Diversity is Not Our Strength

And everyone knows by now that "other than whites" makes you piss your panties.
Nah, the racist data kinda makes me piss…if you were decent and not scared shitless it would make you piss as well. An America that is too dark is a dangerous disgusting begging shithole….all one has to do is pull their head from their filthy ass and extrapolate the scary data from any predominantly dark shithole in America.
Sack up pussy
Nah, the racist data kinda makes me piss…if you were decent and not scared shitless it would make you piss as well. An America that is too dark is a dangerous disgusting begging shithole….all one has to do is pull their head from their filthy ass and extrapolate the scary data from any predominantly dark shithole in America.
Sack up pussy
^Afraid. Most likely alone and very, very afraid.
task0778 said:
First of all, we are a diverse nation already. No other nation on Earth is as diverse as we are, it's a done deal.

Yep, and we suffer mightily because of it. We had 9 months of rioting this summer because of it. Entire cities were burned to the ground. Murder, arson, assaults, looting, all because of this thing called "diversity" which supposedly benefits us someone.

We suffer mightily because we are intolerant and cannot accept the possibility that those who are different from us are not necessarily our enemies. A large part of the blame for that rests IMHO with the democrats and their constant application of identity politics, which the GOP has adopted in response. The problem isn't in our diversity, it's in how we deal with it, and we aren't doing that very well. IOW, the problem is not limited to them, its US.
Yep, and we suffer mightily because of it. We had 9 months of rioting this summer because of it. Entire cities were burned to the ground. Murder, arson, assaults, looting, all because of this thing called "diversity" which supposedly benefits us someone.

We suffer mightily because we are intolerant and cannot accept the possibility that those who are different from us are not necessarily our enemies. A large part of the blame for that rests IMHO with the democrats and their constant application of identity politics, which the GOP has adopted in response. The problem isn't in our diversity, it's in how we deal with it, and we aren't doing that very well. IOW, the problem is not limited to them, its US.

Bullshit. The only instances of racism the media can find are all false flag operations like Jussie Smollet. W edont' force blacks to loot. We don't force them to murder people. That's all their own doing.

The problem is that we have large minorities of people who are barely civilized.
That is absolutely true. That's what Critical Race Theory is all about.
You guus are so o sessed with something so few people have actually studied.

Do you think black people should leave our country so that we are less diverse?
We suffer mightily because we are intolerant and cannot accept the possibility that those who are different from us are not necessarily our enemies. A large part of the blame for that rests IMHO with the democrats and their constant application of identity politics, which the GOP has adopted in response. The problem isn't in our diversity, it's in how we deal with it, and we aren't doing that very well. IOW, the problem is not limited to them, its US.
From where I stand, the political right is completely opposed to talking about any kind of intolerance. Not talking about it doesn’t resolve the problem. It just allows a large chunk of the population to continue going about their lives without being burdened by the knowledge.
^Afraid. Most likely alone and very, very afraid.

Read that to yourself out loud, you fucking moron.
The nice thing is; good, decent people can pull a simple pie chart to know exactly where they don’t want to live….You can bet your ass you’ll have a dangerous, disgusting, unproductive, begging shithole anytime a pie chart that looks like the one below. Too few whites ALWAYS = Filthy SHITHOLE…….Coincidence?
Now go pee-pee yourselves over these racist facts.

From where I stand, the political right is completely opposed to talking about any kind of intolerance. Not talking about it doesn’t resolve the problem. It just allows a large chunk of the population to continue going about their lives without being burdened by the knowledge.
They would sell "Intolerance is Beautiful Thing" t-shirts at RNCs.
...... Too few whites ALWAYS = Filthy SHITHOLE……....
But you don't like to be called the racist you are. Go shave your empty head and take your little act to stromfront where your ilk belongs. Maybe you can start a thread comparing nazi tattoos.
From where I stand, the political right is completely opposed to talking about any kind of intolerance. Not talking about it doesn’t resolve the problem. It just allows a large chunk of the population to continue going about their lives without being burdened by the knowledge.
Isn't your tent the ones that established the cancel culture? Talking down conservative speakers? Yes, it is your tent.

Merry Christmas, colfax
Isn't your tent the ones that established the cancel culture? Talking down conservative speakers? Yes, it is your tent.

Merry Christmas, colfax
No, cancel culture has been around for a LONG TIME. You guys are just obsessed with it now that you’re on the receiving end. Now it’s a crisis when you’re affected.

Want to see what I’m talking about with regard to conservatives not wanting to talk about things? Just attempt to talk to anyone on the political right about white privilege. They will freak out.
But you don't like to be called the racist you are. Go shave your empty head and take your little act to stromfront where your ilk belongs. Maybe you can start a thread comparing nazi tattoos.
Uncle Terry, I’m a superhero of sorts….a hardcore realist just spreading the scary racist truth to nutless pussies who want to pretend such truth doesn’t exist. You’re welcome for the free enlightenment.
You guus are so o sessed with something so few people have actually studied.

Do you think black people should leave our country so that we are less diverse?
How did you prove the CRT isn't about white people being born racist?

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