Ditch Donald, embrace Johnson - our only chance to avoid Prez Hillary

The Chinese built one thousands of years ago and they still don't have any Mexicans.

That's just the type of brilliant historical insight that makes you qualified to support Maginot Donald.

Unfortunately, ancient Chinese did not have to deal with drug gangs worth billions of dollar who dig underneath walls with modern equipment. Trump's wall won't stop shit. Dealing with the economic and social issues of the Drug War will. Legalizing pot will be a plus $300 billion per year to the US taxpayer. It is absolutely amazing to observe bigoted luddite sub humans who are more obsessed with (failing to) stop people from smoking pot than they are the solvency of the United States.

I don't give a flying fuck if pot is legalized. I don't care one way or the other. If you want to pollute your body with smoke-----------do it. Shorten your life and save the rest of us the money for your medical care.

Securing our borders, and remaining a country, is relatively easy. the Border patrol knows how to do it already, just put up the wall and let the BP do their job.

You assholes who want to base every political discussion of pot legalization make me sick.
Donald has lost. Period. He won't get back to 40 percent in the polls. He had his chance and he failed... because he COULD NOT KEEP HIS BIG FAT TRAP SHUT.

There is one chance to avoid President Hillary - Donald's supporters need to be honest with themselves and realize Gary Johnson is the only hope. Sticking with the sinking ship guarantees Hillary in the Oval Office.

Sorry, but Johnson won't get 10% of the vote on election day. That's being generous.

I agree that Trump's campaign is in serious trouble. If there are not some radical changes in the next week, it's going to be a landslide win for Hillary Clinton. It may already be too late. The damage he has caused in the past two weeks may be too much to overcome.

Continuing on the current trajectory, Trump may cost Republicans the Senate and House. This has the RNC insiders discussing things like Rule 9. That is, they are secretly trying to negotiate with Trump to bow out. I don't know if that would save the presidential race but it might help the down ballot races.

It's a real shame because this was the GOP's election to lose. ANY of the other 16 candidates would be up on Hillary at this point. And his little chucklehead supporters all live in a state of denial over what is happening while he burns the Republican party to the ground.

Relax, Trump is going to win.
Hate to be a Debbie Downer, but if you vote for Johnson, you're handing it to Clinton. However, if you vote for Jill Stein, you may help avoid a Clinton Presidency. Stein will take support away from Clinton.
Relax, Trump is going to win.
Unless something changes radically in the next week, I don't see it. Sorry.

The election is in November, not next week. A lot will happen between now and then.

I think Trump will win, you don't. One of us will be right.

I'm watching his poll numbers go down faster than Britney Spears on her second honeymoon. Another week like the last two and he couldn't get elected dog catcher. I'm sorry, I know you're a big fan and you think everything is fine... but I'm telling you, the wheels are coming off. He is alienating huge chunks of his core constituency when he should be going after Hillary... it's almost like a death wish.
Relax, Trump is going to win.
Unless something changes radically in the next week, I don't see it. Sorry.

The election is in November, not next week. A lot will happen between now and then.

I think Trump will win, you don't. One of us will be right.

I'm watching his poll numbers go down faster than Britney Spears on her second honeymoon. Another week like the last two and he couldn't get elected dog catcher. I'm sorry, I know you're a big fan and you think everything is fine... but I'm telling you, the wheels are coming off. He is alienating huge chunks of his core constituency when he should be going after Hillary... it's almost like a death wish.
Do you have any fucking clue how this Works?
Relax, Trump is going to win.
Unless something changes radically in the next week, I don't see it. Sorry.

The election is in November, not next week. A lot will happen between now and then.

I think Trump will win, you don't. One of us will be right.

