Disillusioned with Politics Yet?

Just out of curiousity, does anyone else know who this man is? Many seem to be commenting.

But I was just wondering if anyone read the article or knew who the author of it was?
I know who this man is that authored this article. I consider him a mega enemy. Anybody read the link or the article in the OP?
Politics is a waste of time and here's why......

It's business that really rules us now | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian

*their political system is a mirror image of ours and vice versa*

Anyone disillusioned with politics, and that includes politicians and operatives, has lost sight of what politics is all about. When a person identifies their own self too personally with politics they set themselves up for disillusionment.

Politics is a game.
He was denounced as "nothing but a bandwagoner"[citation needed] and a "media tart"[15] by groups such as Green Anarchist and Class War.

Among his best-known articles are his critique of David Bellamy's climate science,[18] his description of an encounter with a police torturer in Brazil,[19] his attack on libertarian interpretations of genetics,[20] his discussion of the ethics of outsourcing,[21] and his attack on the politics of Bob Geldof and Bono.[22]

George Monbiot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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I know who this man is that authored this article. I consider him a mega enemy. Anybody read the link or the article in the OP?

Was just considering it and I stumble upon this high praise.

thank you

Ahhhhhh but the better man is Delingpole. You see I really do love to read some of the most fabulous be they left or right wing on the planet.

I know Monbiot by reading him. But the best is Jimmy. James Delingpole whose wit and intelligence out whacks George.

But if you read both, you cannot be a loser. You just can't be a loser. Both men are amazing. Monbiot is excellent. He stages arguments that truly make your head spin in admiration whether you agree with him or not.

Delingpole will just take you out for fun. There is sort of no other way to describe him.

You just can't lose, be you left or right in political persuasion read both men and enjoy them.
He was denounced as "nothing but a bandwagoner"[citation needed] and a "media tart"[15] by groups such as Green Anarchist and Class War.

Among his best-known articles are his critique of David Bellamy's climate science,[18] his description of an encounter with a police torturer in Brazil,[19] his attack on libertarian interpretations of genetics,[20] his discussion of the ethics of outsourcing,[21] and his attack on the politics of Bob Geldof and Bono.[22]

George Monbiot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dante truly I consider him a genius. I am not throwing that praise around lightly. Hence my statement that I also consider him such an enemy.

He is fabulous and wields great power. Sadly well this goes to the warmists, he won't back off and will not admit his error backing these fakes.

ETA: I do not believe for one moment though that this gentleman has ever been bought off or however one wants to call the others; this is a good man. He's just simply been wrong.
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Without politics, there is no venue for discourse, dissent, assent and etc. So no, I disagree with that assertion. If you pass laws that stop lobbying and return the democratic process to the people where it belongs, corporations and special interests wouldn't be able to influence politics again. It isn't rocket science. If people truly cared about the purity of the democratic process, it would serve to eliminate the poisons within it.
Make Lobbying illegal. Get rid of 'K' street.

Well, then we have to deal with the First Amendment there. So while I wish such a thing were possible, even the lobbyists deserve their first amendment rights. K street is a cancer on American politics, but as it stands now, we have no way of stopping them without violating the Constitution.

However? When the result TRUMPS the First and winds up silencing the voices of the people in favour of the elite/powerful, the people get shafted in the process and the FIRST that was crafted FOR the people first and foremost? The people wind up hurting?

NOT a hard call here.
Make Lobbying illegal. Get rid of 'K' street.

Well, then we have to deal with the First Amendment there. So while I wish such a thing were possible, even the lobbyists deserve their first amendment rights. K street is a cancer on American politics, but as it stands now, we have no way of stopping them without violating the Constitution.

However? When the result TRUMPS the First and winds up silencing the voices of the people in favour of the elite/powerful, the people get shafted in the process and the FIRST that was crafted FOR the people first and foremost? The people wind up hurting?

NOT a hard call here.

