Disturbing New Revelations On Shooter: Did The White House Blow it?...

I say, if he was a christian, then we should weed out all christians in the army.

Would that make sense as well? This guy snapped, he was a nut. We should weed out all the nuts in the army, yes, but not do a witch hunt for all muslims.

If he was Hispanic, go after them? Asian, black, buddist, italian.....where would it stop?

Not all muslims are terrorists. Not all white males 25-40 are not serial killers. etc etc etc.
Note how the k00k lefties stand invariably on philosophy and PC concepts.........but NEVER propose a solution as to how to solve a problem. Check out the posts on this thread by the PC sheep. They only postulate on what shouldnt be done. How cool of a world is that to live in day to day?? You can never be wrong!!!

We could well have religious fanatics all over US Military bases and their biggest concern is offending somebody''s feelings = message to the families of the dead at Ft. Hood is, "FCUKK YOU!!!!..........we shouldnt be in Iraq and Afghanistan anyway so tough sh!t on your kid for being in the military because there is no need for war if we could just all be nicer to each other!!!""

Thankfully for all of us...........dumbasses like this sweetie naive California Girl, they number approximately 20% of the county = fringe politically.
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I say, if he was a christian, then we should weed out all christians in the army.

Would that make sense as well? This guy snapped, he was a nut. We should weed out all the nuts in the army, yes, but not do a witch hunt for all muslims.

If he was Hispanic, go after them? Asian, black, buddist, italian.....where would it stop?

Not all muslims are terrorists. Not all white males 25-40 are not serial killers. etc etc etc.

We're at WAR with radical islam... not Christians, not Asians, not blacks or Hispanics. Radical islam declared WAR on infidels... or have you forgotten 9/11 already?

And the guy didn't "snap." He just decided it was time for his own little personal *JIHAD* against the *INFIDELS.* The sooner you start admitting that, the sooner you can become part of the solution instead of part of the problem.
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I say, if he was a christian, then we should weed out all christians in the army.

Would that make sense as well? This guy snapped, he was a nut. We should weed out all the nuts in the army, yes, but not do a witch hunt for all muslims.

If he was Hispanic, go after them? Asian, black, buddist, italian.....where would it stop?

Not all muslims are terrorists. Not all white males 25-40 are not serial killers. etc etc etc.

We're at WAR with radical islam... not Christians, not Asians, not blacks or Hispanics.

And the guy didn't "snap." He just decided it was time for his own little personal *JIHAD* against the *INFIDELS.* The sooner you start admitting that, the sooner you can become part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

Pale........this is exactly part of the mental disorder in the 21%er's. In their world, there are no absolutes...........in fact, they should never exist. Its called having the total inability to think on the margin. Their reponses on all these posts on this thread are nothing but commentary geared toward vast overgeneralizations when reasonable people in the world recognize that 1) There are millions of jihadists all over the world. 2) They are Muslim.......nothing else. 3) They kill indiscrimanately. 4) ANY non-believer is a target for extermination. 5) Christians, blacks, Hispanics et. al. are not going around all over the world blowing sh!t up. 6) A mulitcultural society might make some feel all warm and fuzzy all over but there are significant problems with it that must be confronted
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Well i see some progress has been made here. The Hopey Changey loons are calling Timothy McVeigh a Terrorist. Yes he was a Terrorist. Bravo! However it was never proven that he was part of any "Secret Militia." That was all Slick Willy "Militia Boogeyman" fear mongering B.S. Where are all these supposed "Militia Boogeymen" you hear the Hopey Changey loons screeching about all the time? There are so many yet no one has ever seen even one. Oh well,i guess ole Slick Willy told em that they were all hiding up in the woods plotting to kill us all and his loons actually believed that B.S. Why are the Hopey Changeys so willing to call McVeigh a Terrorist but are so unwilling to see what is right front of their faces with this Terrorist Act? This cretin slaughtered our kids in the name if Islam. He is a Muslim Terrorist and i don't care how this White House tries to spin it.
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The disturbing report on Hasan's advisory role for the White House was reported on WND (World Net Daily) A Free Press for a Free People

Right-Wing Smear Artist Claims Ft. Hood Shooter Advised Obama


WND's Jerome Corsi Claims Fort Hood Shooter Advised Obama [UPDATE]

Well, if you were wondering what paranoiac smear artist would be the first to step out and attempt to name President Barack Obama as the man who guided Nidal Malik Hasan to his murderous rampage at Fort Hood yesterday, the answer -- naturally! -- is Jerome Corsi. Corsi has a long history of lunatic, fact-averse ravings and he fails to disappoint on that regard on the pages of World Net Daily, today, in a piece entitled "Shooter advised Obama transition." Except, of course, he didn't do any such thing.

