Discrimination on Par with Mengele.


Mar 12, 2012
Shas: Discrimination of Sephardic schoolgirls on par with Mengele

Haredi party's official newspaper compares principals of discriminating school to Josef Mengele but party's website omits comparison due to 'technical considerations'

Victims of the racial discrimination in the haredi schools have resorted to using the Holocaust in their fight against school principals.

Shas party newspaper "Yom le Yom" published a caustic article last week comparing Principals who employ racial discrimination in school to Nazi war criminal Josef Mengele, who decided who would live or die in Auschwitz.

The article, titled "When you let Mengele mingle with education" was penned by rabbi Moshe Shafir, a senior editor at Yom Le Yom who wrote: "Who can stand at the crossroads cruelly pointing his finger left and right? Who can act as if he were Mengele himself or feel like he's mingling in dreary carnal pleasure?

"How Can a civilized country appoint such people to educational posts when a big part of their mission is to wipe away the descendants of the crowned Spanish Jewry from their schools? What example do they set to those they are supposed to educate? Is this a lesson in cruelty, racist doctrine, pure brotherly hatred?" the article read.

The writer also brought the story of a girl who was not accepted to a haredi seminar, since her Hebrew surname was "suspected" of being Sephardic. The girl's father confronted the embarrassed principal with the mistake: "My grandfather, a Holocaust survivor named 'Roth' changed his name to 'Admoni' since 'Roth' reminded him of a cruel soldier at the concentration camp."


give them time and they will devour each other. wrong name, wrong colour...you just ain't jewish enough, i guess, in the promised land.
Shas: Discrimination of Sephardic schoolgirls on par with Mengele

Haredi party's official newspaper compares principals of discriminating school to Josef Mengele but party's website omits comparison due to 'technical considerations'

Victims of the racial discrimination in the haredi schools have resorted to using the Holocaust in their fight against school principals.

Shas party newspaper "Yom le Yom" published a caustic article last week comparing Principals who employ racial discrimination in school to Nazi war criminal Josef Mengele, who decided who would live or die in Auschwitz.

The article, titled "When you let Mengele mingle with education" was penned by rabbi Moshe Shafir, a senior editor at Yom Le Yom who wrote: "Who can stand at the crossroads cruelly pointing his finger left and right? Who can act as if he were Mengele himself or feel like he's mingling in dreary carnal pleasure?

"How Can a civilized country appoint such people to educational posts when a big part of their mission is to wipe away the descendants of the crowned Spanish Jewry from their schools? What example do they set to those they are supposed to educate? Is this a lesson in cruelty, racist doctrine, pure brotherly hatred?" the article read.

The writer also brought the story of a girl who was not accepted to a haredi seminar, since her Hebrew surname was "suspected" of being Sephardic. The girl's father confronted the embarrassed principal with the mistake: "My grandfather, a Holocaust survivor named 'Roth' changed his name to 'Admoni' since 'Roth' reminded him of a cruel soldier at the concentration camp."

Shas: Discrimination of Sephardic schoolgirls on par with Mengele - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

give them time and they will devour each other. wrong name, wrong colour...you just ain't jewish enough, i guess, in the promised land.

Your style reminds me more of Eichmann. People do not realize what is standing in front of them until it is too late. Pity.
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Shas: Discrimination of Sephardic schoolgirls on par with Mengele

Haredi party's official newspaper compares principals of discriminating school to Josef Mengele but party's website omits comparison due to 'technical considerations'

Victims of the racial discrimination in the haredi schools have resorted to using the Holocaust in their fight against school principals.

Shas party newspaper "Yom le Yom" published a caustic article last week comparing Principals who employ racial discrimination in school to Nazi war criminal Josef Mengele, who decided who would live or die in Auschwitz.

The article, titled "When you let Mengele mingle with education" was penned by rabbi Moshe Shafir, a senior editor at Yom Le Yom who wrote: "Who can stand at the crossroads cruelly pointing his finger left and right? Who can act as if he were Mengele himself or feel like he's mingling in dreary carnal pleasure?

