DNC convention goer's booed the word GOD being reinstated into their platform.

That's because the Democratic Party is made up of lots of different groups. Including atheists.

Republicans are 90% white and all the same, more or less.

But it's Republicans who believe in "let them die" and "starve the poor" and cut school lunch for little children.

And yet, you're the one talking about that all the time.
I always stated that the Democrat party of today has been hijacked by left wing liberals--and it doesn't even resemble the party of JFK or even Bill Clinton. As we know the Democrat Platform committee originally voted to take out the word GOD in their platform and a minister democrat asked that it be put back in--and also declare the Jerusalem was the capital of Israel.

You have to watch to believe it.

Amidst Boos And Multiple Votes, DNC Reverses Position And Reinstates Jerusalem - YouTube

Why is it hard to believe that the Democratic Party has many people with many differing religious beliefs, including some who are atheists? If we want to discuss a political party being hijacked, I tend to believe it is the party that I used to belong to that was hijacked by the religious right and numerous other nut cases. Just my opinion, but it was enough to get me to switch parties.
It didn't sound like they got the two thirds, even though it was officially passed anyway. F-ing Democrats. Hopefully, the objection was more over Jerusalem than over God. After all, the two are unrelated.
It didn't sound like they got the two thirds, even though it was officially passed anyway. F-ing Democrats. Hopefully, the objection was more over Jerusalem than over God. After all, the two are unrelated.

I sure didn't hear a 2/3's yell for aye in that video either. The chairman pulled a fast one on them.

That's because the Democratic Party is made up of lots of different groups. Including atheists.

Republicans are 90% white and all the same, more or less.

But it's Republicans who believe in "let them die" and "starve the poor" and cut school lunch for little children.

Looking at the video it appears that the Democrat party is now 90% atheists.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cncbOEoQbOg&sns=fb]Amidst Boos And Multiple Votes, DNC Reverses Position And Reinstates Jerusalem - YouTube[/ame]

That stadium holds 20,000. How many are in that video? How many are actually booing?

Can't you guys ever be "honest"? It's not hard.

Besides, do you believe in "let them die" and "starve the poor"? Seems many Republicans do.
go thump your bibles, you stone age shamans.


Not really sure why you are proud of being ignorant of the Word of God. Even if you disagree with something, wisdom says you should have some knowledge of it.

I recommend reading the scriptures sometime, not just insulting those who have more knowledge than you do.

Reading your bible has made me the atheist I am today. It's not a matter of ignorance, it's a matter of reason and logic. Assuming that I have no knowledge of your stone age beliefs is ironically ignorant.

true story.

No, it is a matter of being too ignorant to accept the word of God. You have my sincere sympathy.
I can't understand why the Dems refuse to own their positions? They are not the party of "God" and they do not support Israel. They are the "big tent" party, so why not be honest about their true beliefs? Dumb.....
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Totally, classless, all the loud booing because of the word God.

Pretty much simpletons.
Oh we have principles... Fortunately, ours are the product of the Enlightenment rather than Jewish Mythology.


Or.. some might say that those principles are held lightly so that they may be laid down in order that the end might justify the means. :eusa_whistle:

like starting voluntary wars for profit & putting them on your grandkid's credit card? :eusa_whistle: :eusa_shhh: You people :eusa_angel: are so easily manipulated :lol:

How about tripling the number of troops in Afghanistan and continuing it for 3 yrs, 9 mos and counting. It must still be for profit and I know it is still on the grandkids credit card.
go thump your bibles, you stone age shamans.


Not really sure why you are proud of being ignorant of the Word of God. Even if you disagree with something, wisdom says you should have some knowledge of it.

I recommend reading the scriptures sometime, not just insulting those who have more knowledge than you do.

Reading your bible has made me the atheist I am today. It's not a matter of ignorance, it's a matter of reason and logic. Assuming that I have no knowledge of your stone age beliefs is ironically ignorant.

true story.

No, assuming you have no knowledge of Christian beliefs is perfectly reasonable, based on your posting history and current attitude.
I always stated that the Democrat party of today has been hijacked by left wing liberals--and it doesn't even resemble the party of JFK or even Bill Clinton. As we know the Democrat Platform committee originally voted to take out the word GOD in their platform and a minister democrat asked that it be put back in--and also declare the Jerusalem was the capital of Israel.

