Dissecting John Stossel's Anti-Communist Lies

Cuba is one of the countries with the most doctors. They even send doctors to other countries, so you obviously don't know what you're talking about.

How come their own people can't see them?
You fail in assuming that if an economic system or mode of production is the successor of another earlier system, it must replace its predecessor immediately or within a certain arbitrary period of time (set by you of course).

Communism didn't replace capitalism in USSR, Cuba, Eastern Europe etc?
Communism didn't fail miserably in all those places? You sound confused.

Asserting that since attempts to establish communism in the past at a national scale have ultimately failed, such attempts WILL ALWAYS FAIL. That might be your wish, fantasy, or dream, but it's an illogical fallacy.

Well, communism's massive failures worldwide isn't a show of strength.
Any examples of successful communism in the world today?

This capitalist "tooth and nail" struggle consists of communist countries being bombed, invaded, sanctioned, sabotaged, demonized. etc.

The Capitalists Will Sell Us the Rope with Which We Will Hang Them​

Unless they stop selling us rope, in which case, communism fails miserably. Again. LOL!

He sucks at boxing, see how he lost? Well maybe he doesn't really suck at boxing, perhaps you suck for tying one of his hands behind his back and blinding him in one eye.

Communism let us do that to them? LOL! Morons.

there's a lot you can do to undermine a smaller, developing nation's effort to successfully socialize and democratize its economy

Smaller nation? Isn't Russia the biggest in the world?

Just admit it. Even millions of bureaucrats can't set prices and production across an entire economy as successfully as the free market. Even if you kill millions and fill the gulags in the attempt. Communism sucks, then, now and in the future.

I wasn't just referring to Russia but other countries as well that identify themselves as having a communist economy and state. In the early 20th century, Russia with respect to its GDP, industrialization, literacy, military capabilities..etc was a midget compared to most Western countries. You're limiting the statement to territorial or geographical size, whereas I was referring to all of the above-mentioned criteria, not the amount of territory Russia possesses or the size of its population.

There is no free market, that's a fairy tale that only exists in the minds of capitalists and their brainwashed serfs (who hope and strive to become capitalist parasite smoochers themselves, bossing people around). The imaginary "invisible hand" of the capitalist-dominated "free market" always leads to monopolization and cronyism. Capitalist markets (markets in general), become obsolete when production, inventory storage, accounting, and distribution become highly automated and computerized. When a significant % of wage labor is reduced due to advanced automation, the need for capitalists and their markets disappears and can be replaced with advanced computerized, rational central planning.

There are several contradictions in capitalism that eventually lead to the necessary adoption of high communism (the next stage in the evolution of human production). What are those contradictions?

The primary contradiction is found in the relationship between the employer and the employee. The employer owns the means of production (the facilities, machinery, vehicles. etc) whereas the employee doesn't, hence has to sell his or her labor-power (life, body, presence, safety, health, time, skills even their dignity), to an employer-lord. Capitalism creates a new dynamic set of socioeconomic relationships and classes, with their own needs and interests.

How does the employer make money (accumulate capital)? He does it by paying you $12 an hour and getting $20 or $60+ hourly from the output of your labor. You might even produce $1000+ hourly for him and he pays you your $12. He also has to pay what is often termed "overhead" (the cost of doing business). He pays the rent of the factory or the mortgage, he pays for electricity, water, gas for the vehicles, permits, taxes..etc. After he pays all of that, what is left is his profits (the net output value of what he draws from your labor).

Where is the contradiction?

The contradiction arises when one compares the needs and interests of the employer with that of the employee. The bottom line of the business is to make a profit (the employer isn't running a charity). It's in the employer's best interest to lower the overhead or cost of doing business as much as possible, in order to increase profits. One of the greatest expenses (and pains in the butt) of running a business is the hiring and management of human labor (employees). In general, with few exceptions, the employee wants to get paid more for as little labor as possible, in a safe, and if possible, comfortable environment, and also needs training, insurance, time for lunch, bathroom..etc.

The relationship between the employer (capitalist) and the employee (workers) is inherently adversarial and in conflict. The employer wants to produce his products as cost-effectively as possible, always looking for a way to cut his overhead in order to increase his profits. The employee is always looking for a way to get paid more if possible and makes certain demands from the employer, especially if that employee is unionized (has formed a union with other workers who share the same needs and concerns as himself). The employer has to compete in the market with other capitalists who are also always looking for ways to save money in production in order to increase their profits and market share.

All of the above leads to:

The primary contradiction of capitalism.

