Ditch Donald, embrace Johnson - our only chance to avoid Prez Hillary

If I vote for Johnson, I help Clinton, but if I vote Stein, I hurt Clinton? How the hell does that work? In both cases I'm voting for someone other than Clinton.

Yeah, don't buy the crap. Both Johnson and Stein take more votes from Hillary than Trump. Johnson and Stein should have their own debate and live stream it.

Johnson is on the ballot in every state, I'd like to see him debate with Clinton and Trump. I'd be happy to see Stein involved as well.

Why do you think Johnson and Stein both "take more votes from Hillary than Trump"?
Hillary's voters are "looser," not as welded as Trump's are...
Among the many issues Johnson is wrong about is his support of Ryan’s ‘plan’ to get rid of Medicare and ‘privatize’ Social Security, a 'plan' that is reckless, irresponsible, and unwarranted – and Johnson is just as reckless and irresponsible.
Among the many issues Johnson is wrong about is his support of Ryan’s ‘plan’ to get rid of Medicare and ‘privatize’ Social Security, a 'plan' that is reckless, irresponsible, and unwarranted – and Johnson is just as reckless and irresponsible.

Only big government can save us = thanks...
Got his wealth by cheating, lying, deceiving,
That's the "conservative" view of capitalism; focus on profit-driven business and the consumer or environment can get fucked.
And then pray to a god that heaven awaits.
What other kind of business exists than a profit driven business? Non-profit=charity. If you want to spend your money and make none in return go for it. Consumers are our customers, most want return customers or we fail. Most want a good environment or we all fail. Not that some wouldn't screw it up for a quick buck but you live in a bubble if you think that's the norm.
I understand & accept the revenue/cost balance sheet of basic capitalism.
Business does not have to represent GREED.
Some of the cost of doing business is RESPECT for employees, consumers, other animals, and environment.
That's ethical business.
If a business cannot make a decent profit (or at least break even) while operating ethically, then it should not exist or it should adapt.
Who determines exactly where the ethical and greedy lines are?
Anybody catch the townhall they did on CNN the other night? It was pretty good... I actually kind of wish Weld was the Prez nom and Johnson was the vice, think they got the ticket backwards.

I was just talking about that. Weld seemed to have more charisma than Johnson in that town hall.
Yeah, weld is much more confident in his presentation, Johnson is a little quirky and insecure... I like his humility but he needs to step up the confidence if he wants serious consideration to be elected commander and chief
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Still, if the competition is Hillary and Maginot Trump, Johnson has my vote.
How have I helped Hillary?

Want another Hillary resume from LaDexter??

Hint - it starts with FAILING THE DC BAR EXAM

Which is it .. Vote for Stein or Johnson? :lol: Obviously you support Trump, and like Trump, you're all bullshit. :0)
Still, if the competition is Hillary and Maginot Trump, Johnson has my vote.

Trump has your vote ..that's obvious. :0)
He has ours too. I disagree with the Gates and Clinton agenda and their destruction and mayhem for the 21st Century via forcing people into believing as they do even if it means making their eugenics program via vaccines, tainted food and wars legal.
Still, if the competition is Hillary and Maginot Trump, Johnson has my vote.

Trump has your vote ..that's obvious. :0)

Is this based on other posts? How does someone saying they prefer Johnson to Clinton or Trump mean they will vote for Trump?

Read the thread about a GOP plan to split the votes in a desperate attempt to get Trump elected .. then read the Jill Stein thread that claims progressives MUST vote for Stein .. look who created .. then comes this thread about Johnson .. look who created it.

Marching orders .. won't work. :0)
Still, if the competition is Hillary and Maginot Trump, Johnson has my vote.

Trump has your vote ..that's obvious. :0)

Is this based on other posts? How does someone saying they prefer Johnson to Clinton or Trump mean they will vote for Trump?

