Disillusioned with Politics Yet?

Money/power has always controlled the political arena, the only thing that changes is who are the ones with the money/power that a candidate has to kowtow to.
I used to live and die politics. Now I hardly pay attention. Politics = corruption. They go into office paupers and come out multi millionaires. They go to jail, come out and get reelected by people who only pay attention 3 days before an election. Screw 'em.

I bet the people in North Korea wish they had our political problems.
I used to live and die politics. Now I hardly pay attention. Politics = corruption. They go into office paupers and come out multi millionaires. They go to jail, come out and get reelected by people who only pay attention 3 days before an election. Screw 'em.

I bet the people in North Korea wish they had our political problems.
Indeed. They're more into staying alive and finding something to eat...and staying out of their rulers' way TO stay alive...:eusa_whistle::eusa_shhh:
How about instead of the CDP (founded by the Republicans and Democrats) running political debates we hand that responsibility to the media.

After that some form of mass Media that doesn't rely on television ads to educate the citizenry would be a big help. Informed voters are lacking these days.
So who's for regulating lobbying and Wall St, big money campaign financing...

I guess most Pub dupes HAVE given up on gov't, just want their taxes lowered...unfortunately they get screwed by big money Pubs every time...
Politics is one of the stupidest subjects to ever attempt having a conversation about.
Is that why you are in this Forum, and post a plethora of times here?

I'd say you are quite conflicted, NO?:eusa_whistle::eusa_liar:

Says the guy with over 41,000 posts!

No, I'm 100% certain that having a political discussion is a complete waste of time for any other reason than to put some ignoramus in his/her place.

Know what I mean? :lol:
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The people defend the status quo, so they get what they deserve.

A balanced budget amendment, strict & short term limits and publicly-funded elections would remove the power from those who abuse it most; but the country clearly doesn't want that.

So fuck it, we get what we deserve, tough crap.


The people defend the status quo, so they get what they deserve.

A balanced budget amendment, strict & short term limits and publicly-funded elections would remove the power from those who abuse it most; but the country clearly doesn't want that.

So fuck it, we get what we deserve, tough crap.


People basically just want to be left alone. But when the shit hits the fan, when they can no longer afford to send little Suzy to College to get her M.R.S. Degree.....

They get pissed.

When obama screws up the economy with his ill-conceived and idiotic ACA, they'll take notice.

Shit, Bush just happened to be standing nearby when the economy went in the shitter and he got CREAMED for it.

People want a healthy economy. Outside of that, they're not too interested.
So which party at least tries to regulate savage capitalism...and protect the environment, workers with SS, Medicaid/care, ACA, min wage, disability, etc etc etc....don't be Pub dupes...
Capitalism rewards the people who work hard to make their businesses prosper and give people secure jobs. Republicans are just trying to maintain the freedoms handed down that prevent tyranny (free speech, freedom to worship God as one sees fit and to talk about it in public, the right to keep and bear arms, one vote per person, etc.)

Your money is so you can take care of yourself, not Nancy Pelosi's rich family an extra billion here and there through freebies she helped create with her avaricious and absolute power.

I'm getting sick and tired of Hillary Clinton's alternative vision of village rule rather than strong families. It just results in such strong central power there's a danger the central power feeds itself off the hard work of people who need that money to take care of themselves. My gosh, if there are people in this country who don't care for the founders' America of freedoms, let them go establish themselves in countries where somebody else does all the thinking through central government. The only catch is you have to worship the central committee and go where they want you to go and do what they want you to do.

The American way is you have a voice in what you will strive for in life.
So which party at least tries to regulate savage capitalism...and protect the environment, workers with SS, Medicaid/care, ACA, min wage, disability, etc etc etc....don't be Pub dupes...
Capitalism rewards the people who work hard to make their businesses prosper and give people secure jobs. Republicans are just trying to maintain the freedoms handed down that prevent tyranny (free speech, freedom to worship God as one sees fit and to talk about it in public, the right to keep and bear arms, one vote per person, etc.)

Your money is so you can take care of yourself, not Nancy Pelosi's rich family an extra billion here and there through freebies she helped create with her avaricious and absolute power.

I'm getting sick and tired of Hillary Clinton's alternative vision of village rule rather than strong families. It just results in such strong central power there's a danger the central power feeds itself off the hard work of people who need that money to take care of themselves. My gosh, if there are people in this country who don't care for the founders' America of freedoms, let them go establish themselves in countries where somebody else does all the thinking through central government. The only catch is you have to worship the central committee and go where they want you to go and do what they want you to do.

The American way is you have a voice in what you will strive for in life.

I wish I didn't have to spread some around
Monbiot. Oh my. Ok I'll take the time to read it. And then comment. But Monbiot? The man who almost single handedly gave Britain global warming as part of their breakfast lunch and dinner?

Ok, I will read it.
Politics is a waste of time and here's why......

It's business that really rules us now | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian

*their political system is a mirror image of ours and vice versa*

I am disillusioned with a republican party that is willing to sell itself to business and refuses to do a single thing to help the American people. At least the Democrats are trying to push bills that will help the citizens of this country which is one hell of a lot more then the gop is doing.

I am disillusioned with a democratic party that is willing to sell itself to business and refuses to do a single thing to help the American people get jobs etc. .

Oh and, :lol: right, they are helping them by taking away their choices......
Politics is a waste of time and here's why......

It's business that really rules us now | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian

*their political system is a mirror image of ours and vice versa*
I am disillusioned with a republican party that is willing to sell itself to business and refuses to do a single thing to help the American people. At least the Democrats are trying to push bills that will help the citizens of this country which is one hell of a lot more then the gop is doing.

let me ask you this. is your preference the goofy grape or the rootin tootin raspberry?

what policies would those be? Obamacare?

I propose a plan that would give health insurance to every American.

And how would you do that?

Why make it mandatory to purchase, of course
Politics is a waste of time and here's why......

It's business that really rules us now | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian

*their political system is a mirror image of ours and vice versa*

I am disillusioned with a republican party that is willing to sell itself to business and refuses to do a single thing to help the American people. At least the Democrats are trying to push bills that will help the citizens of this country which is one hell of a lot more then the gop is doing.

I am disillusioned with a democratic party that is willing to sell itself to business and refuses to do a single thing to help the American people get jobs etc. .

Oh and, :lol: right, they are helping them by taking away their choices......

Then again, liberals make such bad choices, that's probably a good thing
I barely made it thru the article because I know who this man is.

I will scream later and address this when I can compose myself.
Without politics, there is no venue for discourse, dissent, assent and etc. So no, I disagree with that assertion. If you pass laws that stop lobbying and return the democratic process to the people where it belongs, corporations and special interests wouldn't be able to influence politics again. It isn't rocket science. If people truly cared about the purity of the democratic process, it would serve to eliminate the poisons within it.
Make Lobbying illegal. Get rid of 'K' street.

Well, then we have to deal with the First Amendment there. So while I wish such a thing were possible, even the lobbyists deserve their first amendment rights. K street is a cancer on American politics, but as it stands now, we have no way of stopping them without violating the Constitution.
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