Diversity is Not Our Strength

The single largest by-product of Diversity is the degeneration of our beautiful cities into Third World $hithole$, complete with savage barbarians...
True. Russia might be a Dictatorship ,but there are no black thugs mugging and killing people on their public transportation.
Progs have been extolling the virtues of "diversity" for decades. However, they can never point to any such benefits.

First of all, we are a diverse nation already. No other nation on Earth is as diverse as we are, it's a done deal. We can deal with it in a positive or a negative way and be either stronger or weaker depending on what we decide to do about it. We can choose acceptance and tolerance of people with different abilities and characteristics and people with other ideas, or at least offer the opportunity for everyone to contribute. I would think the benefits are fairly obvious: they say 2 heads are better than one, but what if those 2 heads are not that different from one another? People from diverse backgrounds can bring new ideas to the table and use different skills if we encourage acceptance rather than intolerance.

According to several studies, a diverse team has a better chance of resolving problems efficiently since they rely on the backdrop of different life experiences that enables them to conceptualize a solution in a shorter time. Brainstorming may be less effective if you don't have a variety of backgrounds to draw on.

If we choose to be intolerant, then does not meritocracy suffer as a result? If we are not allowing some voices to be heard, then have we not limited our chances of success? We become more mediocre because we have taken full advantage of our combined capabilities. And productivity suffers.
I'm not the one claiming Britain's "purity" is the cause of the Industrial Revolution.
Neither did I, douchebag. Lack of riots, crime and civil war tends to be beneficial for a nation's economy.
First of all, we are a diverse nation already. No other nation on Earth is as diverse as we are, it's a done deal.

Yep, and we suffer mightily because of it. We had 9 months of rioting this summer because of it. Entire cities were burned to the ground. Murder, arson, assaults, looting, all because of this thing called "diversity" which supposedly benefits us someone.

We can deal with it in a positive or a negative way and be either stronger or weaker depending on what we decide to do about it.
We will be stronger if we stop importing people who don't conform to our culture.

We can choose acceptance and tolerance of people with different abilities and characteristics and people with other ideas, or at least offer the opportunity for everyone to contribute.
The question is whether we should import more of this trouble. The answer is clearly "no."

I would think the benefits are fairly obvious:
That's because you don't think.

they say 2 heads are better than one, but what if those 2 heads are not that different from one another? People from diverse backgrounds can bring new ideas to the table and use different skills if we encourage acceptance rather than intolerance.
The evidence shows that we don't benefit.

According to several studies, a diverse team has a better chance of resolving problems efficiently since they rely on the backdrop of different life experiences that enables them to conceptualize a solution in a shorter time. Brainstorming may be less effective if you don't have a variety of backgrounds to draw on.

You mean they do better just because their skin color is different? Only a fool would defend such a claim.

If we choose to be intolerant, then does not meritocracy suffer as a result? If we are not allowing some voices to be heard, then have we not limited our chances of success? We become more mediocre because we have taken full advantage of our combined capabilities. And productivity suffers.

Again, the question is whether we benefit from importing more foreigners. We obviously don't. The question is moot for the ones that are already here.
Progs have been extolling the virtues of "diversity" for decades. However, they can never point to any such benefits.​
There are areas in this world where there is security, freedom, and prosperity, especially in relation to those other areas where tyranny and lawlessness still exist and economic security does not.
It’s fifty years now since I was at university and a great deal of my time there -- especially the weekends -- is long forgotten.
I do remember going with the intention of studying math and economics. At that time, and maybe still, there was a requirement, in the first year, to take other subjects. Whether this was to prevent specializing too soon or to provide a more rounded education or both I don’t know but, when my second year began one of those other subjects became all of my classes, either Modern History or Economic History.
At that level, the assumption was that you already knew the who, what, where and when of historical events and the focus was on the why. So, there were no multiple choice or true/false questions, only two-thousand-word essays on the why of important events in history. I was fascinated with these, basically, puzzles, working back in time to see what had happened to set in motion the factors behind, for example, the outbreak of wars.
One of these assignments was to “Account for the Industrial Revolution occurring in Britain before other countries.” For a long time, the accepted explanation had been that the “Protestant Work Ethic’ was the reason but, while there was an innate industriousness in the people of Britain generally, it was no more so than some of their neighbors in Europe. Equally, while Britain had adequate ore and coal resources it was no more blessed than many other countries and much less than some. Neither did Britain have a massive population or land area.
Racist, bigoted, hateful rightwing idiocy.
That doesn't alter the fact that we don't benefit from it as turds like you claim.
That’s an opinion, not a fact.

And it doesn’t matter. Diversity is a big part of this country and you’re just going to have to deal with it. You can bitch and whine all you like and it won’t do anything.
Yep, and we suffer mightily because of it. We had 9 months of rioting this summer because of it. Entire cities were burned to the ground. Murder, arson, assaults, looting, all because of this thing called "diversity" which supposedly benefits us someone.

We will be stronger if we stop importing people who don't conform to our culture.

The question is whether we should import more of this trouble. The answer is clearly "no."

That's because you don't think.

The evidence shows that we don't benefit.

You mean they do better just because their skin color is different? Only a fool would defend such a claim.

Again, the question is whether we benefit from importing more foreigners. We obviously don't. The question is moot for the ones that are already here.

Maybe the problem isn't them. Maybe it's you and people like you. Maybe it's because you're so God Damned intolerant of anybody that isn't just like you.
As a rule, Britain is lying about its achievements. This is a country of mediocrity, they can not do anything except bargaining. At the present time, too, no one knows what they are producing. I am not aware of any British brands.
Define Caucasian.....it's been a moving definition for well over 100 years.
Yes, "Caucasian" means different things to different people.

In my case, I prefer to use "Caucasian" as a gentler term for "White," which I consider to sound too harsh or abrupt.

That is why I also prefer the longer "African American" to "Black."


I am 84. When I was younger, "Caucasian" was often used in official documents and even in the media.

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