Divorced From Reality.......Wedded To Their Lies....That's What We Keep Seeing In The Media

No I don't.
You're relying on the false reports from the media.
I'm just relying on what I can see with my own fucking eyes.
You're relying on the false reports from the media.

You're relying on selected material, instead of working thru the whole incident.

I'm done here, mud.

I've raised several points you can't seem to address.

and I dont' have a diamond tipped drill capable of getting thru your thick skull.

You're relying on selected material, instead of working thru the whole incident.

I'm done here, mud.

I've raised several points you can't seem to address.

and I dont' have a diamond tipped drill capable of getting thru your thick skull.

I addressed them.
You raised several points that you cannot or are unwilling to accept rational explanations for.

Clearly....the person who runs at someone is the threat.
The person running away isn't.
Try getting that thru your thick skull.

You claimed that Arbery was running before he got to the construction site....but what I see on the video is him walking up to the site then going inside to look around. The media lies to us he was just jogging....but this video shows that he was trying to escape.

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I addressed them.
You raised several points that you cannot or are unwilling to accept rational explanations for.

Clearly....the person who runs at someone is the threat.
The person running away isn't.
Try getting that thru your thick skull.
Oh....so now you think that the guilty party is always the one defending himself with a gun?
Good to know.
I addressed them.
You raised several points that you cannot or are unwilling to accept rational explanations for.

Clearly....the person who runs at someone is the threat.
The person running away isn't.
Try getting that thru your thick skull.

You claimed that Arbery was running before he got to the construction site....but what I see on the video is him walking up to the site then going inside to look around.

Arbery was looking for anything he could sell....tools or whatever..at the construction site. Local police had busted him for drug possession. So he was looking for something to steal so he could sell it, probably to buy drugs.

November 16, 2021

Doubling Down on Victim Blaming​

By John F. Di Leo

The murder trial of young Kyle Rittenhouse, the only noteworthy prosecution to come out of the 2020 Kenosha riots, has become a surrogate for a war that the American Left has long tried to keep under the radar: the war against the concept of self-defense.

The Left finds itself in a quandary. They cannot say “you have no right to self-defense” in so many words. They must get there in another way, a roundabout way, but one in keeping with their longstanding effort to defang America’s police departments. Create technicality acquittals, and erect restrictive rules of engagement for police. Build red-tape barriers to keep private security guards from being armed and trained. Overrule the castle doctrine in the courtroom. Build in so many restrictions to self-defense that it becomes a toothless defense.
In the case of Kyle Rittenhouse, the self-defense case is so obvious that the prosecution had to resort to a claim of provocation, that the young man’s armed presence was itself a provocation. The evidence is clear that he was one of many (if not enough) law-abiding citizens who arrived in town in the hope that a show of solidarity in support of the business district would dissuade the protesters from further rioting. Sitting there with a gun, as one of hundreds of other property owners and supporters with guns, should have -- theoretically at least -- discouraged the demonstrators from escalating into violence.
It's a local version of the oldest rule in international affairs: the path to peace is by maintaining the most imposing military in the region. Nobody will attack you if your army is the best. “If you want peace, prepare for war.” The theory motivating Rittenhouse and his comrades that day was the same universally-accepted principle, writ small.

The Left has now redefined this concept as “provocation:” He shouldn’t have gone there in the first place.


If he just hadn’t gone to Kenosha that day – if he just hadn’t shown up in this dangerous neighborhood -- none of this would have happened to him.
Now, it might have happened to others, but not to him. He wouldn’t have been there to be attacked, so he wouldn’t been there to defend himself, so these three attackers would not have been shot by him. They might have attacked someone else who wasn’t armed; they might have burned down a building, but he wouldn’t have been there to shoot them for doing it, so it’s his fault. He got himself into this. That’s their argument, at its root.

In short, in an effort to take the focus off the fact that three violent people were part of this demonstration, looking for trouble, the Left accuses the defender of looking for trouble.
If the claim is “Kyle shouldn’t have been there, and this wouldn’t have happened if Kyle hadn’t gone that night, so it’s Kyle’s fault,” we must fairly ask some other questions:
  • Do we say the same thing when an old man is mugged in a bad neighborhood?
  • Do we say the same thing when an old lady is knocked down in her stairwell in a purse-snatching?
  • Do we say the same thing when a young woman is raped in a bad neighborhood?
  • Do we say the same thing when a convenience store is held up, and the cashier is beaten for the money in the till?
If they hadn’t gone to that neighborhood -- or if they didn’t have the bad judgment to live or work in that bad neighborhood -- then it wouldn’t have happened to them. It’s called victim-blaming.

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