Disorder Breaks Out as Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Up Sexually Explicit Photos of Hunter Biden During IRS Whistleblower Hearing (VIDEO)

The fact that having failed to prove any crime on Hunter's part, you are reduced to trying to embarrass him by showing intimate photos, shows how badly you failed.
Honest to GOD!!! Do you truly believe that? Wait, you also believe nothing against Trump has been proved and that Democrats are embarrassed at their boneheaded claims?

Hahaha. That’s all you have because every single one of you knows the Bidens are corrupt as hell.
You do the math you seem to be the imbecile
Here is what I know. Every year about 4 million Americans turn 18 and become eligible to vote. Also every year about 2 and a half million older Americans die. So that means that between 2016 and 2024 Gen Z has gained about 52 million over older voters. And Gen Z votes. Do the math. Figure it out. And keep your remaining fingers outa your nose.

Here is what I know. Every year about 4 million Americans turn 18 and become eligible to vote. Also every year about 2 and a half million older Americans die. So that means that between 2016 and 2024 Gen Z has gained about 52 million over older voters. And Gen Z votes. Do the math. Figure it out. And keep your remaining fingers outa your nose.
And you are proud to be a member of one of the most dumb down Generations in the history of the United States. Congratulations again. Probably why you're asking me to do your math for you. Maybe you should try keeping your fingers out of your ass and pick up a book.
What a whore. We don't even allow the members here to post sexually explicit photos on this internet discussion board, and she's dragging them into Congress, the people's house. I could understand (not support) on TV if the broadcasters let it go unedited, but in Congress, that is just some low class trailer trash crap.

Can you direct me to the posts in which you also criticized... say, Bill Clinton's adulterous laisons .. and worse: rape?

And how about when the Schiffty one lied his ass off to the whole world about Trump and all things related... ?

But I guess lying your ass off as a Congressperson is nothing compared to MTG showing America.... OMG OMG OMG

the truth (about our "leaders" and their sicko families)

which reminds me: Why would a GOOD father approve of his son's debauchery, thereby sending him the message he need not change/repent of it?

It is not good parenting to condone your child's sickness/perversity.. which BTW some of us say leads to eternal damnation
Why on earth would you announce something so personal???

You nuts are unbelievable
never mind that the millions this family got from corrupt, anti-America countries (thanks to the American system [run amok]) means the head of said family is compromised, meaning he can't be trusted to do what is right by America, only what is right by said corrupt family


you leftists are so creepy with your skewed priorities
never mind that the millions this family got from corrupt, anti-America countries (thanks to the American system [run amok]) means the head of said family is compromised, meaning he can't be trusted to do what is right by America, only what is right by said corrupt family


you leftists are so creepy with your skewed priorities
Please post your credible PROOF of this....or STFU.
You MAGAt snowflakes are like a broken preschool record.
Do some research on Kari Lake and the way that election was run and get back to me.
Jesus H, where do you start? MTG off the top ropes with an elbow right to raskin's pussy.... that's gonna leave a mark.

Is raskin looking more and more like a cleaning lady? WTF


That lymphoma isn't working fast enough for my tastes.

Remember, the whore in this picture was written off his taxes by the crackhead as his "West Coast Assistant".

decency 99w.jpg

Not Jill.... the other whore.

This 3rd-generation, incestuous, pedophilic trailer trash is the laughingstock of the planet.

"Smartest man I know". - Josef Stolen, circa 2021 :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

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