Zone1 Disney Loves Satan Confession

I read a book by Antoine Lavey called the Satanic Bible. According to the author, Satan doesn’t even literally exist. It’s just the spirit of Satan that taints mankind with plaguing powerful people with accountability.

I can understand why people hate the personage of Satan. He’s a pain in the rear end.
I read a book by Antoine Lavey called the Satanic Bible. According to the author, Satan doesn’t even literally exist. It’s just the spirit of Satan that taints mankind with plaguing powerful people with accountability.

I can understand why people hate the personage of Satan. He’s a pain in the rear end.
You really do carry a lot of issues don't you.

Do you even believe in Satan? You just told us in another thread you think anyone who believes in the Bible is a fool.

Where did you get your belief in him if you don't believe the Bible.

I see spirits in people. I know who you are.
Is anybody all that surprised though? It seems to me that they knew exactly what they were doing.


New kids show from Disney. Keep in mind, this made it through the editing process and to the final product.

the morality police ...

hopefully fjb keeps his guns loaded and ready - for if he comes across one of the elves.

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