Disillusioned with Politics Yet?

I have been disillusioned with politics for a long time now, but it remains an interesting subject to me. It's one of my autistic obsessions. :redface:

The people I blame more than the politicians and special interest groups are the voters themselves. They have allowed themselves to be played by a corrupt system for a long time. Watching people bicker over the "lesser of two evils" is like watching people argue over which color dildo they want to be fucked by. :cool:
I have been disillusioned with politics for a long time now, but it remains an interesting subject to me. It's one of my autistic obsessions. :redface:

The people I blame more than the politicians and special interest groups are the voters themselves. They have allowed themselves to be played by a corrupt system for a long time. Watching people bicker over the "lesser of two evils" is like watching people argue over which color dildo they want to be fucked by. :cool:

Could not have described my own obsession and feelings better myself.
So which party at least tries to regulate savage capitalism...and protect the environment, workers with SS, Medicaid/care, ACA, min wage, disability, etc etc etc....don't be Pub dupes...
Without politics, there is no venue for discourse, dissent, assent and etc. So no, I disagree with that assertion. If you pass laws that stop lobbying and return the democratic process to the people where it belongs, corporations and special interests wouldn't be able to influence politics again. It isn't rocket science. If people truly cared about the purity of the democratic process, it would serve to eliminate the poisons within it.
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There is great danger in becoming 'disillusioned with politics'

Business runs us now? No kidding. When was it ever any different?

Does anybody think that the Founding Fathers didn't have the backing of domestic businesses? Maybe even their enthusiastic backing?

Isn't it fairly well known that one of the reasons we declared our Independence was that Britain was treating our own, homegrown 'businesses' rather shabbily. For instance, it was against British Law to make a shovel in the Colonies at the time. You want a shovel? Gotta buy it from a British Importer.

Wasn't there something about "Tea" also? :dunno:

The one thing that crooked, corrupt, dishonest politicians want the most is for you, all of us, to become "Disillusioned with Politics".

With you out of the way, what can hold them back?
Without politics, there is no venue for discourse, dissent, assent and etc. So no, I disagree with that assertion. If you pass laws that stop lobbying and return the democratic process to the people where it belongs, corporations and special interests wouldn't be able to influence politics again. It isn't rocket science. If people truly cared about the purity of the democratic process, it would serve to eliminate the poisons within it.
Make Lobbying illegal. Get rid of 'K' street.
There is great danger in becoming 'disillusioned with politics'

Business runs us now? No kidding. When was it ever any different?

Does anybody think that the Founding Fathers didn't have the backing of domestic businesses? Maybe even their enthusiastic backing?

Isn't it fairly well known that one of the reasons we declared our Independence was that Britain was treating our own, homegrown 'businesses' rather shabbily. For instance, it was against British Law to make a shovel in the Colonies at the time. You want a shovel? Gotta buy it from a British Importer.

Wasn't there something about "Tea" also? :dunno:

The one thing that crooked, corrupt, dishonest politicians want the most is for you, all of us, to become "Disillusioned with Politics".

With you out of the way, what can hold them back?

I respectfully disagree on a couple points. It's quite possible to be disillusioned, yet still take part in the political process. If you really want change vote third party, and put aside the "lesser of two evils" bullshit. You are right that crooked politicians want you to become disillusioned. That's what leads to this "lesser of two evils" mindset.

Well... the guy I REALLY want to win doesn't stand a chance, so I'll vote for this crooked politician I know is lying through his teeth. After all he is the "lesser of two evils".
So which party at least tries to regulate savage capitalism...and protect the environment, workers with SS, Medicaid/care, ACA, min wage, disability, etc etc etc....don't be Pub dupes...


Without politics, there is no venue for discourse, dissent, assent and etc. So no, I disagree with that assertion. If you pass laws that stop lobbying and return the democratic process to the people where it belongs, corporations and special interests wouldn't be able to influence politics again. It isn't rocket science. If people truly cared about the purity of the democratic process, it would serve to eliminate the poisons within it.
Make Lobbying illegal. Get rid of 'K' street.

Then who will represent the disadvantaged and those unable to speak for themselves?

How about Farmers? How about Fishermen? How about miners, and ditch diggers and exploited workers everywhere?

How about a thousand things you've never even thought of? How about environmental rights and property rights and thousands upon thousands of things that people find themselves needing help and/or legislation for but can't get a seat at the the table? Can't get more than their one, single Congressman (If they're lucky) to listen to them.

Lobbying serves an important function in government.

They're one of the few groups who represent rich and poor. Farmer and Urban Dweller. Black, White, Brown... Whatever, there's a lobbyist representing them.

Do you really think that 535 people can hear 320 Million?
Without politics, there is no venue for discourse, dissent, assent and etc. So no, I disagree with that assertion. If you pass laws that stop lobbying and return the democratic process to the people where it belongs, corporations and special interests wouldn't be able to influence politics again. It isn't rocket science. If people truly cared about the purity of the democratic process, it would serve to eliminate the poisons within it.
Make Lobbying illegal. Get rid of 'K' street.

