Ditch Donald, embrace Johnson - our only chance to avoid Prez Hillary

Hate to be a Debbie Downer, but if you vote for Johnson, you're handing it to Clinton. However, if you vote for Jill Stein, you may help avoid a Clinton Presidency. Stein will take support away from Clinton.

Wait....what? If I vote for Johnson, I help Clinton, but if I vote Stein, I hurt Clinton? How the hell does that work? In both cases I'm voting for someone other than Clinton.

There are many Republicans who lean Libertarian. If they choose to support Johnson instead of Trump, Clinton will win pretty easily.

Yep.......and then you can kiss Libertarian principals good bye forever........the courts, the bureaucracy, it will belong to the statists......and the libertarians can preach how pure their ideas are, and how noble their purpose........but it will be like the people who worship rocks and trees....it won't mean a thing to anyone but their tiny, silly group of people..........

the only way for libertarian ideas to take root is to keep the democrats out of every public office ........they are anti libertarian...and will grow the state till there is nothing left....
Hate to be a Debbie Downer, but if you vote for Johnson, you're handing it to Clinton. However, if you vote for Jill Stein, you may help avoid a Clinton Presidency. Stein will take support away from Clinton.

Wait....what? If I vote for Johnson, I help Clinton, but if I vote Stein, I hurt Clinton? How the hell does that work? In both cases I'm voting for someone other than Clinton.

There are many Republicans who lean Libertarian. If they choose to support Johnson instead of Trump, Clinton will win pretty easily.

Yep.......and then you can kiss Libertarian principals good bye forever........the courts, the bureaucracy, it will belong to the statists......and the libertarians can preach how pure their ideas are, and how noble their purpose........but it will be like the people who worship rocks and trees....it won't mean a thing to anyone but their tiny, silly group of people..........

the only way for libertarian ideas to take root is to keep the democrats out of every public office ........they are anti libertarian...and will grow the state till there is nothing left....

I agree, i don't wanna see a Clinton Presidency. But it looks like it is gonna happen. In fact, i think the Republicans are probably gonna get slaughtered in November. They may hold on to the House, but i think they'll lose everything else. I'm thinking it's gonna be like how the Democrats won near the end of Bush's term They even had a Supermajority back then. I hope i'm wrong though.
Hate to be a Debbie Downer, but if you vote for Johnson, you're handing it to Clinton. However, if you vote for Jill Stein, you may help avoid a Clinton Presidency. Stein will take support away from Clinton.

Wait....what? If I vote for Johnson, I help Clinton, but if I vote Stein, I hurt Clinton? How the hell does that work? In both cases I'm voting for someone other than Clinton.

There are many Republicans who lean Libertarian. If they choose to support Johnson instead of Trump, Clinton will win pretty easily.

Yep.......and then you can kiss Libertarian principals good bye forever........the courts, the bureaucracy, it will belong to the statists......and the libertarians can preach how pure their ideas are, and how noble their purpose........but it will be like the people who worship rocks and trees....it won't mean a thing to anyone but their tiny, silly group of people..........

the only way for libertarian ideas to take root is to keep the democrats out of every public office ........they are anti libertarian...and will grow the state till there is nothing left....

I agree, i don't wanna see a Clinton Presidency. But it looks like it is gonna happen. In fact, i think the Republicans are probably gonna get slaughtered in November. They may hold on to the House, but i think they'll lose everything else. I'm thinking it's gonna be like how the Democrats won near the end of Bush's term They even had a Supermajority back then. I hope i'm wrong though.

If hilary wins...we will officially be Mexico.....a government so corrupt and evil there will be no way to vote them out of office.........
Hate to be a Debbie Downer, but if you vote for Johnson, you're handing it to Clinton. However, if you vote for Jill Stein, you may help avoid a Clinton Presidency. Stein will take support away from Clinton.

Wait....what? If I vote for Johnson, I help Clinton, but if I vote Stein, I hurt Clinton? How the hell does that work? In both cases I'm voting for someone other than Clinton.

There are many Republicans who lean Libertarian. If they choose to support Johnson instead of Trump, Clinton will win pretty easily.

OK, but you didn't say if Republicans vote for Johnson or if Democrats vote for Stein. You phrased the original statement as though whichever of those candidates I vote for will have a different affect on Clinton.
Hate to be a Debbie Downer, but if you vote for Johnson, you're handing it to Clinton. However, if you vote for Jill Stein, you may help avoid a Clinton Presidency. Stein will take support away from Clinton.
That makes no sense

Stein is the real Progressive in the race. If they show up to vote for her, it will hurt Clinton. Supporting Johnson only takes votes away from Trump.
It's a shame that there isn't even a whisper of stein or Johnson in this election. Why aren't they both booking interviews on the major news outlets every day/night? It was nice to see Johnson do that town hall on cnn but disappointing that nobody really talked about it afterwards
Vote Johnson. The government will be a corrupt failure but you will be so high on pot you won't care.
they are anti libertarian...and will grow the state till there is nothing left....

That statement also describes...


in short, every sold out to Zionism traitor in DC...
There are many Republicans who lean Libertarian. If they choose to support Johnson instead of Trump, Clinton will win pretty easily.
the only way for libertarian ideas to take root is to keep the democrats out of every public office ........they are anti libertarian...and will grow the state till there is nothing left....
There are different kinds of Libertarians; some lean "liberal" Euro style and some lean "conservative" Tea Party style.
All Libertarians emphasize individual liberty and want less government controlling them.

