Disturbing New Revelations On Shooter: Did The White House Blow it?...

It's a real shame that you have to look to foreign news sources for honest information. The American MSM cannot be trusted. They have their Talking Points which are "He was just a poor stressed out guy who suffered from PTSD and simply snapped." My God,do we have any real Journalists left in our American MSM? Here's more info...Fort Hood gunman linked to mosque attended by 9/11 bombers - Times Online
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Why is it whenever Americans are attacked by someone associated with Islam it is called terrorism? This wasn't terrorism by definition. Adkisson's church killings was terrorism but most of America ignored it. Why? Because it was a white guy who loved Hannity and Coulter and Oreilly? Two of those three have given their approval for other Americans to be attacked by terrorists and when an American actually did it nobody blamed anyone but a crazy guy.

Sounds like you agree, just that you want to be more 'inclusive', I can accept that.

Way to avoid......

I agreed with you, that would be considered terrorism. Why do libs pretend that muslim 'extremists' are a rare event and that 'Christian' terrorists are just as common (where are your numbers for that one?). Today, I would estimate that 'muslim' extremist out number all other 'group-type terrorists, thousands or even tens of thousands to one, combined. The only 'entity'(s) that comes close, would be communists/socialists govs. Will you answer my question? And, no, I did not accuse ALL muslims of being terrorists.
It's a real shame that you have to look to foreign news sources for honest information. The American MSM cannot be trusted. They have their Talking Points which are "He was just a poor stressed out guy who suffered from PTSD and simply snapped." My God,do we have any real Journalists left in our American MSM? Here's more info...Fort Hood gunman linked to mosque attended by 9/11 bombers - Times Online

What? There are plenty of US sources reporting the story. Stop fabricating.
Sounds like you agree, just that you want to be more 'inclusive', I can accept that.

Way to avoid......

I agreed with you, that would be considered terrorism. Why do libs pretend that muslim 'extremists' are a rare event and that 'Christian' terrorists are just as common (where are your numbers for that one?). Today, I would estimate that 'muslim' extremist out number all other 'group-type terrorists, thousands or even tens of thousands to one, combined. The only 'entity'(s) that comes close, would be communists/socialists govs. Will you answer my question? And, no, I did not accuse ALL muslims of being terrorists.

Muslim extremists are rare. The majority of assholes that go apeshit murdering are white non-muslims. There even isn't any evidence hasan did this because of islam but hell, we all know the islamophobic camps have already set up shop to deride islam out of their ignorance and hate.
Disturbing New Revelations On Shooter: Did The White House Blow it?...

Dick claimed it was an accident..yet he refused a breath test....
The latest reports are now indicating he may have actually made contact with 911 Hijackers at the Mosque they attended. PTSD? What a scam.
Now this White House is trying to blame the Military. Don't tell me this guy's FBI & CIA knew nothing about Hasan's ties to radical Islam. Kudos to Joe Lieberman though,he seems to be the only politician standing up and demanding answers from this White House. Where are all the Republicans? I was never a big fan of Lieberman before but i think he has now won me over. I believe this White House is in full cover-up mode at this point. Don't let them off the hook. We deserve answers.
First he's dead then he's in a Coma and now he's fine and chatting it up with everyone. How can people not even see or care when their being lied to so blatantly? They're not even bothering to cover this one up secretly. They're doing it right out in open for everyone to see. Pretty shocking stuff no? Yea he was just a poor stressed out guy suffering from PTSD despite never serving in combat or ever even being in Afghanistan and Iraq. Does anyone else see this scam or is it just me? Yikes!
Way to avoid......

I agreed with you, that would be considered terrorism. Why do libs pretend that muslim 'extremists' are a rare event and that 'Christian' terrorists are just as common (where are your numbers for that one?). Today, I would estimate that 'muslim' extremist out number all other 'group-type terrorists, thousands or even tens of thousands to one, combined. The only 'entity'(s) that comes close, would be communists/socialists govs. Will you answer my question? And, no, I did not accuse ALL muslims of being terrorists.

Muslim extremists are rare. The majority of assholes that go apeshit murdering are white non-muslims. There even isn't any evidence hasan did this because of islam but hell, we all know the islamophobic camps have already set up shop to deride islam out of their ignorance and hate.

