disturbing video.. police shooting unarmed man in the back, paralyzing him for life

Officer White ends up shooting McCloskey. Attorneys for White say he believed McCloskey had a gun. However, McCloskey was unarmed and appears docile in the video.

A gross (as in massive, but also disgusting) case of CYA. It is OBVIOUS this man is not armed, is docile and does not put up any resistance.

WTF is the officer "afraid of"? :rolleyes:

The jury will have to determine if the shooting was justified. White is charged with felonious assault and faces up to 11 years in prison.

Damned shame he couldn't get longer than 11 years in prison. He's earned it IMHO.
Since the trial has started, how about we wait and find out what ALL the facts are? Just a thought. I know, I'm very anal about this whole 'innocent until found guilty' thing.
How bout the ANAL ONE watch the FUCKING POLICE DASH CAM VIDEO of the SHOOTING of an innocent, unarmed man?

That's a thought too...now you've been treated to TWO THOUGHTS IN ONE DAY. Bitch.
Hard to tell looks like the guy had his hand in his pocket the cop would be in an even worse position to see.
As a rider I know I cant ride with a gun in my pocket it stays MOB, you would think a cop would be trained to know that.
Fucked up in anycase.
Ok after watching the raw feed the cop is an ass, unjustified

Probaby, but I do like to wait for the whole legal process thing to kick in before I make decisions about guilt or innocence... after all, it wasn't long ago that a certain poster around here was telling us all how a certain actress's death was due to her husband. Guaranteed. 100%. He looked guilty. Turned out the death was nothing to do with the husband. :eek:

A rush to judgement is the act of a fool.
Ok after watching the raw feed the cop is an ass, unjustified

Probaby, but I do like to wait for the whole legal process thing to kick in before I make decisions about guilt or innocence... after all, it wasn't long ago that a certain poster around here was telling us all how a certain actress's death was due to her husband. Guaranteed. 100%. He looked guilty. Turned out the death was nothing to do with the husband. :eek:

A rush to judgement is the act of a fool.

Yes, there are indeed instances that look one way and is actually not what they seem
Wow. When cops start shooting first and then asking questions later....there's a problem. My heart goes out to the victim but I must agree with CaliGirl...let a trial by his peers determine his fate. That's why we have a justice system.
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Since the trial has started, how about we wait and find out what ALL the facts are? Just a thought. I know, I'm very anal about this whole 'innocent until found guilty' thing.

you have gracefully mastered the art of copping out. did you watch the video?
I honestly wouldn't care as much if the guy wasn't paralyzed because of it. the cop completely ruined the guy's life FOREVER while the cop *may* only get 11 years but chances are he will get paroled after only serving a couple and then return to the streets *shudder*
I honestly wouldn't care as much if the guy wasn't paralyzed because of it. the cop completely ruined the guy's life FOREVER while the cop *may* only get 11 years but chances are he will get paroled after only serving a couple and then return to the streets *shudder*

Not only that but if he's found guilty and sentenced to prison he won't go out in the general population...he'll be held in protective custody.
I honestly wouldn't care as much if the guy wasn't paralyzed because of it. the cop completely ruined the guy's life FOREVER while the cop *may* only get 11 years but chances are he will get paroled after only serving a couple and then return to the streets *shudder*

*shudder* is right.

Any PD that hires him after he does time is setting themselves up for another scenario like this. He *should be* treated as if he's radioactive by other PDs after this.

Unfortunately, this incident will just make the thin blue line step to protect a brother. He'll have another job with another PD the day he steps out of prison.

Pisses me right off. :evil:
I honestly wouldn't care as much if the guy wasn't paralyzed because of it. the cop completely ruined the guy's life FOREVER while the cop *may* only get 11 years but chances are he will get paroled after only serving a couple and then return to the streets *shudder*

Not only that but if he's found guilty and sentenced to prison he won't go out in the general population...he'll be held in protective custody.

yea its quite fucked up all around. and I bet the tax payers will foot a hefty bill because of this guy if he is found guilty.
It did not look like that guy was reaching for a weapon.
That cop was probly wired for sound with adrenaline and overreacted.
Since the trial has started, how about we wait and find out what ALL the facts are? Just a thought. I know, I'm very anal about this whole 'innocent until found guilty' thing.

you have gracefully mastered the art of copping out. did you watch the video?

Did you FORGET one is INNOCENT until PROVEN Guilty in a COURT of LAW? Heaven forbid we adhere to that concept.

Does this mean I am free to call all democrats guilty of shit just cause?
Since the trial has started, how about we wait and find out what ALL the facts are? Just a thought. I know, I'm very anal about this whole 'innocent until found guilty' thing.

you have gracefully mastered the art of copping out. did you watch the video?

Did you FORGET one is INNOCENT until PROVEN Guilty in a COURT of LAW? Heaven forbid we adhere to that concept.

Does this mean I am free to call all democrats guilty of shit just cause?

The video doesn't lie. Watch it. Obviously you haven't. :rolleyes:
all you apologists for police misconduct better find a better rap than "innocent until proven guilty" on this one.

that video sure looked pretty conclusive to me --- cop came out with a hot piece. no warning. no suspicious movement by the victim.

it would not surprise me at all if the officer was a soldier before he became a policeman. though it would take some serious research to prove it, since the 90's there has been a significant uptick in the numbers of people moving from military to civilian policing and i think that statistics will show a disproportionate number of former military people involved in excessive force incidents.

the mindset of an MP is pretty much opposite that of a civilian law enforcement officer who is trained to exhaust every possible means of finding a non-violent resolution to a situation before using deadly force. in a combat zone, the rules of engagement are much looser.

this guy came out shooting. it's too bad all he can get is 11 years. he'll be out inside 3.

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