Diversity is a Weakness, Not a Strength

The snowflakes have been bleating aobut the wonders of "diversity" ever since I can remember. However, it's actually a big lie, in the Goebbels sense of the term. Here's an interesting article that explains why it's bullshit. We don't benefit from immigration. We are positively harmed by it.

"Diversity is a strength” is one of those Orwellian maxims that’s just generally accepted as truth by most Americans despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Granted, if you’re talking about a DIVERSITY OF IDEAS, you can certainly come up with some situations where it’s a strength. For example, in the movie World War Z, Israel is saved (at least temporarily) by having a “tenth man” whose job is to forcefully argue for the alternative viewpoint to a situation where everyone agrees. So instead of laughing off the idea that Israel might face a zombie invasion, Israelis realized there was merit to it and was prepared in time to protect the country. Back in the real world, the NFL certainly could have used someone pointing out the potential long-term downsides of allowing players disrespect the flag when just Colin Kaepernick was doing it. Donald Trump might benefit from a diversity of opinions when he’s about to tweet about Rosie O’Donnell or Mark Cuban at 4 AM. The Democrat Party could certainly use the input of a few random white factory workers from flyover country about the latest rhetoric and proposals they’re about to pitch.

On the other hand, even when diversity of thought is useful, it’s only in limited doses. The New York Yankees don’t want players who think the Boston Red Sox should win the pennant. A Republican President doesn’t want a Democrat in his Cabinet who will undermine him at every opportunity. Our military doesn’t want soldiers hoping the other side will defeat us in a war.

All that being said, when most people talk about “diversity,” they don’t mean a diversity of ideas. They believe a Hispanic guy, a black guy, a transsexual and a woman bring something to the table just by virtue of their race or gender.

This is seldom true.

For example, it is true that a group of white economists working on tax policy could benefit from having Thomas Sowell come out of retirement to join their ranks, but that’s because he’s Thomas freakin’ Sowell, not because he’s black. An all-Hispanic baseball team would benefit from adding Mike Trout to its roster, but it’s because he can play, not because of his white perspective. An all-female start-up would be lucky to get Bill Gates on board, not because he can mansplain things to them, but because he has lots of friends with infinite amounts of money who might invest if he’s on board.

In fact, diversity is often a huge minus. The new black employee may claim you discriminated against him, even if he’s fired for legitimate reasons. The woman may sue for sexual harassment after seeing a swimsuit calendar on some random guy’s wall. The Satanist you hire may call it religious discrimination if you don’t offer him a goat to sacrifice to Lucifer on Halloween.

Diversity can work just fine, but only if there’s strong pressure on people to assimilate to the existing culture. That’s why our very diverse military functions so well. However, we don’t have those conditions in America as a whole. Instead, we have liberals promoting tribalism and grievance mongering non-stop. In other words, every racial, sexual and religious difference is used as a way to split people further apart. Many of the same people who claim diversity is a strength will also tell you white people can’t understand the concerns of black Americans, men are oppressing women and women who don’t want to share a bathroom with a transsexual man are bigots.

diversity is "weakness" only if you're a disgusting racist uneducated trailer park white supremacist.

It's obviously a weakness, period. The NFL knee bending is obvious proof of that. In that case so-called "diversity" is causing civil strife. How does that benefit anyone?

only to someone who never grew up or lived around anyone who wasn't a white supremacist.
. Where's that place at ? I thought you all took care of that in America. I gotta get out more.. lol
The snowflakes have been bleating aobut the wonders of "diversity" ever since I can remember. However, it's actually a big lie, in the Goebbels sense of the term. Here's an interesting article that explains why it's bullshit. We don't benefit from immigration. We are positively harmed by it.

"Diversity is a strength” is one of those Orwellian maxims that’s just generally accepted as truth by most Americans despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Granted, if you’re talking about a DIVERSITY OF IDEAS, you can certainly come up with some situations where it’s a strength. For example, in the movie World War Z, Israel is saved (at least temporarily) by having a “tenth man” whose job is to forcefully argue for the alternative viewpoint to a situation where everyone agrees. So instead of laughing off the idea that Israel might face a zombie invasion, Israelis realized there was merit to it and was prepared in time to protect the country. Back in the real world, the NFL certainly could have used someone pointing out the potential long-term downsides of allowing players disrespect the flag when just Colin Kaepernick was doing it. Donald Trump might benefit from a diversity of opinions when he’s about to tweet about Rosie O’Donnell or Mark Cuban at 4 AM. The Democrat Party could certainly use the input of a few random white factory workers from flyover country about the latest rhetoric and proposals they’re about to pitch.