"Rare", I believe I can read about a muslims killing people every single week. They bomb tourist attractions, commuter trains, government buildings, neighbors, strangers, other sects, and other religions. Are you telling me those are normal, religious muslims and not extremists? Muslim extremists are becoming very common. They work the same way other hate groups do (that can be against race, religion, sex or any other reason); they go to people that are unable or afraid to do anything for themselves and tell them for a small fee, they will hate the 'select' group for them. Once the funds are coming in, the leaders recruit LOSERS to action; they promise them recognition and glory (remember to these losers, it is all about them and the power they have to influence the world), in exchange for martyrdom. Unfortunately, this system works quite well and is now being employed by our gov, the losers: the congress, the victims: the taxpayers. Sorry, I digress, terrorists that are of muslim faith can be found every week, in almost every country in the world. Only fools will not recognize this, and in doing so will empower the terrorists to expand and recruit, hurting not only this country, but muslims that suffer at the terrorists' actions as well.
Will you give the terrorists power by pretending they don't exist and can't hurt anyone, or will you confront evil, and tell it, there is no welcome for actions of that type in today's world?
From Dead to Coma to now chatting it up with his CAIR buds in just a couple of days. Yea our Government isn't lying to us. How can people be such gullible sheep?
The latest reports are now indicating he may have actually made contact with 911 Hijackers at the Mosque they attended. PTSD? What a scam.

yes one so predictable I called it before they announced it..not because im so smart just because I have seen the script so many times now
Yea this cretin went from Dead to Coma to now chatting it up with his CAIR buds in record time no? How can so many people accept being lied to this way? PTSD? My God,are people really buying that B.S.? This President's FBI & CIA were well aware of this guy's ties to Radical Islam yet they chose to do nothing. We deserve answers. I just wish more Republicans would show some guts and join Joe Lieberman in demanding those answers. I guess we'll just to have wait and see if they get away with their despicable cover-up.
I remember Homeland Security talking about a 'crackdown', of sorts, earlier this year, on domestic terror,

and the right threw a fit about it.
I wonder what the liberal reaction would be if hasan had killed an abortion doctor
PTSD? Don't make me puke! They are attempting to cover this one up. This President's FBI & CIA knew all about this cretin yet chose to do nothing. It really is just so sad to see our MSM continuing to regurgitate White House Talking Points on this and many other issues. There are no real Journalists left anymore. "Don't jump to conclusions?" How many times has the MSM repeated that White House Talking Point so far? I lost count at this point. How sad.
The latest reports are now indicating he may have actually made contact with 911 Hijackers at the Mosque they attended. PTSD? What a scam.

Got a link for that? I've read that he attended the same Mosque - and that it is considered a radical mosque, and that he has recently had contact with the Immam, now living in Yemen. But I haven't heard anything that links him directly with the 911 hijackers. That was back in 2001 so if he was radicalized that long ago, then clearly we have a major problem. However, I suspect that it is the Mosque that is the link.

Could we not try to stick to actual reports and facts and not drawing links that don't exist? It really does not help to make shit up.

I agree about the PTSD - that is a pile of shit, and an insult to those who genuinely suffer on their return.
Sounds like you agree, just that you want to be more 'inclusive', I can accept that.

Way to avoid......

I agreed with you, that would be considered terrorism. Why do libs pretend that muslim 'extremists' are a rare event and that 'Christian' terrorists are just as common (where are your numbers for that one?). Today, I would estimate that 'muslim' extremist out number all other 'group-type terrorists, thousands or even tens of thousands to one, combined. The only 'entity'(s) that comes close, would be communists/socialists govs. Will you answer my question? And, no, I did not accuse ALL muslims of being terrorists.

Compare the number of Muslims who have in the last 20 years committed acts of terror in the US to the number of Christians who have committed acts of anti-abortion terror.
Those "Hate Crimes" seem to only apply to White Folks. So "Hate Crimes" are Bull Chit. They are also just a way to eventually sneak in "Hate Speech" Laws. Both are a big part of the Socialist agenda. They desperately need both to solidify their power & control. This has already been done quite successfully by Europe's Socialists. Any nation that adopts "Hate Speech" Laws can no longer call themselves a Free Nation. Look for these Laws to be pushed by our Socialists very soon. It's very sad.

Most hate crimes are not anti- nonwhite crimes.
Nidal Hasan: Ft. Hood Shooter Participated in Homeland Security Disaster Preparation
The gunman who killed 12 people today at Ft. Hood appears, based on current media reports, to be Army psychiatrist Nidal Hasan who was listed as a participant in a Homeland Security Policy Institute's presidential transition task force last year.

The task force was not officially affiliated with the White House. It was a project of the Homeland Security Policy Institute, an independent thinktank housed at George Washington University, aimed at drafting policy recommendations for the incoming Obama administration.

According to the task force's May 2009 report [pdf], a "Nidal Hasan" from the Uniformed Services University School of Medicine was a task force event participant. Other participants included Senate and House staffers, Department of Homeland Security officials, Defense Department officials, and reporters for Politico, the Washington Post, and the London Times.

Nidal Hasan: Ft. Hood Shooter Participated in Homeland Security Disaster Preparation - Malik nidal hasan - Gawker

there is yet another red flag this guy is not who they say he is he was an agent involved in more than just psychiatrist...the Modus operandi is starting to look classic

Hey--maybe the Whitehouse brought him on board so that they could have a live violent religious extremists give them their take on the plans. Kind of like having the enemy to talk to while making plans against the enemy.

That would be brilliant!!

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