Diversity Is Not A Strength

Guys, the thread has a topic and the topic isn't member's alleged resemblance to Hitler's. Topic is diversity, the good the bad and the ugly. Also as a public service announcement...you are in Zone 2. Posts need to have topical content....

You may now resume your regularly scheduled programming :)

This is what I am trying to point out Coyote darling in my below post, also the Off Topic content of Hitler was not brought into this thread by us if you read the thread.

The rest of us are doing our best to keep the thread On Topic.

And this little video gives a little financial synopsis, of what the US would look like, if the left had their wish come true overnight. It answers the question of, "What would happen to the US economy, if you removed the white demographic"?
... Which would be the long term, end result, of the multiculturism experiment.
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Europe developed in different ways and at different speeds.

It is simplistic to believe that there was a unified coherent civilisation. The only thing that could be seen as unifying was the Church. However its manifest corruption caused splits and countries went their own ways.

The Romans brought roads and central heating to the UK but 1000 years later the British were still living in mud huts.

So,for example, could Martin Luther be held responsible for the excesses of Pizarro or the Spanish Inquisition ? Or could he claim credit for it ?

Sweden never bothered anybody. Are the Swedes a party to the slaughter of the Aborigines in Australia and New Zealand or the actions of the British Empire ?

Nope, they came from a different culture, had different values,ate different food and spoke a different language.

My culture is working class Welsh culture. Its working class,chapel and has its own language,music and mythology.A few miles across the border my friends are English, they are C of E, they speak a different language, support an hereditary system and buy in to a thousand years of English hype.

Bu when it rains we all get pissed on.

What I find truly ironic is this. The white supremacists who are promoting the "white culture" myth are the same frothing wankers who decry the EU for destroying "national cultures".
You are only the second one person to speak of supremacy... Both of you are leftists...
I can see you coming like a train down the track. You know what you are and so do I.
You know nothing. But you assume much. So if you claim diversity is a strength; state your case, or move along.

My GP is from Sudan, my pharmacist is from India and my dentist is from Poland. When I was in hospital recently the nurse was from Portugal. The lad who does my windows is from Lithuania and my favourite restaurants are owned by a guy from Bangladesh and another from Hong Kong. My neighbour is English and he brings a bag of fruit and veg around every other day. We reciprocate.

My favourite bands are The Specials, The Jam,Bruce Springsteen,Dave Edmunds and Orchestra Baobab. The greatest people from the last century are Muhammed Ali,MLK, Nelson Mandela,Gandhi, Nicholas Winton, Laurel and Hardy and Nye Bevan.

I dont take credit for the achievements of people because they have the same skin colour as me. Primarily because I am not a sad fucking loser who measures their self worth in the achievements of others.
Lack of pride in ones heritage is a hallmark of piss poor upbringing.

What heritage are you referring to?
You are only the second one person to speak of supremacy... Both of you are leftists...
I can see you coming like a train down the track. You know what you are and so do I.
You know nothing. But you assume much. So if you claim diversity is a strength; state your case, or move along.

My GP is from Sudan, my pharmacist is from India and my dentist is from Poland. When I was in hospital recently the nurse was from Portugal. The lad who does my windows is from Lithuania and my favourite restaurants are owned by a guy from Bangladesh and another from Hong Kong. My neighbour is English and he brings a bag of fruit and veg around every other day. We reciprocate.

My favourite bands are The Specials, The Jam,Bruce Springsteen,Dave Edmunds and Orchestra Baobab. The greatest people from the last century are Muhammed Ali,MLK, Nelson Mandela,Gandhi, Nicholas Winton, Laurel and Hardy and Nye Bevan.

I dont take credit for the achievements of people because they have the same skin colour as me. Primarily because I am not a sad fucking loser who measures their self worth in the achievements of others.
Lack of pride in ones heritage is a hallmark of piss poor upbringing.
Pride in your skin colour shows a lack of self esteem.
Black people often mention being proud of being black. I don't think they are lacking in self esteem. But you do? Bit condescending me thinks.
Guys, the thread has a topic and the topic isn't member's alleged resemblance to Hitler's. Topic is diversity, the good the bad and the ugly. Also as a public service announcement...you are in Zone 2. Posts need to have topical content....

You may now resume your regularly scheduled programming :)

This is what I am trying to point out Coyote darling in my below post, also the Off Topic content of Hitler was not brought into this thread by us if you read the thread.

The rest of us are doing our best to keep the thread On Topic.

View attachment 149583
Lucy, Hitler can be brought up in the context of the topic, i.e. Trying to use it as an example of culture, but when the thread becomes a discussion ABOUT a member instead of the topic, then it's a derailment.
My GP is from Sudan, my pharmacist is from India and my dentist is from Poland. When I was in hospital recently the nurse was from Portugal. The lad who does my windows is from Lithuania and my favourite restaurants are owned by a guy from Bangladesh and another from Hong Kong. My neighbour is English and he brings a bag of fruit and veg around every other day. We reciprocate.

My favourite bands are The Specials, The Jam,Bruce Springsteen,Dave Edmunds and Orchestra Baobab. The greatest people from the last century are Muhammed Ali,MLK, Nelson Mandela,Gandhi, Nicholas Winton, Laurel and Hardy and Nye Bevan.

I dont take credit for the achievements of people because they have the same skin colour as me. Primarily because I am not a sad fucking loser who measures their self worth in the achievements of others.

Your medal is in the mail.
Guys, the thread has a topic and the topic isn't member's alleged resemblance to Hitler's. Topic is diversity, the good the bad and the ugly. Also as a public service announcement...you are in Zone 2. Posts need to have topical content....