"How Can a civilized country appoint such people to educational posts when a big part of their mission is to wipe away the descendants of the crowned Spanish Jewry from their schools? What example do they set to those they are supposed to educate? Is this a lesson in cruelty, racist doctrine, pure brotherly hatred?" the article read.

The writer also brought the story of a girl who was not accepted to a haredi seminar, since her Hebrew surname was "suspected" of being Sephardic. The girl's father confronted the embarrassed principal with the mistake: "My grandfather, a Holocaust survivor named 'Roth' changed his name to 'Admoni' since 'Roth' reminded him of a cruel soldier at the concentration camp."

Shas: Discrimination of Sephardic schoolgirls on par with Mengele - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

give them time and they will devour each other. wrong name, wrong colour...you just ain't jewish enough, i guess, in the promised land.

Your style reminds me more of Eichmann. People do not realize what is standing in front of them until it is too late. Pity.

ain't my style, chump. it is the style of the shas party.

they call the education peeps mengele, you say their style reminds you of eichmann. i think we are missing a goebbels in this mix. how about daniel seaman...LOL.

that light unto the nations ain't exactly blinding me there, guy.
Blame the god of this world for blinding you. Not me, Seal.

As to the writing style - dead ringer for Eichmann - As to Goebbels - the tell a lie big enough long enough and the world will believe it strategy? I think your Islamic buddies have a good head start on that one.

Enjoy it while you can. The Israelis are training their bloggers now to get the true out and expose the lies you so desire to keep under wraps. Like that Long Lost Palestinian bit. Prior to 1960 where were they? What land did they own?

Where is the history on that one - and stop trying to steal Jewish history as if it belongs to some other group. Mark Twain said the place was like a ghost town when he visited it. Long Lost Palestinians my foot! There is no such thing as a Palestinian and you know it! Better get yourself to a confessional and tell that priest of yours he'll have to put an out of order sign on his prayer booth as this one is going to take awhile!!!

- Jeri
Blame the god of this world for blinding you. Not me, Seal.

As to the writing style - dead ringer for Eichmann - As to Goebbels - the tell a lie big enough long enough and the world will believe it strategy? I think your Islamic buddies have a good head start on that one.

Enjoy it while you can. The Israelis are training their bloggers now to get the true out and expose the lies you so desire to keep under wraps. Like that Long Lost Palestinian bit. Prior to 1960 where were they? What land did they own?

Where is the history on that one - and stop trying to steal Jewish history as if it belongs to some other group. Mark Twain said the place was like a ghost town when he visited it. Long Lost Palestinians my foot! There is no such thing as a Palestinian and you know it! Better get yourself to a confessional and tell that priest of yours he'll have to put an out of order sign on his prayer booth as this one is going to take awhile!!!

- Jeri

Like that Long Lost Palestinian bit. Prior to 1960 where were they? What land did they own?

A/C.1/330 of 14 October 1948
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Blame the god of this world for blinding you. Not me, Seal.

As to the writing style - dead ringer for Eichmann - As to Goebbels - the tell a lie big enough long enough and the world will believe it strategy? I think your Islamic buddies have a good head start on that one.

Enjoy it while you can. The Israelis are training their bloggers now to get the true out and expose the lies you so desire to keep under wraps. Like that Long Lost Palestinian bit. Prior to 1960 where were they? What land did they own?

Where is the history on that one - and stop trying to steal Jewish history as if it belongs to some other group. Mark Twain said the place was like a ghost town when he visited it. Long Lost Palestinians my foot! There is no such thing as a Palestinian and you know it! Better get yourself to a confessional and tell that priest of yours he'll have to put an out of order sign on his prayer booth as this one is going to take awhile!!!

- Jeri

there is an old irish saying..."man plans, god laughs".

seems to me like your boyos plan of hasbara-ing the net ain't gonna fly. just how stupid do you think gentiles are. i can think of no more stupid idea. all it will do is marginalise zionist posters who will lose all their credibility by being associated with the mercenary jews.

eichmann wrote in german, fool, but you must love his writings to be so familiar with them. sieg heil, baby.
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Know thy enemy, Seal. You know the drill. Sun Tzu was not the greatest warrior though. Those were and still are the Hebrews. Sun Tzu merely emulated their strategies to bring about his own success. Consider when he said that you should fight with the sun to your back. Why did he say this? Because he knew that when Joshua defeated his own enemies he fought with the sun to his back while the sun glared in his enemies eyes rendering them unable to see clearly. Brilliant strategy and as you know Joshua predates Sun Tzu so we know where that idea came from.

