Diversity Is Not A Strength

You are only the second one person to speak of supremacy... Both of you are leftists...
I can see you coming like a train down the track. You know what you are and so do I.
You know nothing. But you assume much. So if you claim diversity is a strength; state your case, or move along.

My GP is from Sudan, my pharmacist is from India and my dentist is from Poland. When I was in hospital recently the nurse was from Portugal. The lad who does my windows is from Lithuania and my favourite restaurants are owned by a guy from Bangladesh and another from Hong Kong. My neighbour is English and he brings a bag of fruit and veg around every other day. We reciprocate.

My favourite bands are The Specials, The Jam,Bruce Springsteen,Dave Edmunds and Orchestra Baobab. The greatest people from the last century are Muhammed Ali,MLK, Nelson Mandela,Gandhi, Nicholas Winton, Laurel and Hardy and Nye Bevan.

I dont take credit for the achievements of people because they have the same skin colour as me. Primarily because I am not a sad fucking loser who measures their self worth in the achievements of others.
Lack of pride in ones heritage is a hallmark of piss poor upbringing.
Pride in your skin colour shows a lack of self esteem.
Not only is that not the subject of the thread; it is also completely unsubstantiated. You might as well move on... You have nothing to contribute to the discussion, besides fear, and butt hurt.
I can see you coming like a train down the track. You know what you are and so do I.
You know nothing. But you assume much. So if you claim diversity is a strength; state your case, or move along.

My GP is from Sudan, my pharmacist is from India and my dentist is from Poland. When I was in hospital recently the nurse was from Portugal. The lad who does my windows is from Lithuania and my favourite restaurants are owned by a guy from Bangladesh and another from Hong Kong. My neighbour is English and he brings a bag of fruit and veg around every other day. We reciprocate.

My favourite bands are The Specials, The Jam,Bruce Springsteen,Dave Edmunds and Orchestra Baobab. The greatest people from the last century are Muhammed Ali,MLK, Nelson Mandela,Gandhi, Nicholas Winton, Laurel and Hardy and Nye Bevan.

I dont take credit for the achievements of people because they have the same skin colour as me. Primarily because I am not a sad fucking loser who measures their self worth in the achievements of others.
And not a one of those things, will your culture be remembered for...
And ?
Is that the benchmark ?
Havent you got a slavery monument to protect tonight ?
Indeed. It is one of them.
People remember Hitler you dumb fuck. What a contribution he made to "white culture".
Come back when you are an adult.
You know nothing. But you assume much. So if you claim diversity is a strength; state your case, or move along.

My GP is from Sudan, my pharmacist is from India and my dentist is from Poland. When I was in hospital recently the nurse was from Portugal. The lad who does my windows is from Lithuania and my favourite restaurants are owned by a guy from Bangladesh and another from Hong Kong. My neighbour is English and he brings a bag of fruit and veg around every other day. We reciprocate.

My favourite bands are The Specials, The Jam,Bruce Springsteen,Dave Edmunds and Orchestra Baobab. The greatest people from the last century are Muhammed Ali,MLK, Nelson Mandela,Gandhi, Nicholas Winton, Laurel and Hardy and Nye Bevan.

I dont take credit for the achievements of people because they have the same skin colour as me. Primarily because I am not a sad fucking loser who measures their self worth in the achievements of others.
And not a one of those things, will your culture be remembered for...
And ?
Is that the benchmark ?
Havent you got a slavery monument to protect tonight ?
Indeed. It is one of them.
People remember Hitler you dumb fuck. What a contribution he made to "white culture".
Come back when you are an adult.

So, now you're admitting to White culture?
You know nothing. But you assume much. So if you claim diversity is a strength; state your case, or move along.

My GP is from Sudan, my pharmacist is from India and my dentist is from Poland. When I was in hospital recently the nurse was from Portugal. The lad who does my windows is from Lithuania and my favourite restaurants are owned by a guy from Bangladesh and another from Hong Kong. My neighbour is English and he brings a bag of fruit and veg around every other day. We reciprocate.

