DNC TV: CNN Parrots Dem Solution to Border Crisis: Open It Up!


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Feb 16, 2016
DNC TV: CNN Parrots Dem Solution to Border Crisis: Open It Up!
DNC TV: CNN Parrots Dem Solution to Border Crisis: Open It Up! | Newsbusters
15 Mar 2021 ~~ By Mark Finkelstein

Border crisis? The Democrats, with a helping hand from CNN, have the perfect solution: open the borders! Presto-change-o: crisis gone! On today's New Day, co-host John Berman parroted the Democratic line that the border crisis is: "All the more reason to pass comprehensive immigration reform."
Berman also fretted over the "roadblocks" [read, Republicans] such reform will face.

Here's his full question:
One of the things the Democrats and the Biden administration says, this is all the more reason to pass comprehensive immigration reform and there’s the beginnings of action on Capitol Hill this week on that subject. What kind of roadblocks will this face?
"Comprehensive immigration reform" is of course the liberal euphemism for weakening border controls, opening the immigration floodgates, and offering citizenship to tens of millions of illegal immigrants already in the US.
Washington Post reporter Seung Min Kim, who doubles as a CNN analyst, apparently didn't get the CNN memo on how to report the border crisis. She committed the faux pas of fairly reporting the Republican take on it:
Kim tried to give the Biden administration some credit, saying that they've "tried" to make clear it's not a good time to come to the border, but then added, "they are struggling with that at this moment."
What? So you're saying the Republicans have a point? Seung Min: You better toe the [Dem] party line more devotedly if you expect to continue to appear regularly on CNN!

The progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat-CNN solution to border crisis: no borders, no crisis!
Ping to Liberal Media Criticism list.
JUST IN: Pelosi blames border crisis on Biden inheriting ‘broken system’ from Trump. (Demon Pelosi Blames Joe Biden's Border Crisis on Donald Trump)
Analysis: -- Chyna Joey Xi and Pelosi, both demented and addled are a potent mix; stupid beyond mere ignorance. Two pieces of Democrat crud——a disaster waiting to happen. Demented and incompetent, their “humaneness” (expressed only for foreigners) puts Americans and our families in eminent danger. All the simpletons have to do is totter up to a teleprompter, mouth-off worn-out Democrat cliches and all hell breaks loose.
Beginning 20 January 2021 a catastrophic numbers of unaccompanied children have also arrived. and crossed our border.
Internal memos show 3,500 children at the border, in addition 8,500 already housed here, in HHS shelters, awaiting placement.
Not only did the Biden administration allow children to sleep on the floor in “cages” the Obama administration built, Biden is also blocking lawyers and the media from examining these inhumane conditions.
Needless to say that sine Chyna Joey Xi was inaugurated he and his handlers have created a National Security problem and comprehensive immigration is their definition of open borders.

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Needless to say that sine Chyna Joey Xi was inaugurated he and his handlers have created a National Security problem and comprehensive immigration is their definition of open borders.

That's okay, Beijing Biden has Terror suspects preparing to run across the border, along with the Mexican cartels and hardcore gangbangers (sex traffickers, not to mention), just to turn the so-called The United States of America on her knees and blindfolded, while the President holds a gun to her head in execution style (it's a figure of speech kids).

Don't you get it? This is a criminal invasion designed to overwhelm all of our systems. This is the end of the United States as a nation.

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