Disney stock down 33% since starting their beef with Florida in 2022

Ok. Where are they going to go? Anywhere else in the US Central East for year-round warmth is even more considered more conservative than Florida.

Forget the weather, the logistics of "moving" Disney just don't work. To enter into the kind of agreement they need with another state, even to just purchase that much land would be astronomical. This isn't the 1960's when the idea was an unknown quantity. Even attempting to use shell companies it will come out that Disney is buying land and when it does prices jump. Now factor in the costs of "moving" from central Florida to another location. You have to build all the infrastructure from scratch at todays prices. Some things can be moved, but most will have to be rebuilt. Then what do you do with the existing facilities? You won't sell them to a competitor, so you tear it down and sell off the land. Then there is the human factor of employees. A lot of low level positions will be filled by local residents, those people won't "be moved". However the for a lot of higher level employees Disney will have to pay their relocation costs.

Push comes to shove what Disney will do is just establish the Making Our Users Safe Everywhere Political Action Committee (M.O.U.S.E PAC) and will just buy the Florida Legislature and Governorship by running against unfriendly candidates and backing friendly candidates. Cheaper in the long run to change the political leadership of the state than to move.

It wouldn't surprise me one bit if it turned out that Disney and other interested operatives were buying up handfuls of tickets just to make the movie appear doing better than it really is.

The Left is all about fake results.
God, it’s always conspiracies with you people….
God, it’s always conspiracies with you people….

It is a coping mechanism to avoid admitting to themselves there are not as many racist assholes like them that they thought there were
Jo Jorgensen is a Marxists/Democrat? Are you sure about that?

Gary Johnson is a Marxists/Democrat? Are you sure about that?

Bob Barr is a Marxists/Democrat? Are you sure about that?

Michael Badnarik is a Marxists/Democrat? Are you sure about that?

Harry Browne is a Marxists/Democrat? Are you sure about that?

Ross Perot is a Marxists/Democrat? Are you sure about that?

I did not hate him, just did not find him a very good POTUS. His failed trade war was anti capitalist as were his tariffs.

He was a very good President, which the Marxists/Demofascists couldnt have, because he was willing to take on the establishement both R's and D's. Once idiots like you voted in the shitter in Chief Joe, the whole US economy tanked like a 3rd world nation. Way to go on the destruction of this country, as we all know

"NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WASTE". The Marxists want this debt crisis, then they can go full on Communism....

He was a mediocre president till 2020 and then failed the only crisis of his term.

The only Jo I voted for was Jorgensen, do try and keep up for once.
Oh you mean the release upon the US by the Kung Flu, China working with Joe Biteme campaign to bring down President Trump? Dont you find it kinda interesting that it was released when President Trump's economy was rolling, China was in big trouble, and Joe was shitting in his basement because he didnt want to blabber which he always does?
Oh you mean the release upon the US by the Kung Flu, China working with Joe Biteme campaign to bring down President Trump? Dont you find it kinda interesting that it was released when President Trump's economy was rolling, China was in big trouble, and Joe was shitting in his basement because he didnt want to blabber which he always does?

Yes, they released a pandemic upon the whole world, and got the whole world to go along with it just to get Trump out of office!


And then you wonder why you cannot be taken seriously.
where do you think they'll go?
Oh that would be interesting. Billions of dollars a year made in the most advantageous area, where the weather is good almost all year, pack up and head to places where men suck dicks, and women muff dive? Not in the middle east for sure. They have one in France but cant be open all year. Australia? Maybe, but not too many people can get there. Disney isnt going anywhere.....
I do not really care what Ariel is, it is a fucking made up story.
If Disney really wanted to stick it to normal people, they would put a Trannie as the lead actress. I guess Governor Desantis put fear into the company...along with the normal people.
If Disney really wanted to stick it to normal people, they would put a Trannie as the lead actress. I guess Governor Desantis put fear into the company...along with the normal people.

Disney does not want to stick it to normal people, that is just your made up narrative.

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