My favourite bands are The Specials, The Jam,Bruce Springsteen,Dave Edmunds and Orchestra Baobab. The greatest people from the last century are Muhammed Ali,MLK, Nelson Mandela,Gandhi, Nicholas Winton, Laurel and Hardy and Nye Bevan.

I dont take credit for the achievements of people because they have the same skin colour as me. Primarily because I am not a sad fucking loser who measures their self worth in the achievements of others.
And not a one of those things, will your culture be remembered for...
And ?
Is that the benchmark ?
Havent you got a slavery monument to protect tonight ?
Indeed. It is one of them.
People remember Hitler you dumb fuck. What a contribution he made to "white culture".
Come back when you are an adult.
It's good that they do.
You know nothing. But you assume much. So if you claim diversity is a strength; state your case, or move along.

My GP is from Sudan, my pharmacist is from India and my dentist is from Poland. When I was in hospital recently the nurse was from Portugal. The lad who does my windows is from Lithuania and my favourite restaurants are owned by a guy from Bangladesh and another from Hong Kong. My neighbour is English and he brings a bag of fruit and veg around every other day. We reciprocate.

My favourite bands are The Specials, The Jam,Bruce Springsteen,Dave Edmunds and Orchestra Baobab. The greatest people from the last century are Muhammed Ali,MLK, Nelson Mandela,Gandhi, Nicholas Winton, Laurel and Hardy and Nye Bevan.

I dont take credit for the achievements of people because they have the same skin colour as me. Primarily because I am not a sad fucking loser who measures their self worth in the achievements of others.
And not a one of those things, will your culture be remembered for...
And ?
Is that the benchmark ?
Havent you got a slavery monument to protect tonight ?
Indeed. It is one of them.
People remember Hitler you dumb fuck. What a contribution he made to "white culture".
Come back when you are an adult.
So do they remember Stalin and his commissars butchering 30 million ethnic Russians. What contributions they made to "white culture?"
My GP is from Sudan, my pharmacist is from India and my dentist is from Poland. When I was in hospital recently the nurse was from Portugal. The lad who does my windows is from Lithuania and my favourite restaurants are owned by a guy from Bangladesh and another from Hong Kong. My neighbour is English and he brings a bag of fruit and veg around every other day. We reciprocate.

My favourite bands are The Specials, The Jam,Bruce Springsteen,Dave Edmunds and Orchestra Baobab. The greatest people from the last century are Muhammed Ali,MLK, Nelson Mandela,Gandhi, Nicholas Winton, Laurel and Hardy and Nye Bevan.

I dont take credit for the achievements of people because they have the same skin colour as me. Primarily because I am not a sad fucking loser who measures their self worth in the achievements of others.
And not a one of those things, will your culture be remembered for...
And ?
Is that the benchmark ?
Havent you got a slavery monument to protect tonight ?
Indeed. It is one of them.
People remember Hitler you dumb fuck. What a contribution he made to "white culture".
Come back when you are an adult.
It's good that they do.
Why ?
My GP is from Sudan, my pharmacist is from India and my dentist is from Poland. When I was in hospital recently the nurse was from Portugal. The lad who does my windows is from Lithuania and my favourite restaurants are owned by a guy from Bangladesh and another from Hong Kong. My neighbour is English and he brings a bag of fruit and veg around every other day. We reciprocate.

My favourite bands are The Specials, The Jam,Bruce Springsteen,Dave Edmunds and Orchestra Baobab. The greatest people from the last century are Muhammed Ali,MLK, Nelson Mandela,Gandhi, Nicholas Winton, Laurel and Hardy and Nye Bevan.

I dont take credit for the achievements of people because they have the same skin colour as me. Primarily because I am not a sad fucking loser who measures their self worth in the achievements of others.
And not a one of those things, will your culture be remembered for...
And ?
Is that the benchmark ?
Havent you got a slavery monument to protect tonight ?
Indeed. It is one of them.
People remember Hitler you dumb fuck. What a contribution he made to "white culture".
Come back when you are an adult.
So do they remember Stalin and his commissars butchering 30 million ethnic Russians. What contributions they made to "white culture?"

