Divided America: Is this the new normal?

Thoughts from an Independent:

For 200+ years Conservatives and Liberals worked together in government to craft legislation and pass laws. They didn't always agree, they didn't always get along, but they knew they had to either work with the other side, or nothing would get done, it's called compromise. In the last 20-30 years however, tribalism has become so popular, it threatens to reduce the power of Americas governing bodies (and in turn America) to a weakened shadow of its former self. So...will American voters insist their lawmakers behave as such, and work together to do their jobs, or is a deeply divided America the new normal?

Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.

- Matthew: 12:25

This will not change & it has obviously become EXPONENTIALLY worse since Trump announced his candidacy in June, 2015.

Myself & millions around the planet blame Trump directly.

"If the Democrats win there will be violence." - POTUS Trump

Those are the words of the most divisive POTUS within my life time.

To be POTUS & to make such a statement is nothing less than a declaration of WAR.

Fvck you Trump.

OH HELL; just LOOK at this divisive bullshit drivel, coming from, of course, POTUS.

"There is great anger in our Country caused in part by inaccurate, and even fraudulent, reporting of the news. The Fake News Media, the true Enemy of the People, must stop the open & obvious hostility & report the news accurately & fairly. That will do much to put out the flame"... 5:03 AM - 29 Oct 2018

HOW IN HELL is any POTUS carrying on a 3 1/2 YEAR war upon the press NOT being divisive?

When the Trump GOP MAGA bombers & the Trump GOP MAGA Jew killers CONTINUE to read shit like this, coming from a POTUS, who in Hell believes this will calm them down?

Trump ONLY CARES about dividing this nation; period.
That stupid ass Tweet from this morning is proof of Trump's eternal desire to destroy America.
We have robbers aka socialists in our midst. They radicalize the system to obtain power for themselves.

You can’t compromise with that type of evil
Thoughts from an Independent:

For 200+ years Conservatives and Liberals worked together in government to craft legislation and pass laws. They didn't always agree, they didn't always get along, but they knew they had to either work with the other side, or nothing would get done, it's called compromise. In the last 20-30 years however, tribalism has become so popular, it threatens to reduce the power of Americas governing bodies (and in turn America) to a weakened shadow of its former self. So...will American voters insist their lawmakers behave as such, and work together to do their jobs, or is a deeply divided America the new normal?

Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.

- Matthew: 12:25

Progressives have no interest in helping run a country they do not lead. It started when Soros called Al Gore to make him retract his concession in order to hold the peaceful transition of Presidential hostage to their insane, absurd recounts. It's been downhill since
Thoughts from an Independent:

For 200+ years Conservatives and Liberals worked together in government to craft legislation and pass laws. They didn't always agree, they didn't always get along, but they knew they had to either work with the other side, or nothing would get done, it's called compromise. In the last 20-30 years however, tribalism has become so popular, it threatens to reduce the power of Americas governing bodies (and in turn America) to a weakened shadow of its former self. So...will American voters insist their lawmakers behave as such, and work together to do their jobs, or is a deeply divided America the new normal?

Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.

- Matthew: 12:25

This will not change & it has obviously become EXPONENTIALLY worse since Trump announced his candidacy in June, 2015.

Myself & millions around the planet blame Trump directly.

"If the Democrats win there will be violence." - POTUS Trump

Those are the words of the most divisive POTUS within my life time.

To be POTUS & to make such a statement is nothing less than a declaration of WAR.

Fvck you Trump.
At least we can ALL agree that Hillary losing, is a wonderful thing.
Such non sense. Anyone remember the Vietnam War? "Tin soldiers and Nixon coming" and the 60's and 70's? How about "Bush lied, people died"? Civil War? America has had some ups and downs over the years. We will be just fine.
I’m confident democrats will eventually set their lust for power aside and start respecting the will of voters.

Considering the direction they're going, not sure if any of us will be alive when that happens.

If you're alive within the next 8 years..I'm gonna say Democrats are probably done.

You can't be totally Anti-American and claim to be an American political party...no. Fuck You.

It wasn't always like this, but it is like this now.
Eh, I don't give a shit either way. Fuck this landfill of a country.

Move to Ghana, fucker.

If a Commie frauds the way into being governor here, I'm abandoning state. White Flight, baby.

In b4 the condos turn into projects.
Thoughts from an Independent:

For 200+ years Conservatives and Liberals worked together in government to craft legislation and pass laws. They didn't always agree, they didn't always get along, but they knew they had to either work with the other side, or nothing would get done, it's called compromise. In the last 20-30 years however, tribalism has become so popular, it threatens to reduce the power of Americas governing bodies (and in turn America) to a weakened shadow of its former self. So...will American voters insist their lawmakers behave as such, and work together to do their jobs, or is a deeply divided America the new normal?

Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.

- Matthew: 12:25

For well over a century, the Progressive movement has taken over America. They subverted state rights till the Federal government dictates everything in our lives, they have driven up a debt that is the highest in human history, and they have managed to take us back to the racial divides of the 1960's for political gain. Unrestricted illegal immigration as they ignore immigration laws?

Perhaps it is time for a little division for a change.

