Ditch Donald, embrace Johnson - our only chance to avoid Prez Hillary

In a normal election, yes, the Libertarians cannot win.

When the GOP candidate essentially forfeits by spazzing out during the DNC convention, the question then becomes, the Libertarian or Hillary, since the GOP is already out...

That's the question

Johnson or Hillary

the only two who can win
You mean Hitlery.....
There is NO chance that a Libertarian candidate is going to win the Presidency.


A vote for Johnson is a vote for Clinton.


Next time, Republicans, pay attention.

Trump gained the nomination because Middle America is sick and tired of your bullshit.

Trump gained the nomination because they want American manufacturing jobs brought back on-shore.

Trump gained the nomination because they don' want the 11 - 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens to remain here, and they don't want a repeat of this.

Trump gained the nomination because they're sick of the Fag Lobby being given too controlling of a voice in our public life because of goddamned Liberal Judicial Activism.

Trump gained the nomination because they want less War and more Peace, and they're tired of MI-Complex overspending, and the deaths of young Americans.

Trump gained the nomination because they lost confidence in your leadership.

Trump gained the nomination because "It's not about Conservatism, stupid" - it's about a better and more faithful advocacy for the Common Man.

Trump gained the nomination because they now know you sold out to the Corporatists, decades ago, and they want their Grand Old Party back.

Trump gained the nomination because your time is over, and you needed to be convinced of that, in the only way that would penetrate your thick skulls.

Learn from your experience, fools.

Jettison your old leadership - find new leaders... jettison your agenda - build a new one... jettison your elites - become the Party of the Common Man again, at long last.

You may even have to out-Democrat the Democrats for a while, in Area A or B or C, until you find your Center again...






They are sick and tired of the bullshit, but keep voting for the same bullshitters. And Trump is a champion of bullshitters.

Trump has no clue how to bring back manufacturing jobs. He just yells "We will bring back jobs!" and the blind fools buy it.

Johnson wants a controlled border. Closing it won't work. But we can control it.

The party of the common man? Are you kidding? Trump has been rich his entire life. He started his "empire" with a gift of $1 million from his Daddy. Johnson started as a handyman for hire while in college and built it into one of the largest construction companies in the state.

Trump is clueless about how the gov't works. Johnson has been there & done that. And he vetoed every wasteful spending bill that crossed his desk.
...They are sick and tired of the bullshit, but keep voting for the same bullshitters. And Trump is a champion of bullshitters...
The trick is to sort-out WHICH flavors of Bullshit were most appealing and successful, and to make those "real" in any FUTURE campaign..

...Trump has no clue how to bring back manufacturing jobs. He just yells "We will bring back jobs!" and the blind fools buy it...
Agreed. However, the emphasis on manufacturing jobs is crucial to FUTURE support, judging by how well this played in 2016.

...Johnson wants a controlled border. Closing it won't work. But we can control it...

...The party of the common man? Are you kidding?...

...Trump has been rich his entire life. He started his "empire" with a gift of $1 million from his Daddy...
Nolo contendere. Another reason why he's not the right fellow to lead a conversion of the GOP from a Corporatist Club back to its roots as The Party of The Common Man.

..Johnson started as a handyman for hire while in college and built it into one of the largest construction companies in the state. ..
Johnson is a flea, with zero chance to win the Presidency. Zero. Stop wasting our time.

...Trump is clueless about how the gov't works. Johnson has been there & done that. And he vetoed every wasteful spending bill that crossed his desk.
Johnson is a flea, with zero chance to win the Presidency. Zero. Stop wasting our time.
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Donald has lost. Period. He won't get back to 40 percent in the polls. He had his chance and he failed... because he COULD NOT KEEP HIS BIG FAT TRAP SHUT.

There is one chance to avoid President Hillary - Donald's supporters need to be honest with themselves and realize Gary Johnson is the only hope. Sticking with the sinking ship guarantees Hillary in the Oval Office.
Now thats what I call and act of desperation ... good Luck with that
...They are sick and tired of the bullshit, but keep voting for the same bullshitters. And Trump is a champion of bullshitters...
The trick is to sort-out WHICH flavors of Bullshit were most appealing and successful, and to make those "real" in any FUTURE campaign..

