Disturbance breaks out at Phoenix Arpaio immigration march!

I live here. I dont blame them. The conditions in tent city are deplorable. if you say so what, they are just illegals...come here and have a beer and get in your car. Spend the weekend there...YOU WILL UNDERSTAND what I mean. If you cant get bail together, spend a few months there....have fun.

I have never had the pleasure of using his facilities, but have read enough about it and read enough about how many people die in there.

Freaking midevil is what it is.

Just think...if the ILLEGAL ALIENS had followed the proper procedures for entering the USA they wouldn't have been LOCKED UP FOR BEING AN ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINAL.

See how that works?

i am going to be like a lazer here and concentrate on the Arizona aspect of this. Read up on tent city here and Sherrif Joe.

I dont care if there are illegals, dui suspects, jay walkers, or you or anyone from your family.. being locked up in tent city is midevil. You do not have to be convicted of anything to be stuck in tent city. If you cant make bail, you are there until sentencing. Many people have died in there because Joe is a media whore who HAS to have his name in print.

Those protesters ended the protest in front of tent city for a reason.

Now to the bigger issues, illegal immigration. Well, if THIS country started arresting the business owners who hire them, this problem would cease to exist.

If there are no jobs here, the illegals would leave. Agree?
I get it Sheriff Joe wants to arrest illegals but when its 110 effin degress in a tent here out in the desert and he is using that as some sort of punishment for people all I have to say is, don't we have something called innocent until proven guilty here? Okay arrest them , awsome take them back to Mexico but thats no reason to act like your in a Western and need to kill the injuns.

If some effin criminal wants to break into your house, knowing that the penalty for that is spending some time in a "110 effin degrees" tent......then why is that the fault of anybody but the effin criminal ?

That is the point....its not just about some criminal trying to break into your house..its about you coming out of a club with a beer in you and YOU getting arrested to tent city.

Its bout you getting into an argument with someone and it getting loud and you going to tent city.

Its about a cop having a bad day, pulling you over and saying you were being confrontational and you going to tent city.

Or you could be involved in one of his headline stealing fathers day round up of dead beat dads and end up in tent city.

I think you see where i am going with this. Tent city isn't all about illegals, IT COULD BE YOU.....(if you lived here). If you cant afford bail, you could spend a retativly long time there.

he does the pink underwear for publicity. He serves them green bologna for publicity. His sherriff's can DO NO WRONG. People die in there.

Tent city is midevil and is designed to keep good ol sherrif joes name out there.
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I live here. I dont blame them. The conditions in tent city are deplorable. if you say so what, they are just illegals...come here and have a beer and get in your car. Spend the weekend there...YOU WILL UNDERSTAND what I mean. If you cant get bail together, spend a few months there....have fun.

I have never had the pleasure of using his facilities, but have read enough about it and read enough about how many people die in there.

Freaking midevil is what it is.

Just think...if the ILLEGAL ALIENS had followed the proper procedures for entering the USA they wouldn't have been LOCKED UP FOR BEING AN ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINAL.

See how that works?

i am going to be like a lazer here and concentrate on the Arizona aspect of this. Read up on tent city here and Sherrif Joe.

I dont care if there are illegals, dui suspects, jay walkers, or you or anyone from your family.. being locked up in tent city is midevil. You do not have to be convicted of anything to be stuck in tent city. If you cant make bail, you are there until sentencing. Many people have died in there because Joe is a media whore who HAS to have his name in print.

Those protesters ended the protest in front of tent city for a reason.

Now to the bigger issues, illegal immigration. Well, if THIS country started arresting the business owners who hire them, this problem would cease to exist.

If there are no jobs here, the illegals would leave. Agree?

Sorry. Your argument falls on deaf ears. No laws are being broken as evidenced by the complete lack of any charges against the good Sheriff.
If some effin criminal wants to break into your house, knowing that the penalty for that is spending some time in a "110 effin degrees" tent......then why is that the fault of anybody but the effin criminal ?

So you don't think being made to stay in a tent in the desert in the hot sun when its 110 is not cruel? I can tell you when its 110 outside its hotter than that inside and so what your saying is that no big deal as long as the person that does the crime knows what the punishment is heck do what you want with them ? If they broke in my house and my dad didn't shoot them and they were found guilty then they should serve whatever sentence within the law. As your so fond of asking questions you would be okay with your mom or grandmother being picked up for not having a Drivers license and sent to tent city in August because you know we have to send a message to those criminals out there on the streets.

My parents and I are American Citizens. These are non-American criminals.


And, while we're at it......effin you also.


It's effin assholes like you who cost our country BILLIONS of dollars.

Tent city IS NOT JUST ABOUT ILLEGALS. You and your American citizen parents could end up there...(if you lived here).

All outsiders think tent city is all about illegals. Its not....it is a holding place for everyone until trial. No bail, you sit there until trial.

You and the illegals. Yo effin fucking get it now?
Just think...if the ILLEGAL ALIENS had followed the proper procedures for entering the USA they wouldn't have been LOCKED UP FOR BEING AN ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINAL.

See how that works?

i am going to be like a lazer here and concentrate on the Arizona aspect of this. Read up on tent city here and Sherrif Joe.

I dont care if there are illegals, dui suspects, jay walkers, or you or anyone from your family.. being locked up in tent city is midevil. You do not have to be convicted of anything to be stuck in tent city. If you cant make bail, you are there until sentencing. Many people have died in there because Joe is a media whore who HAS to have his name in print.