You may now resume your regularly scheduled programming :)

This is what I am trying to point out Coyote darling in my below post, also the Off Topic content of Hitler was not brought into this thread by us if you read the thread.

The rest of us are doing our best to keep the thread On Topic.

View attachment 149583
Lucy, Hitler can be brought up in the context of the topic, i.e. Trying to use it as an example of culture, but when the thread becomes a discussion ABOUT a member instead of the topic, then it's a derailment.
Will FlatCan be in here to disburse spankings in a diverse way?
Guys, the thread has a topic and the topic isn't member's alleged resemblance to Hitler's. Topic is diversity, the good the bad and the ugly. Also as a public service announcement...you are in Zone 2. Posts need to have topical content....

You may now resume your regularly scheduled programming :)

This is what I am trying to point out Coyote darling in my below post, also the Off Topic content of Hitler was not brought into this thread by us if you read the thread.

The rest of us are doing our best to keep the thread On Topic.

View attachment 149583
Lucy, Hitler can be brought up in the context of the topic, i.e. Trying to use it as an example of culture, but when the thread becomes a discussion ABOUT a member instead of the topic, then it's a derailment.

Yes, and Hitler probably wouldn't have risen to power, without multicultural conflicts with Jewish control in the German economy, or the Polish - German border dispute.
(Diversity Multi-Culti)
Guys, the thread has a topic and the topic isn't member's alleged resemblance to Hitler's. Topic is diversity, the good the bad and the ugly. Also as a public service announcement...you are in Zone 2. Posts need to have topical content....

You may now resume your regularly scheduled programming :)

This is what I am trying to point out Coyote darling in my below post, also the Off Topic content of Hitler was not brought into this thread by us if you read the thread.

The rest of us are doing our best to keep the thread On Topic.

View attachment 149583
Lucy, Hitler can be brought up in the context of the topic, i.e. Trying to use it as an example of culture, but when the thread becomes a discussion ABOUT a member instead of the topic, then it's a derailment.

"Hitler can be brought up in the context of the topic, i.e. Trying to use it as an example of culture"

Um not when someone has repeatedly posted there is NO White Culture and then begins gibbering about how White Culture is Hitler, there was no way in any form THAT was within the context of the topic of this thread and the OP.

Stop making excuses Missy :poke::popcorn:
So, how many genocide movements didn't involve multiculturalism as a factor?

You need to read about the Hutu's and the Tutsi's, because Rwanda is just not an example of a Genocide where Multiculturalism was not a factor, because it was.
It's not multiculturalism, it's tribal.

Multiculturalism, as in having multiple cultures present.

Perhaps not multiculturalism in the strict definition.

The word has been changing,
Like people who hate Bigots, are Bigots, because being a bigot just basically by definition, means to be intolerant of another view.
Now bigotry is generally more like prejudices, or racism.
Guys, the thread has a topic and the topic isn't member's alleged resemblance to Hitler's. Topic is diversity, the good the bad and the ugly. Also as a public service announcement...you are in Zone 2. Posts need to have topical content....

You may now resume your regularly scheduled programming :)

This is what I am trying to point out Coyote darling in my below post, also the Off Topic content of Hitler was not brought into this thread by us if you read the thread.

The rest of us are doing our best to keep the thread On Topic.

View attachment 149583
Lucy, Hitler can be brought up in the context of the topic, i.e. Trying to use it as an example of culture, but when the thread becomes a discussion ABOUT a member instead of the topic, then it's a derailment.

Yes, and Hitler probably wouldn't have risen to power, without multicultural conflicts with Jewish control in the German economy, or the Polish - German border dispute.
(Diversity Multi-Culti)
Hitler's rise was not about multicultural conflicts, the Jews had lived there for hundreds of years. Multiculturalism isn't necessarily the same as ethnic conflicts.
So, how many genocide movements didn't involve multiculturalism as a factor?

You need to read about the Hutu's and the Tutsi's, because Rwanda is just not an example of a Genocide where Multiculturalism was not a factor, because it was.
It's not multiculturalism, it's tribal.

Multiculturalism, as in having multiple cultures present.

Perhaps not multiculturalism in the strict definition.

The word has been changing,
Like people who hate Bigots, are Bigots, because being a bigot just basically by definition, means to be intolerant of another view.
Now bigotry is generally more like prejudices, or racism.
Ok, you are using a different meaning then I was...I understand what you are saying now.
Guys, the thread has a topic and the topic isn't member's alleged resemblance to Hitler's. Topic is diversity, the good the bad and the ugly. Also as a public service announcement...you are in Zone 2. Posts need to have topical content....

You may now resume your regularly scheduled programming :)

This is what I am trying to point out Coyote darling in my below post, also the Off Topic content of Hitler was not brought into this thread by us if you read the thread.

The rest of us are doing our best to keep the thread On Topic.

View attachment 149583
Lucy, Hitler can be brought up in the context of the topic, i.e. Trying to use it as an example of culture, but when the thread becomes a discussion ABOUT a member instead of the topic, then it's a derailment.

Yes, and Hitler probably wouldn't have risen to power, without multicultural conflicts with Jewish control in the German economy, or the Polish - German border dispute.
(Diversity Multi-Culti)
Hitler's rise was not about multicultural conflicts, the Jews had lived there for hundreds of years. Multiculturalism isn't necessarily the same as ethnic conflicts.

While, I certainly don't support Hitler's actions, and don't support genocide upon anybody.

I can see why some Germans would have resented Jews.

80% of the leaders were Jews in the German Revolution in 1918 (Communist attempted take over)

Jew Herschel Grynszpan assassination of a German Nazi.

Jewish boycott of Nazi Germany.

Jews made up about half of Berlin's high end economic fields, while about 5% of Berlin was Jewish.

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