Disney stock down 33% since starting their beef with Florida in 2022

If Ronnie DeLight makes Orlando inhospitable for business, they will invest elsewhere. You're thinking locally, not globally.

And you are thinking short term, not long term. DeSanits will go and others will come.

Disney World covers 47 sq miles, has 139 attractions, 4 golf courses and 30 resorts on the property.

None of that is moveable.
And you are thinking short term, not long term. DeSanits will go and others will come.

Disney World covers 47 sq miles, has 139 attractions, 4 golf courses and 30 resorts on the property.

None of that is moveable.

Not moveable, but definitely ignorable. You're thinking like DeSantis, thinking that Disney is going to capitulate because they're the only game in town. The fact that Iger said "Fuck you, I'm suing" ought to tell you something.

Obviously Disney doesn't want a war with Florida or anyone, but fuck with a major Fortune 500 long enough, and you'll get to the Find Out stage.
Not moveable, but definitely ignorable. You're thinking like DeSantis, thinking that Disney is going to capitulate because they're the only game in town. The fact that Iger said "Fuck you, I'm suing" ought to tell you something.

I do not think that Disney is going to capitulate, I think they are not going to leave the state. They are not one in the same. They have too much invested to just up and leave it all behind.
I do not think that Disney is going to capitulate, I think they are not going to leave the state. They are not one in the same. They have too much invested to just up and leave it all behind.

Depends on what Florida does. It's up to Florida. In other words, people like you. If you vote for business friendly centrists, then this discussion is over. Vote for fascists like DeSantis, and companies like Disney won't give a fuck how much they've invested. They'll move to a friendlier environment where they don't have to worry about culture wars.

Again, maybe you don't know this, but Disney has theme parks all over the world that are every bit as successful as the one in Florida. And no culture wars to worry about.

Orlando has one of North America's busiest airports, and it's not because people fly there to sweat their balls off.
Depends on what Florida does. It's up to Florida. In other words, people like you.

I live in Illinois.

If you vote for business friendly centrists, then this discussion is over. Vote for fascists like DeSantis, and companies like Disney won't give a fuck how much they've invested. They'll move to a friendlier environment where they don't have to worry about culture wars.

You are dreaming

Again, maybe you don't know this, but Disney has theme parks all over the world that are every bit as successful as the one in Florida. And no culture wars to worry about.

I have been to the one in Florida, the one in Cali and the one in Tokyo. Took our daughter to the Tokyo Disney World when she was 5 back in 2000
The top 20 for this year is dominated by them...

Wow, not one movie there that I've heard of, am interested in, or might watch except maybe the Avatar II movie, but I have my doubts even about that one. I already have most of the greats of Hollywood and now that they have gone woke, I've little interest in supporting them any further.
That would be worth the price of admission just to see all your heads explode once again.

Stupid, you imagine my head exploding when my head never explodes. I only laugh at your predictability, but I understand your need to imagine my head "exploding" over it as the wokeness industry wastes billions on a project doomed to failure before it even began.
The decline of the stock has nothing to do with that. It has to do with their almost complete failure in the box office and at their parks.

The last 2 years they have had multiple movies bomb at the box office. Including Lightyear, Strange World, and others like the last Ant Man movie. And neither the latest Guardians of the Galaxy movie or The Little Mermaid is expected to show a profit with underwhelming box office numbers. Plus their Disney+ service continues to bleed both money and subscribers.

And after the recent reveal of the newest Indiana Jones movie that is looking like it will bomb also.

The issues of the company have nothing to do with what is happening in one state, it is because their movies have been underperforming or losing money in the theaters. Hell, they even managed to produce a Star Wars movie that lost money, something unheard of a decade ago.

And add to that, the $2 billion spent to open the Star Wars Starcruiser hotel was a complete bust. It seems that people are not willing to shell out $2,000 per person for 2 nights to stay inside a totally enclosed hotel roleplaying that they are in Star Wars (especially as it's Star Wars form the last 3 movies and not the classic movies).

That is why the company is losing money. The investors have lost faith that the company knows what it is doing, and they might be right.
Go woke, go broke. Just saying.
You can think what you want.

Here's something to chew on. Bob Iger is a pretty experienced CEO - forgot more about business in a few minutes than you or I have learned in a decade or two. He's not bending over for Meatball Ron or his dipshit anti-woke supporters. So what does that tell you?
Bud light?
And you are thinking short term, not long term. DeSanits will go and others will come.

Disney World covers 47 sq miles, has 139 attractions, 4 golf courses and 30 resorts on the property.

None of that is moveable.
Lol, bigger businesses have gone under because of stupid shit.
Go woke, go broke. Just saying.

Which is probably a big part of the problem with their stock value dropping and a series of box office bombs.

They do not seem to get that people in general do not want to go to a movie to be preached to, they want to be entertained. And the company in the past several years has had those in leadership positions pushing an agenda in their films which have been killing the box office.

And that is on top of the problem that they have not really made anything "original" that was a success in a decade. That was when "Frozen" came out, and it was unquestionably a hit. But since then their main studio has fallen to little more then recreating live action remakes of their classic animated films. And the fact that The Little Mermaid will likely barely break even will have little to do with the casting choices. Each of those have been making less and less money than the one before, because in short people are sick and tired of seeing them remake yet another of their "classic" movies from a few decades ago.

What next, are they going to make an animated version of Beauty and the Beast, based on the live action version? How about digging in and doing Song of the South, but the Brer Rabbit segments live action and the Uncle Remus segments animated? Or better yet, as they own the Lucas movies, how about an animated remake of Howard the Duck?