Which is the replacement of human labor with automation technology by employers, despite the fact that fundamentally, the profits of the employer completely rely on the wages paid to that human labor that is being replaced with technology.



There is the primary contradiction.

The competition between capitalists (employers), led to a boom in production technology. Technology (especially in the area of production) advances exponentially, driven by the capitalist's drive for capital (profits) and market dominance (a greater share of the market). Capitalist employers are forced to make production, as efficient and automated as possible in order to reduce the cost of production and effectively compete with other capitalist employers. That drive to automate production and make it as efficient as possible eventually leads to a catastrophic outcome for everyone (the employer and the employees).

Once production technology allows for a certain level of automation, capitalism becomes superfluous and obsolete. There's no more need for capitalists, markets, or even money. However, since the capitalists (employers, the wealthy elites), depend upon capitalism to maintain their elite social status and power, over the means of production and the state, they do everything possible to maintain their privileged status and position. How do they do that? Like this:

They pretend that the people who need to worry about advanced automation technology are the working-class, the average Joe, not the wealthy, capitalist elites (i.e. employers) whose power and profits rely on human labor getting paid their wages. They go on TV and in their interviews they talk about how working-class people better "re-tool" themselves in order to make themselves more attractive and useful to capitalists. They warn the working class of the impending crisis of being replaced with advanced technology and being rendered worthless and unemployable. Who really should worry? The 95% of the population that sells their labor to 5% of the population? No.

The capitalists hope to be bailed out by the government through a UBI or Universal Basic Income, which is paid to everyone, in order to avoid the masses from starving and living under a bridge. They'll also use that "free money" or UBI, to keep capitalism on life-support, allowing them to sell their products and services to a customer base created by that UBI. From the perspective of the capitalists, this new "arrangement" only continues until they can get rid of us.

Ironically, it's the capitalists themselves who eventually become high-tech communists and at best keep the masses under their heels as serfs, and slaves and at worse, send most people to the compost heap. Malthusianism coupled with high-tech communist feudalism. They remain the owners of the means of production and everything else of value whereas the average person either serves them as slaves or dies. Too many people, unemployed, and useless become a threat to the wealthy elite's control over resources and the state, hence they will start "culling the herd".

The choice that the working-class have is between owning and controlling the means of production and the state collectively or allowing the wealthy owner-class to remain in power, owning everything and consigning everyone to the compost heap. Either we socialize and democratize production and produce everything that we consume for the purpose of meeting our needs or we allow the elites to render everyone useless and consign us all to poverty and eventually extinction.

Now I ask you who defends capitalism. What is your solution to the capitalist's elimination of human labor with advanced automation technology? Educate us on your capitalist solution.
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Of course they send doctors to other countries.
They can earn hard currency for their corrupt leaders and it's not like they're
really giving decent healthcare to their enslaved citizens.
Yeah sure keep slandering them, ignoring all of the facts and data to the contrary. Cubans enjoy a higher life expectancy and a lower child mortality rate, than we do here in the US. It's the UN and other international organizations that admit to this. You can deny it and pretend all of the data is fabricated, but then anyone can simply doubt all of the data that you present in support of capitalism. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. How about that?
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Yeah sure keep slandering them, ignoring all of the facts and data to the contrary. Cubans enjoy a higher life expectancy and a lower child mortality rate, than we do here in the US. It's the UN and other international organizations that admit to this. You can deny it and pretend all of the data is fabricated, but then anyone can simply doubt all of the data that you present in support of capitalism. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. How about that?

Cubans enjoy a higher life expectancy and a lower child mortality rate, than we do here in the US

Right. Because commies never lie about their statistics. DURR.

Cuba is so awesome, that Cubans regularly risk their lives to escape to the US.

Maybe they know something you still can't figure out. Like the East Germans.
And everyone else who tried to escape one of your "worker's paradise".
Yeah sure keep slandering them, ignoring all of the facts and data to the contrary. Cubans enjoy a higher life expectancy and a lower child mortality rate, than we do here in the US. It's the UN and other international organizations that admit to this. You can deny it and pretend all of the data is fabricated, but then anyone can simply doubt all of the data that you present in support of capitalism. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. How about that?
Cubans enjoy no such thibng.

Their medical infrastructure is a disaster and they have more inferior health care than any western nation.

The often touted states aboiut ;ife expectancy etc ius pure fictional propoganda manufactured by the Cuban government.

We know this due to first hand documented evidence smuggled out by doctors who escaped to the US.