...Trump has no clue how to bring back manufacturing jobs. He just yells "We will bring back jobs!" and the blind fools buy it...
Agreed. However, the emphasis on manufacturing jobs is crucial to FUTURE support, judging by how well this played in 2016.

...Johnson wants a controlled border. Closing it won't work. But we can control it...

...The party of the common man? Are you kidding?...

...Trump has been rich his entire life. He started his "empire" with a gift of $1 million from his Daddy...
Nolo contendere. Another reason why he's not the right fellow to lead a conversion of the GOP from a Corporatist Club back to its roots as The Party of The Common Man.

..Johnson started as a handyman for hire while in college and built it into one of the largest construction companies in the state. ..
Johnson is a flea, with zero chance to win the Presidency. Zero. Stop wasting our time.

...Trump is clueless about how the gov't works. Johnson has been there & done that. And he vetoed every wasteful spending bill that crossed his desk.
Johnson is a flea, with zero chance to win the Presidency. Zero. Stop wasting our time.

Why does Johnson have zero chance of being elected? Because the democrats and republicans SAY it would be wasting a vote? Because you have been TOLD that he has no chance?

Vote for teh candidate you think is best for the job. This year's election debacle is the end result of voting for the lesser of two evils.

The definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.
Johnson could really open up now by declaring he will re-open the 911 investigation - it is a shame he hasn't already done that.
Johnson could really open up now by declaring he will re-open the 911 investigation - it is a shame he hasn't already done that.

Johnson is focused on issues that matter where getting the nation going again are concerned. Balancing the budget, getting us out of bullshit wars, fixing the tax system, ect ect.
There is no reason for Johnson not to say that he will re-open 911. Nobody else is saying that. He can simply say he will do that because so many Americans have doubts, that's all.

As is, he is too soft and not getting noticed enough. Half of Trump's supporters are with Trump solely because they believe Trump will re-open. Now that Trump's candidacy is mortally wounded, why not try? What's the downside?

We know what the upside is..;.
There is no reason for Johnson not to say that he will re-open 911. Nobody else is saying that. He can simply say he will do that because so many Americans have doubts, that's all.

As is, he is too soft and not getting noticed enough. Half of Trump's supporters are with Trump solely because they believe Trump will re-open. Now that Trump's candidacy is mortally wounded, why not try? What's the downside?

We know what the upside is..;.

The upside is what? Rehashing a 15 year old controversy? If you get lucky you MIGHT get a few mid-level bureaucrats in jail?

If the voters cannot see that balancing the budget and pulling us out of needless wars is FAR more important, then we deserve Trump or Clinton.

And if Johnson talks about reopening the 9/11 investigation, he will be painted as a wackjob.
Donald has lost. Period. He won't get back to 40 percent in the polls. He had his chance and he failed... because he COULD NOT KEEP HIS BIG FAT TRAP SHUT.

There is one chance to avoid President Hillary - Donald's supporters need to be honest with themselves and realize Gary Johnson is the only hope. Sticking with the sinking ship guarantees Hillary in the Oval Office.

40% of Republicans will go down with the ship. They are angry, frightened hysterical Pat Buchannan oh fear we can't compete in a free market hysterical women. That's enough to sink Johnson too.

If Trump can't pull his shit together, and it appears he can't. Hillary will win. I predicted after the primaries that Trump would win, he had everything going for him. But man, the guy is a lunatic. A lunatic versus a soulless bitch. Yeah, this country can pick em ...

BTW, I am voting for Gary
Donald has lost. Period. He won't get back to 40 percent in the polls. He had his chance and he failed... because he COULD NOT KEEP HIS BIG FAT TRAP SHUT.

There is one chance to avoid President Hillary - Donald's supporters need to be honest with themselves and realize Gary Johnson is the only hope. Sticking with the sinking ship guarantees Hillary in the Oval Office.

40% of Republicans will go down with the ship. They are angry, frightened hysterical Pat Buchannan oh fear we can't compete in a free market hysterical women. That's enough to sink Johnson too.

If Trump can't pull his shit together, and it appears he can't. Hillary will win. I predicted after the primaries that Trump would win, he had everything going for him. But man, the guy is a lunatic. A lunatic versus a soulless bitch. Yeah, this country can pick em ...

