
Its in fact very illogical. Most government welfare programs provide some sort of financial benefit to people - or something that is worth money, like food. The incentive to commit fraud in a welfare program is much higher than the incentive to cast a ballot in someone else's name. The former provides financial reward, the latter does not. Factual reality backs up this theoretical claim. We know that folks try to rip off the government all the time, but how many people have been convicted of trying to vote under a false identity?

Its also quite clear the Republicans are passing these laws because they think it will result in more eligible Democrats being denied the vote than Republicans.

And unfortunately, Mike Turdy (I can't be arsed to remember how to spell his name) was STUPID ENOUGH to say exactly that.

You would have known how to spell it if you read your own sig line.

I hope that\'s clear.


Hey, do me a favor. Go post, and look for your sig line while you're in there. :thup:
It is quite clear that you only oppose voter ID out of partisan bias, i.e. the hope that without ID people who aren't entitled to vote will get to vote.

Really? What statements have I made that would lead you to believe that? Can you directly quote me?

Every posting you've made here shows that the one thing that really bothers you about this is that illegitemate voters will be weeded out and this will benefit Republicans (to me it isn't certain that would actually be the case, but to you it clearly is). You're a hypocrite.

Do you know what a direct quote is?
this is now being reported on.

the right wing lies wont stand the scrutiny of the light of day
This whole "but voter ID will disenfranchise the poor" meme is bullshit.

The fact of the matter is that you need valid photo identification to establish your identity in order to qualify for government programs as well. The exact government programs that are designed to help the poor require photo IDs. Of course this makes sense because the administrators of these programs want to eliminate fraud.

Poor people have IDs just like the rest of us, even the poorest of the poor. To maintain these people do not does not withstand scrutiny because otherwise they would not be eligible to qualify for the programs the left surely wants them qualified for and dependant upon. There is no malicious purpose for asking a person to show an ID and prove their identity prior to voting. To prove that their is no malicious intent, states like Georgia have enacted programs for free identification cards.

This entire argument against providing an ID to vote is nonsensical. The government enacts social welfare programs that are intended for the poorest citizens yet they are required to establish identity prior to receiving the benefits. If the poorest people really could not acquire an ID because they did not have the means to, that would mean they would starve on the streets because they could not qualify for government assistance. Obvioulsy this is not the case. Nor is it the case that people cannot provide an ID to vote. All of this posturing is nothing more than a thinly veiled cover for groups who actually do perpetrate voter fraud like the good gentleman from Mississippi who is now spending 10 years in prison.

The Photo ID Myth | RedState

Voter ID is a good thing.

The fact of the matter is that you need valid photo identification to establish your identity in order to qualify for government programs as well.
Funny I didn't know you have to qualify for a government program to be allowed to vote.

Your dense is immense.

Here you leftist are crying 'the poor won't be able to vote! the old won't be able to vote! they don't have a drivers license'. Perhaps they don't have a DL. And? What they do have is valid photo ID if they are utilizing government programs ... which the poor and the elderly utilize. According to your pov, the poor, elderly Dems are too stupid to present the valid ID they already possess.
this is now being reported on.

the right wing lies wont stand the scrutiny of the light of day

Fork yuo, TderpM. Stick a knife in it.

Your failure is complete.

You are too cowardly and dishonest to even answer easy, straightforward questions.

I'm ready to stick her on an ice floe, and ship her to another board far, far away.
This whole "but voter ID will disenfranchise the poor" meme is bullshit.

The Photo ID Myth | RedState

Voter ID is a good thing.

The fact of the matter is that you need valid photo identification to establish your identity in order to qualify for government programs as well.
Funny I didn't know you have to qualify for a government program to be allowed to vote.

Your dense is immense.

Here you leftist are crying 'the poor won't be able to vote! the old won't be able to vote! they don't have a drivers license'. Perhaps they don't have a DL. And? What they do have is valid photo ID if they are utilizing government programs ... which the poor and the elderly utilize. According to your pov, the poor, elderly Dems are too stupid to present the valid ID they already possess.

People who are registered to vote are being UN registered by the purging of voter logs. So they have to prove it again, even if they have already done so.

I live to see your explanation for why that is just perfectly fine.

Corrupt. Corruption, through and through, and you are fine with the stance your party has taken, and the shape your party is in.

You seem to be in this fight for the long haul, so discuss this with me and nothing else.

“Voter ID - which is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania - done." ~ Mike Turzai (R), PA ~

Explain why he said what he said.
Good God you're stupid. You ask a question, it gets answered, you don't like (or can't understand) the answer so you ask again and again. Are you TdM's doppleganger?

Exactly what was it I said that led you to believe I would be bothered by illegitemate (sic) being weeded out?[/B][/SIZE]

Every posting you've made here shows that the one thing that really bothers you about this is that illegitemate voters will be weeded out and this will benefit Republicans (to me it isn't certain that would actually be the case, but to you it clearly is). You're a hypocrite.

You're confusing the things I say with the things you think about me. Do you know the difference?

The only thing I think about you is that your question has been answered but because you don't like the answer you've moved the goal posts.

You're TdM's other half, no doubt about it.
The republican party and their followers dont want all legal Americans to vote
Your party has to push this disenfranchissement so they can win the election.

without cheating Americans out of their vote the republican party cant win elections

The same people who have zero problem saddling every man, woman and child with scores of thousands in debt to float their socialistic welfare state, throwing conniption fits over people having to pony up a paltry few dollars to get a proper ID to vote.





Funny I didn't know you have to qualify for a government program to be allowed to vote.

Your dense is immense.

Here you leftist are crying 'the poor won't be able to vote! the old won't be able to vote! they don't have a drivers license'. Perhaps they don't have a DL. And? What they do have is valid photo ID if they are utilizing government programs ... which the poor and the elderly utilize. According to your pov, the poor, elderly Dems are too stupid to present the valid ID they already possess.

People who are registered to vote are being UN registered by the purging of voter logs. So they have to prove it again, even if they have already done so.

I live to see your explanation for why that is just perfectly fine.

Corrupt. Corruption, through and through, and you are fine with the stance your party has taken, and the shape your party is in.

You seem to be in this fight for the long haul, so discuss this with me and nothing else.

“Voter ID - which is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania - done." ~ Mike Turzai (R), PA ~

Explain why he said what he said.


I have no idea why Turzai said what he did. Retarded comes to mind.

The point of the article (other than Dems won't be able to vote :rolleyes:) is that most people have a valid form of ID for voting, whether it be a DL or other form. For those who do not, letters are being sent out to inform them and assistance is provided.
Mike Turzai, the Pennsylvania House majority leader, is honest if nothing else. His exact statement to a crowd of state Republicans — that the state’s new voter ID law “is going to allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania” — was the most truthful accounting of why the party is pushing for allegedly more stringent voting rules across the nation. This is not about combating voter fraud, a claim that has never been substantiated, but about limiting the participation of people likely to vote for the other party.

Pennsylvania’s new rules will require a government photo ID to be able to vote, which disproportionately burdens those without cars: the poor, elderly, and minority voters who trend Democratic. Students without drivers’ licenses will also be stuck.

Since 2011, nearly 200 bills have been introduced in 41 states that seek to impose tougher voting rules and would disproportionately strike at core Democratic constituencies. The proposed rules include, beyond photo IDs, efforts to reduce early and absentee voting and limiting same-day registration programs. The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division is now investigating the impact of these new laws and must continue to do so.

New voter ID laws carry a political agenda - Editorials - The Boston Globe

We never heard of him before, but I gotta thank him for his honesty.

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