Corsi hangs his entire allegation on a document produced on May 19, 2009 by The George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute entitled "Thinking Anew, Security Priorities For The Next Administration." In that document, Nidal Hasan is listed, on page 29, as a "Task Force Event Participant." He was one of hundreds of people listed as a "participant." Significantly, Nidal was not the author of the document. He was not a member of the HSPI's "Presidential Transition Task Force." Nor was he a member of the HSPI's "Task Force Staff." He was not a member of the HSPI's Steering Committee or a briefer to the task force.

Also, the activities of the HSPI here do not in anyway constitute official transition advice to the White House, despite the fact that a committee got named the "Presidential Transition Task Force" and the HSPI's activities involved identifying homeland security priorities and offering advice.


Oh crap! I agree with bfrn. I am obviously a liberal.... I just didn't know it.

*CG runs screaming from the thread*

There is medication for that but you may not like the potential side effects. The worst of which could be the complete and utter acceptance of everything said by the likes of Corsi and total loss of all faculties of reason.

See a doctor before instituting this treatment.

Those "Hate Crimes" seem to only apply to White Folks. So "Hate Crimes" are Bull Chit. They are also just a way to eventually sneak in "Hate Speech" Laws. Both are a big part of the Socialist agenda. They desperately need both to solidify their power & control. This has already been done quite successfully by Europe's Socialists. Any nation that adopts "Hate Speech" Laws can no longer call themselves a Free Nation. Look for these Laws to be pushed by our Socialists very soon. It's very sad.
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You need a linkThere have been some new and very disturbing revelations coming to light today on shooter Nidal Malik Hasan.

Nidal Malik Hasan,the alleged shooter in yesterday's massacre at Fort Hood,played a Homeland Security Advisory role in President Barack Obama's transition into the White House,according to a key University Policy Institute document. The Homeland Security Policy Institute at George Washington University published a document May,19,entitled "Thinking Anew" in which Hasan of the Uniformed Services University School of Medicine is listed on page 29 of the document as a "Task Force Event Participant."

Even more disturbing news has come out today about the FBI actually looking into Hasan's possible involvement with Radical Islamist propaganda,but later dropping their investigation. This is incredibly disturbing and outrageous in my opinion. Why did the FBI end their investigation? Seems pretty crazy to me. There are just so many more questions that need to be answered on this terrible tragedy. How much was this White House and FBI involved with this event? Could they have done more? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Even more disturbing is that Hasan was one of 6 muslim military docs that were invited to the White House by President Bush in 2007, to discuss the role of muslim doctors in the military.

I will be happy to provide a link once you have provided a link for your information.

EDIT: I now see that your source was linked...Jerome Corsi. This fact adds legitimacy to my above claim.
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Again,the article stated facts but you are certainly entitled to your opinion on those facts. This White House knew this guy was a Muslim fanatic yet did nothing. We deserve to hear them tell us why they chose to do nothing. This is a perfectly reasonable question.
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Again,the article stated facts but you are certainly entitled to your opinion on those facts. This White House knew this guy was a Muslim fanatic yet did nothing. We deserve to hear them tell us why they chose to do nothing. This is a perfectly reasonable question.

No respectable person ever cites wnd as a source. Ever. Give us something worth the click and it can be discussed. Or take the usual route done by wnd fans and claim victory by virtue of others being too smart to chase mouse farts.
You need a linkThere have been some new and very disturbing revelations coming to light today on shooter Nidal Malik Hasan.

Nidal Malik Hasan,the alleged shooter in yesterday's massacre at Fort Hood,played a Homeland Security Advisory role in President Barack Obama's transition into the White House,according to a key University Policy Institute document. The Homeland Security Policy Institute at George Washington University published a document May,19,entitled "Thinking Anew" in which Hasan of the Uniformed Services University School of Medicine is listed on page 29 of the document as a "Task Force Event Participant."

