DNC chair candidates say Clinton lost because she talked too much about Trump


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Just how stupid are the Democrats? Still counting . . . .

'Every leading contender to take over the Democratic National Committee believes Hillary Clinton focused too much on attacking Donald Trump at the expense of articulating an affirmative case for holding the White House.
During their final showdown before the chairman’s election in Atlanta on Feb. 25, there was consensus that the party’s problems derive mainly from subpar organization and communication — not anything fundamental.

“We forgot to talk to people,” said Tom Perez, who was secretary of labor until last month and a finalist to be Clinton’s running mate last summer. “I’m a big believer in data analytics, but data analytics cannot supplant good old fashioned door knocking. … We didn’t communicate our values to people. When Donald Trump says, ‘I’m going to bring the coal jobs back,’ we know that’s a lie. But people understand that he feels their pain. And our response was: ‘Vote for us because he’s crazy.’ I’ll stipulate to that, but that’s not a message.”'

The Daily 202: DNC chair candidates say Clinton lost because she talked too much about Trump

So Perez shows he has half a functioning brain, but only half. He is quite correct that Clinton lost the election because she spent too much time talking about Trump instead of articulating an affirmative message that addressed voters needs and problems, but then he says, using the coal miners as an example, we really had nothing to offer them other than "I feel your pain," thus displaying the empty space in his head where the other half of his brain should be. The coal miners didn't vote for Trump because they believed he felt their pain but because they believed he would try to get their jobs back for them, Tom. Nobody cares what your values are, Tom, if you don't have an agenda that will address their needs.
She should have stuck to talking about policy and only spoken about Trump to point out how crazy he sounds. No thought out rebuttal, no respect given to his madness, just "are you people hearing this nonsense?"
Well, she should have picked Warren and let her needle the orange cretin. But Hillary's central problem, besides selling access to foreigners to the SECRETARY OF STATE OFFICE, was that she'd been against her policies before she was for them.
Dem's taking a giant shit on working people for the last 8 years may have had something to do with Hillary losing. That's WHY Hillary wasn't talking to the people, what was she going to say sorry we destroyed your jobs with our jobs killing regulations and policies?
What was Hillary going to say to oil, gas, and coal workers? What was she going to say to union pipeline construction workers? Yeah we screwed you people royally but vote for me anyway?

Dem's abandoned their base of middle class workers in favor of jobs killing regulations, taxes, and laws favored by the left wing. Dem's even abandoned moderate Democrats in congress who got wiped off the map in the 2010 and 2014 elections, saying they didn't like having to work with moderate Dem's anyway so good riddance.

The left wing took over the Democratic party and destroyed it.
besides selling access to foreigners to the SECRETARY OF STATE OFFICE
But, you don't have ANY PROOF of that, do you, you lying liar?
It's not even disputed. Money to her foundation was tied to meetings.

Emails reveal how foundation donors got access to Clinton and her close aides at State Dept.
You have absolutely ZERO FUCKING PROOF she did anything illegal.

By the way, every nutter knows the Washington Post is fake news; surely you knew that.
Looks like the usual leftist fanatics still won't acknowledge what has happened for the last 8 years: They've been legislating against what normal Americans want, and Americans had enough of it. And booted them out en masse.
besides selling access to foreigners to the SECRETARY OF STATE OFFICE
But, you don't have ANY PROOF of that, do you, you lying liar?
It's not even disputed. Money to her foundation was tied to meetings.

Emails reveal how foundation donors got access to Clinton and her close aides at State Dept.
You have absolutely ZERO FUCKING PROOF she did anything illegal.

By the way, every nutter knows the Washington Post is fake news; surely you knew that.

Right the FBI should pay no attention to organized crime until there's proof the mob broke the law...oh wait :eusa_think:
Just how stupid are the Democrats? Still counting . . . .

'Every leading contender to take over the Democratic National Committee believes Hillary Clinton focused too much on attacking Donald Trump at the expense of articulating an affirmative case for holding the White House.
During their final showdown before the chairman’s election in Atlanta on Feb. 25, there was consensus that the party’s problems derive mainly from subpar organization and communication — not anything fundamental.

