DNC Fires Employee Featured In James O’Keefe Video


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Jan 23, 2010
DNC Fires Employee Featured In James O&#8217;Keefe Video | TPMMuckraker

Had to be dine I guess. This is not ending anytime soon either as there appear to be many more (even more damning) videos to come.

DNC spokeswoman Melanie Roussell told TPM this video, however, was clear enough to fire the staffer.

“There is obviously a history here of making selective use of taped material, and we will certainly not vouch for the completeness of what was released,” Roussell said. “However, what we saw was enough for us to take the action that we did.”

Caballero did not respond to TPM’s request for comment.

In an interview with TPM on Wednesday, O’Keefe said his group would be releasing material that is more “manifestly damning” in the weeks ahead.

“We’re releasing one tape at at time and we challenge journalists to report the facts and not try to pretend like nothing was there, because I am not bluffing when I say that there is even more damning material up ahead,” O’Keefe said.

Whatever ones feelings are about O'Keefe's tactics and works, his success and his failings, at least he is doing work that the main stream media can but will not do anymore. He investigates the so called "professional Left". More power to him.
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