DNC Passes Resolution to Support #BlackLivesMatter – The Next Day They Chant “Pigs in a Blanket”


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
You will be voting for more race baiting to stir up hate on you the innocent Civilians, towns and cities being burned and stores being looted out of business. MORE of your Civilian police offices being HUNTED like animals and executed when you vote for the DEMCORAT PARTY. if that's how you want to live, then go vote for them. but don't say you weren't Warned

DNC Passes Resolution to Support #BlackLivesMatter – The Next Day They Chant “Pigs in a Blanket”

Jim Hoft Aug 31st, 2015 7:22 am

** 23 police officers have been gunned down this year, so far, in the line of duty.

Black Lives Matter protesters marched in Minnesota this weekend chanting, “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.”

The panderers at the Democratic National Committee passed a resolution on Friday supporting the Black Lives Matter mob movement. The resolution also condemns police in America for shooting unarmed black men.
MSNBC reported:

The Democratic National Committee passed a resolution Friday afternoon supporting the Black Lives Matter movement at the party’s summer meeting. The national party also affirmed a resolution supporting same-sex marriage in every state and another honoring the son of Vice President Joe Biden, Beau Biden, who passed away in May.

Activists with the Black Lives Matter movement have roiled Democratic politics in recent months, interrupting speeches by the party’s presidential candidates as they try to force the party to prioritize their issues.

[T]he DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming ‘Black lives matter’ and the ‘say her name’ efforts to make visible the pain of our fellow and sister Americans as they condemn extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children,” the resolution states.

It also calls for Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform, and calls for minimizing the use of “weapons that were used to police peaceful civilians in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri” last summer.

23 police officers have been killed this year in the line of duty.

652 people have been shot dead by police so far this year; 24 were black and unarmed.

DNC Passes Resolution to Support #BlackLivesMatter - The Next Day They Chant "Pigs in a Blanket" - The Gateway Pundit
You will be voting for more race baiting to stir up hate on you the innocent Civilians, towns and cities being burned and stores being looted out of business. MORE of your Civilian police offices being HUNTED like animals and executed when you vote for the DEMCORAT PARTY. if that's how you want to live, then go vote for them. but don't say you weren't Warned

DNC Passes Resolution to Support #BlackLivesMatter – The Next Day They Chant “Pigs in a Blanket”

Jim Hoft Aug 31st, 2015 7:22 am

** 23 police officers have been gunned down this year, so far, in the line of duty.

Black Lives Matter protesters marched in Minnesota this weekend chanting, “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.”

The panderers at the Democratic National Committee passed a resolution on Friday supporting the Black Lives Matter mob movement. The resolution also condemns police in America for shooting unarmed black men.
MSNBC reported:

The Democratic National Committee passed a resolution Friday afternoon supporting the Black Lives Matter movement at the party’s summer meeting. The national party also affirmed a resolution supporting same-sex marriage in every state and another honoring the son of Vice President Joe Biden, Beau Biden, who passed away in May.

Activists with the Black Lives Matter movement have roiled Democratic politics in recent months, interrupting speeches by the party’s presidential candidates as they try to force the party to prioritize their issues.

[T]he DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming ‘Black lives matter’ and the ‘say her name’ efforts to make visible the pain of our fellow and sister Americans as they condemn extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children,” the resolution states.

It also calls for Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform, and calls for minimizing the use of “weapons that were used to police peaceful civilians in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri” last summer.

23 police officers have been killed this year in the line of duty.

652 people have been shot dead by police so far this year; 24 were black and unarmed.

DNC Passes Resolution to Support #BlackLivesMatter - The Next Day They Chant "Pigs in a Blanket" - The Gateway Pundit
So now Democrats openly support cop-killing.

