Discrimination on Par with Mengele.

Shas: Discrimination of Sephardic schoolgirls on par with Mengele

Haredi party's official newspaper compares principals of discriminating school to Josef Mengele but party's website omits comparison due to 'technical considerations'

Victims of the racial discrimination in the haredi schools have resorted to using the Holocaust in their fight against school principals.

Shas party newspaper "Yom le Yom" published a caustic article last week comparing Principals who employ racial discrimination in school to Nazi war criminal Josef Mengele, who decided who would live or die in Auschwitz.

The article, titled "When you let Mengele mingle with education" was penned by rabbi Moshe Shafir, a senior editor at Yom Le Yom who wrote: "Who can stand at the crossroads cruelly pointing his finger left and right? Who can act as if he were Mengele himself or feel like he's mingling in dreary carnal pleasure?

"How Can a civilized country appoint such people to educational posts when a big part of their mission is to wipe away the descendants of the crowned Spanish Jewry from their schools? What example do they set to those they are supposed to educate? Is this a lesson in cruelty, racist doctrine, pure brotherly hatred?" the article read.

The writer also brought the story of a girl who was not accepted to a haredi seminar, since her Hebrew surname was "suspected" of being Sephardic. The girl's father confronted the embarrassed principal with the mistake: "My grandfather, a Holocaust survivor named 'Roth' changed his name to 'Admoni' since 'Roth' reminded him of a cruel soldier at the concentration camp."

Shas: Discrimination of Sephardic schoolgirls on par with Mengele - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

give them time and they will devour each other. wrong name, wrong colour...you just ain't jewish enough, i guess, in the promised land.

Obviously, discrimination is wrong but to compare the above to Mengel??

Josef Mengele - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What types of experiments did Dr Mengele do on the Jews of the Holocaust

Just a few examples.

Why does the Irish Catholic feel the way he does? This is the reason;

'The Jews crucified Our Lord': Irish antisemitism and the complicity of the Catholic bishops ? Telegraph Blogs

Ruth Dudley Edwards

Ruth Dudley Edwards is an historian and a prize-winning biographer and crime writer. Her eleven non-fiction books include The Pursuit of Reason: The Economist, 1843-1993 and Aftermath: The Omagh Bombing and the Families’ Pursuit of Justice. Her twelfth crime novel, Killing the Emperors, a satire on the world of conceptual art, is just out in paperback. www.ruthdudleyedwards; RuthDE@twitter

'The Jews crucified Our Lord': Irish antisemitism and the complicity of the Catholic bishops

By Ruth Dudley Edwards World Last updated: January 28th, 2013

1011 Comments Comment on this article

Pro-Palestinian fanatics blame 'the Jews' for Jesus' death

Sarah Honig, a recent Israeli visitor to Cahersiveen, a charming little town in County Kerry, wrote yesterday in the Jerusalem Post of being asked in its main street for a donation by three teenage boys carrying large signs saying "Free Palestine". When asked from whom Palestine was to be freed, they replied "The Jews". "Are you sure", she asked, "that this money wouldn’t fund terrorists and murderers?" She was thrown by the response: "What do you have against Palestinians? What have they done to you? They are only against Jews. Jews are evil." One of them helpfully added that the Jews "crucified Our Lord".

This " catholic" is filled with nothing but racist bigoted Hate! What he accuses the Jews of doing is exactly what he is guilty of. Something that he learned in his " church"

Unfortunately, you're right. The Jews didn't murder Jesus. The Romans did! Crucifixion was a Roman death sentence! Not a Jewish one! Why in the world people such as Mel Gibson perpertuate this lie is beyond me! I'm a Christian and I thank G-d for the Jewish people! Without them we wouldn't even have a book! ( bible ) Who has always stood up for Christian lives in restricted nations quicker than any other group? The Jews! That's who! How Seal can reconcile his hatred for Jewish people and Israel while claiming to be Catholic is like stepping back into the times of the Inquisition! He's in a time warp!

Now to be fair because in the past I haven't been - I've met some Catholics that would give the Jewish people the shirt off their backs. I mean salt of the earth people who are very on top of what is happening within the Roman Catholic Church. They are on the frontlines contacting RCC such as Cardinal Dolan who was key in giving Imam Mijad a platform for ISNA. Majid is the head of ISNA. ISNA is one of the 250 un indicted co conspirators in the HLF trials. So is CAIR. What is a Cardinal of the RCC doing endorsing this guy??!!!!

These Catholics are admonishing Cardinal Dolan to act as a shepard and not a hireling for the 140 plus Catholic Churches he oversees! It is a tremendous undertaking these Catholics have taken on and I applaud their efforts.

I know of another Catholic, quite wealthy, he generously gives to Israel all the time! He's a wonderful man. All of these people are wonderful, compassionate people and if they were to meet Seal they would be very concerned about how he presents himself while claiming to be a Catholic.
Shas: Discrimination of Sephardic schoolgirls on par with Mengele

Haredi party's official newspaper compares principals of discriminating school to Josef Mengele but party's website omits comparison due to 'technical considerations'

Victims of the racial discrimination in the haredi schools have resorted to using the Holocaust in their fight against school principals.

