Dissecting John Stossel's Anti-Communist Lies

Its not easy for individuals to start a budiness either

You seem to want everything handed to workers with no effort from them
You seem to want everything handed to a few rich capitalists, who want to live off of other people's labor.
Allocating resources to the people who produced them, to maintain and increase production, is not the same as the government providing subsidies to capitalists who can't compete in the marketplace and didn't produce shit,

I know. So why didn't totally government funded communism, without all the yucky capitalists, defeat all the yucky capitalists?

Is it because all the commies were morons?
Or is there another excuse for their utter defeat?
I know. So why didn't totally government funded communism, without all the yucky capitalists, defeat all the yucky capitalists?

Is it because all the commies were morons?
Or is there another excuse for their utter defeat?
My assumption is that for communism to work completely, you have to have complete compliance. That means for one idea to exist outside the ideology is bad and is non-compliant. How do you get complete and total compliance? Manipulation or force.
You seem to want everything handed to a few rich capitalists, who want to live off of other people's labor.
What's stopping you from living like the Amish? Minus the religious aspect of their community? Which laws in the US prohibit you from living in some commune with other likeminded people, dividing up the labor and spoils evenly. Or unevenly if that's what you decide?

We all know there's nothing stopping you since the Amish are already doing it.
I know. So why didn't totally government funded communism, without all the yucky capitalists, defeat all the yucky capitalists?

Is it because all the commies were morons?
Or is there another excuse for their utter defeat?
Your teacher in grade school told you there aren't any stupid questions, but the bitch lied to you. There are indeed stupid questions and you just asked one of them. It's not how you start the race, it's how you finish it.
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What's stopping you from living like the Amish? Minus the religious aspect of their community? Which laws in the US prohibit you from living in some commune with other likeminded people, dividing up the labor and spoils evenly. Or unevenly if that's what you decide?

We all know there's nothing stopping you since the Amish are already doing it.
I know Couchpotato because the government and society in general should remain enslaved by capitalists. What harm can that bring to a hippy commune? Nothing of course. Hippy communes are immune to WW3, economic collapses, climate change, and marauding bands of desperate, hungry people who can't find a job, because intelligent robots replaced them. Whatever happens to humanity, really doesn't concern or affect us at all. We should just isolate ourselves in a commune and hope for the best. Let the capitalists fuck the world, who cares?

Well no, I'm being a sarcastic asshole. We're going to establish a socialist country, where the working class run the show, and work together to create a better world, no longer under the heel of the insatiable, psychotic capitalist pursuit for profits.
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My assumption is that for communism to work completely, you have to have complete compliance. That means for one idea to exist outside the ideology is bad and is non-compliant. How do you get complete and total compliance? Manipulation or force.
It sounds like the United States, where you go to jail if you don't comply with the law. Socialists aren't really allowed to participate in the political process and life of this country, especially far-left communists. So what's good for the goose, is good for the gander.
I know Couchpotato because the government and society in general should remain enslaved by capitalists. What harm can that bring to a hippy commune? Nothing of course. Hippy communes are immune to WW3, economic collapses, cimate change, marauding bands of desperate, hungry people who can't find a job, because intelligent robots replaced them. Whatever happens to humanity, really doesn't concern or affect us at all. We should just isolate ourselves in a commune and hope for the best. Let the capitalists fuck the world, who cares?

Well no, I'm being a sarcastic asshole. We're going to establish a socialist country, where the working class run the show, and work together to create a better world, no longer under the heel of the insatiable, psychotic capitalist pursuit for profits.
Yeah because Communism/Socialism hasn't brought any of that to the world. LOL. Do you read the bullshit you type before hitting the post button?
Your teacher in grade school told you there aren't any stupid questions, but the bitch lied to you. There are indeed stupid questions and you just asked one of them. It's not how you start the race, it's how you finish it.