Good to know.
You will be voting for more race baiting to stir up hate on you the innocent Civilians, towns and cities being burned and stores being looted out of business. MORE of your Civilian police offices being HUNTED like animals and executed when you vote for the DEMCORAT PARTY. if that's how you want to live, then go vote for them. but don't say you weren't Warned

DNC Passes Resolution to Support #BlackLivesMatter – The Next Day They Chant “Pigs in a Blanket”

Jim Hoft Aug 31st, 2015 7:22 am

** 23 police officers have been gunned down this year, so far, in the line of duty.

Black Lives Matter protesters marched in Minnesota this weekend chanting, “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.”

The panderers at the Democratic National Committee passed a resolution on Friday supporting the Black Lives Matter mob movement. The resolution also condemns police in America for shooting unarmed black men.
MSNBC reported:

The Democratic National Committee passed a resolution Friday afternoon supporting the Black Lives Matter movement at the party’s summer meeting. The national party also affirmed a resolution supporting same-sex marriage in every state and another honoring the son of Vice President Joe Biden, Beau Biden, who passed away in May.

Activists with the Black Lives Matter movement have roiled Democratic politics in recent months, interrupting speeches by the party’s presidential candidates as they try to force the party to prioritize their issues.

[T]he DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming ‘Black lives matter’ and the ‘say her name’ efforts to make visible the pain of our fellow and sister Americans as they condemn extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children,” the resolution states.

It also calls for Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform, and calls for minimizing the use of “weapons that were used to police peaceful civilians in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri” last summer.

23 police officers have been killed this year in the line of duty.

652 people have been shot dead by police so far this year; 24 were black and unarmed.

DNC Passes Resolution to Support #BlackLivesMatter - The Next Day They Chant "Pigs in a Blanket" - The Gateway Pundit
So now Democrats openly support cop-killing.

Good to know.

Yea, I'm working on a couple leftist this morning who are using the pro-gun facts. Folks on the streets don't represent the 'organization' as founded. Like shooters are not directed by the NRA or FOX, so the takers with no job in the BLM movement don't represent the organization at large


The DNC has supported this anarchy from the beginning. They staged riots in Ferguson and Baltimore and are now openly supporting a group that supports random killing of cops.

This is corruption in a nut-shell. They feel that supporting Black Lives Matter while ignoring their activities won't effect them.
The DNC has supported this anarchy from the beginning. They staged riots in Ferguson and Baltimore and are now openly supporting a group that supports random killing of cops.

This is corruption in a nut-shell. They feel that supporting Black Lives Matter while ignoring their activities won't effect them.

Al Sharpton didn't visit Obama over 60 times to sit there and pray with him. will the people Finally WAKE up. gawd only knows I guess. but this has been the worst I've seen things in our country, under THE ONE who they told us would be the Great UNITER. I don't know if we'll ever RECOVER from this or him and his fellow traitorous snakes in this Progressive, so called Democrat party
DNC: Boo God, support cop killing and Mexican Drug gangs.

Was this a great country or what?

If we were Rome, Dems would vote to support the Barbarians
It is part of the strategy for gun control. They promote gun violence in order to push their agenda….of disarming "we, the people.."
oh hell no they didn't: now comes the whining from those poor poor sweet and innocent people in BLM
. people need to start up to this and that Progressive/democrat party who is STANDING in solidarity with them, INSTEAD OF you the innocent Civilians in this country that's from all race, colors, political affiliation, etc. Wake the hell up and soon

Black Lives Matter Leader: We Weren’t Speaking Of Killing Cops By Chanting ‘Pigs In A Blanket, Fry ’em Like Bacon’

In a pig’s eye you weren’t. Not to mention that his ’28 hours’ statistic is false.

Via Breitbart:

Monday on CNN’s “Newsroom with Brooke Baldwin,” Black Lives Matter Minnesota organizer Rashad Turner said protesters chanting “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon” Saturday at the gates of the Minnesota State Fair were “not speaking of killing a police officer.”