I'm watching his poll numbers go down faster than Britney Spears on her second honeymoon. Another week like the last two and he couldn't get elected dog catcher. I'm sorry, I know you're a big fan and you think everything is fine... but I'm telling you, the wheels are coming off. He is alienating huge chunks of his core constituency when he should be going after Hillary... it's almost like a death wish.

you spend too much time listening to the Clinton news network. None of that is happening. Trump is getting huge crowds at his rallys and the hildebeast cant fill any venue. She and Kaine had to cancel one last week due to lack of interest.
Relax, Trump is going to win.
Unless something changes radically in the next week, I don't see it. Sorry.

The election is in November, not next week. A lot will happen between now and then.

I think Trump will win, you don't. One of us will be right.

I'm watching his poll numbers go down faster than Britney Spears on her second honeymoon. Another week like the last two and he couldn't get elected dog catcher. I'm sorry, I know you're a big fan and you think everything is fine... but I'm telling you, the wheels are coming off. He is alienating huge chunks of his core constituency when he should be going after Hillary... it's almost like a death wish.
Do you have any fucking clue how this Works?

he/she/it is a victim of the state controlled media indoctrination.
Most of the comments on the youtube videos on her rallies are Hillary for prison from what I am reading. I wonder if Warren is going with her. Looks like they may have had to emptied the schools to get a crowd in Omaha.

Most of the comments on the youtube videos on her rallies are Hillary for prison from what I am reading. I wonder if Warren is going with her. Looks like they may have had to emptied the schools to get a crowd in Omaha.

The democrats can no longer even pay people to attend....:lol:
Most of the comments on the youtube videos on her rallies are Hillary for prison from what I am reading. I wonder if Warren is going with her. Looks like they may have had to emptied the schools to get a crowd in Omaha.

The democrats can no longer even pay people to attend....:lol:
Buffet probably bought the school uniforms. He is a generous man for sure. The look on some of those young peoples faces is priceless while Buffet is talking.
omaha hillary.jpg
Donald has lost. Period. He won't get back to 40 percent in the polls. He had his chance and he failed... because he COULD NOT KEEP HIS BIG FAT TRAP SHUT.

There is one chance to avoid President Hillary - Donald's supporters need to be honest with themselves and realize Gary Johnson is the only hope. Sticking with the sinking ship guarantees Hillary in the Oval Office.

Have you considered the possibility that supporters of Sanders will write in his name instead of voting for this social climber lying bitch? Or even voting for Trump?

Have you considered the possibility that wavering or anti-Trump Republicans will come to their senses?

Have you considered the possibility that Democrats fooled by Hillary will see the light?

Have you considered that only fools celebrate a funeral without a cold, dead body?
Wouldn't it be great if we could break up these two corrupt parties and start on a path that reflects the voice of the people? D's and R's have been running this country for way too long... I would love to see the Libs make a run this year. I'd love to see a break up of the R's and D's into a Conservative party, a Mod Republican Party, a Mod Dem party and a Progressive party...

If you want to see a pizza top, mish-mash government like you see in Europe or Canada, move there.
Most of the comments on the youtube videos on her rallies are Hillary for prison from what I am reading. I wonder if Warren is going with her. Looks like they may have had to emptied the schools to get a crowd in Omaha.

The democrats can no longer even pay people to attend....:lol:
Buffet probably bought the school uniforms. He is a generous man for sure. The look on some of those young peoples faces is priceless while Buffet is talking.View attachment 84460

Buffet is a typical limousine Democrat.

Got his wealth by cheating, lying, deceiving, and producing absolutely NOTHING, but stolen money to pad his bank account.
Why don't you right wingers admit that in your rush to punish establishment Republicans you screwed the pooch on the election!!

To think, all that political talent and options...sheesh! Hillary is cackling all the way to Pennsylvania avenue!!


..all the way to Pennsylvania Avenue!!

Clinton belongs to Pennsylvania Avenue, east of the Anacostia river, not 1600..
Hate to be a Debbie Downer, but if you vote for Johnson, you're handing it to Clinton. However, if you vote for Jill Stein, you may help avoid a Clinton Presidency. Stein will take support away from Clinton.
That makes no sense

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