Ditch Donald, embrace Johnson - our only chance to avoid Prez Hillary

Sock puppets usually are at least subtle for one or two posts before storming out of the closet.

Up to now this board has been graced by one and only one Johnson admirer and even he is just trying to take votes away from Trump in order to secure victory for his gf, Hillary.

Of course there remains the possibility that Sanders supporters might go Johnson but more likely they'll just go to sleep.
The vast majority of people do not trust or like both Trump AND Hillary... Why not explore a 3rd party. It is embarrassing how little coverage these other candidates get in our news media. Kudos to CNN for doing a town hall... Shame on the rest for giving it zero coverage or discussion. Instead they focus 90% of their programs on the revolving Trump/Clinton talking points...
Snag is, Johnson is wrong on most of the issues, just like Trump.

Indeed, Johnson would likely appoint the same reactionary, wrongheaded conservative ideologues to the Federal courts, and Supreme Court, as Trump.
Why don't you right wingers admit that in your rush to punish establishment Republicans you screwed the pooch on the election!!

To think, all that political talent and options...sheesh! Hillary is cackling all the way to Pennsylvania avenue!!


..all the way to Pennsylvania Avenue!!
Snag is, Johnson is wrong on most of the issues, just like Trump.

Indeed, Johnson would likely appoint the same reactionary, wrongheaded conservative ideologues to the Federal courts, and Supreme Court, as Trump.
I think he would pick a more balanced justice than the other two candidates... Remember he aligns more with the Liberals on social issues and human rights
I think he would pick a more balanced justice than the other two candidates... Remember he aligns more with the Liberals on social issues and human rights

In other words, he's a Socialist, like every other Liberal.
What are you talking about? Are you joking? He is liberal on social policies and fiscally conservative promoting small government. Have you ever heard of the Libertarian ideology? Heard an interview with him?
What are you talking about? Are you joking? He is liberal on social policies and fiscally conservative promoting small government. Have you ever heard of the Libertarian ideology? Heard an interview with him?

Conservatism is a Pass-Fail philosophy. If you aren't 100% Conservative you are 0% Conservative. Very simple.
What are you talking about? Are you joking? He is liberal on social policies and fiscally conservative promoting small government. Have you ever heard of the Libertarian ideology? Heard an interview with him?

Conservatism is a Pass-Fail philosophy. If you aren't 100% Conservative you are 0% Conservative. Very simple.
So if you are not 100% conservative you are a socialist? Do you know what socialist means?
You're the one that used socialist... You realize that was an error right?

No error. That's the term I use for anyone who isn't a Conservative. You may use something else. I use it as a reminder to myself that nothing good can come from even the most seemingly bland Liberal concept.
Unlike what you call a "conservative," Gary Johnson has a record of keeping taxes and spending down and jobs up. Your definition of "conservative" isn't.

The FIRST place to check is the online record, and Johnson is scored much higher as a CONSERVATIVE than TTrum.

Trump isn't a Conservative either. No candidate I've researched to date meets my criteria for Conservatives. Darrell Castle is the only one I haven't vetted yet.

He is also a libertarian.
You're the one that used socialist... You realize that was an error right?

No error. That's the term I use for anyone who isn't a Conservative. You may use something else. I use it as a reminder to myself that nothing good can come from even the most seemingly bland Liberal concept.
How is the government restricting homosexuals from getting married conservative? How is an endless military budget conservative? These are major principles of the republican and tea party are they not?

Besides that libertarians are the polar opposite of socialists... More so than republicans
Recent polling showed Democrats more likely to go Green than Trump supporters...
How is the government restricting homosexuals from getting married conservative? How is an endless military budget conservative? These are major principles of the republican and tea party are they not?

Besides that libertarians are the polar opposite of socialists... More so than republicans

Republicans aren't Conservative and haven't been in any of our lifetimes. Conservatives don't consider homosexuals human and only support a military to defend this nation, not others.

Libertarians are Liberals and Republicans are, at best, closet Liberals.
LOL Anathema belongs to the Conservative Party of One. Seeing as to how there is no one else that lives up to his standards. Which means that there are not other humans in the world other than Anathema. In fact, I think he and Trump have a fight going as to who is actually the only human around.
Donald has lost. Period. He won't get back to 40 percent in the polls. He had his chance and he failed... because he COULD NOT KEEP HIS BIG FAT TRAP SHUT.

There is one chance to avoid President Hillary - Donald's supporters need to be honest with themselves and realize Gary Johnson is the only hope. Sticking with the sinking ship guarantees Hillary in the Oval Office.

Sorry, but Johnson won't get 10% of the vote on election day. That's being generous.

I agree that Trump's campaign is in serious trouble. If there are not some radical changes in the next week, it's going to be a landslide win for Hillary Clinton. It may already be too late. The damage he has caused in the past two weeks may be too much to overcome.

Continuing on the current trajectory, Trump may cost Republicans the Senate and House. This has the RNC insiders discussing things like Rule 9. That is, they are secretly trying to negotiate with Trump to bow out. I don't know if that would save the presidential race but it might help the down ballot races.

It's a real shame because this was the GOP's election to lose. ANY of the other 16 candidates would be up on Hillary at this point. And his little chucklehead supporters all live in a state of denial over what is happening while he burns the Republican party to the ground.

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