He has no morals, he thinks that the Bolsheviks were justified in murdering The Royal Martyrs, The Saints of The Imperial Family, that is the level of Communist supporting degenerate we are dealing with.

The Royal Martyrs murdered by God Hating Communist human filth who are burning in Hell with their father Satan.

The Royal Martyrs, The Saints of The Imperial Family are seated with Our Lord and Saviour in His Beautiful Kingdom.

And not a one of those things, will your culture be remembered for...
And ?
Is that the benchmark ?
Havent you got a slavery monument to protect tonight ?
Indeed. It is one of them.
People remember Hitler you dumb fuck. What a contribution he made to "white culture".
Come back when you are an adult.
It's good that they do.
Why ?

Well if people didn't then what would your type have to post about?
And ?
Is that the benchmark ?
Havent you got a slavery monument to protect tonight ?
Indeed. It is one of them.
People remember Hitler you dumb fuck. What a contribution he made to "white culture".
Come back when you are an adult.
It's good that they do.
Why ?

Well if people didn't then what would your type have to post about?
Do you think he made a positive contribution ?
And not a one of those things, will your culture be remembered for...
And ?
Is that the benchmark ?
Havent you got a slavery monument to protect tonight ?
Indeed. It is one of them.
People remember Hitler you dumb fuck. What a contribution he made to "white culture".
Come back when you are an adult.
It's good that they do.
Why ?
If you don't know why Mr. Tammy Tainted then you are really stupid.
Europe developed in different ways and at different speeds.

It is simplistic to believe that there was a unified coherent civilisation. The only thing that could be seen as unifying was the Church. However its manifest corruption caused splits and countries went their own ways.

The Romans brought roads and central heating to the UK but 1000 years later the British were still living in mud huts.

So,for example, could Martin Luther be held responsible for the excesses of Pizarro or the Spanish Inquisition ? Or could he claim credit for it ?

Sweden never bothered anybody. Are the Swedes a party to the slaughter of the Aborigines in Australia and New Zealand or the actions of the British Empire ?

Nope, they came from a different culture, had different values,ate different food and spoke a different language.

My culture is working class Welsh culture. Its working class,chapel and has its own language,music and mythology.A few miles across the border my friends are English, they are C of E, they speak a different language, support an hereditary system and buy in to a thousand years of English hype.

Bu when it rains we all get pissed on.

What I find truly ironic is this. The white supremacists who are promoting the "white culture" myth are the same frothing wankers who decry the EU for destroying "national cultures".
You are only the second one person to speak of supremacy... Both of you are leftists...
I can see you coming like a train down the track. You know what you are and so do I.
You know nothing. But you assume much. So if you claim diversity is a strength; state your case, or move along.

My GP is from Sudan, my pharmacist is from India and my dentist is from Poland. When I was in hospital recently the nurse was from Portugal. The lad who does my windows is from Lithuania and my favourite restaurants are owned by a guy from Bangladesh and another from Hong Kong. My neighbour is English and he brings a bag of fruit and veg around every other day. We reciprocate.

My favourite bands are The Specials, The Jam,Bruce Springsteen,Dave Edmunds and Orchestra Baobab. The greatest people from the last century are Muhammed Ali,MLK, Nelson Mandela,Gandhi, Nicholas Winton, Laurel and Hardy and Nye Bevan.

I dont take credit for the achievements of people because they have the same skin colour as me. Primarily because I am not a sad fucking loser who measures their self worth in the achievements of others.
And not a one of those things, will your culture be remembered for...
Also, we of course had GPS, nurses, window cleaners and so on ALREADY. lol. Tammy seems to think otherwise :cuckoo:
What follows is a rather simple explaination, as to why the perpetuated lie that "diversity is our strength"; is not a strength at all. But rather a liability.

You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.
Marcus Aurelius
He talks about diversity causing so many racial and religious problems.