On the other hand, even when diversity of thought is useful, it’s only in limited doses. The New York Yankees don’t want players who think the Boston Red Sox should win the pennant. A Republican President doesn’t want a Democrat in his Cabinet who will undermine him at every opportunity. Our military doesn’t want soldiers hoping the other side will defeat us in a war.

All that being said, when most people talk about “diversity,” they don’t mean a diversity of ideas. They believe a Hispanic guy, a black guy, a transsexual and a woman bring something to the table just by virtue of their race or gender.

This is seldom true.

For example, it is true that a group of white economists working on tax policy could benefit from having Thomas Sowell come out of retirement to join their ranks, but that’s because he’s Thomas freakin’ Sowell, not because he’s black. An all-Hispanic baseball team would benefit from adding Mike Trout to its roster, but it’s because he can play, not because of his white perspective. An all-female start-up would be lucky to get Bill Gates on board, not because he can mansplain things to them, but because he has lots of friends with infinite amounts of money who might invest if he’s on board.

In fact, diversity is often a huge minus. The new black employee may claim you discriminated against him, even if he’s fired for legitimate reasons. The woman may sue for sexual harassment after seeing a swimsuit calendar on some random guy’s wall. The Satanist you hire may call it religious discrimination if you don’t offer him a goat to sacrifice to Lucifer on Halloween.

Diversity can work just fine, but only if there’s strong pressure on people to assimilate to the existing culture. That’s why our very diverse military functions so well. However, we don’t have those conditions in America as a whole. Instead, we have liberals promoting tribalism and grievance mongering non-stop. In other words, every racial, sexual and religious difference is used as a way to split people further apart. Many of the same people who claim diversity is a strength will also tell you white people can’t understand the concerns of black Americans, men are oppressing women and women who don’t want to share a bathroom with a transsexual man are bigots.

Try finding a better source. Your credibility is low among the sane here and this is another example of your lunacy. You whites did not assimilate into the existing cultures here. Therefore you need to shut the hell up about assimilation. In the end this is just another whiny white racist article about how white people are being oppressed and persecuted.
The snowflakes have been bleating aobut the wonders of "diversity" ever since I can remember. However, it's actually a big lie, in the Goebbels sense of the term. Here's an interesting article that explains why it's bullshit. We don't benefit from immigration. We are positively harmed by it.

"Diversity is a strength” is one of those Orwellian maxims that’s just generally accepted as truth by most Americans despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Granted, if you’re talking about a DIVERSITY OF IDEAS, you can certainly come up with some situations where it’s a strength. For example, in the movie World War Z, Israel is saved (at least temporarily) by having a “tenth man” whose job is to forcefully argue for the alternative viewpoint to a situation where everyone agrees. So instead of laughing off the idea that Israel might face a zombie invasion, Israelis realized there was merit to it and was prepared in time to protect the country. Back in the real world, the NFL certainly could have used someone pointing out the potential long-term downsides of allowing players disrespect the flag when just Colin Kaepernick was doing it. Donald Trump might benefit from a diversity of opinions when he’s about to tweet about Rosie O’Donnell or Mark Cuban at 4 AM. The Democrat Party could certainly use the input of a few random white factory workers from flyover country about the latest rhetoric and proposals they’re about to pitch.

On the other hand, even when diversity of thought is useful, it’s only in limited doses. The New York Yankees don’t want players who think the Boston Red Sox should win the pennant. A Republican President doesn’t want a Democrat in his Cabinet who will undermine him at every opportunity. Our military doesn’t want soldiers hoping the other side will defeat us in a war.

All that being said, when most people talk about “diversity,” they don’t mean a diversity of ideas. They believe a Hispanic guy, a black guy, a transsexual and a woman bring something to the table just by virtue of their race or gender.

This is seldom true.