Turner said, “I mean It’s an example of—even with this case down in Houston, when people of color, black people are accused of killing a police officer, you don’t see that man down there getting bail. But what we see on the flip side of that is when a police officer kills an unarmed black male, that the system still works in their favor that they are able to get bail. So when we say fry them, we’re not speaking of killing a police officer…we’re saying, treat the police the same as you’re going to treat a civilian who commits murder against a police officer.”

ALL of it and video here:
Black Lives Matter Leader: We Weren't Speaking Of Killing Cops By Chanting 'Pigs In A Blanket, Fry 'em Like Bacon'
Last edited:
You will be voting for more race baiting to stir up hate on you the innocent Civilians, towns and cities being burned and stores being looted out of business. MORE of your Civilian police offices being HUNTED like animals and executed when you vote for the DEMCORAT PARTY. if that's how you want to live, then go vote for them. but don't say you weren't Warned

DNC Passes Resolution to Support #BlackLivesMatter – The Next Day They Chant “Pigs in a Blanket”

Jim Hoft Aug 31st, 2015 7:22 am

** 23 police officers have been gunned down this year, so far, in the line of duty.

Black Lives Matter protesters marched in Minnesota this weekend chanting, “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.”

The panderers at the Democratic National Committee passed a resolution on Friday supporting the Black Lives Matter mob movement. The resolution also condemns police in America for shooting unarmed black men.
MSNBC reported:

The Democratic National Committee passed a resolution Friday afternoon supporting the Black Lives Matter movement at the party’s summer meeting. The national party also affirmed a resolution supporting same-sex marriage in every state and another honoring the son of Vice President Joe Biden, Beau Biden, who passed away in May.

Activists with the Black Lives Matter movement have roiled Democratic politics in recent months, interrupting speeches by the party’s presidential candidates as they try to force the party to prioritize their issues.

[T]he DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming ‘Black lives matter’ and the ‘say her name’ efforts to make visible the pain of our fellow and sister Americans as they condemn extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children,” the resolution states.

It also calls for Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform, and calls for minimizing the use of “weapons that were used to police peaceful civilians in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri” last summer.

23 police officers have been killed this year in the line of duty.

652 people have been shot dead by police so far this year; 24 were black and unarmed.

DNC Passes Resolution to Support #BlackLivesMatter - The Next Day They Chant "Pigs in a Blanket" - The Gateway Pundit
So now Democrats openly support cop-killing.

Good to know.

"Now" the Dems support cop killing? They've long supported it. Obamas campaign started in the home of a terrorist cop killer.

Democrats are being more open about it though.
oh hell no they didn't: now comes the whining from those poor poor sweet and innocent people in BLM
. people need to start up to this and that Progressive/democrat party who is STANDING in solidarity with them, INSTEAD OF you the innocent Civilians in this country that's from all race, colors, political affiliation, etc. Wake the hell up and soon

Black Lives Matter Leader: We Weren’t Speaking Of Killing Cops By Chanting ‘Pigs In A Blanket, Fry ’em Like Bacon’

In a pig’s eye you weren’t. Not to mention that his ’28 hours’ statistic is false.

Via Breitbart:

Monday on CNN’s “Newsroom with Brooke Baldwin,” Black Lives Matter Minnesota organizer Rashad Turner said protesters chanting “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon” Saturday at the gates of the Minnesota State Fair were “not speaking of killing a police officer.”

Turner said, “I mean It’s an example of—even with this case down in Houston, when people of color, black people are accused of killing a police officer, you don’t see that man down there getting bail. But what we see on the flip side of that is when a police officer kills an unarmed black male, that the system still works in their favor that they are able to get bail. So when we say fry them, we’re not speaking of killing a police officer…we’re saying, treat the police the same as you’re going to treat a civilian who commits murder against a police officer.”