You have to watch to believe it.
Amidst Boos And Multiple Votes, DNC Reverses Position And Reinstates Jerusalem - YouTube

Why is it hard to believe that the Democratic Party has many people with many differing religious beliefs, including some who are atheists? If we want to discuss a political party being hijacked, I tend to believe it is the party that I used to belong to that was hijacked by the religious right and numerous other nut cases. Just my opinion, but it was enough to get me to switch parties.

If you consider people of faith nut cases, you belong in the Democrat party. Not very many Christians there tying to convert you.

If you think the party of Islam that has a powerful influence on your party is harmless, I know who the nut case is.
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Not really sure why you are proud of being ignorant of the Word of God. Even if you disagree with something, wisdom says you should have some knowledge of it.

I recommend reading the scriptures sometime, not just insulting those who have more knowledge than you do.

Reading your bible has made me the atheist I am today. It's not a matter of ignorance, it's a matter of reason and logic. Assuming that I have no knowledge of your stone age beliefs is ironically ignorant.

true story.

Trust me Dude. I'm an innocent observer here.. Not religious personally, but very spiritual and an 18th Century kind of Natural Law Deist. But there's nothing more annoying than a secular Humanist or an Atheist. I'd rather have a line of Mormon Missionaries or Seventh Day Adventists at my door than a SINGLE critter like you..

Why you ask? You're annoying because you never learned humility. You never learned the failings of human intentions. And lacking any concept of humility makes you seem arrogant and whiney.

OTH -- I support people of faith because they RECOGNIZE the limitations of human-made law and intentions. And they general prove a strong sense of personal discipline by waking up early on Sunday, putting on their pants and going to socialize with their brethren. What traditions and disciplines do humanists and atheists take on?

Hopefully -- you'll never have to learn HUMILITY in a Concentration Camp where you have no HIGHER MORAL appeal than the mere laws of man. And HOPEFULLY someday you'll understand why even non-thumpers like me ADORE the concept of rights Stemming From a Higher Power. Just like every major Civil Rights struggle in modern history was led by people of faith. Not by folks quoting statute and verse of merely preexisting man-made law..

I am a Christian and completely agree with your assessment of Atheists and secular Humanists. I get my moral strength from my faith and certainly respect your attitude, knowledge and acceptance of a Higher Power.
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Yup, fear of loudmouth lyin g Pubs and moron dupes made them put these back in. They weren't booing God, a-hole dupes (and the place was almost empty except for 1/2 supporters of this church/state seperation and blind allegiance to RW chickenhawk Israeli gov't).

If you want trouble between Israel and the Muslim world to continue FOREVER, do as the IDIOT Romney and the GOP do, give ALL of Jerusalem to Israel, ahead of world opinion and common sense. That is what this small percentage of the conventionwere booing, dolts and liars.

Your party is a mindless lying STUPID lockstep brainwashed hateful disgrace. Assume the position, dupes.
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While I don't agree with the booing of this, the world would be a lot better off if we didn't feel the need to lead our lives in fear of what an imaginary man in the sky may think of us.
So primate, care to show examples of us humans living in fear of an imaginary man in the sky?
Yup, fear of loudmouth lyin g Pubs and moron dupes made them put these back in. They weren't booing God, a-hole dupes (and the place was almost empty except for 1/2 supporters of this church/state seperation and blind allegiance to RW chickenhawk Israeli gov't).

If you want trouble between Israel and the Muslim world to continue FOREVER, do as the IDIOT Romney and the GOP do, give ALL of Jerusalem to Israel, ahead of world opinion and common sense. That is what this small percentage of the conventionwere booing, dolts and liars.

Your party is a mindless lying STUPID lockstep brainwashed hateful disgrace. Assume the position, dupes.

Wow! What power the GOP has, not even at the convention and the GOP forced God back into their platform?

And you call Republicans dupes?


Of all the stupidest explanations, this has got to be number one.

It's also a fact. Your disgraceful, hateful BS propaganda machine is the second most powerful force in American politics, behind only facts and truth, by a hair. They didn't call it the Fairness doctrine for nothing brainwashed dupe. Keep laughing, they've already ruined you and the country, dimwit. See sig.

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