I wasn't just referring to Russia but other countries as well that identify themselves as having a communist economy and state. In the early 20th century, Russia with respect to its GDP, industrialization, literacy, military capabilities..etc was a midget compared to most Western countries. You're limiting the statement to territorial or geographical size, whereas I was referring to all of the above-mentioned criteria, not the amount of territory Russia possesses or the size of its population.

There is no free market, that's a fairy tale that only exists in the minds of capitalists and their brainwashed serfs (who hope and strive to become capitalist parasite smoochers themselves, bossing people around). The imaginary "invisible hand" of the capitalist-dominated "free market" always leads to monopolization and cronyism. Capitalist markets (markets in general), become obsolete when production, inventory storage, accounting, and distribution become highly automated and computerized. When a significant % of wage labor is reduced due to advanced automation, the need for capitalists and their markets disappears and can be replaced with advanced computerized, rational central planning.

There are several contradictions in capitalism that eventually lead to the necessary adoption of high communism (the next stage in the evolution of human production). What are those contradictions?

The primary contradiction is found in the relationship between the employer and the employee. The employer owns the means of production (the facilities, machinery, vehicles. etc) whereas the employee doesn't, hence has to sell his or her labor-power (life, body, presence, safety, health, time, skills even their dignity), to an employer-lord. Capitalism creates a new dynamic set of socioeconomic relationships and classes, with their own needs and interests.

How does the employer make money (accumulate capital)? He does it by paying you $12 an hour and getting $20 or $60+ hourly from the output of your labor. You might even produce $1000+ hourly for him and he pays you your $12. He also has to pay what is often termed "overhead" (the cost of doing business). He pays the rent of the factory or the mortgage, he pays for electricity, water, gas for the vehicles, permits, taxes..etc. After he pays all of that, what is left is his profits (the net output value of what he draws from your labor).

Where is the contradiction?

The contradiction arises when one compares the needs and interests of the employer with that of the employee. The bottom line of the business is to make a profit (the employer isn't running a charity). It's in the employer's best interest to lower the overhead or cost of doing business as much as possible, in order to increase profits. One of the greatest expenses (and pains in the butt) of running a business is the hiring and management of human labor (employees). In general, with few exceptions, the employee wants to get paid more for as little labor as possible, in a safe, and if possible, comfortable environment, and also needs training, insurance, time for lunch, bathroom..etc.

The relationship between the employer (capitalist) and the employee (workers) is inherently adversarial and in conflict. The employer wants to produce his products as cost-effectively as possible, always looking for a way to cut his overhead in order to increase his profits. The employee is always looking for a way to get paid more if possible and makes certain demands from the employer, especially if that employee is unionized (has formed a union with other workers who share the same needs and concerns as himself). The employer has to compete in the market with other capitalists who are also always looking for ways to save money in production in order to increase their profits and market share.

All of the above leads to:

The primary contradiction of capitalism.

Which is the replacement of human labor with automation technology by employers, despite the fact that fundamentally, the profits of the employer completely rely on the wages paid to that human labor that is being replaced with technology.



There is the primary contradiction.

The competition between capitalists (employers), led to a boom in production technology. Technology (especially in the area of production) advances exponentially, driven by the capitalist's drive for capital (profits) and market dominance (a greater share of the market). Capitalist employers are forced to make production, as efficient and automated as possible in order to reduce the cost of production and effectively compete with other capitalist employers. That drive to automate production and make it as efficient as possible eventually leads to a catastrophic outcome for everyone (the employer and the employees).

Once production technology allows for a certain level of automation, capitalism becomes superfluous and obsolete. There's no more need for capitalists, markets, or even money. However, since the capitalists (employers, the wealthy elites), depend upon capitalism to maintain their elite social status and power, over the means of production and the state, they do everything possible to maintain their privileged status and position. How do they do that? Like this:

They pretend that the people who need to worry about advanced automation technology are the working-class, the average Joe, not the wealthy, capitalist elites (i.e. employers) whose power and profits rely on human labor getting paid their wages. They go on TV and in their interviews they talk about how working-class people better "re-tool" themselves in order to make themselves more attractive and useful to capitalists. They warn the working class of the impending crisis of being replaced with advanced technology and being rendered worthless and unemployable. Who really should worry? The 95% of the population that sells their labor to 5% of the population? No.

The capitalists hope to be bailed out by the government through a UBI or Universal Basic Income, which is paid to everyone, in order to avoid the masses from starving and living under a bridge. They'll also use that "free money" or UBI, to keep capitalism on life-support, allowing them to sell their products and services to a customer base created by that UBI. From the perspective of the capitalists, this new "arrangement" only continues until they can get rid of us.