Read the thread about a GOP plan to split the votes in a desperate attempt to get Trump elected .. then read the Jill Stein thread that claims progressives MUST vote for Stein .. look who created .. then comes this thread about Johnson .. look who created it.

Marching orders .. won't work. :0)
It helps if you post links...
Black as Coal, do you actually like and admire Hillary?

What the polls show is that most of Hillary's support simply "supports" her because they hate Trump, not because they like her or think she will be good for the US.

Do you think Hillary is trustworthy, honest, selfless, and worthy of the office?
Trump has your vote ..that's obvious. :0)

I don't think you understand "Maginot" at all, which is par for the course, because the core Hillary supporters only care about one thing - how big their next government check will be.
Black as Coal, do you actually like and admire Hillary?

What the polls show is that most of Hillary's support simply "supports" her because they hate Trump, not because they like her or think she will be good for the US.

Do you think Hillary is trustworthy, honest, selfless, and worthy of the office?

No, I don't like her, I admire her accomplishments, I would respect her as President, I'd honor her as the first woman President.

That being said, I am not a democrat. I'm a Green, although I recognize that the Green Party isn't a real party. Anyone who suggests that it is hasn't actually worked within the party. You cannot build a party from the top down .. but I digress. :0)

I like Jill Stein very much. I hosted her at my house, drove her around to scheduled events, had long discussions with her, and I voted for her instead of Obama. Voting 3rd party in this country amounts to a protest vote, not much else. I voted for Stein instead of Obama because she's a progressive, Obama is not. But also because Obama wasn't running against Donald Trump. I had the 'luxury' of a 3rd party vote. Donald Trump does not allow for such luxuries.

Don't get that twisted, Trump isn't the evil the he purposefully makes himself out to be. That's an act. Trump is a democrat. You may not know that brother, but it doesn't take much digging to find that out. So I don't see Trump as evil .. but what he's created IS evil. My spirit .. my conscience requires that I vote against the evil Trump as created, not against Trump himself. Trump is doing more to bring down the Republican Party than what any democrat could accomplish. :0) He's a damn hero.

Additionally, the number one issue in this country from my perspective is the terrorism of police. That's true with a great many African-Americans .. and America has never been as poised and positioned to more effectively deal with that issue than it is right now ... AND, Hillary Clinton will have a huge hand in getting this done.


Because she knows how important the Black vote is to her campaign .. and she needs energized black voters. When she said, "We need to stop killing African-Americans" .. she sealed the deal and will get millions of energized black votes. .. AND, she will do something serious about the issue.


Because she wants to be re-elected and she will need millions of energized black votes.

Politics isn't about 'like' .. it's about purpose.
Hate to be a Debbie Downer, but if you vote for Johnson, you're handing it to Clinton. However, if you vote for Jill Stein, you may help avoid a Clinton Presidency. Stein will take support away from Clinton.
That makes no sense

Stein is the real Progressive in the race. If they show up to vote for her, it will hurt Clinton. Supporting Johnson only takes votes away from Trump.
Hate to be a Debbie Downer, but if you vote for Johnson, you're handing it to Clinton. However, if you vote for Jill Stein, you may help avoid a Clinton Presidency. Stein will take support away from Clinton.

Wait....what? If I vote for Johnson, I help Clinton, but if I vote Stein, I hurt Clinton? How the hell does that work? In both cases I'm voting for someone other than Clinton.

There are many Republicans who lean Libertarian. If they choose to support Johnson instead of Trump, Clinton will win pretty easily.
Donald has lost. Period. He won't get back to 40 percent in the polls. He had his chance and he failed... because he COULD NOT KEEP HIS BIG FAT TRAP SHUT.

There is one chance to avoid President Hillary - Donald's supporters need to be honest with themselves and realize Gary Johnson is the only hope. Sticking with the sinking ship guarantees Hillary in the Oval Office.

Johnson supports black lies murder and gun control.......I would like to see the checks hilary is sending him to keep his campaign going......

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