DNC Chair Heckled Over Democratic Primary Debates


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
In their most direct confrontation of the DNC over the debate issue thus far, supporters of Democratic candidates Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders threatened to drown out Wasserman Schultz at times with chants and jeers during her remarks to the 3,500 activists gathered Saturday inside the cavernous Verizon Wireless Arena.

Wasserman Schultz had to shout over the chants as she moved through her prepared remarks attacking Republicans. Hundreds of activists held up signs calling for more debates, and organizers re-started the chants numerous times after each round died down.

“What’s more important — drawing a contrast with Republicans or arguing about debates?” she eventually asked, drawing cheers from the crowd and regaining control of the room.
DNC chair heckled over Democratic primary debates

She still doesn't get it.
In their most direct confrontation of the DNC over the debate issue thus far, supporters of Democratic candidates Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders threatened to drown out Wasserman Schultz at times with chants and jeers during her remarks to the 3,500 activists gathered Saturday inside the cavernous Verizon Wireless Arena.

Wasserman Schultz had to shout over the chants as she moved through her prepared remarks attacking Republicans. Hundreds of activists held up signs calling for more debates, and organizers re-started the chants numerous times after each round died down.

“What’s more important — drawing a contrast with Republicans or arguing about debates?” she eventually asked, drawing cheers from the crowd and regaining control of the room.
DNC chair heckled over Democratic primary debates

She still doesn't get it.
There is 6 starting in like 3 weeks...wtf they whining about?
There are only 13 republican debates....so what's problem? Republicans have 17! candidates Democrats have like 5!
There are only 13 republican debates....so what's problem? Republicans have 17! candidates Democrats have like 5!
And when you look at those 5, you wonder why they even bother...
There are only 13 republican debates....so what's problem? Republicans have 17! candidates Democrats have like 5!
And when you look at those 5, you wonder why they even bother...
It's going to be like a game show. I CAN see Hillary now.
"I can give you more free sh8t then him!"
"NO she can't! Free sh8t for everybody!"

That IS what it is going to break down to. Da FREE SH#T!
Come the debates, The Three Amigos (assuming Joe runs) will move to pop her like a pus-filled zit.

If she is unprepared to debate now, and it's obvious that she is not, she will not be ready then either because facts don't change by virtue of fantasy.
The fewer debates the Democrats have the fewer times Hillary can be questioned about her e-mails.
Hmmm..., Democrats acting like Democrats. Got any real news? One poster was kinda funny though. Trying to make us believe he actually cared what O'Malley thought about the debates. Sometimes y'all are just too precious. :lmao:
The fewer debates the Democrats have the fewer times Hillary can be questioned about her e-mails.

I'm not interested in her emails. I would have to be just as interested in Colin Powell's emails.
DNC has come to the conclusion.......why debate anymore?........just annoint already and get it over.
I was at that convention in person. It definitely wasn't just Bernie and O'Malley supporters calling for more debates....it was literally just about everyone around me and around the whole Verizon Arena really.

Schultz had a terrible time at that podium, easily the worst time out of anyone. People just kept chanting "We want Debates" and "More Debates" over and over and she tried to just talk over them, I'll bet hardly anyone heard most of her speech.
The fewer debates the Democrats have the fewer times Hillary can be questioned about her e-mails.

I'm not interested in her emails. I would have to be just as interested in Colin Powell's emails.
You may not be but many people are and they have hurt her she has handeled the situation poorly to say the least in fact she does not handle the press well at all and does a very bad job with the media overall outside of soft venues like Ellen or scripted events she can control.
People just kept chanting "We want Debates" and "More Debates" over and over and she tried to just talk over them, I'll bet hardly anyone heard most of her speech
Republican plants?!?! It's just the kind of thing they'd do. If you'll dress like a pimp and a ho', you'll do just about anything. :cool-45:
People just kept chanting "We want Debates" and "More Debates" over and over and she tried to just talk over them, I'll bet hardly anyone heard most of her speech
Republican plants?!?! It's just the kind of thing they'd do. If you'll dress like a pimp and a ho', you'll do just about anything. :cool-45:

No, I doubt it, they were very respectful and supportive of the candidates. Hillary gave a fantastic speech and had HUGE applause. Bernie gave a wonderful speech too and the crowd was really excited (I'm not just posing here, they were both really good).

I felt kinda bad for Lincoln Chafee as he was the last to speak (besides Shawn O'Connor) and the Arena was half empty by the time he did.

I thought Martin O'Malley was kind of artificial sounding and was more like a cut-out politician really.
The fewer debates the Democrats have the fewer times Hillary can be questioned about her e-mails.

I'm not interested in her emails. I would have to be just as interested in Colin Powell's emails.
You may not be but many people are and they have hurt her she has handeled the situation poorly to say the least in fact she does not handle the press well at all and does a very bad job with the media overall outside of soft venues like Ellen or scripted events she can control.

The media is in the bag for the left.........and Hill-Beast still can't handle them. She'll make a great Prez!
The fewer debates the Democrats have the fewer times Hillary can be questioned about her e-mails.

I'm not interested in her emails. I would have to be just as interested in Colin Powell's emails.
You may not be but many people are and they have hurt her she has handeled the situation poorly to say the least in fact she does not handle the press well at all and does a very bad job with the media overall outside of soft venues like Ellen or scripted events she can control.

I care much more about the fact that Libya is still in a civil war and the current proxy wars. The emails to me are just much ado about nothing right now. Her child and her grandchild will not be going to war.
The fewer debates the Democrats have the fewer times Hillary can be questioned about her e-mails.

I'm not interested in her emails. I would have to be just as interested in Colin Powell's emails.
You may not be but many people are and they have hurt her she has handeled the situation poorly to say the least in fact she does not handle the press well at all and does a very bad job with the media overall outside of soft venues like Ellen or scripted events she can control.

I care much more about the fact that Libya is still in a civil war and the current proxy wars. The emails to me are just much ado about nothing right now. Her child and her grandchild will not be going to war.
The FBI will decide if they are much ado about nothing and the FBI would not even be looking into it if there wern't serious question about her server and e-mails.

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