Ironically, it's the capitalists themselves who eventually become high-tech communists and at best keep the masses under their heels as serfs, and slaves and at worse, send most people to the compost heap. Malthusianism coupled with high-tech communist feudalism. They remain the owners of the means of production and everything else of value whereas the average person either serves them as slaves or dies. Too many people, unemployed, and useless become a threat to the wealthy elite's control over resources and the state, hence they will start "culling the herd".

The choice that the working-class have is between owning and controlling the means of production and the state collectively or allowing the wealthy owner-class to remain in power, owning everything and consigning everyone to the compost heap. Either we socialize and democratize production and produce everything that we consume for the purpose of meeting our needs or we allow the elites to render everyone useless and consign us all to poverty and eventually extinction.

Now I ask you who defends capitalism. What is your solution to the capitalist's elimination of human labor with advanced automation technology? Educate us on your capitalist solution.

This is the proven bullshit peddled by MArx which is simply false.

Marx was essentially a moron and dead beat who could not even balance a check book yet fools consider his ideas on economics to be brilliant.

The fact is that the WORKERS are the one doing the exloiting under capitalism. They exploit the surplus value fo the capital investments of the employer. They do this so they can get paid more.

Take the favorite example used by the drooling idiot Richard Wolff. He loves to use the example of the chair maker. You learn to make chairs and assemple them in your shop or garage and sell them. If you make a thousand you keep all the profits. But if you make a thousand chairs working for someone else you only get a small amount of the profit.

What Wollf ignores because he is a retarded dumbass is that making chairs on your own limits you to selling a few and no more because you have no distribution network of storage warehouse or transportation for long distance sales. Of course you also have no marketing or advertising to reach a large number of customers.

At best you will sell a dozen, give or take a few, to the people who live near you and thats it. You won't be able to reach people hundreds of miles away and sell any chairs to them Capitalism allows for this because the employer invests in all the necessary means to make and sell thousands of chairs. As a result the people working for him make more money and live better than the schmuck making chairs in his garage and starving after he runs out of nearby customers.

The value of your labor is not what benefitsw the employer. The value of your labor is strictly what you could make working alone for yourself. It is the laborer exploiting the risks of the employer.

The labor theory of value by Marx is DISPROVEN for this and many other reasons. His correlation of commodity is a ludicrous dad joke and nothing more,, His dialectic view of history is laughably banal and simplistic and completely lacking in scientific merit.

But fools still keep believing the drivel and marx vomited out leading the mass murder of millions
Cubans enjoy a higher life expectancy and a lower child mortality rate, than we do here in the US

Right. Because commies never lie about their statistics. DURR.

Cuba is so awesome, that Cubans regularly risk their lives to escape to the US.

Maybe they know something you still can't figure out. Like the East Germans.
And everyone else who tried to escape one of your "worker's paradise".

You conveniently forgot to mention the fact that Cuba is being brutally sanctioned by the United States, the capitalist hegemon and strongman bully. Most Cubans support their socialist revolution, so you're basing your argument on old news from Miami. When Cubans leave the Island today they leave on a plane. I'm a Cuban American from Miami, I know more about Cuba than you will ever know. The stats that I mentioned are verified by the UN and other international organizations, so all of your points are moot. Haiti is a capitalist-run country that isn't being economically sanctioned as Cuba is and yet people there are still risking their lives, packed like sardines on makeshift boats to get to America (i.e. to the empire):


More, most of the illegal immigration from Latin America isn't coming from Cuba or any other socialist country. Most of the illegals are coming from El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico (capitalist-run plutocracies that aren't being brutally sanctioned by the US). Again, your reasoning is flawed and your claim is moot. All you have is slanderous bullshit rhetoric. Old worn-out cold war polemics and cheap propaganda:

Former high-ranking CIA agents admitting to the bullshit invented against socialists.

Answer my question and stop ignoring it. What is your capitalist solution to the widely recognized and expected crisis of capitalists replacing wage labor with advanced automation technology? Go ahead, provide us with your capitalist solution.


For those interested in learning more about the Cuban revolution and the inhumane, economic embargo imposed on Cuba by the United States, read the above book. I'm providing it here in PDF, for all of the truth seekers.


  • The Economic War Against Cuba - Lamrani, Salim.pdf
    958 KB · Views: 7
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Now I ask you who defends capitalism. What is your solution to the capitalist's elimination of human labor with advanced automation technology? Educate us on your capitalist solution.