Shas party newspaper "Yom le Yom" published a caustic article last week comparing Principals who employ racial discrimination in school to Nazi war criminal Josef Mengele, who decided who would live or die in Auschwitz.

The article, titled "When you let Mengele mingle with education" was penned by rabbi Moshe Shafir, a senior editor at Yom Le Yom who wrote: "Who can stand at the crossroads cruelly pointing his finger left and right? Who can act as if he were Mengele himself or feel like he's mingling in dreary carnal pleasure?

"How Can a civilized country appoint such people to educational posts when a big part of their mission is to wipe away the descendants of the crowned Spanish Jewry from their schools? What example do they set to those they are supposed to educate? Is this a lesson in cruelty, racist doctrine, pure brotherly hatred?" the article read.

The writer also brought the story of a girl who was not accepted to a haredi seminar, since her Hebrew surname was "suspected" of being Sephardic. The girl's father confronted the embarrassed principal with the mistake: "My grandfather, a Holocaust survivor named 'Roth' changed his name to 'Admoni' since 'Roth' reminded him of a cruel soldier at the concentration camp."

Shas: Discrimination of Sephardic schoolgirls on par with Mengele - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

give them time and they will devour each other. wrong name, wrong colour...you just ain't jewish enough, i guess, in the promised land.

Obviously, discrimination is wrong but to compare the above to Mengel??

Josef Mengele - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What types of experiments did Dr Mengele do on the Jews of the Holocaust

Just a few examples.

Why does the Irish Catholic feel the way he does? This is the reason;

'The Jews crucified Our Lord': Irish antisemitism and the complicity of the Catholic bishops ? Telegraph Blogs

Ruth Dudley Edwards

Ruth Dudley Edwards is an historian and a prize-winning biographer and crime writer. Her eleven non-fiction books include The Pursuit of Reason: The Economist, 1843-1993 and Aftermath: The Omagh Bombing and the Families’ Pursuit of Justice. Her twelfth crime novel, Killing the Emperors, a satire on the world of conceptual art, is just out in paperback. www.ruthdudleyedwards; RuthDE@twitter

'The Jews crucified Our Lord': Irish antisemitism and the complicity of the Catholic bishops

By Ruth Dudley Edwards World Last updated: January 28th, 2013

1011 Comments Comment on this article

Pro-Palestinian fanatics blame 'the Jews' for Jesus' death

Sarah Honig, a recent Israeli visitor to Cahersiveen, a charming little town in County Kerry, wrote yesterday in the Jerusalem Post of being asked in its main street for a donation by three teenage boys carrying large signs saying "Free Palestine". When asked from whom Palestine was to be freed, they replied "The Jews". "Are you sure", she asked, "that this money wouldn’t fund terrorists and murderers?" She was thrown by the response: "What do you have against Palestinians? What have they done to you? They are only against Jews. Jews are evil." One of them helpfully added that the Jews "crucified Our Lord".

This " catholic" is filled with nothing but racist bigoted Hate! What he accuses the Jews of doing is exactly what he is guilty of. Something that he learned in his " church"

Unfortunately, you're right. The Jews didn't murder Jesus. The Romans did! Crucifixion was a Roman death sentence! Not a Jewish one! Why in the world people such as Mel Gibson perpertuate this lie is beyond me! I'm a Christian and I thank G-d for the Jewish people! Without them we wouldn't even have a book! ( bible ) Who has always stood up for Christian lives in restricted nations quicker than any other group? The Jews! That's who! How Seal can reconcile his hatred for Jewish people and Israel while claiming to be Catholic is like stepping back into the times of the Inquisition! He's in a time warp!

Now to be fair because in the past I haven't been - I've met some Catholics that would give the Jewish people the shirt off their backs. I mean salt of the earth people who are very on top of what is happening within the Roman Catholic Church. They are on the frontlines contacting RCC such as Cardinal Dolan who was key in giving Imam Mijad a platform for ISNA. Majid is the head of ISNA. ISNA is one of the 250 un indicted co conspirators in the HLF trials. So is CAIR. What is a Cardinal of the RCC doing endorsing this guy??!!!!

These Catholics are admonishing Cardinal Dolan to act as a shepard and not a hireling for the 140 plus Catholic Churches he oversees! It is a tremendous undertaking these Catholics have taken on and I applaud their efforts.

I know of another Catholic, quite wealthy, he generously gives to Israel all the time! He's a wonderful man. All of these people are wonderful, compassionate people and if they were to meet Seal they would be very concerned about how he presents himself while claiming to be a Catholic.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR POST All the " catholic" knows how to do is to blame the Jews for killing Jesus which is a lie. Even if it were true are Jews today responsible??? Should I hate Germans because of the Holocaust which is still relatively recent history. Some people from that era are still alive This is what the " catholic" was taught in His " church" Too bad he doesn't have the same Hate for Muslims who are killing and enslaving Christians.

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

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