ALL of it and video here:
Black Lives Matter Leader: We Weren't Speaking Of Killing Cops By Chanting 'Pigs In A Blanket, Fry 'em Like Bacon'

Typical. It's NEVER their fault. Anything. Always someone elses.
You will be voting for more race baiting to stir up hate on you the innocent Civilians, towns and cities being burned and stores being looted out of business. MORE of your Civilian police offices being HUNTED like animals and executed when you vote for the DEMCORAT PARTY. if that's how you want to live, then go vote for them. but don't say you weren't Warned

DNC Passes Resolution to Support #BlackLivesMatter – The Next Day They Chant “Pigs in a Blanket”

Jim Hoft Aug 31st, 2015 7:22 am

** 23 police officers have been gunned down this year, so far, in the line of duty.

Black Lives Matter protesters marched in Minnesota this weekend chanting, “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.”

The panderers at the Democratic National Committee passed a resolution on Friday supporting the Black Lives Matter mob movement. The resolution also condemns police in America for shooting unarmed black men.
MSNBC reported:

The Democratic National Committee passed a resolution Friday afternoon supporting the Black Lives Matter movement at the party’s summer meeting. The national party also affirmed a resolution supporting same-sex marriage in every state and another honoring the son of Vice President Joe Biden, Beau Biden, who passed away in May.

Activists with the Black Lives Matter movement have roiled Democratic politics in recent months, interrupting speeches by the party’s presidential candidates as they try to force the party to prioritize their issues.

[T]he DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming ‘Black lives matter’ and the ‘say her name’ efforts to make visible the pain of our fellow and sister Americans as they condemn extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children,” the resolution states.

It also calls for Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform, and calls for minimizing the use of “weapons that were used to police peaceful civilians in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri” last summer.

23 police officers have been killed this year in the line of duty.

652 people have been shot dead by police so far this year; 24 were black and unarmed.

DNC Passes Resolution to Support #BlackLivesMatter - The Next Day They Chant "Pigs in a Blanket" - The Gateway Pundit
So now Democrats openly support cop-killing.

Good to know.

"Now" the Dems support cop killing? They've long supported it. Obamas campaign started in the home of a terrorist cop killer.

Democrats are being more open about it though.

I'll telling you right fucking now, if you flip back to Progressive you;re going to be the first and only person on my ignore list
You will be voting for more race baiting to stir up hate on you the innocent Civilians, towns and cities being burned and stores being looted out of business. MORE of your Civilian police offices being HUNTED like animals and executed when you vote for the DEMCORAT PARTY. if that's how you want to live, then go vote for them. but don't say you weren't Warned

DNC Passes Resolution to Support #BlackLivesMatter – The Next Day They Chant “Pigs in a Blanket”

Jim Hoft Aug 31st, 2015 7:22 am

** 23 police officers have been gunned down this year, so far, in the line of duty.

Black Lives Matter protesters marched in Minnesota this weekend chanting, “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.”

The panderers at the Democratic National Committee passed a resolution on Friday supporting the Black Lives Matter mob movement. The resolution also condemns police in America for shooting unarmed black men.
MSNBC reported:

The Democratic National Committee passed a resolution Friday afternoon supporting the Black Lives Matter movement at the party’s summer meeting. The national party also affirmed a resolution supporting same-sex marriage in every state and another honoring the son of Vice President Joe Biden, Beau Biden, who passed away in May.

Activists with the Black Lives Matter movement have roiled Democratic politics in recent months, interrupting speeches by the party’s presidential candidates as they try to force the party to prioritize their issues.

[T]he DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming ‘Black lives matter’ and the ‘say her name’ efforts to make visible the pain of our fellow and sister Americans as they condemn extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children,” the resolution states.

It also calls for Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform, and calls for minimizing the use of “weapons that were used to police peaceful civilians in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri” last summer.

23 police officers have been killed this year in the line of duty.

652 people have been shot dead by police so far this year; 24 were black and unarmed.

DNC Passes Resolution to Support #BlackLivesMatter - The Next Day They Chant "Pigs in a Blanket" - The Gateway Pundit
So now Democrats openly support cop-killing.

Good to know.

No they support cops having warm bedding

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