Well the source of those racial or religious problems are down to systems of inequality that are put in place by the dominant group that comes to dominate a particular geographic space, a particular nation-state.

Another problem with his argument is that he ignores that white Europeans, spent the vast majority of history killing each other even though they were of “one race”

What's he talking about ?

And if it were so natural for white folks to separate then why would it be necessary to encourage whites to do this or to form groups to push that notion?

If it was natural, it would be impossible to move whites or any other group from that natural species instinct.

Whites wouldn’t have needed segregation laws to force separation


Whites wouldn’t have needed anti-miscegenation laws to require separation.


Those laws were passed because white people weren’t so sure that they weren’t prepared to stray, weren’t so sure that it was natural to separate.

Questions ?

What about white flight ? Surely that shows that whites have a natural instinct to separate

White flight demonstrates the effectiveness of several hundred years of racial propaganda saying that black people are going to be criminal, they’re going to rob you, they don’t make good neighbours.

If you have years and generations of people picking up those kinds of messages and they do pick them up, from several different sources.

If you go to Russia, Serbia, Bosnia, Poland places were there hardly any black people and you talk to white folks who have never even been around black folks, they will come forth with many of these negative stereotypes in spite of no first-hand experience. They’re getting it from somewhere, not from their own reality.

And finally whites will become half or roughly maybe 48% of the USA nation’s population by the latter part of the twenty-first century.

But this idea that whites will be able to have no influence on the culture.

Whites would still be the largest single group by far of any group in the United States.

This idea that white people can’t hang on at 45-50% when these other groups have managed to survive and thrive at 4% in the case of Asians in this country, 12% in the case of blacks, 12% in the case of Latinos, their cultures are doing quite well at being manifested and celebrated and the idea that whites can’t do that at 45%

I mean, whites must be an incredibly weak-willed or genetically defective or culturally retarded group of people if they can’t maintain their own influence at 45%, that just seems insane.

Ironically the intramural rivalry between competing european states during medieval times, and through the renaissance, was the crucible that developed white culture to the point that it became the envy of the world. On the whole... That was white politics.

There is no "white culture" you fucking cretin. There are many different cultures in Europe and vast differences between ,for example, the UK and Poland, or even between different parts of the UK. Language,food,religion,music and so on.
Only a weirdo would think otherwise.

I wish it were true that Poles, and Brits were completely different racial cultures.

However, both do share things in common.

I say that as a person of Polish heritage, who really hates Brits most of the time.

I kind of wish Brits were of a different race from us.

Your Island folks, make Europeans look like trash.

Poles are generally nutters in my experience.

Can you elaborate on your bigotry towards them? TIA :popcorn:
My GP is from Sudan, my pharmacist is from India and my dentist is from Poland. When I was in hospital recently the nurse was from Portugal. The lad who does my windows is from Lithuania and my favourite restaurants are owned by a guy from Bangladesh and another from Hong Kong. My neighbour is English and he brings a bag of fruit and veg around every other day. We reciprocate.

My favourite bands are The Specials, The Jam,Bruce Springsteen,Dave Edmunds and Orchestra Baobab. The greatest people from the last century are Muhammed Ali,MLK, Nelson Mandela,Gandhi, Nicholas Winton, Laurel and Hardy and Nye Bevan.

I dont take credit for the achievements of people because they have the same skin colour as me. Primarily because I am not a sad fucking loser who measures their self worth in the achievements of others.
And not a one of those things, will your culture be remembered for...
And ?
Is that the benchmark ?
Havent you got a slavery monument to protect tonight ?
Indeed. It is one of them.
People remember Hitler you dumb fuck. What a contribution he made to "white culture".
Come back when you are an adult.

So, now you're admitting to White culture?

In Tommy's narrow and obsessive mind, there is no White Culture per se, the ONLY White Culture is Hitler and ANYONE who has pride in White Culture is literally Hitler.


You know nothing. But you assume much. So if you claim diversity is a strength; state your case, or move along.