“We forgot to talk to people,” said Tom Perez, who was secretary of labor until last month and a finalist to be Clinton’s running mate last summer. “I’m a big believer in data analytics, but data analytics cannot supplant good old fashioned door knocking. … We didn’t communicate our values to people. When Donald Trump says, ‘I’m going to bring the coal jobs back,’ we know that’s a lie. But people understand that he feels their pain. And our response was: ‘Vote for us because he’s crazy.’ I’ll stipulate to that, but that’s not a message.”'

The Daily 202: DNC chair candidates say Clinton lost because she talked too much about Trump

So Perez shows he has half a functioning brain, but only half. He is quite correct that Clinton lost the election because she spent too much time talking about Trump instead of articulating an affirmative message that addressed voters needs and problems, but then he says, using the coal miners as an example, we really had nothing to offer them other than "I feel your pain," thus displaying the empty space in his head where the other half of his brain should be. The coal miners didn't vote for Trump because they believed he felt their pain but because they believed he would try to get their jobs back for them, Tom. Nobody cares what your values are, Tom, if you don't have an agenda that will address their needs.

After 'denial' and 'anger', introspection is sort of the next step in the grieving process. They are still working on the specifics of how these therapy sessions should work. The Politico chimed in with a similar 'we are not listening to the people' theme just today (this is probably coordinated).

‘Data-Driven’ Campaigns Are Killing the Democratic Party

"We Democrats have allowed microtargeting to become microthinking. Each cycle, we speak to fewer and fewer people and have less and less to say......The campaign considered Bill to be old school—a storyteller, not data driven. I feel his pain. And unless Democrats start to change things quickly, we’ll be feeling pain in elections yet to come."

The problem is, when ever the Democrat Cranium Command talks to people, they are speaking in far left tongue to a voting population which is not far left, and when they listen to people, they ignore anything which does not fit their far left bubble mindset.

I wish them luck in grief therapy.
besides selling access to foreigners to the SECRETARY OF STATE OFFICE
But, you don't have ANY PROOF of that, do you, you lying liar?
It's not even disputed. Money to her foundation was tied to meetings.

Emails reveal how foundation donors got access to Clinton and her close aides at State Dept.
You have absolutely ZERO FUCKING PROOF she did anything illegal.

By the way, every nutter knows the Washington Post is fake news; surely you knew that.

Right the FBI should pay no attention to organized crime until there's proof the mob broke the law...oh wait :eusa_think:
What the fuck are you even talking about, you idiot?
She lost because she is a lying piece of shit, and we all know it, and then, we voted for Trump. That is why that whore lost.
Just how stupid are the Democrats? Still counting . . . .

'Every leading contender to take over the Democratic National Committee believes Hillary Clinton focused too much on attacking Donald Trump at the expense of articulating an affirmative case for holding the White House.
During their final showdown before the chairman’s election in Atlanta on Feb. 25, there was consensus that the party’s problems derive mainly from subpar organization and communication — not anything fundamental.

“We forgot to talk to people,” said Tom Perez, who was secretary of labor until last month and a finalist to be Clinton’s running mate last summer. “I’m a big believer in data analytics, but data analytics cannot supplant good old fashioned door knocking. … We didn’t communicate our values to people. When Donald Trump says, ‘I’m going to bring the coal jobs back,’ we know that’s a lie. But people understand that he feels their pain. And our response was: ‘Vote for us because he’s crazy.’ I’ll stipulate to that, but that’s not a message.”'

The Daily 202: DNC chair candidates say Clinton lost because she talked too much about Trump

So Perez shows he has half a functioning brain, but only half. He is quite correct that Clinton lost the election because she spent too much time talking about Trump instead of articulating an affirmative message that addressed voters needs and problems, but then he says, using the coal miners as an example, we really had nothing to offer them other than "I feel your pain," thus displaying the empty space in his head where the other half of his brain should be. The coal miners didn't vote for Trump because they believed he felt their pain but because they believed he would try to get their jobs back for them, Tom. Nobody cares what your values are, Tom, if you don't have an agenda that will address their needs.
Hillary lost because she would not listen to her hubby Bill who told her she needs to campaign in Wisc, Mich, Pa, and NC more.

She thought she did not need these states.

She was dead wrong.

Had nothing to do with her message regarding DJT.
besides selling access to foreigners to the SECRETARY OF STATE OFFICE
But, you don't have ANY PROOF of that, do you, you lying liar?
It's not even disputed. Money to her foundation was tied to meetings.

