Do any of the Republiconservaliberteapartiers in this forum...

People pay into them and they're NOT government handouts...Of course, they'd rather have unregulated corporate healthcare which could go titts up at anytime.

A bunch of idiiots.

Not quite.

I pay for my Medicare and my BC/BS.

Stephanie does not pay for her Medicaid.

Medicare IS an "entitlement", meaning I am entitled to what I pay for.

Medicaid is welfare and paid for by the taxpayer. Just like government cheese.
This isn't me => Republiconservaliberteapartiers

But I'll take a crack at it and give the OP the serious attention and consideration it deserves:

Yes, I know:

Medicare is spelled: M e d i c a r e

Medicaid is spelled: M e d i c a i d

The difference is "re" vs "id" at the end of the words.

Was that what you were looking for ?

Your OP would indicate that you really didn't even think about that much.
Medicare is spelled: M e d i c a r e

Medicaid is spelled: M e d i c a i d

The difference is "re" vs "id" at the end of the words.

Was that what you were looking for ?

Proof that you really don't know the difference? Decidedly.
I've just had it with this guy. He acts like he is at a mental hospital. Someone give him a sedative.
...even know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?

Sure doesn't seem like it.

C'mon, one of you prove me wrong. I dare you.

Now, go ahead and say "They're all Gubmint handouts to people who don't work."

See how stupid you sound?

Try again.

I believe you have an unrealistically low opinion of other people. I am convinced that millions, perhaps tens of millions of people in the group you described know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid. I certainly know the difference, but I have nothing to prove to you. I stopped taking tests after 9 years of college (MBA and JD). Besides your test is pointless given the fact that an average reader would be able to Google the correct answer in a minute or two.

Actually, I am one of the lucky ones. I am 76 years old and covered by both private insurance (BC & BS) and the VA. Since I am in the VA system my private insurance is not affected by the insanity called Obamacare. The VA, working with my private insurance, covers all my healthcare costs with the exception of prescription copays (I have to pay $8 for each 30-day supply). My total health care costs – including insurance – costs me a tad over $2,100 a year. I'm happy with that. I have no use for Medicare but I do have Part-A because it was free.

Thank you for posting this.

At last...some perspective instead of the dirty diaper wipes we get from the moron who started this thread.
I believe you have an unrealistically low opinion of other people. I am convinced that millions, perhaps tens of millions of people in the group you described know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid. I certainly know the difference, but I have nothing to prove to you. I stopped taking tests after 9 years of college (MBA and JD). Besides your test is pointless given the fact that an average reader would be able to Google the correct answer in a minute or two.

Actually, I am one of the lucky ones. I am 76 years old and covered by both private insurance (BC & BS) and the VA. Since I am in the VA system my private insurance is not affected by the insanity called Obamacare. The VA, working with my private insurance, covers all my healthcare costs with the exception of prescription copays (I have to pay $8 for each 30-day supply). My total health care costs – including insurance – costs me a tad over $2,100 a year. I'm happy with that. I have no use for Medicare but I do have Part-A because it was free.

My apologies for not replying to this sooner. I had to deal with some hippo farts. And, frankly, my greatest exposure to the group described in the thread title is on message boards where they think hippo farts = "valid discussion."

You're not only one of the lucky ones, you're one of the intelligent ones. Perhaps you can work toward guiding others to a greater understanding of health insurance, the need for healthcare reform, and similar topics.
...even know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?

Sure doesn't seem like it.

C'mon, one of you prove me wrong. I dare you.

Now, go ahead and say "They're all Gubmint handouts to people who don't work."

See how stupid you sound?

Try again.

Can you say "Strawman Argument"? Sure you can but you are probably not smart enough to know what it means.
...even know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?

Sure doesn't seem like it.

C'mon, one of you prove me wrong. I dare you.

Now, go ahead and say "They're all Gubmint handouts to people who don't work."

See how stupid you sound?

Try again.

Can you say "Strawman Argument"? Sure you can but you are probably not smart enough to know what it means.

Q.v. Post #24.
...even know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?

Sure doesn't seem like it.

C'mon, one of you prove me wrong. I dare you.

Now, go ahead and say "They're all Gubmint handouts to people who don't work."

See how stupid you sound?

Try again.

Can you say "Strawman Argument"? Sure you can but you are probably not smart enough to know what it means.

Q.v. Post #24.

The posts aren't numbered when you are using your phone so I don't know what your answer is but I'll bet it was idiotic.
...even know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?

Sure doesn't seem like it.

C'mon, one of you prove me wrong. I dare you.

Now, go ahead and say "They're all Gubmint handouts to people who don't work."

See how stupid you sound?

Try again.

Can you say "Strawman Argument"? Sure you can but you are probably not smart enough to know what it means.

Q.v. Post #24.

The posts aren't numbered when you are using your phone so I don't know what your answer is but I'll bet it was idiotic.

It wasn't my post but, yes, it was idiotic. And about what I expected. Didn't think it would happen quite that soon, but it did, which was gratifying.
Wow. Sure got quiet in here. So because the Stupids don't know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid, they've all put the n00b on Ignore. Good. From now on I can talk to the adults without having to step over the drooling rugrats.

It got quite because you're a dolt.
Wow. Sure got quiet in here. So because the Stupids don't know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid, they've all put the n00b on Ignore. Good. From now on I can talk to the adults without having to step over the drooling rugrats.

It got quite because you're a dolt.

Quite what?

Oh, you meant quiet. Well, it's picked up some traffic since. You're welcome.
Wow. Sure got quiet in here. So because the Stupids don't know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid, they've all put the n00b on Ignore. Good. From now on I can talk to the adults without having to step over the drooling rugrats.

It got quite because you're a dolt.

Quite what?

Oh, you meant quiet. Well, it's picked up some traffic since. You're welcome.

Oh for fucks sake "quiet" feel better now?

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