Disney Set To Disavow Last 3 Star Wars Films. Not Canon...

The Jar Jar Abrams/Kennedy trilogy was total SJW garbage. It needs to be thrown in the pit of Hades, and let real people who understand the franchise make new movies.
Well, the fans told them. They didn't listen.

They should for the re-finale bring back Skywalker as a raging, tres-powerful Jedi demigod, a human Death Star, intent on destroying the Sith and the Democrats ... er, Imperial forces for all time. :auiqs.jpg:
There is a damn good reason why Lucas sold the Star Wars name brand to Disney, those pieces of garbage he made in twenty years ago sucked.

Agreed, but even they were "Citizen Kane" compared to the most recent debacles.
I remember the day well ... sitting in the audience ... little spacecraft moving away in a typical 2001 manner ... no big deal ...

Then the triangle appeared at the top of the screen ... getting larger and larger ... we could just feel the audience holding their breath, then the gasping started, the little screams, folks fumbling for seat belts that weren't there ...

At the end of that opening scene ... movies were changed forever ... audiences would not longer tolerate that stop-action crap, cheesy models, hand-drawn animation ... a new standard was set for special effects with Star Wars ... 50 years later and it's still the gold standard for these movies ...

I remember the day well ...
Finally after all the fan outrage Disney has finally come to its senses, and is slated to wash its hands of the debacle that was the latest Star Wars trilogy.

I read that John Favreau, after his success with the Mandalorian, may get to take over the whole thing...
Finally after all the fan outrage Disney has finally come to its senses, and is slated to wash its hands of the debacle that was the latest Star Wars trilogy.

I read that John Favreau, after his success with the Mandalorian, may get to take over the whole thing...
I haven’t watched it, but I’ve heard good things.
There is a damn good reason why Lucas sold the Star Wars name brand to Disney, those pieces of garbage he made in twenty years ago sucked.
After Disney’s butchery, I’ve come to have more respect for the previous three titles...
I would not object at all to discarding the last three films, and start over.

The original Star Wars movie told a good, coherent story. Expanded into a trilogy, it told a bigger, good, coherent story.

The prequel trilogy possibly suffered mildly from a condition that I call “Pandorum” (after a movie by that name, which I consider the model organism for the condition, viz., a basically good story stretched way too far), but it told what was basically a good, coherent story as well.

The sequel trilogy is a mess. One gets the impression of episodes 8 and 9, that each was made by someone different, who didn't pay nearly enough attention to what was built in the previous movies in that trilogy. Within each movie, its part of the story makes sense, but the three movies as a whole, do not. And bringing back Palpatine, as they did, seems like a rather ridiculous variant on the deus ex machina principle.

I wouldn't at all mind seeing a whole new sequel trilogy made, ignoring the mess they made of the previous attempt, and written in a more coherent manner that tells a meaningful story across all three movies that compose it. I don't even particularly see a need to redo the first one. The Force Awakens was a good enough start. It just needs to be followed by a movie that pays more attention to it, and builds on it in a way that The Last Jedi really didn't,and then that needs to be followed by a movie that likewise pays attention to the two that come before it, and builds on them, in a way that The Rise of Skywalker really didn't. And Palpatine needs to be left dead, as he was at the end of Return of the Jedi. And I'd really rather have seen Rey turn out to be of the true Skywalker bloodline.
You can't take these people seriously. They control the media stories like they direct the movies. Nothing is real in H'wood and the almighty buck is all that counts.

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