My GP is from Sudan, my pharmacist is from India and my dentist is from Poland. When I was in hospital recently the nurse was from Portugal. The lad who does my windows is from Lithuania and my favourite restaurants are owned by a guy from Bangladesh and another from Hong Kong. My neighbour is English and he brings a bag of fruit and veg around every other day. We reciprocate.

My favourite bands are The Specials, The Jam,Bruce Springsteen,Dave Edmunds and Orchestra Baobab. The greatest people from the last century are Muhammed Ali,MLK, Nelson Mandela,Gandhi, Nicholas Winton, Laurel and Hardy and Nye Bevan.

I dont take credit for the achievements of people because they have the same skin colour as me. Primarily because I am not a sad fucking loser who measures their self worth in the achievements of others.
And not a one of those things, will your culture be remembered for...
And ?
Is that the benchmark ?
Havent you got a slavery monument to protect tonight ?
Indeed. It is one of them.
People remember Hitler you dumb fuck. What a contribution he made to "white culture".
Come back when you are an adult.
People also remember Sir Isaac Newton.
You make no point as usual.
Indeed. It is one of them.
People remember Hitler you dumb fuck. What a contribution he made to "white culture".
Come back when you are an adult.
It's good that they do.
Why ?

Well if people didn't then what would your type have to post about?
Do you think he made a positive contribution ?

Stop derailing the thread with your bizarro fixation you fat Commie. Having lost an argument you never had to begin with you now want to derail this thread by indulging in your weird fetish about Hitler.

The topic of the thread is Diversity is not a strength but a weakness. Diversity if we look at Historical examples of previous Civilisations, it leads to a weakened Society and eventual collapse of that Society.

The Leftists are ignorant of History, in no point of History when different groups of people from alien Cultures have been thrown together has it NEVER NOT ended in violence and bloodshed.
And not a one of those things, will your culture be remembered for...
And ?
Is that the benchmark ?
Havent you got a slavery monument to protect tonight ?
Indeed. It is one of them.
People remember Hitler you dumb fuck. What a contribution he made to "white culture".
Come back when you are an adult.
It's good that they do.
Why ?
Dear me.
Why do you think?
Indeed. It is one of them.
People remember Hitler you dumb fuck. What a contribution he made to "white culture".
Come back when you are an adult.
It's good that they do.
Why ?

Well if people didn't then what would your type have to post about?
Do you think he made a positive contribution ?
Culture isn't only about positive contributions.
Have you just climbed out from beneath a slag heap or something??? (cultural reference)
Last edited:
People remember Hitler you dumb fuck. What a contribution he made to "white culture".
Come back when you are an adult.
It's good that they do.
Why ?

Well if people didn't then what would your type have to post about?
Do you think he made a positive contribution ?

Stop derailing the thread with your bizarro fixation you fat Commie. Having lost an argument you never had to begin with you now want to derail this thread by indulging in your weird fetish about Hitler.

The topic of the thread is Diversity is not a strength but a weakness. Diversity if we look at Historical examples of previous Civilisations, it leads to a weakened Society and eventual collapse of that Society.

The Leftists are ignorant of History, in no point of History when different groups of people from alien Cultures have been thrown together has it NEVER NOT ended in violence and bloodshed.
He cannot dispute the information presented in the video (if he even bothered to watch it); and he knows it. Not one leftist, in all these pages has...
And not a one of those things, will your culture be remembered for...
And ?
Is that the benchmark ?
Havent you got a slavery monument to protect tonight ?
Indeed. It is one of them.
People remember Hitler you dumb fuck. What a contribution he made to "white culture".
Come back when you are an adult.

So, now you're admitting to White culture?

In Tommy's narrow and obsessive mind, there is no White Culture per se, the ONLY White Culture is Hitler and ANYONE who has pride in White Culture is literally Hitler.



LOL, indeed, Tommy seems to think all White culture doesn't exist, except Hitler.
Guys, the thread has a topic and the topic isn't member's alleged resemblance to Hitler's. Topic is diversity, the good the bad and the ugly. Also as a public service announcement...you are in Zone 2. Posts need to have topical content....

You may now resume your regularly scheduled programming :)

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