The way political parties and their donors work now, Libertarians and other "independents" will never get elected for POTUS.
Their votes will be split among major parties, more/less for one party depending on candidate/platform.
In a normal election, yes, the Libertarians cannot win.

When the GOP candidate essentially forfeits by spazzing out during the DNC convention, the question then becomes, the Libertarian or Hillary, since the GOP is already out...

That's the question

Johnson or Hillary

the only two who can win
In a normal election, yes, the Libertarians cannot win.

When the GOP candidate essentially forfeits by spazzing out during the DNC convention, the question then becomes, the Libertarian or Hillary, since the GOP is already out...

That's the question

Johnson or Hillary

the only two who can win
I would love to see lib-oriented Johnson & his con-oriented running mate win, but that's only a dream.
It will become painfully obvious that the Donald is stuck under 35% of the vote and hence cannot win. About half of what is voting for Hillary is "loose," it doesn't really like Hillary, but it will vote for Hillary over Trump.

Make the race Johnson vs. Hillary and I think Johnson wins big.
Make the race Johnson vs. Hillary and I think Johnson wins big.
How would that happen?
USA is currently all about money & greed. It takes rich donors to influence voters, and to have most of them change their entrenched voting patterns.
Not many independent voters out there who "think for themselves & question authority".
Make the race Johnson vs. Hillary and I think Johnson wins big.
How would that happen?
USA is currently all about money & greed. It takes rich donors to influence voters, and to have most of them change their entrenched voting patterns.
Not many independent voters out there who "think for themselves & question authority".
Bernie and Trump both ran their primaries with minimal budgets when compared to the traditional campaigns. There is a silver of hope that momentum and exposure can be gained within a grass roots movement...
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Johnson = Ralph Nader. Split the vote on the dem side for a Trump victory. Won't be enough though. The moderate voters are smart & will figure out that a vote for Johnson is a vote for Trump. And if they aren't smart enough, I myself will take out a TV ad that informs them as much.
Hate to be a Debbie Downer, but if you vote for Johnson, you're handing it to Clinton. However, if you vote for Jill Stein, you may help avoid a Clinton Presidency. Stein will take support away from Clinton.
That makes no sense

Stein is the real Progressive in the race. If they show up to vote for her, it will hurt Clinton. Supporting Johnson only takes votes away from Trump.
It's a shame that there isn't even a whisper of stein or Johnson in this election. Why aren't they both booking interviews on the major news outlets every day/night? It was nice to see Johnson do that town hall on cnn but disappointing that nobody really talked about it afterwards

I thought the same thing. I hope they're included in all the Debates.
Johnson = Ralph Nader. Split the vote on the dem side for a Trump victory. Won't be enough though. The moderate voters are smart & will figure out that a vote for Johnson is a vote for Trump. And if they aren't smart enough, I myself will take out a TV ad that informs them as much.

How does Johnson split the Dem vote and not the Repub vote? Do you know anything about Johnson's political beliefs or stated policy choices should he be elected president?
Johnson = Ralph Nader. Split the vote on the dem side for a Trump victory. Won't be enough though. The moderate voters are smart & will figure out that a vote for Johnson is a vote for Trump. And if they aren't smart enough, I myself will take out a TV ad that informs them as much.

Wait, wait... hold on.... others here are saying that a vote for Johnson is a vote for Clinton. ??? Is it both?
Johnson = Ralph Nader. Split the vote on the dem side for a Trump victory. Won't be enough though. The moderate voters are smart & will figure out that a vote for Johnson is a vote for Trump. And if they aren't smart enough, I myself will take out a TV ad that informs them as much.

How does Johnson split the Dem vote and not the Repub vote? Do you know anything about Johnson's political beliefs or stated policy choices should he be elected president?

Silly has never been encumbered by anything as trivial as a fact.
There is NO chance that a Libertarian candidate is going to win the Presidency.


A vote for Johnson is a vote for Clinton.


Next time, Republicans, pay attention.

Trump gained the nomination because Middle America is sick and tired of your bullshit.

Trump gained the nomination because they want American manufacturing jobs brought back on-shore.

Trump gained the nomination because they don' want the 11 - 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens to remain here, and they don't want a repeat of this.

Trump gained the nomination because they're sick of the Fag Lobby being given too controlling of a voice in our public life because of goddamned Liberal Judicial Activism.

Trump gained the nomination because they want less War and more Peace, and they're tired of MI-Complex overspending, and the deaths of young Americans.

Trump gained the nomination because they lost confidence in your leadership.

Trump gained the nomination because "It's not about Conservatism, stupid" - it's about a better and more faithful advocacy for the Common Man.

Trump gained the nomination because they now know you sold out to the Corporatists, decades ago, and they want their Grand Old Party back.

Trump gained the nomination because your time is over, and you needed to be convinced of that, in the only way that would penetrate your thick skulls.

Learn from your experience, fools.

Jettison your old leadership - find new leaders... jettison your agenda - build a new one... jettison your elites - become the Party of the Common Man again, at long last.

You may even have to out-Democrat the Democrats for a while, in Area A or B or C, until you find your Center again...





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