Capitalism lapped communism 60 years ago.
Are you still in a race? How would anyone know?
My assumption is that for communism to work completely, you have to have complete compliance. That means for one idea to exist outside the ideology is bad and is non-compliant. How do you get complete and total compliance? Manipulation or force.

Any of what? What are you referring to?
"WW3, economic collapses, cimate change, marauding bands of desperate, hungry people who can't find a job"

The last I checked the capitalistic democracies are far better on these issues than any communist or socialist government has ever hoped to be. BTW your posting on a website that's capitalist, using the internet created by a capitalist, that's riding on a comm backbone created by a capitalist, utilizing either a computer or phone created by a capitalist.
You seem to want everything handed to a few rich capitalists, who want to live off of other people's labor.
I just explained to you that without businessmen workers would be begging on the streets
"WW3, economic collapses, cimate change, marauding bands of desperate, hungry people who can't find a job"

The last I checked the capitalistic democracies are far better on these issues than any communist or socialist government has ever hoped to be. BTW your posting on a website that's capitalist, using the internet created by a capitalist, that's riding on a comm backbone created by a capitalist, utilizing either a computer or phone created by a capitalist.

You need to wake up. Are you aware, that the internet used to be ARPANET? It was created by the US government for the Department Of Defense, DOD. Moreover, WIFI was first created by the University of Hawai, and funded by the US government.

"ALOHAnet, also known as the ALOHA System, or simply ALOHA, was a pioneering computer networking system developed at the University of Hawaii. The ALOHAnet used a new method of medium access, called ALOHA random access, and experimental ultra high frequency (UHF) for its operation."

"In the 1970s ALOHA random access was employed in the nascent Ethernet cable based network[16] and then in the Marisat (now Inmarsat) satellite network.[17]

In the early 1980s frequencies for mobile networks became available, and in 1985 frequencies suitable for what became known as Wi-Fi were allocated in the US.[18] These regulatory developments made it possible to use the ALOHA random-access techniques in both Wi-Fi and in mobile telephone networks."

Source: ALOHAnet - Wikipedia.

Following your silly line of reasoning, capitalists shouldn't use the internet.

Much of the technology that we use today and take for granted, was researched and developed in government labs or in universities that rely heavily on government research grants. Those are public funds or according to the definition of socialism offered by right-wing Republicans, that's socialism, You didn't know that? Apparently, you didn't. I can give you a very long list of technologies that were first developed by the government or through government funding (through socialism). Here are a few...

1946: MRIs

These days, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used to detect many potential health problems, from tumors to multiple sclerosis. But magnetic resonance was originally used to study atomic nuclei in 1946, and with the help of grants from the NSF from 1955 to 1990, the technology soon became a regular medical tool.

1949: Accelerometers

Accelerometers are used to measure acceleration forces, often to find an object's position and track its movement. They have been made commercially since 1949, and even today, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) continually makes and monitors them for use in cars, planes, pacemakers, and more.

1953: Supercomputers

Largely a product used almost exclusively by national governments, the U.S. National Lab funded efforts to create supercomputers that could conduct nuclear research. IBM created the first commercial computer, called the 701, for defense purposes, and it was first used in 1953.

1951: First Nuclear Plants in the US:

No Uncle Sam, no nukes, no nuclear energy in America.

1958: Microchips

The government first facilitated the mass production of microchips in the aftermath of World War II, while looking for small devices to assist personnel with missile targeting. These days, they're everywhere, from pet microchips to computer microchips.

1966: Autonomous robots

From Roombas to the Mars Rover, auto robots play a big role in how modern society functions. They can trace their lineage back to Shakey the Robot, a DARPA-funded creation that is known as one of the seminal breakthroughs in artificial intelligence. The same technology has been applied to the everyday robot technology that consumers know today.

1992: Smartphones

In the early 1990s, while working on mini cameras for spacecraft, NASA developed the image sensors that made smartphones, as well as webcams and digital single-lens reflex cameras, possible today. Then, University of Delaware researchers made touch screens using CIA and NSF funding, ultimately resulting in the refined phone technologies users have today.