For example, it is true that a group of white economists working on tax policy could benefit from having Thomas Sowell come out of retirement to join their ranks, but that’s because he’s Thomas freakin’ Sowell, not because he’s black. An all-Hispanic baseball team would benefit from adding Mike Trout to its roster, but it’s because he can play, not because of his white perspective. An all-female start-up would be lucky to get Bill Gates on board, not because he can mansplain things to them, but because he has lots of friends with infinite amounts of money who might invest if he’s on board.

In fact, diversity is often a huge minus. The new black employee may claim you discriminated against him, even if he’s fired for legitimate reasons. The woman may sue for sexual harassment after seeing a swimsuit calendar on some random guy’s wall. The Satanist you hire may call it religious discrimination if you don’t offer him a goat to sacrifice to Lucifer on Halloween.

Diversity can work just fine, but only if there’s strong pressure on people to assimilate to the existing culture. That’s why our very diverse military functions so well. However, we don’t have those conditions in America as a whole. Instead, we have liberals promoting tribalism and grievance mongering non-stop. In other words, every racial, sexual and religious difference is used as a way to split people further apart. Many of the same people who claim diversity is a strength will also tell you white people can’t understand the concerns of black Americans, men are oppressing women and women who don’t want to share a bathroom with a transsexual man are bigots.

diversity is "weakness" only if you're a disgusting racist uneducated trailer park white supremacist.

It's obviously a weakness, period. The NFL knee bending is obvious proof of that. In that case so-called "diversity" is causing civil strife. How does that benefit anyone?
Wouldn't be "diversity" as your interpretation of the word, otherwise in the respect of having all colors in the crayon box included in our project, but rather it is the picture that any one group might be trying to create in that becomes the problem under the title if used incorrectly.
Try finding a better source. Your credibility is low among the sane here and this is another example of your lunacy. You whites did not assimilate into the existing cultures here. Therefore you need to shut the hell up about assimilation. In the end this is just another whiny white racist article about how white people are being oppressed and persecuted.

You mean the cannibals, the serpent-worshippers and the practitioners of human sacrifice?
For perspective, understand that the OP believes that discriminating on the basis of race should be a right.
It is a right. In fact it is one of the most natural “rights” discussed on this forum; as it is a right that cannot be taken away from you. It can only be penalized.

I guess that makes rape and murder rights.

lol, see how these conservatives think?????

There's a major difference that rape, and murder are actual violent acts, unlike racist opinions.

Discrimination is an action not an opinion, dumbass.
For perspective, understand that the OP believes that discriminating on the basis of race should be a right.
It is a right. In fact it is one of the most natural “rights” discussed on this forum; as it is a right that cannot be taken away from you. It can only be penalized.

I guess that makes rape and murder rights.

lol, see how these conservatives think?????
Wrong. Rape and murder are crimes. Holding personal preferences, or biases, is not. Congratulations on the weak retort. It suits you.

You said discrimination is a natural right that can only be penalized. That is what you believe murder is.
For perspective, understand that the OP believes that discriminating on the basis of race should be a right.
It is a right. In fact it is one of the most natural “rights” discussed on this forum; as it is a right that cannot be taken away from you. It can only be penalized.

I guess that makes rape and murder rights.

lol, see how these conservatives think?????
You just demonstrated, once again, that you have no conception of what a right is.

Do you have the right to discriminate? Do you have the right to murder?
Of course it's a strength. It's even a strength at the biological level. Gene diversity creates more attractive people, stronger immune systems, healthier people, etc.

As usual, you haven't got the slightest clue of what you're babbling about. You're just a muppet, no original thoughts of your own. Most likely caused by a lack of gene diversity in your family tree...
/—-/ Then the police should hire convicted felons so the force can be diverse.
For perspective, understand that the OP believes that discriminating on the basis of race should be a right.
It is a right. In fact it is one of the most natural “rights” discussed on this forum; as it is a right that cannot be taken away from you. It can only be penalized.

I guess that makes rape and murder rights.

lol, see how these conservatives think?????
Wrong. Rape and murder are crimes. Holding personal preferences, or biases, is not. Congratulations on the weak retort. It suits you.

You said discrimination is a natural right that can only be penalized. That is what you believe murder is.
You have enough trouble speaking for yourself. As such I’ll reserve the task of speaking for me; for myself. And “yes” it is not only a natural right; it is a natural course of action. Every person wakes in the morning and continually discriminates through out the day. It is how decisions are made. Failure to discriminate effectively can, and has resulted in disaster, and even death. Discrimination is such a basic premise that even animals do it. It is essential for a successful life. And it is something for which I make no apologies.
So have a drink; and think it over...

