"Discuss government policies and candidates..." Okay. Trump, the Kurds, and Turkey.

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Trump recently praising Strongman (not a complimentary label), Recep Tayyip Erdoğan turned my stomach. Yet again. The man is a monstrous individual. Yet Mr. Trump admires him so. Why?

Early on there were trubling things about Erdogan we'd later see in Trump's personal character.

Then Trump becomes President and America's toughest allies in the region "over there" (KURDS) got abandoned by Mr. Trump after he met with the man he developed a mutual respect thing with:

As U.S. troops follow President Trump's orders and pull out of northeast Syria, they leave behind men they fought side by side with against the Islamic State group. Amid fears of ethnic cleansing by Turkey, the Kurds have agreed to withdraw from a border area where fighting is underway, and now terrified civilians are also fleeing.

Ukrainians better worry f he wins again. Trump is spiteful and has a history of going after real and imaginary enemies.
Admiration Trump style: (He'd say it about Hitler if he thought he could ge away with it -- like his father and grandfather)

“He’s probably, like, one of the strongest leaders anywhere in the world. He’s the leader of Turkey,” the former president said. Turkey’s president is Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Trump defends decision to abandon Kurdish allies in Syria​

Trump declared U.S. troops would step aside for an expected Turkish attack on the Kurds, who have fought alongside Americans for years, but he then threatened to destroy the Turks’ economy if they went too far.

Even Trump’s staunchest Republican congressional allies expressed outrage at the prospect of abandoning Syrian Kurds who had fought the Islamic State group with American arms and advice. It was the latest example of Trump’s approach to foreign policy that critics condemn as impulsive, that he sometimes reverses and that frequently is untethered to the advice of his national security aides.


US to let Turkish forces move into Syria, dumping Kurdish allies​

This article is more than 4 years old, meaning Trump believes it's past bothering about:

White House reveals policy shift following conversation between Trump and Erdoğan

Before the war in Syria broke out in 2011, a budding personal friendship between Bashar al-Assad, the leader of Syria, and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the president of Turkey, augured close economic ties and an open border. That would be only the beginning: Turkey saw Syria as the launching pad for its plans to become the dominant economic force in the Arab world, a region it had largely retreated from after losing its vast Arab provinces with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

But the Syrian uprising forced Turkey to reconsider. Erdoğan severed his ties with Assad and cast his lot with the popular, predominantly Sunni opposition, making the bet that they would overthrow the minority Alawite-based regime. Meanwhile, Turkey gradually found itself on the outs with Washington, a close strategic partner for decades. Following the recent hostile rhetoric from the Trump administration and the imposition of sanctions on Turkey for detaining an American pastor, tensions have grown.

I don't like when he speaks about these foreign leaders. No one cares about them anyways, if they even know who they are.

There is a two fold problem though in that Western leaders have been so incompetent that I can see how one would view a strongman in another country as positive. It's a contrast between allowing ANYONE into their country, watering down their own citizenship, hurting citizens energy options and cost of living etc as we see done too often in the West and someone who is far from ideal but who at least gets things done.

Western leadership is waning, not very popular with citizens. How many elections in Western countries are occurring today in which most voters don't find any of their options overly appealing?
Trump recently praising Strongman (not a complimentary label), Recep Tayyip Erdoğan turned my stomach. Yet again. The man is a monstrous individual. Yet Mr. Trump admires him so. Why?

Early on there were trubling things about Erdogan we'd later see in Trump's personal character.

Then Trump becomes President and America's toughest allies in the region "over there" (KURDS) got abandoned by Mr. Trump after he met with the man he developed a mutual respect thing with:

As U.S. troops follow President Trump's orders and pull out of northeast Syria, they leave behind men they fought side by side with against the Islamic State group. Amid fears of ethnic cleansing by Turkey, the Kurds have agreed to withdraw from a border area where fighting is underway, and now terrified civilians are also fleeing.

Ukrainians better worry f he wins again. Trump is spiteful and has a history of going after real and imaginary enemies.
Praising???? what is your definition of praising?... President Trump jumped Erdogan's shit many times during his term in office and that dude was much more cooperative with Trump's America than with Obama's and Obidens.... that's how Trump destroyed the jihadists... you know Obama's friends... his JV team...

The Biden administration also abandoned the Kurds, seeking a restoration of the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Reaching out to Iran often hurts the Kurds, because Tehran is hostile to them. Harris will inherit Biden's disastrous Mideast policies.
Praising???? what is your definition of praising?... President Trump jumped Erdogan's shit many times during his term in office and that dude was much more cooperative with Trump's America than with Obama's and Obidens.... that's how Trump destroyed the jihadists... you know Obama's friends... his JV team...
Please, Putin and others too

HE's a wannabe strongman

The Biden administration also abandoned the Kurds, seeking a restoration of the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Reaching out to Iran often hurts the Kurds, because Tehran is hostile to them. Harris will inherit Biden's disastrous Mideast policies.

please, no moral equivalency fails here. please
I don't like when he speaks about these foreign leaders. No one cares about them anyways, if they even know who they are.

There is a two fold problem though in that Western leaders have been so incompetent that I can see how one would view a strongman in another country as positive. It's a contrast between allowing ANYONE into their country, watering down their own citizenship, hurting citizens energy options and cost of living etc as we see done too often in the West and someone who is far from ideal but who at least gets things done.

Western leadership is waning, not very popular with citizens. How many elections in Western countries are occurring today in which most voters don't find any of their options overly appealing?
Trump admires those men. It matters because he so wants to emulate them. He thinks of himself as a tough guy -- bone spurs and all.
Trump admires those men. It matters because he so wants to emulate them. He thinks of himself as a tough guy -- bone spurs and all.

Well he did get shot in the face, get back up, pump his fist to Americans and yell "fight, fight".

That on top of the b.s he has taken on for the last 8 years.

He may not be a samurai but he has courage and is strong willed.
Please, Putin and others too

HE's a wannabe strongman
First rule of negotiating with adversaries... throw them some shade... then lay down the law... why are you worried no other US president in modern history had the middle east at peace like Trump did... and Arab nations sighing an accord with Israel... Obama hated that day... and now look where Obama and Biden has the middle east today... a strong Iran and an embattled Israel.... just like the Kenyan wants it....

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