Disorder Breaks Out as Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Up Sexually Explicit Photos of Hunter Biden During IRS Whistleblower Hearing (VIDEO)


Call me MAGAt again.

I like it.

It demonstrates how scared you are of what's coming.

So MAGAt, speaking of scared what is your prediction on how many new felony charges the current frontrunner for the GOP will be facing once Jack Smith opens up this latest can of whup-ass on him?
Currently the orange golf boy is facing 71 felonies.
I doubt if this upcoming indictment will bring the total charges to the 100 felonies mark but combined with what is coming from Georgia next month he just might get there.
What is your guess?
My goal is to get President Trump back in the White House where he belongs. Whatever it takes. Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.
Well, he's the only person who can stop WW3 from progressing any further, and that's pretty important.

But the Deep Swamp will do whatever it takes to stop him.

That includes 1963 tactics, though they would very much prefer not to use those.

Dudmuck wants more cock! The only question is in the mouth or up the ass (or both?!)
So MAGAt, speaking of scared what is your prediction on how many new felony charges the current frontrunner for the GOP will be facing once Jack Smith opens up this latest can of whup-ass on him?
Currently the orange golf boy is facing 71 felonies.
I doubt if this upcoming indictment will bring the total charges to the 100 felonies mark but combined with what is coming from Georgia next month he just might get there.
What is your guess?

Very nice word salad.

Next time, I'd like to have it dressed with a balsamic vinaigrette. :laughing0301:

But keep saying the MAGAt word.

Don't you ever get tired of being wrong? You might want to consider changing your handle to "Wrongwinger."

"Subpoenaed financial records show that from 2015 to 2017, Biden family members – Hunter Biden, James Biden, Hallie Biden, and an unknown “Biden” – and their companies collectively received $1.3 million in payments from accounts related to Rob Walker, a Biden family associate.

Notably, on March 1, 2017, less than two months after Vice President Joe Biden left public office, State Energy HK Limited, a Chinese company, wired $3 million to Rob Walker’s company. The next day, the company wired $1,065,000 to a company associated with James Gilliar, another Biden family associate. Afterwards, the Biden family received approximately $1,065,000 in payments over a three-month period in different bank accounts. From the bank records, it appears that the Biden family received approximately one-third of the money obtained from the China wire."

Comer Reveals Biden Family Members Receiving Payments from Chinese Energy Company - United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
How is that nefarious?
Well, he's the only person who can stop WW3 from progressing any further, and that's pretty important.

But the Deep Swamp will do whatever it takes to stop him.

That includes 1963 tactics, though they would very much prefer not to use those.
We're already in a cultural civil war, so let's get it on.
What a whore. We don't even allow the members here to post sexually explicit photos on this internet discussion board, and she's dragging them into Congress, the people's house. I could understand (not support) on TV if the broadcasters let it go unedited, but in Congress, that is just some low class trailer trash crap.
But no problems with equivalent filth being peddled in grade schools. Walk away slowly, with whatever shred of integrity you think you still have.
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How is that nefarious?

How is it not nefarious? How is it communist countries give free money to an American Vice President and his family, for seemingly nothing in exchange?

Once again, what "business" were those 20 Biden family LLCs involved in? What did they exchange for the over $17 million dollars given to them by China, Russia, Ukraine, and other countries? Surely not for Hunter Biden's or any other Biden family member's "expertise" in the energy industry. Because unless you can prove that the Biden family had a legitimate product or service they were compensated for, you're full of shit.
The fact that having failed to prove any crime on Hunter's part, you are reduced to trying to embarrass him by showing intimate photos, shows how badly you failed.

Unfortunately, it's par for the course.

Seems that is about where we are in politics today.

She's way over the top.
Unfortunately, it's par for the course.

Seems that is about where we are in politics today.

She's way over the top.
It is embarrassing. The world is laughing at our sleazy smarmy first family. Looks like Biden's promise to restore decency and honor back in the White House was nothing but empty words.
What a low rent thing to say. What sort of upbringing did you have?
Progs are trying to destroy RFK jr. The Jewish control of our nation seems to be silent behind the scenes with Wasserman Schultz throwing her crap at him. Using 6 million Jewish deaths to promote her politics. She would be Jewish person to sell out other Jews to keep herself alive. RFK jr. is a Democrat. Just not as far left. we are heading into an abyss.
What a whore. We don't even allow the members here to post sexually explicit photos on this internet discussion board, and she's dragging them into Congress, the people's house. I could understand (not support) on TV if the broadcasters let it go unedited, but in Congress, that is just some low class trailer trash crap.
she is great,HOORAY

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