Divided America: Is this the new normal?

Thoughts from an Independent:

For 200+ years Conservatives and Liberals worked together in government to craft legislation and pass laws. They didn't always agree, they didn't always get along, but they knew they had to either work with the other side, or nothing would get done, it's called compromise. In the last 20-30 years however, tribalism has become so popular, it threatens to reduce the power of Americas governing bodies (and in turn America) to a weakened shadow of its former self. So...will American voters insist their lawmakers behave as such, and work together to do their jobs, or is a deeply divided America the new normal?

Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.

- Matthew: 12:25

Yup and The novice Obama blew it out of the water, the word "compromise" was not in his vocabulary.

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