Discrimination Should Not Be Illegal In a Free Country


May 4, 2012
The government should make no laws regarding race, religion or sexual preference. Just as racism should not be required by law, such as the Jim Crowe laws and slavery laws, by the same token racism should also not be outlawed. Discrimination should neither be forced nor outlawed.

If one business forbids blacks, gays, smokers, women or Christians, that provides an opportunity for other businesses that cater to these groups. Big deal if someone is racist or sexist. It doesn't matter very much. Discrimination is not a major obstacle in today's America.

We DO have the right to offend. There are much, much, much worse things than hurting peoples feelings. There should be no laws requiring people to be "nice". We have the freedom to choose whether to be nice or not without government interference.

All People discriminate. This is a good thing. Discrimination merely means that people discern what they believe to be in their best interest. You discriminate when you shop, when you marry, when you choose a place to live, when you decide which schools to apply to, when you decide which jobs to apply for, when you decide which church to belong to, when you decide which clubs to belong to, etc. Many of these decisions have a racial, religious and sexual component. Race, sex and religion may be a factor in these decisions. There is noting inherently wrong or right about that. It is a matter of taste and personal experience.This is perfectly normal and part of human nature. This is neither good nor bad, this is just the way it is
A difference exists between prejudice and discrimination.

Learn it, love it, live it.
A difference exists between prejudice and discrimination.


If you think the gang of black teenagers headed toward you means ill, and you then override your instinct to go the other way for fear of indulging your "prejudiced" thought, and then they come upon you and beat you to death "for Trayvon", you're prejudiced.

If you think the gang of black teenagers headed toward you means ill, and you act on your fear, and live to tell the tale, you're discriminating.

So by all means.

All People discriminate. This is a good thing. Discrimination merely means that people discern what they believe to be in their best interest. You discriminate when you shop, when you marry, when you choose a place to live, when you decide which schools to apply to, when you decide which jobs to apply for, when you decide which church to belong to, when you decide which clubs to belong to, etc. Many of these decisions have a racial, religious and sexual component. Race, sex and religion may be a factor in these decisions. There is noting inherently wrong or right about that. It is a matter of taste and personal experience.This is perfectly normal and part of human nature. This is neither good nor bad, this is just the way it is

All very true.

Of course, it's only WHITES who can't discriminate.

That is because our entire government, media, educational system and culture is geared toward eliminating us.

Psst... it's working.
Sigh. William, please do as your medicos say and take your drugs.
A difference exists between prejudice and discrimination.

Yes, but that is rather subjective don't you think? At what point can anyone tell the difference? All people have a right to determine, for themselves, at that moment in their life experience, what they think is best for THEM. I respect that. People will find the truth, like a river flowing to the ocean. They have a right to make mistakes along the way.
I agree with much, MaryL, that you say. But free speech is not limitless. And certain speech associated with some of the most vile times in our history, complete with thousands and thousands of deaths, should not be permitted. There is absolutely no reason to use such language.

I fire people at work if they use it. We don't hire people knowingly if they do, and almost everyone in the area knows our hiring policy on these matters.

The learning curve is over, is what I am saying, in my opinion. And where I can enforce that, I do.

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