And please... Don’t discriminate...
For perspective, understand that the OP believes that discriminating on the basis of race should be a right.
It is a right. In fact it is one of the most natural “rights” discussed on this forum; as it is a right that cannot be taken away from you. It can only be penalized.

I guess that makes rape and murder rights.

lol, see how these conservatives think?????

There's a major difference that rape, and murder are actual violent acts, unlike racist opinions.

Discrimination is an action not an opinion, dumbass.
Opinions, conspiracies, rumors and such can lead people to discriminate or take action in other ways. Your point ?
For perspective, understand that the OP believes that discriminating on the basis of race should be a right.
It does no such thing, moron.

I'm talking about YOU.

YOU believe that a business should have the RIGHT to refuse service to anyone for any reason.

YOU believe that a business should have the RIGHT to refuse to hire anyone for any reason.
As does anyone who believes in the right of “freedom of association”.
For perspective, understand that the OP believes that discriminating on the basis of race should be a right.
It does no such thing, moron.

I'm talking about YOU.

YOU believe that a business should have the RIGHT to refuse service to anyone for any reason.

YOU believe that a business should have the RIGHT to refuse to hire anyone for any reason.
As does anyone who believes in the right of “freedom of association”.

But you don't believe in the right of freedom of association.
The snowflakes have been bleating aobut the wonders of "diversity" ever since I can remember. However, it's actually a big lie, in the Goebbels sense of the term. Here's an interesting article that explains why it's bullshit. We don't benefit from immigration. We are positively harmed by it.

"Diversity is a strength” is one of those Orwellian maxims that’s just generally accepted as truth by most Americans despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Granted, if you’re talking about a DIVERSITY OF IDEAS, you can certainly come up with some situations where it’s a strength. For example, in the movie World War Z, Israel is saved (at least temporarily) by having a “tenth man” whose job is to forcefully argue for the alternative viewpoint to a situation where everyone agrees. So instead of laughing off the idea that Israel might face a zombie invasion, Israelis realized there was merit to it and was prepared in time to protect the country. Back in the real world, the NFL certainly could have used someone pointing out the potential long-term downsides of allowing players disrespect the flag when just Colin Kaepernick was doing it. Donald Trump might benefit from a diversity of opinions when he’s about to tweet about Rosie O’Donnell or Mark Cuban at 4 AM. The Democrat Party could certainly use the input of a few random white factory workers from flyover country about the latest rhetoric and proposals they’re about to pitch.

On the other hand, even when diversity of thought is useful, it’s only in limited doses. The New York Yankees don’t want players who think the Boston Red Sox should win the pennant. A Republican President doesn’t want a Democrat in his Cabinet who will undermine him at every opportunity. Our military doesn’t want soldiers hoping the other side will defeat us in a war.

All that being said, when most people talk about “diversity,” they don’t mean a diversity of ideas. They believe a Hispanic guy, a black guy, a transsexual and a woman bring something to the table just by virtue of their race or gender.

This is seldom true.

For example, it is true that a group of white economists working on tax policy could benefit from having Thomas Sowell come out of retirement to join their ranks, but that’s because he’s Thomas freakin’ Sowell, not because he’s black. An all-Hispanic baseball team would benefit from adding Mike Trout to its roster, but it’s because he can play, not because of his white perspective. An all-female start-up would be lucky to get Bill Gates on board, not because he can mansplain things to them, but because he has lots of friends with infinite amounts of money who might invest if he’s on board.

In fact, diversity is often a huge minus. The new black employee may claim you discriminated against him, even if he’s fired for legitimate reasons. The woman may sue for sexual harassment after seeing a swimsuit calendar on some random guy’s wall. The Satanist you hire may call it religious discrimination if you don’t offer him a goat to sacrifice to Lucifer on Halloween.

Diversity can work just fine, but only if there’s strong pressure on people to assimilate to the existing culture. That’s why our very diverse military functions so well. However, we don’t have those conditions in America as a whole. Instead, we have liberals promoting tribalism and grievance mongering non-stop. In other words, every racial, sexual and religious difference is used as a way to split people further apart. Many of the same people who claim diversity is a strength will also tell you white people can’t understand the concerns of black Americans, men are oppressing women and women who don’t want to share a bathroom with a transsexual man are bigots.

diversity is "weakness" only if you're a disgusting racist uneducated trailer park white supremacist.