Emails reveal how foundation donors got access to Clinton and her close aides at State Dept.
You have absolutely ZERO FUCKING PROOF she did anything illegal.

By the way, every nutter knows the Washington Post is fake news; surely you knew that.

Right the FBI should pay no attention to organized crime until there's proof the mob broke the law...oh wait :eusa_think:
What the fuck are you even talking about, you idiot?

It was over your head, don't worry about it. :itsok:
Just how stupid are the Democrats? Still counting . . . .

'Every leading contender to take over the Democratic National Committee believes Hillary Clinton focused too much on attacking Donald Trump at the expense of articulating an affirmative case for holding the White House.
During their final showdown before the chairman’s election in Atlanta on Feb. 25, there was consensus that the party’s problems derive mainly from subpar organization and communication — not anything fundamental.

“We forgot to talk to people,” said Tom Perez, who was secretary of labor until last month and a finalist to be Clinton’s running mate last summer. “I’m a big believer in data analytics, but data analytics cannot supplant good old fashioned door knocking. … We didn’t communicate our values to people. When Donald Trump says, ‘I’m going to bring the coal jobs back,’ we know that’s a lie. But people understand that he feels their pain. And our response was: ‘Vote for us because he’s crazy.’ I’ll stipulate to that, but that’s not a message.”'

The Daily 202: DNC chair candidates say Clinton lost because she talked too much about Trump

So Perez shows he has half a functioning brain, but only half. He is quite correct that Clinton lost the election because she spent too much time talking about Trump instead of articulating an affirmative message that addressed voters needs and problems, but then he says, using the coal miners as an example, we really had nothing to offer them other than "I feel your pain," thus displaying the empty space in his head where the other half of his brain should be. The coal miners didn't vote for Trump because they believed he felt their pain but because they believed he would try to get their jobs back for them, Tom. Nobody cares what your values are, Tom, if you don't have an agenda that will address their needs.
Hillary lost because she would not listen to her hubby Bill who told her she needs to campaign in Wisc, Mich, Pa, and NC more.

She thought she did not need these states.

She was dead wrong.

Had nothing to do with her message regarding DJT.
She didn't campaign there because she had nothing to say to them. Throughout the campaign, Trump told voters what he was going to do for them and Clinton talked about her beliefs and values but not what she was going to do for them. When people have real problems and need real help, they don't want to hear about your beliefs and values, they want to hear what you are going to do to help them.

It was a terrible campaign, just as her last one was. She spent huge amounts of money, had enormous support from the media and, of course, got a great many votes from people who just wanted to see the first woman president, and still she lost.

She lost because she had no affirmative agenda to present to voters. Trump chose all the major issues in the campaign - terrorism, national security, illegal immigration, jobs leaving for Mexico, multi lateral trade agreements, etc. - and told voters what he intended to do about them while Clinton responded by telling voters about her values, beliefs and what she though about Trump. Instead of presenting an affirmative agenda on the major issues, the Clinton campaign tried to create another issue, Trump's fitness for the presidency, and worked very hard to try to cover up her lack of an affirmative agenda by trashing Trump.

Clinton had nothing of substance to say to the economic Democrats in the swing states who elected Trump just as she had had nothing of substance to say to any voters from the beginning of her campaign. As the election drew near, a lot of previously undecided voters decided that while there were some things they didn't like about Trump, they liked what he said he would do about the issues they cared about and Clinton had never told they what she would do about these issues.
besides selling access to foreigners to the SECRETARY OF STATE OFFICE
But, you don't have ANY PROOF of that, do you, you lying liar?
It's not even disputed. Money to her foundation was tied to meetings.

Emails reveal how foundation donors got access to Clinton and her close aides at State Dept.
You have absolutely ZERO FUCKING PROOF she did anything illegal.

By the way, every nutter knows the Washington Post is fake news; surely you knew that.
You're entitled to cling to that, but the fact that "donations" to her "foundation" have significantly dried up since she lost her bid for power is very telling indeed.
She lost because she was a shit candidate.
She was terrible, that's for sure. She should have easily defeated Trump, but Bubba's coat tails could only carry her so far, and Obama's not at all.

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