DNC Sees Cindy McCain's Wealth as Fair Game

Cindy McCain wealth should not be a factor in the Political campaign for the Office of the
President of the United States, it is a non issue,and has no relevance to the issues
that the candidates for the President need to address.The media and many of you posters
should stick to the issues that America needs to adress,the deficeit, The American economy, the Global Terrorists agenda to destroy America, unemployment,the corporate
offshoring of America Jobs, affordable housing, the mortgage crisis.And the decline of the American Dollar.And potential Future enemies of America for the 21st century.

It is absurd to focus on non issues, that do not, and can not effect Americans personally, or America's status throughout the rest of the world.
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Shit, I'd take Cindy broke-ass. She's a sexy woman, if nothing else. It'll be the absolute only positive I see out of a McCain presidency. Getting to see her on a daily basis.

I hope the MSM sexes her up REEEAAALLLL good for the public. That's what the media does these days now, right? Turn it into sex? I want as much cleavage as possible from Cindy, from here on out. Maybe I'll even vote for Mac.
Shit, I'd take Cindy broke-ass. She's a sexy woman, if nothing else. It'll be the absolute only positive I see out of a McCain presidency. Getting to see her on a daily basis.


I don't think she's very attractive, imo. Maybe a decade ago, but she doesn't register as a milf in my book.
I kind of think it's silly. But I will say I don't recall anyone on teh right holding back from going after Theresa Heinz Kerry.

Oh right...it's that rightwingnut double standard.
I do not recall anyone attacking Gore nor Kerry for living on their Daddy's trust fund?
I do not recall anyone attacking Gore nor Kerry for living on their Daddy's trust fund?


Kerry got hosed for being an elitist schmuck with a loaded wife. McCain happens to have a loaded wife that he acquired after dumping his crippled wife...

Kerry got hosed for being an elitist schmuck with a loaded wife. McCain happens to have a loaded wife that he acquired after dumping his crippled wife...
McCain is worth over $40 Million and he is not living on Daddy's trust fund.
Cindy McCain does not fund the legal defense of terrorists and dictators, like Teresa Heinz.

I see no comparison.
McCain is worth over $40 Million and he is not living on Daddy's trust fund.
Cindy McCain does not fund the legal defense of terrorists and dictators, like Teresa Heinz.

I see no comparison.

McCain collects social security for being 100% disabled, yet he hiked the grand canyon and works for a living. Not to mention his wife is a millionaire ten times over.

So when you bitch about a mom buying groceries with welfare because she happens to have a cell phone, remember that John McCain is a millionaire and still collects tax payers money.

And I don't begrudge a POW who was tortured, but I do begrudge a Senator who votes against vets 80% of the time and yet he got himself got taken care of when he came back from war.


Seriously. Does he really need the $56K? He's a millionaire and a US Senator!!!

And his wife lobbies against MADD. What kind of scum are these people?

And who is the elitist? Obama, came from a single parent, self made man, or McCain who married money and never worked in the private sector a day in his life?
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McCain collects social security for being 100% disabled, yet he hiked the grand canyon and works for a living. Not to mention his wife is a millionaire ten times over.

So when you bitch about a mom buying groceries with welfare because she happens to have a cell phone, remember that John McCain is a millionaire and still collects tax payers money.

And I don't begrudge a POW who was tortured, but I do begrudge a Senator who votes against vets 80% of the time and yet he got himself got taken care of when he came back from war.


Seriously. Does he really need the $56K? He's a millionaire and a US Senator!!!

And his wife lobbies against MADD. What kind of scum are these people?

And who is the elitist? Obama, came from a single parent, self made man, or McCain who married money and never worked in the private sector a day in his life?

Social security insurance that he paid for, is his to receive and do with it, as he pleases...you do not know what he gives to the charities of his choice or whether he donates his SS amount to them...

and I AM NOT a McCaqin follower/supporter....

But the collecting an SS check for him paying (and over paying) his SS insurance premium/SS taxes for 45 years is not something he should be gone after for....imho.
Social security insurance that he paid for, is his to receive and do with it, as he pleases...you do not know what he gives to the charities of his choice or whether he donates his SS amount to them...

and I AM NOT a McCaqin follower/supporter....

