Dishonest Witness Pam Karlan, Latest Act at Impeachment Circus

Dishonest Witness Pam Karlan, Latest Act at Impeachment Circus

I can't bring myself to waste much time on it. In any inquiry, hearing or case, you always have TWO SIDES. However, Schiff has again chosen to present FOUR:
  • THREE he knows are in SUPPORT of his conviction.
  • ONE he has allowed the other side to add.
So before I even turn the set on, I know I will hear 75% opinion in favor of impeachment.


If the Democrats had a LEGITIMATE CASE, they'd pick four scholars who best represent the greatest expertise on the Constitution available! Then listen to their arguments.

But no one is kidding themselves that the Democrats impeached Trump on Nov. 9, 2016. They have only been working ever since on how to seal the deal,

which makes ALL OF THIS A TOTAL CIRCUS at the taxpayer's expense.
Representative Adam Schiff's Impeachment Circus continued with his latest act — radical militant leftist law professor Pam Karlan. Not only is Karlan a radical militant leftist law professor, she is a dishonest one. You won't find a single mainstream outlet that is giddy over her shrill testimony touch on her false scholarship.

Karlan worked at the Justice Department during the Obama administration. Not much got done on her watch. Where she really excels, however, is lobbing false charges at conservatives or Republicans.

When I was an attorney at the Justice Department, I worked on a Voting Rights Act case that Karlan hated. Why? Because the victims of the racial discrimination were white. We proved our case and won, but that didn't matter to Karlan. She was still bitter that the Bush administration protected white people from racial discrimination against a black defendant election official.

She even peddled the nonsense in a published law review article. Karlan falsely wrote, “For five of the eight years of the Bush Administration, [they] brought no Voting Rights Act cases of its own except for one case protecting white voters.”

Karlan's sleight of hand might be interesting... if it were true. Sadly, for her credibility, it is demonstrably false, and she has never once corrected her false scholarship. Her fellow travelers never mention her falsehood and instead praise and elevate her, still.

This is demonstrably false; any visit to the DOJ website demonstrates this. Karlan says the Voting Section brought no cases to protect minorities under the Voting Rights Act in five of eight years -- let's look at the record:

2001 (1 of 1) United States v. Alamosa County, CO, (D. Colo. 2001)

United States v. Crockett County, TN, (W.D. Tenn. 2001)

United States v. Charleston County, SC, (D.S.C. 2001)

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Was a big donor to the Hildeneast and was in line for a SCOTUS appointment if and when Hildeneast usurped the thrown....interesting tidbitvof info!
Yes, yes....we know. Orange cultists are all about character assassination.

What "character"? Karlan has lost her credibility as a "scholar." Today she was a left-wing Trump-hating partisan hack who was brought in to further the Democrat's agenda of removing this President, before he gets another term.

It's the only thing the Democrats can do at this point, because they know goddamned well that they're losing the next election.

And that's a fact, Jack.
She's supposed to give "expert" testimony on the constitution and she says shit like "Trump is guilty as sin & should fry in hell" (I'm paraphrasing).

And to put the cherry on top she has to assault 13 year old barron!

What a fucking low life miserable bitch!

But if I was that ugly...I'd be a low life miserable bitch too! :laughing0301:
She's supposed to give "expert" testimony on the constitution and she says shit like "Trump is guilty as sin & should fry in hell" (I'm paraphrasing).

And to put the cherry on top she has to assault 13 year old barron!

What a fucking low life miserable bitch!

But if I was that ugly...I'd be a low life miserable bitch too! :laughing0301:

Trump's election cost her a possible Supreme Court nomination that would have taken place under a Hillary presidency.
Dishonest Witness Pam Karlan, Latest Act at Impeachment Circus

I can't bring myself to waste much time on it. In any inquiry, hearing or case, you always have TWO SIDES. However, Schiff has again chosen to present FOUR:
  • THREE he knows are in SUPPORT of his conviction.
  • ONE he has allowed the other side to add.
So before I even turn the set on, I know I will hear 75% opinion in favor of impeachment.


If the Democrats had a LEGITIMATE CASE, they'd pick four scholars who best represent the greatest expertise on the Constitution available! Then listen to their arguments.

But no one is kidding themselves that the Democrats impeached Trump on Nov. 9, 2016. They have only been working ever since on how to seal the deal,

which makes ALL OF THIS A TOTAL CIRCUS at the taxpayer's expense.

How many times can we say this...

One this is not a trial, this is an investigation...

Second Trump and WH admin were invited to attend on numerous occasions so saying that there is no one from the other side is stupid.

Schiff is the lead investigator, he is investigating Trump for Bribery. He is not investigating any other crimes, if you want to investigate Bidens, there is a whole DOJ for that but I will note Obama never directed an investigation into a political rival.

I know you find this all a bit painful because Trump is getting investigated but he was offered to come down and clear up the matter himself personally...
Trump's election cost her a possible Supreme Court nomination that would have taken place under a Hillary presidency.

Thank the Lord that Trump won!

That thing on TV today was even more miserable than RBG! Can you imagine that on the supreme court?
Schiff is the lead investigator, he is investigating Trump for Bribery. He is not investigating any other crimes,

Maybe you didn't get the memo.