The problem is that they have become so freaking formulaic, that people just don't want to see their movies anymore because they are simply repeats of the last 5 movies. The MCU topped off at the conclusion of Infinity War, and since then have been sinking because they are largely based on almost insignificant properties that nobody could care less about.

Black Panther was a great movie, that was a great tale with a great cast and it does not matter what race they were. But then the sequel was a crappy story, that actually took one of the original Marvel characters and largely crapped all over it in a story about who was the most oppressed. Shang-Chi was not a bad film, but how many who are not comic fans had likely ever heard of the character? The same with the Eternals, I bet if you asked 100 people before the movie came out, not even 5 had heard of them. Black Widow, not a good choice as any franchise ability was lost as she had already been killed before the movie came out.

The MCU has become lost, they have largely poisoned the fanbase of Star Wars by releasing multiple movies that were not only bad, many were actually simply reskins of the first 3 Star Wars films. "Well, we can't make Star Wars with blackjack and hookers, but what if we made another Death Star, but this time it's a planet!" And "Well, we can't reveal that Kylo Ren is anybody but Han's son, so we can't really redo 'Empire'. But wait, we make Rey his granddaughter!"

Yea, about the only thing good about the last 3 main Star Wars movies is that fans now look back at the prequels in a more positive light, and they have taken their place as the three worst Star Wars movies. Solo was actually a mess that lost money, and they have been so over-saturating D+ with spin-offs that it is weakening the brand. Just as they are doing with the MCU.

And don't even get me started on the Indiana Jones film. That is going to once again only be good because after seeing that people will look back and say that the Crystal Skull was not all that bad.

But much like the last 2 of the original Batman series, once Keaton and Burton left none of the replacements could have saved those because the scripts sucked.

Can Disney movie magic return? Of course it can, but they have to make the hard choice to stop doing the "safe course" of remaking their old stuff and return to actual original content that people want.

And stop with the silly race swapping. They have shown in the past with The Princess and the Frog that they are capable of recentering a story on a minority cast without totally destroying the source material. Setting it in a Roaring 20s New Orleans worked, even if the story originated in Germany. But The Little Mermaid? Set in a kingdom in the Caribbean? And with a mish-mash of races it made almost no sense when reading the synopsis the first time.

And it's not like companies can not come back. They did 3 decades ago in the Disney Renaissance. And even directors like M. Night Shyamalan had a series of bombs where each was a rehash of the movie before buy worse. But then came back with sequels from a low grade and barely profitable movie and was able to return to prominence. And since then has made the smart move to stick to lower-budget films which can be profitable even with a lower box office because the costs were lower. Case in point, his last two movies combined cost less than 1/3 of "After Earth", yet made almost as much money.

Ultimately, I think the biggest problem that the House of Mouse is facing is that everything they are making absolutely has to be a $200 million dollar plus blockbuster. And also after running Touchstone successfully for over 3 decades (with a mix of high and low budget films) they killed it. That was a company that had a proven track record of making films on small budgets, and turning large profits. Hell, Three Ninjas cost just $2.5 million, and made over $30 just in the box office (and another $45 million in video sales). That is a far better ROI than all but a few "blockbusters".

But odds are, they will continue to doggie-paddle as the guy that started that trend is back in charge again. And until they finally get rid of those making those horrible choices the company will likely remain as it is. Sinking, and not knowing why. "Woke" is probably part of it, but more than anything else the movies are just not original anymore, and nobody wants to see them. Companies need to cater to the widest audience they can, not a small number that they think they are targeting.

And on the opposite end, you have far-right movies. However, those are almost universally small-budget movies. And in return they make large profits. That is how you make a "woke" movie. If Disney turned out "woke movies" on small budgets, I am sure they would make large profits. "God's Not Dead" cost less than $2 million, but made over $65 million. The entire franchise cost under $13 million to make, yet has made almost $100 million. The latest Left Behind movie made a small profit in the box office ($4.2 million against a $3.1 million budget), but is expected to make a decent profit on video sales and streaming.

That is how you do "woke" movies. And there is an audience for them and they can make money. But that should not be shoveled into mainstream films, because a large chunk of the audience just don't want it.
On March 9, 2022, former Disney CEO Bob Chapek attacked Gov. Ron DeSantis (R., Fla.) for supporting the Parental Rights in Education bill, instigating a feud with the popular governor that persists to this day. Since then, Disney's stock price has lost a third of its value.

Disney stock was trading at $133.65 a share when Chapek accused DeSantis of promoting legislation that would "unfairly target gay, lesbian, nonbinary, and transgender kids and families." Disney shares opened at $89.44 and continued to fall on Wednesday ahead of DeSantis's formal entry into the 2024 presidential campaign.

• That's a decline of 33.1 percent in a little over 14 months.

It looks like yet another example of leftist woke politics not being a good business strategy.

Except that Disney hasn’t lost value since having their problems with Ron DeSantis. The stock started losing value in March, 2021.

The stock was trading at just under $200 a share on March, 2021. So the stock has been declining for two years.
Oh, a hypocrite. Vote for Marxists/Democrats who want to destroy Capitalism, then say you support it.

Jo Jorgensen is a Marxists/Democrat? Are you sure about that?

Gary Johnson is a Marxists/Democrat? Are you sure about that?

Bob Barr is a Marxists/Democrat? Are you sure about that?

Michael Badnarik is a Marxists/Democrat? Are you sure about that?

Harry Browne is a Marxists/Democrat? Are you sure about that?

Ross Perot is a Marxists/Democrat? Are you sure about that?

Didnt you hate President Trump?

I did not hate him, just did not find him a very good POTUS. His failed trade war was anti capitalist as were his tariffs.

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