were attacked. But in reality, they were LITERALLY jumping for joy, at it.
Only a fool believes these folks were jumping for joy at seeing their children attacked by cowards. Your analogy is like saying a woman in public wearing a mini skirt with no panties on was asking to be raped.
They also lied to the parents of the children what was happening to their children.
What did they lie about?
It was successful. That was teh point made by the book. BUt the obvious cost... we are still paying it.
Yep it showed those white men for the racist, cowards that they were. I find it funny you want to brush off the fact that those cowards attacked children with water hoses and dogs and want to place the blame at the feet of black folks. Smfh.
Only a fool believes these folks were jumping for joy at seeing their children attacked by cowards. Your analogy is like saying a woman in public wearing a mini skirt with no panties on was asking to be raped.

Only a fool would believe they were NOT. It was what they needed to win. It gave them everything they wanted. They used those children and GETTING THEM HURT, as political ammo.

What did they lie about?

How the children were being treated in jail. They told the parents it was not that bad. In reality the children had flooded the jail system and conditions were horrible.

Yep it showed those white men for the racist, cowards that they were. I find it funny you want to brush off the fact that those cowards attacked children with water hoses and dogs and want to place the blame at the feet of black folks. Smfh.

The actions of the "white men" are well know and documented.

It is MLK and his crew, who's actions and responsibility for those actions have been "brushed off".

What kind of man puts a child into a situation where he HOPES that the child is hurt so that a reporter will get a picture of it, and it will give him political points?
Only a fool would believe they were NOT. It was what they needed to win. It gave them everything they wanted. They used those children and GETTING THEM HURT, as political ammo.
Which means the racist whites had to attack them with dogs and water hoses, there was just no way around that. There thinking was just the opposite, they were thinking that these low down, racist cowards wouldn't stoop that low to attacking children. Unfortunately, they were wrong.
How the children were being treated in jail. They told the parents it was not that bad. In reality the children had flooded the jail system and conditions were horrible.
Were their arrests justified?
The actions of the "white men" are well know and documented.

It is MLK and his crew, who's actions and responsibility for those actions have been "brushed off".
How are they responsible for the actions of white racist cowards?
What kind of man puts a child into a situation where he HOPES that the child is hurt so that a reporter will get a picture of it, and it will give him political points?
First of all, they didn't think those cowards would actually harm those children. The bigger question you should be asking is what kind of man would attack a child with dogs, water hoses and batons.
Which means the racist whites had to attack them with dogs and water hoses, there was just no way around that. There thinking was just the opposite, they were thinking that these low down, racist cowards wouldn't stoop that low to attacking children. Unfortunately, they were wrong.

Behind the scenes reports say otherwise. So does logic. If the incidents were ONE day, that might fly. But they kept sending the kids forward day after day, week after week.

Were their arrests justified?

I haven't given it any thought. At first thought, I would say "mostly no".

How are they responsible for the actions of white racist cowards?

They aren't. They are responsible for their actions, in actively and purposefully setting the stage so that those children would be hurt and arrested.

First of all, they didn't think those cowards would actually harm those children. The bigger question you should be asking is what kind of man would attack a child with dogs, water hoses and batons.

DateApril 3 – May 10, 1963[3]

For over a month, they kept sending the children out to be hurt and arrested.

You really just believe whatever shit you are told, without a thought of your own, don't you?
Behind the scenes reports say otherwise. So does logic. If the incidents were ONE day, that might fly. But they kept sending the kids forward day after day, week after week.
...and the racist cowards kept attacking children day after day and week after week.
I haven't given it any thought. At first thought, I would say "mostly no".
Of course you haven't, your sole purpose is to try and put civil rights leaders in a negative light. While turning your back on the fact of what these white cowards did.
They aren't. They are responsible for their actions, in actively and purposefully setting the stage so that those children would be hurt and arrested.
So now they set the stage, it wasn't the racist cowards who wanted to keep black folks as a 3rd class citizen that set the stage.

DateApril 3 – May 10, 1963[3]

For over a month, they kept sending the children out to be hurt and arrested.

