Disgusting Democrats Politicizing Fallen Soldiers

RaTz are scum. Their past and present actions prove it beyond doubt. Had the incident happened to Obama, you leftist scum would be defending Obama with your ball-less empty sacks.

Had Obama called McCain a loser that would of been the end of him, or even if he said he grabbed pussy, or tried to bed a married women while just a newly wed himself. how low can a man be?
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I think that there is a much larger issue, here, that is not being discussed. Consider this; Would anyone WANT Trump to call their widow if they died on the field? Much worse, would they even want the pussy grabber to ever meet and console their widow?
Nope, the Ambassador had a choice to stay at the Benghazi facility or temporarily evacuate it. He was advised to evacuate but made the decision to ignore the advice. Obama had nothing to do with whether he stayed or evacuated.
YOU are the one who said the CiC is the one responsible for troops being deployed in a remote part of africa.
YOU are the one putting out blanket blame cause you hate trump

and it would appear YOU are the one who flipped to hypocrite in record time.

again - your standard. your generic way of looking at it. don't go digging in details only when convenient to your side.
You are comparing a State Dept. facility in a foreign city located blocks away from a well defended CIA facility full of CIA operatives and contract security personnel with the deployment of a small group of soldiers in a remote area of Africa in the midst of ISIS and al Qaeda terrorist soldiers without any reinforcements or support.

i am applying your stupid generalization to common situations where at which time, you wish to redefine the definition you just so cleverly used after seeing how badly it made "your guy" look as well. it's always amazing to me when someone says it all rolls up to the president until they like the president in question.
You have no concept or knowledge of what is going on with troop deployments in Africa or the stakes involved.
i'm sorry. i missed your qualifications in military matters. can you please link me so i don't make that mistake again?
Qualifications? Anybody can claim anything on these anonymous boards, and they do. It matters little, maybe less than little. All one needs to do is read what is readily available on the net. If you are not aware of troop deployments to Africa that is your fault for not being informed. Now if you want to challenge the facts in a post, go ahead.
YOU are the one who said the CiC is the one responsible for troops being deployed in a remote part of africa.
YOU are the one putting out blanket blame cause you hate trump

and it would appear YOU are the one who flipped to hypocrite in record time.

again - your standard. your generic way of looking at it. don't go digging in details only when convenient to your side.
You are comparing a State Dept. facility in a foreign city located blocks away from a well defended CIA facility full of CIA operatives and contract security personnel with the deployment of a small group of soldiers in a remote area of Africa in the midst of ISIS and al Qaeda terrorist soldiers without any reinforcements or support.

i am applying your stupid generalization to common situations where at which time, you wish to redefine the definition you just so cleverly used after seeing how badly it made "your guy" look as well. it's always amazing to me when someone says it all rolls up to the president until they like the president in question.
You have no concept or knowledge of what is going on with troop deployments in Africa or the stakes involved.
i'm sorry. i missed your qualifications in military matters. can you please link me so i don't make that mistake again?
Qualifications? Anybody can claim anything on these anonymous boards, and they do. It matters little, maybe less than little. All one needs to do is read what is readily available on the net. If you are not aware of troop deployments to Africa that is your fault for not being informed. Now if you want to challenge the facts in a post, go ahead.
except you're the one who said:
You have no concept or knowledge of what is going on with troop deployments in Africa or the stakes involved.

i'll bold it so you don't miss it:
You have no concept or knowledge of what is going on with troop deployments in Africa or the stakes involved.

bold and in red:
You have no concept or knowledge of what is going on with troop deployments in Africa or the stakes involved.

so i'll ask you - how do you know what *my* qualifications are and what i have been reading up on?

anyone can claim anything - we agree there.

you're just the one claiming you know all this shit and instantly saying that i do not.
RaTz are scum. Their past and present actions prove it beyond doubt. Had the incident happened to Obama, you leftist scum would be defending Obama with your ball-less empty sacks.

Had Obama called McCain a loser that would of been the end of him, or even if he said he grabbed pussy, or tried to be a married women while just a newly wed himself. how low can a man be?
Actually, the question is....how low can a person be who votes for such a man?
Nice try to pick up the pieces.

Hey, hypocrite, care to provide the class with Obama's call logs showing where he called the families of all 2500 soldiers killed under his command?

So many more in Obama's first year, Trump just a few, yet he does not even mention it till brought up. What a disgrace to our country.
trump didn't bring it up.

some pissed off moistened bint of a senator did in slamming trump w/o proof, just accusations. used to be in this country we needed proof, not just what made us feel good.
Nice try to pick up the pieces.

Hey, hypocrite, care to provide the class with Obama's call logs showing where he called the families of all 2500 soldiers killed under his command?