BTW, I am voting for Gary

I have maintained all along that Trump never intended to win.

If you are the nominee of a major party, and want to lose without looking like you want to lose, what would you do? Pretty much what Trump has done.
Donald has lost. Period. He won't get back to 40 percent in the polls. He had his chance and he failed... because he COULD NOT KEEP HIS BIG FAT TRAP SHUT.

There is one chance to avoid President Hillary - Donald's supporters need to be honest with themselves and realize Gary Johnson is the only hope. Sticking with the sinking ship guarantees Hillary in the Oval Office.

40% of Republicans will go down with the ship. They are angry, frightened hysterical Pat Buchannan oh fear we can't compete in a free market hysterical women. That's enough to sink Johnson too.

If Trump can't pull his shit together, and it appears he can't. Hillary will win. I predicted after the primaries that Trump would win, he had everything going for him. But man, the guy is a lunatic. A lunatic versus a soulless bitch. Yeah, this country can pick em ...

BTW, I am voting for Gary

I have maintained all along that Trump never intended to win.

If you are the nominee of a major party, and want to lose without looking like you want to lose, what would you do? Pretty much what Trump has done.

I think you're nuts. That's been a baseless theory since he ran. He's long shown he's in it to win it. He just can't control himself. And Hillary has the media to cover up her ridiculous lies. Republicans have to soundly beat Democrats, else it's going to go to the Democrat who isn't going to be questioned by the media. And more and more they are being adored by the media.

Boggles my mind that the media would love the Government like they do. It seems the media and government should be enemies. Yet after every election in this country, they are in bed together smoking a cig
There hasn't been a single president Johnson who was good for America. And while superior to the choices of the top two there is little evidence this one will be better
There hasn't been a single president Johnson who was good for America. And while superior to the choices of the top two there is little evidence this one will be better

You base your voting on two previous presidents that have the same, very common, last name? Okey dokey.
Donald has lost. Period. He won't get back to 40 percent in the polls. He had his chance and he failed... because he COULD NOT KEEP HIS BIG FAT TRAP SHUT.

There is one chance to avoid President Hillary - Donald's supporters need to be honest with themselves and realize Gary Johnson is the only hope. Sticking with the sinking ship guarantees Hillary in the Oval Office.

40% of Republicans will go down with the ship. They are angry, frightened hysterical Pat Buchannan oh fear we can't compete in a free market hysterical women. That's enough to sink Johnson too.

If Trump can't pull his shit together, and it appears he can't. Hillary will win. I predicted after the primaries that Trump would win, he had everything going for him. But man, the guy is a lunatic. A lunatic versus a soulless bitch. Yeah, this country can pick em ...

BTW, I am voting for Gary

I don't think Johnson has much chance of winning the election either.....but do you think there's a chance of him getting electoral votes? How about enough to push the election to the House?
There hasn't been a single president Johnson who was good for America. And while superior to the choices of the top two there is little evidence this one will be better

Also, the last 'Gary' to run was a train wreck.
Donald has lost. Period. He won't get back to 40 percent in the polls. He had his chance and he failed... because he COULD NOT KEEP HIS BIG FAT TRAP SHUT.

There is one chance to avoid President Hillary - Donald's supporters need to be honest with themselves and realize Gary Johnson is the only hope. Sticking with the sinking ship guarantees Hillary in the Oval Office.

40% of Republicans will go down with the ship. They are angry, frightened hysterical Pat Buchannan oh fear we can't compete in a free market hysterical women. That's enough to sink Johnson too.

If Trump can't pull his shit together, and it appears he can't. Hillary will win. I predicted after the primaries that Trump would win, he had everything going for him. But man, the guy is a lunatic. A lunatic versus a soulless bitch. Yeah, this country can pick em ...

BTW, I am voting for Gary

I don't think Johnson has much chance of winning the election either.....but do you think there's a chance of him getting electoral votes? How about enough to push the election to the House?

The problem is Johnson would have to win a bunch of States to do that and it's not going to happen. Unfortunately we elect with a plurality in this country, you don't need a majority. Leaves the two parties as the only "viable" choice
Donald has lost. Period. He won't get back to 40 percent in the polls. He had his chance and he failed... because he COULD NOT KEEP HIS BIG FAT TRAP SHUT.

