Do any of you do fasting?

you said

Laying the groundwork for your fast by eating right the day before is important. That wasn't in reference to your fried clams?
Nope, not at all, that was me not being prepared and having to eat before bed.

Kickboxing classes will really take it out of you. I like hummus and bananas a lot for carbs. I usually eat my hummus either on a sandwich with cheese or with carrots. For my bananas I like to get the organic peanut butter from Publix that has no added sugars and spread it on top. It's amazing.

I'll do pasta too but I try not to overdo it. I love pasta so damn much though. Also I don't do high intensity exercise while I'm fasting. Haha
I'm totally a hummus and carrots guy myself. We have a little Mediterranean restaurant here that makes the best hummus and it's my go to snack. Healthy and delicious.
It takes an incredible will to go 3 days without eating when food is abundant. I might try to push to 72 hours.
That's a really dumb idea.

After about a half a day your body will have depleted it's glucose and start using glycogen stores from your liver and muscles for energy. It will also try to save energy by slowing down your metabolism.

About day 3 your body will have run out of glycogen and start using amino acids for energy. It will start to consume your muscles.

At about day six your body will start to burn fat.
That's a really dumb idea.

After about a half a day your body will have depleted it's glucose and start using glycogen stores from your liver and muscles for energy. It will also try to save energy by slowing down your metabolism.

About day 3 your body will have run out of glycogen and start using amino acids for energy. It will start to consume your muscles.

At about day six your body will start to burn fat.
I bet you're a very fit and healthy guy that should be taken seriously on these matters even without any sources to back you up. Fortunately I have been doing fasts for years and am quite familiar with them. I love the effects.
At noon I'll be at 48 hours with nothing but water. It really can be a somewhat spiritual experience. It feels great. I try to do a good fast once every few months at least.

I'm starting a three day fast today. May go a little longer, if I can. May just stick with apples.

Then gonna ditch any semblance of gluten from my diet. Then have to carefully craft a new meal plan and stick to it.

I have some gut repair to make after finally dropping down into hypothyroid from hyperthyroid. The artifical hormone should level all of that out. the hypo slowed my metabolism greatly over the last several months and apparently confused all of my gut bacteria in the process. My abdomen is swoled, fo realz.
They're the only ones I know who obsess over contrails thinking that it's some kind of conspiracy
They would have said CHEMtrails not contrails. Mine was a reference you also didn't get, you're batting zero buddy.
Anyone can do it. It takes both preparation and practice to be successful. I wouldn't recommend anyone do it for weight loss, that's the first advice I'd give. I don't think it leads to success, due to problems with compliance. I suggest people read about the medical and health benefits of fasting before they start. Then, you're motivated to do it.
Read "The Miracle of Fasting", by Paul C. Bragg. Still the best work on the subject.
I’m going to guess most of the guys into fasting for days at a time are not athletic and have sedentary office jobs. You need a steady supply of protein and carbs if you’re active.
My activity level increases after a fast.

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