Just as we know there was no such thing as a "Palestinian", "Muslim", or "Islam" when G-d gave the land of Israel to the Jews over 4,000 years ago. This is why the arabs work so hard to destroy ancient artifacts of Israel. They don't want future generations to know the true history of Israel. It belongs to the Jews.

The truth really bothers you, Seal. You should check into why that is.

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Mans plans, G-d laughs.

This is very true. In fact, I believe this old Irish saying must have its roots in Ezekiel 37, 38, 39. I can't wait to hear G-d laugh at His enemies again. It's time.

- Jeri
Blame the god of this world for blinding you. Not me, Seal.

As to the writing style - dead ringer for Eichmann - As to Goebbels - the tell a lie big enough long enough and the world will believe it strategy? I think your Islamic buddies have a good head start on that one.

Enjoy it while you can. The Israelis are training their bloggers now to get the true out and expose the lies you so desire to keep under wraps. Like that Long Lost Palestinian bit. Prior to 1960 where were they? What land did they own?

Where is the history on that one - and stop trying to steal Jewish history as if it belongs to some other group. Mark Twain said the place was like a ghost town when he visited it. Long Lost Palestinians my foot! There is no such thing as a Palestinian and you know it! Better get yourself to a confessional and tell that priest of yours he'll have to put an out of order sign on his prayer booth as this one is going to take awhile!!!

- Jeri

there is an old irish saying..."man plans, god laughs".

seems to me like your boyos plan of hasbara-ing the net ain't gonna fly. just how stupid do you think gentiles are. i can think of no more stupid idea. all it will do is marginalise zionist posters who will lose all their credibility by being associated with the mercenary jews.

eichmann wrote in german, fool, but you must love his writings to be so familiar with them. sieg heil, baby.

Nah. I love the writings of Peter Malzkin whose book reveals the inner workings of Eichmann's demented mind. Peter, Uri and a team of 6 more were the Israeli Mossad who captured Eichmann and brought him back to Israel to be put on trial. Argentina was a vipers nest - a nazi hideout after the war.

Peter Malzkins art book and the book he published on Capturing Eichmann are well worth purchasing as a teaching tool. I intend to make sure all my grandchildren read his book so they can identify such monsters quickly should they come into contact with one in the future as their grandmother has. - Jeri
Mans plans, G-d laughs.

This is very true. In fact, I believe this old Irish saying must have its roots in Ezekiel 37, 38, 39. I can't wait to hear G-d laugh at His enemies again. It's time.

- Jeri

naw...it's irish.

the irish laugh. all the jews do is cry, cry, cry...for like 5000 years for chris sakes.
Know thy enemy, Seal. You know the drill. Sun Tzu was not the greatest warrior though. Those were and still are the Hebrews. Sun Tzu merely emulated their strategies to bring about his own success. Consider when he said that you should fight with the sun to your back. Why did he say this? Because he knew that when Joshua defeated his own enemies he fought with the sun to his back while the sun glared in his enemies eyes rendering them unable to see clearly. Brilliant strategy and as you know Joshua predates Sun Tzu so we know where that idea came from.

Just as we know there was no such thing as a "Palestinian", "Muslim", or "Islam" when G-d gave the land of Israel to the Jews over 4,000 years ago. This is why the arabs work so hard to destroy ancient artifacts of Israel. They don't want future generations to know the true history of Israel. It belongs to the Jews.

The truth really bothers you, Seal. You should check into why that is.


lol...yeah, the jews invented everything from god to the chinese art of war.

maybe the god almighty yahoo shoulda invented a compass and and given it to mushy before he got lost in the desert and couldn't figure out the sun...(risess in the east, sets in the west).

hey jerbilmiah, the jews didn't invent this...goob...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o64jNqhYVJ8]Kung Fu Fighting - Carl Douglas with lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

I see it disturbs you to learn that Sun Tzu didn't come up with the idea of fighting with the sun to his back. That it was Joshua - an Israelite - who demonstrated that battle plan first.

