Dixie Chicks Insult Counytry Music Fans

jillian said:
"Country music" on the billboard charts isn't governed by who buys the CD, but by the genre of music.

And, frankly, I don't think the chicks care too much if people who threaten lives for a political viewpoint don't buy their music.

Somehow, I don't think Muslims ever bought their CDs.
The chicks should of consulted Jane Fonda and John Kerry about speaking against their country, when their men and women are over in a foreign country fighting and dying..

Whether you believe the war is right or not, a lot of people will not forget or forgive, when you speak against our military when their at war..
Oh and I know you'll say they weren't speaking against the military, they were just talking about the President..

Well don't forget who the military's Commander in Chief is..

Some of you don't like to hear that, but that's just how it is.....

Now in a couple of yrs well be asking, those Dixie who?

Too bad for them, I actually like their music when they first came out...
But they decided to speak, no less in a foreign country......
Now they get to pay.. Welcome to the REAL WORLD........
ScreamingEagle said:
Too bad Haggard and Twitty can't teach those hags and twits a thing or two.....:salute:

Thats for damn sure! Don't forget about Jennings and Jones.
There are three country stations around here. I started listening to them about 1 1/2 years ago. I have yet to hear a Dixie Chicks song at all on any of them, and only one is owned by Clear Channel.
Sounds like the Dixie Chicks are over it. They seem happy. Glad to see people are still buying their music and can separate their political views from their music. What freedom of speech is all about IMO...
Dr Grump said:
Sounds like the Dixie Chicks are over it. They seem happy. Glad to see people are still buying their music and can separate their political views from their music. What freedom of speech is all about IMO...

Fuck your freedom of speech. It does not entail running your piehole on foriegn turf. If porky wants to run her piehole about Bush lets see her do it in Kerrville, TX instead of in front of a bunch of limeys.
Dr Grump said:
Sounds like the Dixie Chicks are over it. They seem happy. Glad to see people are still buying their music and can separate their political views from their music. What freedom of speech is all about IMO...

The Chicks are "happy" after having to cancel half their tour dates due to lack of ticket sales. LMAO!
Dr Grump said:
Sounds like the Dixie Chicks are over it. They seem happy. Glad to see people are still buying their music and can separate their political views from their music. What freedom of speech is all about IMO...

There as happy as Al Bore. His movie is playing to empty theaters and the Dixie Twits are playing to empty arenas

Neither his flop film or the Twits will be around much longer

Then the libs will blame the vast right wing conspiracy
jillian said:
"Country music" on the billboard charts isn't governed by who buys the CD, but by the genre of music.

And, frankly, I don't think the chicks care too much if people who threaten lives for a political viewpoint don't buy their music.

If THAT is your argument, the Dixie Chicks are about as country as Neil Young. They play pop music with a twang. Your argument is dishonest as it does not take into account that most of the album sales is probably to left-wing extremists who hate us unedumicated rednecks and our music, but think they're sticking it to us by supporting the Ditzy Chicks. The fact is, us dumbass rednecks ain't buying their music, so it must be you pseudo-intellectual sophisticate-types.

And I disagree that they don't care. Obviously they DO, or there wouldn't be so much whining going on, and that is all their false bravado amounts to. Typical of left-wing entertainers, they think it is perfectly fine to use their position as entertainers to spout their jacked-up political beliefs.

They're paying the price, and if they didn't care, we wouldn't be hearing from them because they are getting their collective wish ... they've been ostricized by their original fan base.
OCA said:
Fuck your freedom of speech. It does not entail running your piehole on foriegn turf. If porky wants to run her piehole about Bush lets see her do it in Kerrville, TX instead of in front of a bunch of limeys.

Great line! So you don't like freedom of speech huh? Who'd thunk! She can talk about who she wants, where she wants. She could talk about Bush in Timbuktu for all I care. Let's see her do it in New York or Frisco while we're at it.
GunnyL said:
And I disagree that they don't care. Obviously they DO, or there wouldn't be so much whining going on, and that is all their false bravado amounts to. Typical of left-wing entertainers, they think it is perfectly fine to use their position as entertainers to spout their jacked-up political beliefs.

They're paying the price, and if they didn't care, we wouldn't be hearing from them because they are getting their collective wish ... they've been ostricized by their original fan base.

As far as I can tell they DON'T care. They are not whining about Jack. People are writing articles about them and there have been very few that have quoted the Chicks. And of those that have, it was journos asking the Chicks, not the Chicks trying to find a medium from which to talk.

I think its fine for any entertainer to spout what they want. I differentiate between their music and politics. That being said, I don't own, nor ever will own, a DC CD. Not my sort of music....
Dr Grump said:
As far as I can tell they DON'T care. They are not whining about Jack. People are writing articles about them and there have been very few that have quoted the Chicks. And of those that have, it was journos asking the Chicks, not the Chicks trying to find a medium from which to talk.

I think its fine for any entertainer to spout what they want. I differentiate between their music and politics. That being said, I don't own, nor ever will own, a DC CD. Not my sort of music....

I completely disagree. If I buy a ticket to see a musician that is famous for his/her music, then I want to hear the music, not his/her political viewpoints. IMO, they dishonestly take advantage of their ability to perform an art in order spout their political viewpoints; which, the public has NOT given them the stage for.

And it doesn't matter if it's the Dixie Chicks or Martin Sheen or whoever. If you're going to spout views I disagree with, don't expect me to contribute to your financial success.

The Chixie Dicks have been whining since the concert after Natalie Mains opened her big fat suck and alienated their core audience. In typical liberal fashion, she and the others believe they are above the consequences of their actions.

Guess they thought wrong.
I love country music and they don't offend me. I'll buy their cd because it's fine music. I'll continue to buy Toby Keith's music because he has a great voice - his politics stink, his banging on about patriotism and flag waving gives me the shits big time but I enjoy his music. And if he came here for a tour, which I hope he does, I would buy the best seats I could.

Anyway I love country music and I don't give a rat's about the politics. It's just good.

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