Some things wicked our way comes. And it is long overdue as Congress fails term after term, being more interested in personal gain and fund raising to pursue even more personal gain.
Thus, the advent of the Trump era occurs.
Thoughts from an Independent:

For 200+ years Conservatives and Liberals worked together in government to craft legislation and pass laws. They didn't always agree, they didn't always get along, but they knew they had to either work with the other side, or nothing would get done, it's called compromise. In the last 20-30 years however, tribalism has become so popular, it threatens to reduce the power of Americas governing bodies (and in turn America) to a weakened shadow of its former self. So...will American voters insist their lawmakers behave as such, and work together to do their jobs, or is a deeply divided America the new normal?

Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.

- Matthew: 12:25

Our forefathers warned about a two-party system. They knew that would be one of the things that threatened our Republic. Both sides do as they want because roughly half the people will always support them. The left wants open borders ow because radicals from other countries are likely to vote for them. They want to regain and keep power at all costs.

People come here from all these fucked up countries and then vote for the people who want to turn the U.S. into the same dictatorships these people fled.

The left is more desperate than ever because their agenda won't survive if they don't regain power and force their will on the people. They lie about things, namely their real agenda. The radical leftists have taken over the party and they want the destruction of America so they can have socialism and permanent power. Even liberals have left the party in droves because they can't stomach all the violence supported by the left.

They need us divided and fighting among ourselves so we don't look too hard at what both parties are doing. Funny how the leftists have convinced so many that being a patriotic, constitution-loving American is radical.

The leftists know damn well that things are better under Trump and Republicans. The economy is better. Taxes are lower for middle class. That's me and I know it's a fact that tax cuts greatly helped middle class. GDP is up. Unemployment is down. Of course, the leftists hate this because people who are doing fine do not want government to interfere in their lives. Even the poor are doing better. Look at poor and middle class in other socialist and communist countries. They wish they could do as well as our poor. Our poor people have homes, food, cars, computers and many other things that the poor in third world countries dream about. Trump also wants to secure our borders, which is one of the main functions of government. The constitution limits government, which is why they want to do away with it.
Thoughts from an Independent:

For 200+ years Conservatives and Liberals worked together in government to craft legislation and pass laws. They didn't always agree, they didn't always get along, but they knew they had to either work with the other side, or nothing would get done, it's called compromise. In the last 20-30 years however, tribalism has become so popular, it threatens to reduce the power of Americas governing bodies (and in turn America) to a weakened shadow of its former self. So...will American voters insist their lawmakers behave as such, and work together to do their jobs, or is a deeply divided America the new normal?

Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.

- Matthew: 12:25

Our forefathers warned about a two-party system. They knew that would be one of the things that threatened our Republic. Both sides do as they want because roughly half the people will always support them. The left wants open borders ow because radicals from other countries are likely to vote for them. They want to regain and keep power at all costs.

People come here from all these fucked up countries and then vote for the people who want to turn the U.S. into the same dictatorships these people fled.

The left is more desperate than ever because their agenda won't survive if they don't regain power and force their will on the people. They lie about things, namely their real agenda. The radical leftists have taken over the party and they want the destruction of America so they can have socialism and permanent power. Even liberals have left the party in droves because they can't stomach all the violence supported by the left.

They need us divided and fighting among ourselves so we don't look too hard at what both parties are doing. Funny how the leftists have convinced so many that being a patriotic, constitution-loving American is radical.

The leftists know damn well that things are better under Trump and Republicans. The economy is better. Taxes are lower for middle class. That's me and I know it's a fact that tax cuts greatly helped middle class. GDP is up. Unemployment is down. Of course, the leftists hate this because people who are doing fine do not want government to interfere in their lives. Even the poor are doing better. Look at poor and middle class in other socialist and communist countries. They wish they could do as well as our poor. Our poor people have homes, food, cars, computers and many other things that the poor in third world countries dream about. Trump also wants to secure our borders, which is one of the main functions of government. The constitution limits government, which is why they want to do away with it.

I can tell that you spoke from your heart. Well said by a faithful Patriot!
Unless both sides stop giving into the extremes of their party this will be the new normal.

As a casual observer; better fasten your seatbelt!
I'm well past the point in my life where I need to fasten a seatbelt because of partisan political horseshit.

You must live near the Canadian border.
Not even close.

Well, if you live near the Mexican border like I do, then you have perceptual impairment; even as an 'observer'.
Unless both sides stop giving into the extremes of their party this will be the new normal.

As a casual observer; better fasten your seatbelt!
I'm well past the point in my life where I need to fasten a seatbelt because of partisan political horseshit.

You must live near the Canadian border.
Not even close.

Well, if you live near the Mexican border like I do, then you have perceptual impairment; even as an 'observer'.
Depends on what you think near is I’m closer to border with Mexico than some farther than others.
Thoughts from an Independent:

For 200+ years Conservatives and Liberals worked together in government to craft legislation and pass laws. They didn't always agree, they didn't always get along, but they knew they had to either work with the other side, or nothing would get done, it's called compromise. In the last 20-30 years however, tribalism has become so popular, it threatens to reduce the power of Americas governing bodies (and in turn America) to a weakened shadow of its former self. So...will American voters insist their lawmakers behave as such, and work together to do their jobs, or is a deeply divided America the new normal?

Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.

- Matthew: 12:25
There is no compromise with NPC's.

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