There is one chance to avoid President Hillary - Donald's supporters need to be honest with themselves and realize Gary Johnson is the only hope. Sticking with the sinking ship guarantees Hillary in the Oval Office.

40% of Republicans will go down with the ship. They are angry, frightened hysterical Pat Buchannan oh fear we can't compete in a free market hysterical women. That's enough to sink Johnson too.

If Trump can't pull his shit together, and it appears he can't. Hillary will win. I predicted after the primaries that Trump would win, he had everything going for him. But man, the guy is a lunatic. A lunatic versus a soulless bitch. Yeah, this country can pick em ...

BTW, I am voting for Gary

I don't think Johnson has much chance of winning the election either.....but do you think there's a chance of him getting electoral votes? How about enough to push the election to the House?

The problem is Johnson would have to win a bunch of States to do that and it's not going to happen. Unfortunately we elect with a plurality in this country, you don't need a majority. Leaves the two parties as the only "viable" choice

Given the polling numbers for people who dislike both Trump and Hillary, Johnson is a viable choice.

Look at all 3 candidates on the ballot and tell me which you think would make the best president. Voting any other way is simply stupid.
Donald has lost. Period. He won't get back to 40 percent in the polls. He had his chance and he failed... because he COULD NOT KEEP HIS BIG FAT TRAP SHUT.

There is one chance to avoid President Hillary - Donald's supporters need to be honest with themselves and realize Gary Johnson is the only hope. Sticking with the sinking ship guarantees Hillary in the Oval Office.

40% of Republicans will go down with the ship. They are angry, frightened hysterical Pat Buchannan oh fear we can't compete in a free market hysterical women. That's enough to sink Johnson too.

If Trump can't pull his shit together, and it appears he can't. Hillary will win. I predicted after the primaries that Trump would win, he had everything going for him. But man, the guy is a lunatic. A lunatic versus a soulless bitch. Yeah, this country can pick em ...

BTW, I am voting for Gary

I don't think Johnson has much chance of winning the election either.....but do you think there's a chance of him getting electoral votes? How about enough to push the election to the House?

The problem is Johnson would have to win a bunch of States to do that and it's not going to happen. Unfortunately we elect with a plurality in this country, you don't need a majority. Leaves the two parties as the only "viable" choice

Given the polling numbers for people who dislike both Trump and Hillary, Johnson is a viable choice.

Look at all 3 candidates on the ballot and tell me which you think would make the best president. Voting any other way is simply stupid.

I said I'm voting for Gary, I think he's the best candidate.

You know who do you support and who do you think will win are different questions, right?
Donald has lost. Period. He won't get back to 40 percent in the polls. He had his chance and he failed... because he COULD NOT KEEP HIS BIG FAT TRAP SHUT.

There is one chance to avoid President Hillary - Donald's supporters need to be honest with themselves and realize Gary Johnson is the only hope. Sticking with the sinking ship guarantees Hillary in the Oval Office.

40% of Republicans will go down with the ship. They are angry, frightened hysterical Pat Buchannan oh fear we can't compete in a free market hysterical women. That's enough to sink Johnson too.

If Trump can't pull his shit together, and it appears he can't. Hillary will win. I predicted after the primaries that Trump would win, he had everything going for him. But man, the guy is a lunatic. A lunatic versus a soulless bitch. Yeah, this country can pick em ...

BTW, I am voting for Gary

I don't think Johnson has much chance of winning the election either.....but do you think there's a chance of him getting electoral votes? How about enough to push the election to the House?

The problem is Johnson would have to win a bunch of States to do that and it's not going to happen. Unfortunately we elect with a plurality in this country, you don't need a majority. Leaves the two parties as the only "viable" choice

Given the polling numbers for people who dislike both Trump and Hillary, Johnson is a viable choice.

Look at all 3 candidates on the ballot and tell me which you think would make the best president. Voting any other way is simply stupid.

I said I'm voting for Gary, I think he's the best candidate.

You know who do you support and who do you think will win are different questions, right?

I don't care what the predictions are. I care about casting my one vote for the best candidate.

But repeating the "Johnson can't win" propaganda helps make sure he will lose the election.

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