I'll give you credit for hanging in there.

And putting effort into it.

Don't think you're convincing anyone, though.
You conveniently forgot to mention the fact that Cuba is being brutally sanctioned by the United States, the capitalist hegemon and strongman bully. Most Cubans support their socialist revolution, so you're basing your argument on old news from Miami. When Cubans leave the Island today they leave on a plane. I'm a Cuban American from Miami, I know more about Cuba than you will ever know. The stats that I mentioned are verified by the UN and other international organizations, so all of your points are moot. Haiti is a capitalist-run country that isn't being economically sanctioned as Cuba is and yet people there are still risking their lives, packed like sardines on makeshift boats to get to America (i.e. to the empire):

More, most of the illegal immigration from Latin America isn't coming from Cuba or any other socialist country. Most of the illegals are coming from El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico (capitalist-run plutocracies that aren't being brutally sanctioned by the US). Again, your reasoning is flawed and your claim is moot. All you have is slanderous bullshit rhetoric. Old worn-out cold war polemics and cheap propaganda:

Former high-ranking CIA agents admitting to the bullshit invented against socialists.

Answer my question and stop ignoring it. What is your capitalist solution to the widely recognized and expected crisis of capitalists replacing wage labor with advanced automation technology? Go ahead, provide us with your capitalist solution.

For those interested in learning more about the Cuban revolution and the inhumane, economic embargo imposed on Cuba by the United States, read the above book. I'm providing it here in PDF, for all of the truth seekers.

You conveniently forgot to mention the fact that Cuba is being brutally sanctioned by the United States, the capitalist hegemon and strongman bully.

I know. So brutal!!

Why can't we be nice to the commies enslaving their own people?
Can't we all just get along?

Most Cubans support their socialist revolution,

Obviously. Everyone who doesn't already left, was executed or jailed.
All the rest fell free to honestly share their opinion of their government. DURR.

I'm a Cuban American from Miami, I know more about Cuba than you will ever know.

Why haven't you moved to Cuba? We won't extradite you, promise.

The stats that I mentioned are verified by the UN and other international organizations,

A commie with a sense of humor.

Most of the illegals are coming from El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico (capitalist-run plutocracies that aren't being brutally sanctioned by the US).

Why aren't they fleeing to the commie paradise your parents fled from?

All you have is slanderous bullshit rhetoric.

Don't cry.
You conveniently forgot to mention the fact that Cuba is being brutally sanctioned by the United States, the capitalist hegemon and strongman bully. Most Cubans support their socialist revolution, so you're basing your argument on old news from Miami. When Cubans leave the Island today they leave on a plane. I'm a Cuban American from Miami, I know more about Cuba than you will ever know. The stats that I mentioned are verified by the UN and other international organizations, so all of your points are moot. Haiti is a capitalist-run country that isn't being economically sanctioned as Cuba is and yet people there are still risking their lives, packed like sardines on makeshift boats to get to America (i.e. to the empire):

More, most of the illegal immigration from Latin America isn't coming from Cuba or any other socialist country. Most of the illegals are coming from El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico (capitalist-run plutocracies that aren't being brutally sanctioned by the US). Again, your reasoning is flawed and your claim is moot. All you have is slanderous bullshit rhetoric. Old worn-out cold war polemics and cheap propaganda:

Former high-ranking CIA agents admitting to the bullshit invented against socialists.

Answer my question and stop ignoring it. What is your capitalist solution to the widely recognized and expected crisis of capitalists replacing wage labor with advanced automation technology? Go ahead, provide us with your capitalist solution.

For those interested in learning more about the Cuban revolution and the inhumane, economic embargo imposed on Cuba by the United States, read the above book. I'm providing it here in PDF, for all of the truth seekers.

Sanctioned by the US only. Cubas problems are Cubas doing.
Sanctioned by the US only. Cubas problems are Cubas doing.

Continuing sanctions against Cuba is cruel and petty. Why do we care what kind of government they choose?

Didn't Trump reinstate sanctions?

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Continuing sanctions against Cuba is cruel and petty. Why do we care what kind of government they choose?

Didn't Trump reinstate sanctions?

What do they do? Honestly, we don't get to buy Cuban cigars. That's it. The Cuban masters can get whatever they need from the rest of the world.

The Soviet Union gave them BILLIONS and where didcall of that money go?

The Castro Brothers and their minions.
The regime needs to earn hard currency somehow.