It's obviously a weakness, period. The NFL knee bending is obvious proof of that. In that case so-called "diversity" is causing civil strife. How does that benefit anyone?

only to someone who never grew up or lived around anyone who wasn't a white supremacist.

You really are the lowest kind of douche bag. You can't debate with facts or logic, so calling people recists is all you've got.

That is so beautifully liberal!
For perspective, understand that the OP believes that discriminating on the basis of race should be a right.
It is a right. In fact it is one of the most natural “rights” discussed on this forum; as it is a right that cannot be taken away from you. It can only be penalized.

I guess that makes rape and murder rights.

lol, see how these conservatives think?????
You just demonstrated, once again, that you have no conception of what a right is.

Do you have the right to discriminate? Do you have the right to murder?
. Outside of one standing there in shackles and binded, I'd say you have a freedom in which in some people's minds might be figured as a right to do anything one pleases. However, laws created, and the punishments for those laws being broken could be the very reason a person finds themselves in shackles and binded afterwards. The fact that they violated those laws in which the person once figured was their right or freedom to act outside of (i.e. before said laws were created) is the very thing that stops the crazed notions that some in society figure is their right or freedom to commit until learn otherwise.
For perspective, understand that the OP believes that discriminating on the basis of race should be a right.
It does no such thing, moron.

I'm talking about YOU.

YOU believe that a business should have the RIGHT to refuse service to anyone for any reason.

YOU believe that a business should have the RIGHT to refuse to hire anyone for any reason.
As does anyone who believes in the right of “freedom of association”.
Left-wingers don't, unless you are black or Hispanic. They also claim to believe in equality.

Isn't that a riot?
For perspective, understand that the OP believes that discriminating on the basis of race should be a right.
It is a right. In fact it is one of the most natural “rights” discussed on this forum; as it is a right that cannot be taken away from you. It can only be penalized.

I guess that makes rape and murder rights.

lol, see how these conservatives think?????
Wrong. Rape and murder are crimes. Holding personal preferences, or biases, is not. Congratulations on the weak retort. It suits you.

You said discrimination is a natural right that can only be penalized. That is what you believe murder is.
You have enough trouble speaking for yourself. As such I’ll reserve the task of speaking for me; for myself. And “yes” it is not only a natural right; it is a natural course of action. Every person wakes in the morning and continually discriminates through out the day. It is how decisions are made. Failure to discriminate effectively can, and has resulted in disaster, and even death. Discrimination is such a basic premise that even animals do it. It is essential for a successful life. And it is something for which I make no apologies.
So have a drink; and think it over...View attachment 155875
And please... Don’t discriminate...

Your backtracking is making you look like a fool.
For perspective, understand that the OP believes that discriminating on the basis of race should be a right.
It does no such thing, moron.

I'm talking about YOU.

YOU believe that a business should have the RIGHT to refuse service to anyone for any reason.

YOU believe that a business should have the RIGHT to refuse to hire anyone for any reason.
As does anyone who believes in the right of “freedom of association”.

That has nothing to do with freedom of association.

But see, people? The conservatives around here one after another endorse racism and many other forms of bigotry and discrimination.
It is a right. In fact it is one of the most natural “rights” discussed on this forum; as it is a right that cannot be taken away from you. It can only be penalized.

I guess that makes rape and murder rights.

lol, see how these conservatives think?????
Wrong. Rape and murder are crimes. Holding personal preferences, or biases, is not. Congratulations on the weak retort. It suits you.

You said discrimination is a natural right that can only be penalized. That is what you believe murder is.
You have enough trouble speaking for yourself. As such I’ll reserve the task of speaking for me; for myself. And “yes” it is not only a natural right; it is a natural course of action. Every person wakes in the morning and continually discriminates through out the day. It is how decisions are made. Failure to discriminate effectively can, and has resulted in disaster, and even death. Discrimination is such a basic premise that even animals do it. It is essential for a successful life. And it is something for which I make no apologies.
So have a drink; and think it over...View attachment 155875
And please... Don’t discriminate...

Your backtracking is making you look like a fool.

in other words, it's an accurate representation

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