Those protesters ended the protest in front of tent city for a reason.

Now to the bigger issues, illegal immigration. Well, if THIS country started arresting the business owners who hire them, this problem would cease to exist.

If there are no jobs here, the illegals would leave. Agree?

Sorry. Your argument falls on deaf ears. No laws are being broken as evidenced by the complete lack of any charges against the good Sheriff.

I invite you to come here, have a beer and get in your car...I will call the sheriffs department and you tell me if you think its illegal. :evil:

I know he is still the sheriff. When he goes, this midevil nonsense will stop and the number of arrests will be the same.

I just hate that he does so many things just to have his name in print.

TENT CITY IS NOT JUST ABOUT ILLEGALS....white people are in there as well. If they cant get bail, they will be there for a while.

Come on down.
Quit lying Zona...bail is offered but if you are too fucking poor to make bail what do you want them to do...let them run the streets until trial!!!???
Quit lying Zona...bail is offered but if you are too fucking poor to make bail what do you want them to do...let them run the streets until trial!!!???

link me to where i said bail wasnt offered. if not, shut the fuck up, liar.

I dont expect them to be set free if they cant afford bail...I never said that either. I dont expect a human being to be in that environment. Its so republican of joe to do that.

By the way, no link to me saying that....means your a fucking liar.

So you don't think being made to stay in a tent in the desert in the hot sun when its 110 is not cruel? I can tell you when its 110 outside its hotter than that inside and so what your saying is that no big deal as long as the person that does the crime knows what the punishment is heck do what you want with them ? If they broke in my house and my dad didn't shoot them and they were found guilty then they should serve whatever sentence within the law. As your so fond of asking questions you would be okay with your mom or grandmother being picked up for not having a Drivers license and sent to tent city in August because you know we have to send a message to those criminals out there on the streets.

My parents and I are American Citizens. These are non-American criminals.


And, while we're at it......effin you also.


It's effin assholes like you who cost our country BILLIONS of dollars.

Tent city IS NOT JUST ABOUT ILLEGALS. You and your American citizen parents could end up there...(if you lived here).

All outsiders think tent city is all about illegals. Its not....it is a holding place for everyone until trial. No bail, you sit there until trial.

You and the illegals. Yo effin fucking get it now?

Here you go dumb ass!!!! Just like I said!!!!!
I live here. I dont blame them. The conditions in tent city are deplorable. if you say so what, they are just illegals...come here and have a beer and get in your car. Spend the weekend there...YOU WILL UNDERSTAND what I mean. If you cant get bail together, spend a few months there....have fun.

I have never had the pleasure of using his facilities, but have read enough about it and read enough about how many people die in there.

Freaking midevil is what it is.

why don't they go play in their own backyards and avoid sheriff Arpiao altogether.. that sounds simple enough..

Because business owners, who dont get locked up for doing so, are willing to pay them for their cheap labor.
I live here. I dont blame them. The conditions in tent city are deplorable. if you say so what, they are just illegals...come here and have a beer and get in your car. Spend the weekend there...YOU WILL UNDERSTAND what I mean. If you cant get bail together, spend a few months there....have fun.

I have never had the pleasure of using his facilities, but have read enough about it and read enough about how many people die in there.

Freaking midevil is what it is.

why don't they go play in their own backyards and avoid sheriff Arpiao altogether.. that sounds simple enough..

Because business owners, who dont get locked up for doing so, are willing to pay them for their cheap labor.

and that's the second half of the problem
I hate to break the news to people, Sheriff Joe is enforcing the law when he arrests Illegal Aliens, it's no different than arresting anyone else who commits a Federal crime and putting them in the Maricopa County Jail. Now for those of us who live down here, we all know Sheriff Joe has NEVER and I repeat NEVER met a camera he did not like and a lot this tent city nonsense is his way of keeping himself as the so called " Americas Toughest Sheriff". While some have a point that it would not take much to build a decent jail, who knows it might even put some construction people back to work here, a lot of them Illegals by the way. A reason why Phil Gordon the mayor of Phoenix wants to keep Phoenix a Sancturary city, a source of cheap labor. The Maricopa County Jail and tent city is not just a place where they take Illegals its part of the Main jail. The protests have more to do with those wanting open borders and want our Sheriff to stop enforcing the law here, and a LOT less to do with the conditions at tent city.
My parents and I are American Citizens. These are non-American criminals.


And, while we're at it......effin you also.


It's effin assholes like you who cost our country BILLIONS of dollars.

Tent city IS NOT JUST ABOUT ILLEGALS. You and your American citizen parents could end up there...(if you lived here).

All outsiders think tent city is all about illegals. Its not....it is a holding place for everyone until trial. No bail, you sit there until trial.

You and the illegals. Yo effin fucking get it now?

Here you go dumb ass!!!! Just like I said!!!!!

Who the fuck would read it like that and in what country would there not be bail? Fucking liar.

Asshat. I would almost give you points fucking liar, and YOU could almost read it that way, but follow me here...on the post directly before yours...I posted....

"TENT CITY IS NOT JUST ABOUT ILLEGALS....white people are in there as well. If they cant get bail, they will be there for a while. " This was directly before your post, fucking liar.

before that:

"If you cant make bail, you are there until sentencing."

Before that:

'If you cant get bail together, spend a few months there....have fun."

Fucking liar.
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Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...too funny watching you stumble all over yourself to justify your fucked up post.....:rofl:

Your an idiot.

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