You really just believe whatever shit you are told, without a thought of your own, don't you?
I was living at that time, how about you? It is sad that black folks had to go to those extremes just to be treated as equals. It doesn't surprise me that you don't place the blame where it belongs, at the feet of those racist white leaders in Birmingham.
...and the racist cowards kept attacking children day after day and week after week.

So, that nonsense about them not knowing it would happen? What was that? Were you lying just now? Or did you just learn something important about mlk from me?

Of course you haven't, your sole purpose is to try and put civil rights leaders in a negative light. While turning your back on the fact of what these white cowards did.

Mm, nope. Neither of those mean anything to me.

So now they set the stage, it wasn't the racist cowards who wanted to keep black folks as a 3rd class citizen that set the stage.

Correct. There were any number of ways they could have tried to advance their message or agenda.

I was living at that time, how about you? It is sad that black folks had to go to those extremes just to be treated as equals. It doesn't surprise me that you don't place the blame where it belongs, at the feet of those racist white leaders in Birmingham.

But did they? MLK, himself admitted that the majority of whites were in principle behind the policy of equal rights, in 1967,

How far back does that support for equality go?

Brown vs the board of education was in 1954, and it was UNANIMOUS,

That raises some interesting questions about when did hte dem presidents start nominating pro-civil rights justices, despite their alliance with southern segregationists.
So, that nonsense about them not knowing it would happen? What was that? Were you lying just now? Or did you just learn something important about mlk from me?
Again they probably didn't think that those white cowards would stoop that low, turns out they were wrong.
Mm, nope. Neither of those mean anything to me.
That's the lie you tell.
Correct. There were any number of ways they could have tried to advance their message or agenda.
That is what those racists were hoping for, that they would just stay in the church and keep singing old negro spirituals.
But did they? MLK, himself admitted that the majority of whites were in principle behind the policy of equal rights, in 1967,
Did he, post it.
How far back does that support for equality go?
Brown vs the board of education was in 1954, and it was UNANIMOUS,
Yea, white folks quickly figured out how to get around that, didn't they?
That raises some interesting questions about when did hte dem presidents start nominating pro-civil rights justices, despite their alliance with southern segregationists.
Why didn't the Republican ones do that?
Again they probably didn't think that those white cowards would stoop that low, turns out they were wrong.


They did it repeatedly for over a month. Your position that they didn't know, is clearly a... retarded lie.

I asked you a question. I am serious. Did you know it was a lie, or did you learn important information about MLK from me?

Why didn't the Republican ones do that?

They did. It was unanimous. Both sides justices. In 1954

That implies that the dems turned on the southern segregationists, long before they did so openly. Talking shit about supporting segregation while appointing pro-civil rights Justices.

Very interesting.

At some point I will have to look up how many of those justices were appointed by Truman or FDR.
They did it repeatedly for over a month. Your position that they didn't know, is clearly a... retarded lie.

I asked you a question. I am serious. Did you know it was a lie, or did you learn important information about MLK from me?
Nope, you can't tell me a damn thing about Dr. King. The Dreamer didn't die the Visionary was murdered. Instead of trying to put the blame on Dr. King, you should be looking at your racist grandparents and great grandparents who attacked these innocent children. Don't want to talk about them, do you?
Nope, you can't tell me a damn thing about Dr. King. The Dreamer didn't die the Visionary was murdered. Instead of trying to put the blame on Dr. King, you should be looking at your racist grandparents and great grandparents who attacked these innocent children. Don't want to talk about them, do you?

I've spent years talking about them on this very site. The claim that I am afraid to talk about the issue(s) is utterly retarded.

I can certainly tell you about MLK. You thought or at least claimed that, he and his fellow leaders of the movement, did not know that the white racists would attack the children.

Yet, we can clearly see that the Birmingham campaign went on for over a month.

So, clearly MLK and his fellows, did know.

Indeed, as I said, reports are that they were literally jumping in joy over the good press that it gave them.

This is the truth. Are you willing ot face it?

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