It started with a quid pro quo...when that failed it changed to obstruction of justice, when that failed the filth went to bribery...but that wasn't playing out well so now it's "abuse of power".

Bribery is soooo yesterday! Try to keep up.
Dishonest Witness Pam Karlan, Latest Act at Impeachment Circus

I can't bring myself to waste much time on it. In any inquiry, hearing or case, you always have TWO SIDES. However, Schiff has again chosen to present FOUR:
  • THREE he knows are in SUPPORT of his conviction.
  • ONE he has allowed the other side to add.
So before I even turn the set on, I know I will hear 75% opinion in favor of impeachment.


If the Democrats had a LEGITIMATE CASE, they'd pick four scholars who best represent the greatest expertise on the Constitution available! Then listen to their arguments.

But no one is kidding themselves that the Democrats impeached Trump on Nov. 9, 2016. They have only been working ever since on how to seal the deal,

which makes ALL OF THIS A TOTAL CIRCUS at the taxpayer's expense.

How many times can we say this...
One this is not a trial, this is an investigation...
Second Trump and WH admin were invited to attend on numerous occasions so saying that there is no one from the other side is stupid.
Schiff is the lead investigator, he is investigating Trump for Bribery. He is not investigating any other crimes, if you want to investigate Bidens, there is a whole DOJ for that but I will note Obama never directed an investigation into a political rival.
I know you find this all a bit painful because Trump is getting investigated but he was offered to come down and clear up the matter himself personally...

GEE! That's a pretty good snow job! I see you have yourself TOTALLY convinced.
  1. It's an investigation that began with criminal accusations (Schiff and Nancy said Trump COMMITTED OBSTRUCTION, Trump COMMITTED BRIBERY, not merely they suspect, need to find out or intend to prove), then have spent 150 hours trying to STEER testimony to support that.
  2. It's all one-sided. Every time I saw the GOP raise motions to do anything, they were squashed. What is there to attend?
  3. He's already ACCUSED Trump of XYZ. He is not investigating anything. Since Ukraine has already stated at the outset that there was no pressure on them, the bribery thing is long dead in the water.
  4. You can't "investigate" a thing when the central figure in all this (the Bidens) is being kept behind locked doors. The whole case on Trump HINGES on whether Trump was really trying to coerce an election, or was involved in legitimate legal pursuits of interest to the USA. Of what? THE BIDENS.
  5. Who's going to investigate the Bidens after Trump is impeached and removed from office? Especially if Joe then goes on to win the next presidency. Is Joe going to investigate himself??? The Bidens are inextricably tied to this inside and out.
  6. ARE YOU KIDDING ABOUT OBAMA? You don't know who he investigated. He was totally protected. Apparently you don't even know he spied on a whole bunch of Associated Press people, tapped their phone records and tried to railroad journalist James Rosen and almost ruined his life on a whim.
  7. Trump has already cleared up the matter. He said there is nothing to the accusations, nothing to his phone call. Still waiting for the Dims to prove otherwise. JUST WHAT do you think Trump could say before the hearing that the House Dems would say: "Oh. Never mind. Case rescinded." :21:
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This is the sort of human being who makes a joke out of a 13 year old boy.

....and no bias here??? yeah right! :rolleyes:

she is a bitch till the end.

he is absolutely right! >>> Donald Trump Jr.‏Verified account

Dishonest Witness Pam Karlan, Latest Act at Impeachment Circus

I can't bring myself to waste much time on it. In any inquiry, hearing or case, you always have TWO SIDES. However, Schiff has again chosen to present FOUR:
  • THREE he knows are in SUPPORT of his conviction.
  • ONE he has allowed the other side to add.
So before I even turn the set on, I know I will hear 75% opinion in favor of impeachment.


If the Democrats had a LEGITIMATE CASE, they'd pick four scholars who best represent the greatest expertise on the Constitution available! Then listen to their arguments.

But no one is kidding themselves that the Democrats impeached Trump on Nov. 9, 2016. They have only been working ever since on how to seal the deal,

which makes ALL OF THIS A TOTAL CIRCUS at the taxpayer's expense.

How many times can we say this...

One this is not a trial, this is an investigation...

Second Trump and WH admin were invited to attend on numerous occasions so saying that there is no one from the other side is stupid.

Schiff is the lead investigator, he is investigating Trump for Bribery. He is not investigating any other crimes, if you want to investigate Bidens, there is a whole DOJ for that but I will note Obama never directed an investigation into a political rival.

I know you find this all a bit painful because Trump is getting investigated but he was offered to come down and clear up the matter himself personally...
And Biden is also welcome to explain the millions the Ukraine paid him and his family at any time.
Were they always crazy or is it Trump?


Pamela Karlan came off as a cat lady without a cat in her congressional testimony.

We all knew a sloshed Hillary would roam the countryside for the rest of her life blaming others for her catastrophic loss. It was her turn.

Part of the fun is watching her sink. While Donald Trump was in England meeting with other heads of state, Hillary was on the Howard Stern show declaring that she is not a lesbian.

But while we always knew she is a power-mad loon, the craziness of these other people is a shock. They seem to have changed, and not for the better. They are fevered.

Except Hillary. She earned her madness. May she never run out of Chardonnay.

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