1993: GPS

In the 1970s, the Defense Department began working on creating a comprehensive satellite navigation system for national defense and scientific purposes. By 1993, a fully functional, 24-satellite system was primed to grow into the commercial GPS services that civilians also use today.

1998: Google

Although this invention was somewhat inadvertent, the NSF funded the Digital Library Initiative to index websites in the early days of the Internet. The NSF and CIA went on to fund Stanford graduates Sergey Brin, who received an NSF student fellowship, and Larry Page's research to make an algorithm that ranks web pages by importance. By 1998, this became Google.


1998: Touch screens

With help from NSF fellowships and grants, researchers at the University of Delaware created what would become the touch screens people now use on tablets and smartphones. Doctoral student Wayne Westerman created the company FingerWorks, which was later purchased by Apple for their own devices.

2004: Self-driving cars

The first self-driving cars were used in 2004, after Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency director Anthony Tether offered a $1 million prize to anyone who could create a driverless car that could navigate a 142-mile course. This continued the next year, and while self-driving cars aren't yet totally approved, Teslas now come with autopilot and self-driving capability software.

2010: Tesla cars

Elon Musk's company has received an estimated $4.9 billion in government subsidies, aiding Tesla Motors Inc.'s production of cutting-edge automobile technology. Tesla first received a federal loan from the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program in 2010, just a year after the 2009 financial crisis.


Do you know where the first mobile phone, working from a tower, like our current cell phones, was first invented and developed? The USSR. The Soviets created the first cell phone.


"The Altai mobile telephone system is the pre-cellular 0G radiotelephone service that was first introduced in the Soviet Union in 1963, and became available in the most large cities by 1965. It is a fully automated UHF/VHF network that allows a mobile node to connect to a landline phones, and was originally conceived to serve government officials and emergency services, but has since spread into general use, and is still in use in some places, where its advantages outweigh those of conventional cellular networks. Work on the system of automatic duplex mobile communication started in 1958 in Voronezh Research Institute of Communications (VNIIS, now concern Sozvezdie). It was established subscriber stations and base stations for communicating with them.


In 1964 Charles H. Townes, Nikolay Basov, and Aleksandr Prokhorov shared the Nobel Prize in Physics, "for fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics, which has led to the construction of oscillators and amplifiers based on the maser–laser principle".

The Soviets were advanced in laser technology. I can provide another list of Soviet inventions, like the Sattelite, the first space capsules, the first manned rockets, the first probes, the first spacecraft docking in space, the first, the first, the fist...the first airliners, the first blood banks, the first use of viruses to kill bacteria...etc



You have your head in the sand, like an ostrich. You're completely brainwashed by your capitalist masters.

The truth is that without the government, capitalists would have NOTHING. You wouldn't have money, because the USD is exclusively issued and backed by the US government. Socialism is the foundation of commerce, without it capitalism can't even function. You need courts, police, the military, laws, regulations, roads and bridges, electric grids, water sanitation, sewers, building codes..etc. You couldn't conduct business without socialism. You need the subsidies, the grants, bailouts, the loans, the contracts the tax breaks, the............. Without all of that capitalism collapses into societal chaos and civil war.

How much research and development is done by the government because greedy, fucking capitalists don't consider a product or service commercially viable or profitable?

Governments around the world often step in to fund research and development (R&D) in areas where the private sector (capitalists) might be hesitant due to concerns about profitability, high risks, or extended time horizons for returns on investment.

Examples of government-funded R&D:

  • Space Exploration: Missions like the Apollo moon landings were funded by governments due to their high costs and uncertain direct commercial benefits.
  • Health Research: Governments worldwide invest in medical research on diseases that might not be immediately profitable for pharmaceutical companies but have significant public health implications. The rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines was made possible in part due to significant government funding and coordination.
  • Agriculture: Research into new crop varieties, sustainable farming techniques, and food security is often funded by governments to ensure national food security.

Wake up!
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