So we use our constitutional rights to deprive others of theirs? I'm sorry, I don't think that's how it was meant to work. It would be playing into the hands of those would wish us harm. I am purely confident there are ways to stop lobbying. You know, such as banning donations from lobbyists to candidates during political campaigns. Hey, they can vote, make ads provided they indicate that they aren't affiliated with the candidate and all, but maybe we should start by hitting them in the pocketbook.

Taking away the money is in my view the best way to make people in politics honest. But I cannot in good conscience resort to brute force tactics such as banning a form of protected speech. We do want equality here, right?
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I have been disillusioned with politics for a long time now, but it remains an interesting subject to me. It's one of my autistic obsessions. :redface:

The people I blame more than the politicians and special interest groups are the voters themselves. They have allowed themselves to be played by a corrupt system for a long time. Watching people bicker over the "lesser of two evils" is like watching people argue over which color dildo they want to be fucked by. :cool:

So you don't vote?
I am shocked, simply shocked beyond despair

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gp1mk9bdsdM]I, Claudius, Messalina competes with prostitute - YouTube[/ame]
$93 million every year goes to the base pay of the members of congress. Is it really public service for them to be there? If you can make $174,000 every year for sixty years then what reason really keeps senators and representatives working? It isn't from the goodness of their hearts. At least not the majority.

Term limits should be imposed on public offices. 300 million Americans shouldn't be controlled by a handful of people who don't truly have to answer for their actions.
$93 million every year goes to the base pay of the members of congress. Is it really public service for them to be there? If you can make $174,000 every year for sixty years then what reason really keeps senators and representatives working? It isn't from the goodness of their hearts. At least not the majority.

Term limits should be imposed on public offices. 300 million Americans shouldn't be controlled by a handful of people who don't truly have to answer for their actions.

not only aren't they held responsible for their actions, they are in a position to personally benefit from their decisions. even if it is at the cost of those they are elected to serve.
Well, then we have to deal with the First Amendment there. So while I wish such a thing were possible, even the lobbyists deserve their first amendment rights. K street is a cancer on American politics, but as it stands now, we have no way of stopping them without violating the Constitution.

However? When the result TRUMPS the First and winds up silencing the voices of the people in favour of the elite/powerful, the people get shafted in the process and the FIRST that was crafted FOR the people first and foremost? The people wind up hurting?

NOT a hard call here.

So we use our constitutional rights to deprive others of theirs? I'm sorry, I don't think that's how it was meant to work. It would be playing into the hands of those would wish us harm. I am purely confident there are ways to stop lobbying. You know, such as banning donations from lobbyists to candidates during political campaigns. Hey, they can vote, make ads provided they indicate that they aren't affiliated with the candidate and all, but maybe we should start by hitting them in the pocketbook.

Taking away the money is in my view the best way to make people in politics honest. But I cannot in good conscience resort to brute force tactics such as banning a form of protected speech. We do want equality here, right?

I hate paid lobbyist an PACs. What really pissed me off is now they can and do accept foreign lobbyists.
$93 million every year goes to the base pay of the members of congress. Is it really public service for them to be there? If you can make $174,000 every year for sixty years then what reason really keeps senators and representatives working? It isn't from the goodness of their hearts. At least not the majority.

Term limits should be imposed on public offices. 300 million Americans shouldn't be controlled by a handful of people who don't truly have to answer for their actions.

We really need term limits. The phrase "career politician" needs to disappear from our vocabulary. However, the only way to change that is up to the very career dickheads who will never vote themselves out of a job. The most likely scenario is that they vote themselves a pay raise then take a month off. Both parties are corrupted by a system that has turned all politicians into money whores.
Can't blame them completely though as most voters allow themselves to be duped by soundbites and negative advertising. It really works which is why they continue to do it. Low information voters exist on the Left and the Right.
I'm mostly disillusioned with the number of people who grab one talking point and ride it until it crumples into a heap of dust - and then they ride it some more.

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