That is not the answer.
Without politics, there is no venue for discourse, dissent, assent and etc. So no, I disagree with that assertion. If you pass laws that stop lobbying and return the democratic process to the people where it belongs, corporations and special interests wouldn't be able to influence politics again. It isn't rocket science. If people truly cared about the purity of the democratic process, it would serve to eliminate the poisons within it.
Make Lobbying illegal. Get rid of 'K' street.

That is not the answer.

In my opinion it's not the best answer, but it's a good place to start.
Without politics, there is no venue for discourse, dissent, assent and etc. So no, I disagree with that assertion. If you pass laws that stop lobbying and return the democratic process to the people where it belongs, corporations and special interests wouldn't be able to influence politics again. It isn't rocket science. If people truly cared about the purity of the democratic process, it would serve to eliminate the poisons within it.
Make Lobbying illegal. Get rid of 'K' street.

Then who will represent the disadvantaged and those unable to speak for themselves?

How about Farmers? How about Fishermen? How about miners, and ditch diggers and exploited workers everywhere?

How about a thousand things you've never even thought of? How about environmental rights and property rights and thousands upon thousands of things that people find themselves needing help and/or legislation for but can't get a seat at the the table? Can't get more than their one, single Congressman (If they're lucky) to listen to them.

Lobbying serves an important function in government.

They're one of the few groups who represent rich and poor. Farmer and Urban Dweller. Black, White, Brown... Whatever, there's a lobbyist representing them.

Do you really think that 535 people can hear 320 Million?

Well said. The problem isn't the process of lobbying. It's what can be 'bought' with that lobbying. This is why it's so important to keep government out of economic matters. As long as we indulge government intervention in the economy, as long as congress folks can make or break their constituents' fortunes with a vote, the problem will continue.
Without politics, there is no venue for discourse, dissent, assent and etc. So no, I disagree with that assertion. If you pass laws that stop lobbying and return the democratic process to the people where it belongs, corporations and special interests wouldn't be able to influence politics again. It isn't rocket science. If people truly cared about the purity of the democratic process, it would serve to eliminate the poisons within it.
Make Lobbying illegal. Get rid of 'K' street.

That is not the answer.

It’s also un-Constitutional – that pesky First Amendment.
Politics is a waste of time and here's why......

It's business that really rules us now | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian

*their political system is a mirror image of ours and vice versa*
I am disillusioned with a republican party that is willing to sell itself to business and refuses to do a single thing to help the American people. At least the Democrats are trying to push bills that will help the citizens of this country which is one hell of a lot more then the gop is doing.
Politics is a waste of time and here's why......

It's business that really rules us now | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian

*their political system is a mirror image of ours and vice versa*
I am disillusioned with a republican party that is willing to sell itself to business and refuses to do a single thing to help the American people. At least the Democrats are trying to push bills that will help the citizens of this country which is one hell of a lot more then the gop is doing.

Uh.... riiiiiight. ACA much?
I used to live and die politics. Now I hardly pay attention. Politics = corruption. They go into office paupers and come out multi millionaires. They go to jail, come out and get reelected by people who only pay attention 3 days before an election. Screw 'em.
There is great danger in becoming 'disillusioned with politics'

Business runs us now? No kidding. When was it ever any different?

Does anybody think that the Founding Fathers didn't have the backing of domestic businesses? Maybe even their enthusiastic backing?

Isn't it fairly well known that one of the reasons we declared our Independence was that Britain was treating our own, homegrown 'businesses' rather shabbily. For instance, it was against British Law to make a shovel in the Colonies at the time. You want a shovel? Gotta buy it from a British Importer.

Wasn't there something about "Tea" also? :dunno:

The one thing that crooked, corrupt, dishonest politicians want the most is for you, all of us, to become "Disillusioned with Politics".

With you out of the way, what can hold them back?

I respectfully disagree on a couple points. It's quite possible to be disillusioned, yet still take part in the political process. If you really want change vote third party, and put aside the "lesser of two evils" bullshit. You are right that crooked politicians want you to become disillusioned. That's what leads to this "lesser of two evils" mindset.

Well... the guy I REALLY want to win doesn't stand a chance, so I'll vote for this crooked politician I know is lying through his teeth. After all he is the "lesser of two evils".

Then get involved at the Local Level. Vote in the primaries. One of the great things about this Country is that we have our elections open to anybody that chooses to run. I can't think of the term, but you can get on the Republican ticket without a lot of trouble. You can rock the boat if you want to.

I can get on the ballot for POTUS if I try hard enough, if I get enough people to back me. Aiming too high? Yeah, but I can run for Congress without a lot of trouble. Still too high? Okay, I can get on the State Ballot with "X" amount of signatures on a petition and start campaigning my ass of.

If people like what you're saying, they'll vote for you. If they don't, they won't.

You don't want to run for Office? Don't blame you. But you can still get involved. Especially with the Republican Party. Easy to get involved with them. dimocraps? Not so much. They're pretty closed, pretty tight. Almost everything is 'Top-down' with them.

How do you think the Tea Party came to power? Through the Republican Party, that's how.

Whatever flavor you choose, you can do it. All the Republican Party asks is that you love America and respect the Constitution. Otherwise, almost anything goes.

You want to sit back and let somebody else do it for you?

Get used to being disappointed.

One other thing; If you get beat, don't get bent.

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