Good. It so delights me when I see you disturbed. Here is some more info to disturb that delicate little mind of yours:

The trip from Egypt to Israel is an 11 day trip. The 40 yrs was to prepare them thoroughly for the land G-d was about to give them as an inheritance. It had nothing to do with the sun. ( no cigar ) To appreciate the cost and to hold onto it no matter what among other things. To learn obedience, to come into their own spiritual maturity. A growing time. Nothing was wasted so don't stress out over the 40 yrs.

To date they are the only nation left on earth with their original ancient language intact, history intact living on their own land while being singled out for harrassment by the Muslim dominated United Nations. Thank Goodness the UN General has finally admitted to their own anti semitic actions towards Israel. Singling Israel out for jay walking on their own streets while ignoring the slaughter of 10 million people by Arab Muslims in Darfur was simply not acceptable. Looks like the General has realized this. Now it is time to put those Arab Muslims / Janjaweed Militia, Sudanese govt who paid them - / on trial and then they can bring the focus around to the most recent perpetrators of mass murder of innocents - the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Hizbollah / Al Qaeda in Syria. I suppose this will disturb you too.


Carry on. - Jeri
Another Flaming STENCH-of-the-DAY post from our Jew Hating Scamrock.
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Know thy enemy, Seal. You know the drill. Sun Tzu was not the greatest warrior though. Those were and still are the Hebrews. Sun Tzu merely emulated their strategies to bring about his own success. Consider when he said that you should fight with the sun to your back. Why did he say this? Because he knew that when Joshua defeated his own enemies he fought with the sun to his back while the sun glared in his enemies eyes rendering them unable to see clearly. Brilliant strategy and as you know Joshua predates Sun Tzu so we know where that idea came from.

Just as we know there was no such thing as a "Palestinian", "Muslim", or "Islam" when G-d gave the land of Israel to the Jews over 4,000 years ago. This is why the arabs work so hard to destroy ancient artifacts of Israel. They don't want future generations to know the true history of Israel. It belongs to the Jews.

The truth really bothers you, Seal. You should check into why that is.


lol...yeah, the jews invented everything from god to the chinese art of war.

maybe the god almighty yahoo shoulda invented a compass and and given it to mushy before he got lost in the desert and couldn't figure out the sun...(risess in the east, sets in the west).

hey jerbilmiah, the jews didn't invent this...goob...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o64jNqhYVJ8]Kung Fu Fighting - Carl Douglas with lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

I see it disturbs you to learn that Sun Tzu didn't come up with the idea of fighting with the sun to his back. That it was Joshua - an Israelite - who demonstrated that battle plan first.

Good. It so delights me when I see you disturbed. Here is some more info to disturb that delicate little mind of yours:

The trip from Egypt to Israel is an 11 day trip. The 40 yrs was to prepare them thoroughly for the land G-d was about to give them as an inheritance. It had nothing to do with the sun. ( no cigar ) To appreciate the cost and to hold onto it no matter what among other things. To learn obedience, to come into their own spiritual maturity. A growing time. Nothing was wasted so don't stress out over the 40 yrs.

To date they are the only nation left on earth with their original ancient language intact, history intact living on their own land while being singled out for harrassment by the Muslim dominated United Nations. Thank Goodness the UN General has finally admitted to their own anti semitic actions towards Israel. Singling Israel out for jay walking on their own streets while ignoring the slaughter of 10 million people by Arab Muslims in Darfur was simply not acceptable. Looks like the General has realized this. Now it is time to put those Arab Muslims / Janjaweed Militia, Sudanese govt who paid them - / on trial and then they can bring the focus around to the most recent perpetrators of mass murder of innocents - the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Hizbollah / Al Qaeda in Syria. I suppose this will disturb you too.