But the collecting an SS check for him paying (and over paying) his SS insurance premium/SS taxes for 45 years is not something he should be gone after for....imho.

I agree, he paid it he gets it. It is kind of hypocritical to rail against it, if he is, or to see many posters rail against government programs while taking the money, though.
i never viewed Kerry as an Elitist, I viewed him as a good Senator....when i lived there we had 3 different problems of which i asked his help on....2 were disabled veteran record messup/benefit issues on my husband's part and one was for identity theft that the credit card company and my local police were ignoring and doing NOTHING about....

His staff was proficient and solved all three problems for me, expeditiously.

i do not view MCCain as an elitist either...he has never given me the impression that he was an elitist, regardless of his money or his own upbringing or his wife's money.

Social security insurance that he paid for, is his to receive and do with it, as he pleases...you do not know what he gives to the charities of his choice or whether he donates his SS amount to them...

and I AM NOT a McCaqin follower/supporter....

But the collecting an SS check for him paying (and over paying) his SS insurance premium/SS taxes for 45 years is not something he should be gone after for....imho.

He has been collecting for years because of his "disability". He started collecting when he got out of the POW camp. 100% disability is supposed to be for people who can't work. He works. Makes me wonder if because his dad was an admiral, maybe that is why he got 100% disability rating. It also makes me wonder why he votes against vets when he got such a high rating.

Kids are coming back with worse injuries and the VA are fighting them on their ratings so they don't have to pay them. Look into what's going on with injured vets before you speak. I don't begrudge a POW for collecting. I begrudge a vet that's collecting who consistantly votes against vets.

The military/government treats our vets like crap because they don't need them anymore. McCain is responsible. Don't try to make this about something it is not. It's about McCain's hypocracy.

He also gets incredible health insurance through the Senate. While our health care gets worse and the cost goes up, he has the health care we all deserve. Why is it ok for them to have it but not us? Look into the health care these politicians give themselves and tell me it doesn't stink that they continue to let "free markets" screw us.

This is one reason health care should be socialized. The big business opportunity today, because of all the baby boomers, is to buy retirement homes. It sometimes costs around $7K a month. But that's not enough. So what do business' do to maximize profits? They pay their employees crap and they skimp on the services they provide the seniors. So it is the seniors that are getting screwed. And we will all be seniors one day. I heard a guy talking about this last week on Air America radio. These assisted living places treat our seniors like an expense. They need them to do business but will only provide minimum care because anything more will cost a few bucks more, and to a Corporation, that is unacceptable.
I agree, he paid it he gets it. It is kind of hypocritical to rail against it, if he is, or to see many posters rail against government programs while taking the money, though.

When did he start collecting for his 100% disability? When he was released from the POW camp. He hadn't ever worked a day in his life.

And again, it isn't about McCain the POW. It's about McCain, the senator that votes against veterans.

You guys refuse to get it.

And you called me the hypocrite. Talk about projecting.
i never viewed Kerry as an Elitist, I viewed him as a good Senator....when i lived there we had 3 different problems of which i asked his help on....2 were disabled veteran record messup/benefit issues on my husband's part and one was for identity theft that the credit card company and my local police were ignoring and doing NOTHING about....

His staff was proficient and solved all three problems for me, expeditiously.

i do not view MCCain as an elitist either...he has never given me the impression that he was an elitist, regardless of his money or his own upbringing or his wife's money.


I never viewed anyone in politics as an elitest. That term was brought up by the GOP (rove) to attack Kerry because of his wife, and now is being used on Obama.

Who are you voting for? Because you seem to be defending the GOP's side of these arguments. Just wondering. Either you are a GOP or you are one of the nice liberals who doesn't want to win if it means sinking to their level.

I'm just saying, if Obama is an elitist, then McCain is more.

I'm not going to sit around and take it like we did when they did this to Kerry.

Bush isn't an elitist? HA!!!! McCain finished at the bottom of his class and got to be a fighter pilot? Bush dodged the draft!!!

So if they agree to stop using the word, so will I. LOL.
When did he start collecting for his 100% disability? When he was released from the POW camp. He hadn't ever worked a day in his life.

And again, it isn't about McCain the POW. It's about McCain, the senator that votes against veterans.

You guys refuse to get it.

And you called me the hypocrite. Talk about projecting.

I've not called you a hypocrite.

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