Even more disturbing news has come out today about the FBI actually looking into Hasan's possible involvement with Radical Islamist propaganda,but later dropping their investigation. This is incredibly disturbing and outrageous in my opinion. Why did the FBI end their investigation? Seems pretty crazy to me. There are just so many more questions that need to be answered on this terrible tragedy. How much was this White House and FBI involved with this event? Could they have done more? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Not much of a Geraldo fan, but I thought he put it very well if I may paraphase: this guy was a sorry loser (like all terrorists), and this event was all about drawing attention to "him".
He should be treated like any other sorry loser and publicly condemned (not have the liberal media come out and make excuses for him), he should go to trial and be sentenced if found guilty and that should be the end of it. If the media wants a story, there were 42 lives out there that have been changed permanently, give them some honor, not the nutjob.

Why is it whenever Americans are attacked by someone associated with Islam it is called terrorism? This wasn't terrorism by definition. Adkisson's church killings was terrorism but most of America ignored it. Why? Because it was a white guy who loved Hannity and Coulter and Oreilly? Two of those three have given their approval for other Americans to be attacked by terrorists and when an American actually did it nobody blamed anyone but a crazy guy.

Sounds like you agree, just that you want to be more 'inclusive', I can accept that.
Again,the article stated facts but you are certainly entitled to your opinion on those facts. This White House knew this guy was a Muslim fanatic yet did nothing. We deserve to hear them tell us why they chose to do nothing. This is a perfectly reasonable question.

You MUST be a racist and a bigot if you, you think the WH needs to answer to you or to any other citizen. Remember, he thinks he was elected 'king' and you, you are his subject(s). :eusa_eh:
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Not much of a Geraldo fan, but I thought he put it very well if I may paraphase: this guy was a sorry loser (like all terrorists), and this event was all about drawing attention to "him".
He should be treated like any other sorry loser and publicly condemned (not have the liberal media come out and make excuses for him), he should go to trial and be sentenced if found guilty and that should be the end of it. If the media wants a story, there were 42 lives out there that have been changed permanently, give them some honor, not the nutjob.

Why is it whenever Americans are attacked by someone associated with Islam it is called terrorism? This wasn't terrorism by definition. Adkisson's church killings was terrorism but most of America ignored it. Why? Because it was a white guy who loved Hannity and Coulter and Oreilly? Two of those three have given their approval for other Americans to be attacked by terrorists and when an American actually did it nobody blamed anyone but a crazy guy.

Sounds like you agree, just that you want to be more 'inclusive', I can accept that.

Way to avoid......
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse there's this...Reports coming out today indicate Hasan worshipped at the same Mosque that two of the 911 Hijackers worshipped at. Reports also indicate he worshipped at this Mosque at the same time the two 911 Hijackers did. We are not getting the truth from this White House. They definitely knew more about this guy. The cover-up seems to be well underway. I don't think we'll ever get the truth on this one. How sad.
Btw,Timothy McVeigh was a Terrorist. However it was never proven that he belonged to any "Secret Militias." The whole "Militia Boogeyman" farce was a completely fabricated fantasy concocted by the Clinton Administration. All these evil "Militia Boogeymen" yet no one has ever seen even one. That was just a bogus fear mongering campaign carried out by Clinton. So Timothy McVeigh was a Terrorist and so was this despicable cretin. He slaughtered our poor kids in the name of Islam. End of story.
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Disturbing New Revelations On Shooter: Did The White House Blow it?...

Oh..my bad..I thought this was a thread about Dick Cheney....
Yup he was just a poor lil stressed out guy who was picked on and then just snapped. Well those are the White House Talking Points anyway. How can our MSM just gobble that B.S. up? He attended the same Mosque at the same time as two of the 911 Hijackers did yet we're being told to just be quiet and accept all of the White House Talking Points. What a sad sad scam.
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse there's this...Reports coming out today indicate Hasan worshipped at the same Mosque that two of the 911 Hijackers worshipped at. Reports also indicate he worshipped at this Mosque at the same time the two 911 Hijackers did. We are not getting the truth from this White House. They definitely knew more about this guy. The cover-up seems to be well underway. I don't think we'll ever get the truth on this one. How sad.

obama EXCEEDS at "covering up." Show me his immigration records... show me his passport... show me his long form birth certificate... nope, nothing. That's all being "COVERED UP," along with much, MUCH more, and the list just keep growing longer.
Now he's supposedly suffering from PTSD despite never serving in combat. The White House is now even trying to change the definition of that disease. PTSD? What a joke. Expect their Talking Points to grow more & more absurd.

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