It doesn't pay to keep the doctors at home, treating their poor, enslaved citizens.
What garbage. All of the Cuban doctors aren't practicing medicine outside of Cuba, and it's only recently that sometimes (not always), the governments of the countries they serve, pay them a very reasonable amount of money when compared to what they would pay Western doctors. There are missions that Cuba participates in without charging a peso. So again, what's coming out of your "capitalist keyboard" is just putrid, stinking trash. Rubbish.

Cuba is recognized around the world as having one of the best healthcare systems and they have that despite of the fact that it is being brutally, inhumanely embargoed by the United States and its cronies.

Also look at this:

According to the The World Factbook, by 2009 Cuba had an average life expectancy of 78.05 years.[16][non-primary source needed]

Cuba began a food rationing program in 1962 to guarantee all citizens a low-priced basket of basic foods. As of 2007, the government was spending about $1 billion annually to subsidise the food ration. The ration would cost about $50 at an average grocery store in the United States, but the Cuban citizen pays only $1.20 for it. The ration includes rice, legumes, potatoes, bread, eggs, and a small amount of meat. It provides about 30 to 70 percent of the 3,300 kilocalories that the average Cuban consumes daily. The people obtain the rest of their food from government stores (Tiendas), free market stores and cooperatives, barter, their own gardens, and the black market.

According to the Pan American Health Organization, daily caloric intake per person in various places in 2003 were as follows (unit is kilocalories):
Cuba, 3,286;

Source of the above quote: Health in Cuba - Wikipedia

According to WHO figures for 2016, Cuba (U5M) has an under-5 child mortality U5M rate of 5.5 per 1000 live births. You can google this.

All you defenders of capitalism can do is lie. Lie lie lie lie. Ironically, you're most likely a working-class person. You're not a capitalist, you're slaving for them and defending your capitalist-lords. Defending your own slavery and future destruction. Either you're a brainwashed working-class person or you're a capitalist and here mindlessly, full of rancor and cynicism, doing everything possible to malign and demonize countries like Cuba and their socialist revolutions.

Now stop ignoring this question and answer it. What is your capitalist solution for human labor being replaced with advanced automation? How do you pretend to maintain the capitalist system, when wage labor is being replaced with technology? Go ahead, use your keyboard for something useful and educate us on your capitalist solution.
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You conveniently forgot to mention the fact that Cuba is being brutally sanctioned by the United States, the capitalist hegemon and strongman bully.

I know. So brutal!!

Why can't we be nice to the commies enslaving their own people?
Can't we all just get along?

Most Cubans support their socialist revolution,

Obviously. Everyone who doesn't already left, was executed or jailed.
All the rest fell free to honestly share their opinion of their government. DURR.

I'm a Cuban American from Miami, I know more about Cuba than you will ever know.

Why haven't you moved to Cuba? We won't extradite you, promise.

The stats that I mentioned are verified by the UN and other international organizations,

A commie with a sense of humor.

Most of the illegals are coming from El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico (capitalist-run plutocracies that aren't being brutally sanctioned by the US).

Why aren't they fleeing to the commie paradise your parents fled from?

All you have is slanderous bullshit rhetoric.

Don't cry.

Everything that comes out of your keyboard about Cuba is trash, so go make a sandwhich. As far as me leaving to Cuba, why the heck would I do that? I'm an American, a veteran, and I'm here to stay and do everything I can to convert this country to high-tech, democratic communism:

If you don't like that, too bad bucko. You leave, how about that? Bye bye.
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Continuing sanctions against Cuba is cruel and petty. Why do we care what kind of government they choose?

Didn't Trump reinstate sanctions?

They did not choose it.

It was imposed on them
Everything that comes out of your keyboard about Cuba is trash, so go make a sandwhich. As far as me leaving to Cuba, why the heck would I do that? I'm an American, a veteran, and I'm here to stay and do everything I can to convert this country to high-tech, democratic communism:

If you don't like that, too bad bucko. You leave, how about that? Bye bye.
There is no such thing as high tech communism or democratic communism
Continuing sanctions against Cuba is cruel and petty. Why do we care what kind of government they choose?

Didn't Trump reinstate sanctions?

Yes he did. Obama lifted many of the sanctions and Cubans on the Island saw a dramatic improvement in their standard of living. The sanctions just hurt the people, not those in power. Trump reinstated the sanctions and people's lives got much worse.

But people like Todd just don't get it, so they support the embargoes and sanctions. This is how evil and arrogant some Americans are, not being able to co-exist peacefully with anyone. They're nothing more than imperialist bullies.

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