Carry on. - Jeri

jaysus fookin' christ on a crutch, no one came up with the idea o fighting with the sun at their back. it is natural.

shouldn't you be thumping your bible and charming those snakes somewhere else.

jaysus loves ya, and i stopped even tryin' long ago.
Rubber room. They've got his straight jacket ready for him, Rosie. Who wants to pick him up?

I am never afraid of entering the padded room----I find that
the place calms the psychotic ---even when they are not restrained.
I do not transport patients ------I am a very small person
Shas: Discrimination of Sephardic schoolgirls on par with Mengele

Haredi party's official newspaper compares principals of discriminating school to Josef Mengele but party's website omits comparison due to 'technical considerations'

Victims of the racial discrimination in the haredi schools have resorted to using the Holocaust in their fight against school principals.

Shas party newspaper "Yom le Yom" published a caustic article last week comparing Principals who employ racial discrimination in school to Nazi war criminal Josef Mengele, who decided who would live or die in Auschwitz.

The article, titled "When you let Mengele mingle with education" was penned by rabbi Moshe Shafir, a senior editor at Yom Le Yom who wrote: "Who can stand at the crossroads cruelly pointing his finger left and right? Who can act as if he were Mengele himself or feel like he's mingling in dreary carnal pleasure?

"How Can a civilized country appoint such people to educational posts when a big part of their mission is to wipe away the descendants of the crowned Spanish Jewry from their schools? What example do they set to those they are supposed to educate? Is this a lesson in cruelty, racist doctrine, pure brotherly hatred?" the article read.

The writer also brought the story of a girl who was not accepted to a haredi seminar, since her Hebrew surname was "suspected" of being Sephardic. The girl's father confronted the embarrassed principal with the mistake: "My grandfather, a Holocaust survivor named 'Roth' changed his name to 'Admoni' since 'Roth' reminded him of a cruel soldier at the concentration camp."

Shas: Discrimination of Sephardic schoolgirls on par with Mengele - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

give them time and they will devour each other. wrong name, wrong colour...you just ain't jewish enough, i guess, in the promised land.

Obviously, discrimination is wrong but to compare the above to Mengel??

Josef Mengele - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What types of experiments did Dr Mengele do on the Jews of the Holocaust

Just a few examples.

Why does the Irish Catholic feel the way he does? This is the reason;

'The Jews crucified Our Lord': Irish antisemitism and the complicity of the Catholic bishops ? Telegraph Blogs

Ruth Dudley Edwards

Ruth Dudley Edwards is an historian and a prize-winning biographer and crime writer. Her eleven non-fiction books include The Pursuit of Reason: The Economist, 1843-1993 and Aftermath: The Omagh Bombing and the Families’ Pursuit of Justice. Her twelfth crime novel, Killing the Emperors, a satire on the world of conceptual art, is just out in paperback. www.ruthdudleyedwards; RuthDE@twitter

'The Jews crucified Our Lord': Irish antisemitism and the complicity of the Catholic bishops

By Ruth Dudley Edwards World Last updated: January 28th, 2013

1011 Comments Comment on this article

Pro-Palestinian fanatics blame 'the Jews' for Jesus' death

Sarah Honig, a recent Israeli visitor to Cahersiveen, a charming little town in County Kerry, wrote yesterday in the Jerusalem Post of being asked in its main street for a donation by three teenage boys carrying large signs saying "Free Palestine". When asked from whom Palestine was to be freed, they replied "The Jews". "Are you sure", she asked, "that this money wouldn’t fund terrorists and murderers?" She was thrown by the response: "What do you have against Palestinians? What have they done to you? They are only against Jews. Jews are evil." One of them helpfully added that the Jews "crucified Our Lord".

This " catholic" is filled with nothing but racist bigoted Hate! What he accuses the Jews of doing is exactly what he is guilty of. Something that he learned in his " church"
Rubber room. They've got his straight jacket ready for him, Rosie. Who wants to pick him up?

I am never afraid of entering the padded room----I find that
the place calms the psychotic ---even when they are not restrained.
I do not transport patients ------I am a very small person

Great! I'll deliver him and you can take it from there!

I'm not surprised to learn you are a small person. Dynamite comes in small packages I hear. lol.

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