So many more in Obama's first year, Trump just a few, yet he does not even mention it till brought up. What a disgrace to our country.
trump didn't bring it up.

some pissed off moistened bint of a senator did in slamming trump w/o proof, just accusations. used to be in this country we needed proof, not just what made us feel good.

He never brought it up for 2 weeks till asked about at the Rose Garden when Trump and McConnell pledged their love for each other. The media brought it up.
There is nothing sacred with these losers. From disrespecting our national anthem and patriotism to using a fallen soldier to try and smear Trump.

Did Obama call the families of all 2500 soldiers killed under his command?

Lieberals hate our military but never miss an opportunity to use it to smear Conservatives.

Will they still kneel while propping up a dead soldier to smear Conservatives?

Fake news, fake outrage, and fake patriotism. Sorry bastards.

Soulless ghouls.

Hillary is still trying to make political hay out of Maria and Puerto Rico.

I wish she fell down the stairs harder.
Trump is Commander in Chief. He is responsible for those troops being deployed in a remote part of Africa without backup support, including reinforcements, a quick response team, artillery cover or emergency medical availability.
As CiC it is his responsibility to respond to family members of KIA a White House Presidential Condolence Letter. He was derelict in his duty until the media exposed his dereliction.
So you are finally admitting that Obama and Hillary are responsible for the deaths of 4 US citizens(1 an ambassador) in Benghazi Libya and were derelict in their protection?
Trump is Commander in Chief. He is responsible for those troops being deployed in a remote part of Africa without backup support, including reinforcements, a quick response team, artillery cover or emergency medical availability.
As CiC it is his responsibility to respond to family members of KIA a White House Presidential Condolence Letter. He was derelict in his duty until the media exposed his dereliction.
so given that standard, obama left benghazi out to dry.

again - your standards of judgement. i'm just applying them evenly.
Nope, the Ambassador had a choice to stay at the Benghazi facility or temporarily evacuate it. He was advised to evacuate but made the decision to ignore the advice. Obama had nothing to do with whether he stayed or evacuated.
Liar, he was asking many times to either leave or get more support protection but since Obamas' campaign was touting that Al Qaeda was on the run, it would blow the whole campaign up if it wasn't true, which it wasn't. You liberals are such fucktards.

Docs Back Up Claims for More Security in Benghazi
One signed by Stevens and titled "LIBYA'S FRAGILE SECURITY DETERIORIATES AS TRIBAL RIVALRIES, POWER PLAYS AND EXTREMISM INTENSIFY," dated June 25, 2012, assess the increase in violence. "From April to June, Libya also witnesses an increase in attacks targeting international organizations and foreign interests," Stevens wrote, describing attacks on a United Nations official in Benghazi, International Committee for the Red Cross buildings in Benghazi and Misrata, and IED at the mission in Benghazi, and RPG fired at the British Ambassador's convoy, and an attack on the consulate of Tunisia.
Just remember this about liberals,

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
Trump is Commander in Chief. He is responsible for those troops being deployed in a remote part of Africa without backup support, including reinforcements, a quick response team, artillery cover or emergency medical availability.
As CiC it is his responsibility to respond to family members of KIA a White House Presidential Condolence Letter. He was derelict in his duty until the media exposed his dereliction.

Trump ignored their deaths for 12 days while he engaged in Twitter fights with the San Juan mayor, John McCain, Rex Tillerson and others

When called on his indifference, he blamed his accusers

Even worse...he is now attacking a Gold Star family
There is nothing sacred with these losers. From disrespecting our national anthem and patriotism to using a fallen soldier to try and smear Trump.
Who brought up the general's son? NOT Obama. Are you so blind, you can't tell when you're being played?
yeah we know obummer didn't bring up the general son, he didn't call his mother either. oops.
What is the matter with our President?

Picking another fight with a Gold Star Family
There is nothing sacred with these losers. From disrespecting our national anthem and patriotism to using a fallen soldier to try and smear Trump.
Who brought up the general's son? NOT Obama. Are you so blind, you can't tell when you're being played?

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments as they continue to spit on the soldiers.
There is nothing sacred with these losers. From disrespecting our national anthem and patriotism to using a fallen soldier to try and smear Trump.

Did Obama call the families of all 2500 soldiers killed under his command?

Lieberals hate our military but never miss an opportunity to use it to smear Conservatives.

Will they still kneel while propping up a dead soldier to smear Conservatives?

Fake news, fake outrage, and fake patriotism. Sorry bastards.
eh? forgot about benghazi already?

what a cuntbag.

Yes far left drone continue to spit on those soldiers!

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