Disillusioned with Politics Yet?

So which party at least tries to regulate savage capitalism...and protect the environment, workers with SS, Medicaid/care, ACA, min wage, disability, etc etc etc....don't be Pub dupes...

Capitalism isnt savage..nor is government always good for it
So which party at least tries to regulate savage capitalism...and protect the environment, workers with SS, Medicaid/care, ACA, min wage, disability, etc etc etc....don't be Pub dupes...
Capitalism rewards the people who work hard to make their businesses prosper and give people secure jobs. Republicans are just trying to maintain the freedoms handed down that prevent tyranny (free speech, freedom to worship God as one sees fit and to talk about it in public, the right to keep and bear arms, one vote per person, etc.)

Your money is so you can take care of yourself, not Nancy Pelosi's rich family an extra billion here and there through freebies she helped create with her avaricious and absolute power.

I'm getting sick and tired of Hillary Clinton's alternative vision of village rule rather than strong families. It just results in such strong central power there's a danger the central power feeds itself off the hard work of people who need that money to take care of themselves. My gosh, if there are people in this country who don't care for the founders' America of freedoms, let them go establish themselves in countries where somebody else does all the thinking through central government. The only catch is you have to worship the central committee and go where they want you to go and do what they want you to do.

The American way is you have a voice in what you will strive for in life.

No thats not what Republicans are after.well at least most of them as of late. And thus is the problem with the both of you. You both are on the ends and are a problem.
Too much capitalism will lead to your economy crashing. To much regulation will lead to your economy crashing.

You can sit there and blame one side if it makes you sleep better, but your stances dont help us progess at all.

The interesting thing is you two are more alike than you think
All you libturds that are 'disillusioned' with politics? Have you considered that you're just disillusioned with YOUR politics?

Of course not. For one thing, you're not bright enough to figure that out because; you're arrogant and narcissistic and selfish and hateful.

It isn't politics that is evil, it's people.

Here's what I recommend.... All libturds should just stay home. Don't vote, ever again. Keep your opinions to yourselves, stop protesting about .... Everything.

Just stop. Get out.

You've proven time and time again how incompetent you are. And yet, when everything falls apart around you, you never fail to blame everybody but yourselves.

Disillusioned? Get out. Let us run things. Trust me, we'll all be better off.
Politics is a waste of time and here's why......

It's business that really rules us now | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian

*their political system is a mirror image of ours and vice versa*

Nothing is more fascinating/hilarious than the depths people will sink to to protect a politician that doesn't give two s**ts about them. And in some cases, that politician has been dead for 200+ years

judging from a very high percent of the post on this board, he's still in office.

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