Diversity Is Not A Strength

In biology, diversity is always an asset.
In a way... For in biology that strength is an insurance policy in that if one group goes extinct, another might survive. Which would you prefer for your progeny? Extinction, or survival? This is about sociology. And in sociology diversity is a liability.
According to who?
In biology, diversity is always an asset.
In a way... For in biology that strength is an insurance policy in that if one group goes extinct, another might survive. Which would you prefer for your progeny? Extinction, or survival? This is about sociology. And in sociology diversity is a liability.
According to who?
According to those who were forced out by invading cultures...
If diversity is an asset, Brazil should be one of the wealthiest countries and Iceland one of the poorest.

The US is one of the most diverse countries. We are also a wealthy country. Our culture and its diversity attracts innovative people from all over the world. Diversity is the energy that keeps a culture from stagnation. It's not so different than biology.
In biology, diversity is always an asset.
In a way... For in biology that strength is an insurance policy in that if one group goes extinct, another might survive. Which would you prefer for your progeny? Extinction, or survival? This is about sociology. And in sociology diversity is a liability.
According to who?
According to those who were forced out by invading cultures...
That isn't diversity.
White people brought black people here as slaves, then their descendants whine and bitch about diversity.


You didn't watch the video... It's obvious. Diversity is fine, until it reaches a level that it overtakes the native culture. If you must troll, find another thread. This one is for serious discussion about the fallacy that is perpetuated by the globalist left, that claims "diversity is our strength". Which is categorically not true. That is... Unless your sole goal is to win Olympic gold medals...
What follows is a rather simple explaination, as to why the perpetuated lie that "diversity is our strength"; is not a strength at all. But rather a liability.

You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.
Marcus Aurelius

explaination? LOL

and that hicktard refers to marc aurel. adorable.
In biology, diversity is always an asset.
In a way... For in biology that strength is an insurance policy in that if one group goes extinct, another might survive. Which would you prefer for your progeny? Extinction, or survival? This is about sociology. And in sociology diversity is a liability.
According to who?
According to those who were forced out by invading cultures...
That isn't diversity.
"Invading" was a derisive take on our unchecked immigration... You trolling now too?
If diversity is an asset, Brazil should be one of the wealthiest countries and Iceland one of the poorest.

The US is one of the most diverse countries. We are also a wealthy country. Our culture and its diversity attracts innovative people from all over the world. Diversity is the energy that keeps a culture from stagnation. It's not so different than biology.
Feel free to quantify your supposition...
diversity is quite usually a strength

diversity of portfolio
diversity in diet
diversity in thoughts and ideas
diversity in biology
diversity in music and movies
diversity in your reading and studies
diversity in the types of people you congregate with

theres 1 place i can think of where its not a strength....

Funny you should mention prison. Prison is a forced microcosm, that quite aptly shows, at an accelerated rate, the inevitable result of cultural, and racial diversity.

I don't think it's a valid comparison. Prison is an artificial environment forcing people of the same gender, into environment with no diversity or natural life.
White people brought black people here as slaves, then their descendants whine and bitch about diversity.


You didn't watch the video... It's obvious. Diversity is fine, until it reaches a level that it overtakes the native culture. If you must troll, find another thread. This one is for serious discussion about the fallacy that is perpetuated by the globalist left, that claims "diversity is our strength". Which is categorically not true. That is... Unless your sole goal is to win Olympic gold medals...

Nativists made the same argument against different waves of European migrants in the 19th century as well. They argued that the Irish, Italians and Eastern European immigrants brought the papacy and Jews to America, which threatened Protestantism and the American way of life. They were wrong.

FTR, I don't disagree with you that immigration should be controlled and that immigrants should be strongly encouraged to integrate into the local culture. But there is no intrinsic "white" culture. White Europeans who migrated here had very different cultures in the past and were discriminated against by the locals. However, over time, they integrated and that discrimination went away.
diversity is quite usually a strength

diversity of portfolio
diversity in diet
diversity in thoughts and ideas
diversity in biology
diversity in music and movies
diversity in your reading and studies
diversity in the types of people you congregate with

theres 1 place i can think of where its not a strength....

Funny you should mention prison. Prison is a forced microcosm, that quite aptly shows, at an accelerated rate, the inevitable result of cultural, and racial diversity.

I don't think it's a valid comparison. Prison is an artificial environment forcing people of the same gender, into environment with no diversity or natural life.
Ohhh there's diversity. And believe me, no melting pot fantasy is taking place behind those walls...
I see beauty in diversity...

Beauty is not strength. Beauty doesn't secure a future. The fact is that what is being referred to as diversity, is actually pollution. Polluting, and damaging the systems, and demographics that allowed our nation to rise above the rest.
Diversity, as effected in our immigrant experience is a large part of what allowed us to rise. Google successful immigrants and you'll find many millionaires, entrepreneurs, businessmen, tech giants etc who are immigrants or within a few generations of an immigrant.
diversity is quite usually a strength

diversity of portfolio
diversity in diet
diversity in thoughts and ideas
diversity in biology
diversity in music and movies
diversity in your reading and studies
diversity in the types of people you congregate with

theres 1 place i can think of where its not a strength....

Funny you should mention prison. Prison is a forced microcosm, that quite aptly shows, at an accelerated rate, the inevitable result of cultural, and racial diversity.

I don't think it's a valid comparison. Prison is an artificial environment forcing people of the same gender, into environment with no diversity or natural life.
Ohhh there's diversity. And believe me, no melting pot fantasy is taking place behind those walls...
Of course there isn't. It's artificial.
The problem is when you import a group of people with "diverse" ideologies that do NOT share the principles that made America great. Libtards want everyone to live here regardless of what they believe.
You're here....
White people brought black people here as slaves, then their descendants whine and bitch about diversity.


You didn't watch the video... It's obvious. Diversity is fine, until it reaches a level that it overtakes the native culture. If you must troll, find another thread. This one is for serious discussion about the fallacy that is perpetuated by the globalist left, that claims "diversity is our strength". Which is categorically not true. That is... Unless your sole goal is to win Olympic gold medals...

Nativists made the same argument against different waves of European migrants in the 19th century as well. They argued that the Irish, Italians and Eastern European immigrants brought the papacy and Jews to America, which threatened Protestantism and the American way of life. They were wrong.

FTR, I don't disagree with you that immigration should be controlled and that immigrants should be strongly encouraged to integrate into the local culture. But there is no intrinsic "white" culture. White Europeans who migrated here had very different cultures in the past and were discriminated against by the locals. However, over time, they integrated and that discrimination went away.
However the overwhelming majority of those you mention came from nations of familiar, similar, and to an extent shared heritage. In addition to that, they also readily assimilated to American life. They didn't leech of the system the same way our current third world invaders do. Who incidentally pump out kids they cannot afford, that we feed. Big. Big difference.

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